INDEX OF SUBJECTS actors, actresses. See performers Britain, 20, 46 adultery, 91, 106–7, 120, 123, 130, brothels, maps 1 and 5 217–19, 261 at Athens, 35, 202, 227 (see also aediles, 81, 85–89, 142–43, 148–57 Athens) Aesernia, 17, 30, 42, 44 atmospherics, 226–31 alcohol, 16–18, 23, 86–93, 130, 208, “brothel-bias,” 234 231, 239 de‹nitions, 7–8, 12, 204–14, 233–36 alicaria/ae, 28 elite attitudes toward, 83–93 amphitheaters, 22, 97, 153–54, maps 3 elite ownership, 30–36 and 5 and food and drink, 38 Amsterdam, 49 historiography, 3 Apamea Celaenae, 27 hours of operation, 149–50 aquarioli, 37, 152 “Internet brothels,” 220 Ascalon, 209, 221 and lamps, 203 assignation houses, 149, 191, 193, 207, location within cities, 3, 78–111 217–19 and massage, 38 Athens, 16, 43, 59, 202, 205, 220, 253 and middlemen, 32, 34–35, 238 and music, 38 Baiae, 18, 178, 243 and noise, 86–90, 121 bars. See hotels, inns, restaurants, and numbers, 3, 12, 167–73 taverns at Ostia, 3, 226–31 baths, 8, 19, 23–26, 97–98, 121–22, 126, at Pompeii, 3, 167–73, 182–214 206–14, 221, 225, 258, 267, ‹gs. as punishment, 34, 96, 99, 237 12–17, maps 3 and 5 Purpose-Built (see under Pompeii) Bet She’an, 221 and rape, 88–89 Birmingham (England), 49 rural, 30 brattiaria, 66, 67 and staf‹ng, 37–38 355 356 Index of Subjects brothels (continued) cunnilingus, 42, 209, 226, 275, 298–99, and theft, 11, 89–93 301 typology, 256–60, 290 not upper-class, 71–72, 226–27 Delphic Amphictyony, 27 urban, 30 deversorium/a, 16, 18–19, 31, 208, 222, violence in, 86–90, 121 230, 235. See also hotels, inns, at Washington D.C., 202 restaurants, and taverns and water supply, 37, 152–53 dinner parties, 27, 91–92, 125 Buenos Aires, 48 Diocletian’s Price Edict, 59, 68 Dougga, 220 Caelian hill, 221 drinking parties. See comissatio Calcutta, 48, 175 Dura-Europos, 27, 223–25 Capitoline hill, 222 Carura (on the border of Phrygia and Egypt, 20, 27, 38–39, 45, 231 Caria), 27 Elegy, 122–23 Casa delle Volte Dipinte (Ostia), 230 England (medieval), 24, 90, 208 Casa di Via Giulio Romano (Rome), 222, Ephesus, 209, 225 230 Epigram, 125 Catania, 222 erotic art, 2, 11, 112–33, 157–58, caupo/nes, 17, 34–35 163–65, 182–203, 210–11, 213, caupona/ae, 15–16, 19, 80, 92, 206–8, 222–23, 226, 232–33, 257, 262, 217, 221–22, 233, 235, 246, 256, 268–94 268–94, ‹gs. 1–2. See also hotels, inns, restaurants, and taverns fellatio, 42, 43, 44, 269, 272–74, 278, cellae meretriciae. See cribs 297–301 charity, 69–70 Floralia, 39, 124, 127 Chersonesus (Tauric), 35 Forum Boarium, 222, 248 China, 48. See also Shanghai Forum Romanum, 21, 92, 222, 245–55 Christianity France. See also Paris attacked by Tacitus, 254 medieval, 110–11, 169, 174, 176 concern with poor, 2, 70 modern, 204 dif‹culty with tax on prostitutes, 76 and inns, 20 gambling, 87–88 circuit courts, 27 Germany circuses, 22 late medieval and early modern, 47, Comana (Pontus), 27 110–11, 145–47, 154, 169, 174, Comedy, 43, 128, 217 176, 210, 217–18, 228–29, 233, comissatio, 23, 27, 91–92, 131, 287 235–36, 257 Constantinople, 93–94, 109, 168 modern, 260 Coptos, 55, 140 graf‹ti, 17, 41–43, 188–90, 192, cribs (cellae meretriciae), 3, 12, 79, 158, 199–202, 210–11, 222–27, 232–33, 192–94, 196–200, 204–5, 207, 213, 257, 268–94 215–18, 223, 231, 240, 256, Greece (ancient), 46 267–69, 275, 277–78, 280–81, 291–94, 297, ‹g. 3, maps 2 and 5 Herculaneum, 24, 58, 211–12 cubicula, 112–13, 132, 201 Hermopolis, 57 Index of Subjects 357 hospitium/a. See hotels, inns, restaurants, Nevada and taverns nineteenth-century, 47, 82 hotels, inns, restaurants, and taverns, 8, twentieth-century, 46, 82, 147, 154, 15–22, 28–31, 97–98, 173, 179, 174, 204–5, 227–28, 234, 236–37, 202–3, 206, 213–17, 222, 226–31, 259, 263, 290 233–41, 247, 253, 258–59, 267–94, New Orleans, 145 ‹gs. 1 and 2 New York, 47, 48, 175, 244–45, 254, House of Diana (Ostia), 230 290. See also Times Square House of Jupiter and Ganymede (Ostia), nuisance-abatement, 157 226–31 Nuremberg, 54–55 iniuria (delict of outrage/affront), 125, Olynthus, 203 156–57 operae, 35, 60 Italy (medieval), 111, 169 Ostia, 3, 22, 36, 180, 209, 226–31. See also Casa delle Volte Dipinte; House Japan, 174–75 of Diana; House of Jupiter and Ganymede ko¯mos, 92 Korea, 48 Palatine, 81, 159, 161 Palestine, 250 Las Vegas. See Nevada Palmyra, 43, 44 latrines, 25, 39, 195, 225, 230, 232–33, Paris, 48, 90, 134–35, 143–44, 247, 255, 246, 249, 292, 294 290 lenocinium, 57, 74 patriarchy, 5, 75, 77 lex peculium, 35–36 Aquilia, 157 performers, 27–28, 67, 141–42, 223–25, Iulia de adulteriis coercendis, 57, 74, 262 149, 151, 217–18, 251–52 pimps Iulia et Papia, 206–7 acquire prostitutes, 55 maiestatis, 85 animus toward, 74, 76 lodgings. See hotels, inns, restaurants, de‹nition, 206 and taverns denial of burial, 141 lupanarii, 249 as exploiters of prostitutes, 52 ‹nancially challenged, 53 Magnesia-on-the-Meander, in lodgings, 15 212 as slaves, 35–36 markets, fairs, and festivals, in taverns and inns, 17 26–28 in the Vicus Tuscus, 247 masturbation, 24, 38, 43, 301 pirates, 55–56 mater familias/matrona, 4, 105, 120–21, Pompeii 124, 126–28, 251–52 amphitheater, 22, 214, maps 3 and 5 meritorium/a, 16, 18–19, 121, 215. See Baths of M. Crassus Frugi, 213 also hotels, inns, restaurants, and Casa del Bell’Impluvio, 163–65 taverns Casa del Centenario, 164–65 Miletus, 212 Casa della Fontana d’Amore, 283 Moregine (Murecine), 35, 268 Casa dell’Imperatrice di Russia, 164–65 358 Index of Subjects Pompeii (continued) theaters, 214, maps 3 and 5 Casa di Ganimede, 280–81 Via dell’Abbondanza, 241, 245–46 Casa di Giasone, 284 women in business, 67 Central Baths, 213, 284 and zoning prostitution, 4, 144–48 commercial exploitation of urban real popina/ae, 16–17, 19–20, 25–26, 28, 80, estate, 30 84, 86, 121, 135, 142, 163, 208, earthquake of 62, 178–81, 280–81, 217, 242, 243, 245–46, 256, 258, 284 259, 267–94. See also hotels, inns, economy, 167–81 restaurants, and taverns Forum, 240–41, 245–55 Praetor’s Edict, 19, 24, 35, 150–51, Forum Baths, 213, 292 206–7, 210 House of L. Caecilius Iucundus, Priapus, 113, 114, 202, 232, 287–88 163–65 primitivism, 136–40 House of the Menander, 253 procuress(es) House of the Vettii, 158, 164–65, 201, animus toward, 76 267, 290 comic/elegiac, 65 housing pattern, 20, 241 de‹nition, 206 importance of, 1, 12 prostitute(s) Insula del Menandro, 240, 272–73 auspicious in dreams, 85 numbers of brothels, 167–73, 198–204 and clients, 49–51 numbers of clients of prostitutes, and clothing mandated by law, 176–77 151–52 numbers of domus, 170 and compulsion, 60 numbers of prostitutes, 173–77 de‹nitions, 7, 206–7 of‹cial oversight of prostitution, denial of burial, 141 153–54 ‹nancially challenged, 54 Palaestra Baths, 212–14 as freedwomen, 59–60 population, 167–73 and marriage, 65 Praedia Iuliae Felicis, 212–13 mobility, 27–28 price of sex, 44 modesty (alleged), 39, 107 Purpose-Built Brothel, 2–3, 12, 18, 37, numbers, 12, 173–77 114–17, 173, 185–97, 199, 201–2, numbers of clients, 176–77 211, 220–22, 227, 231–39, 258, as slaves, 28, 35–37, 40, 49–53, 59–60, 260, 267, 269, 276, 280, 286, 288, 73–77, 263 290, ‹gs. 4–11 type, 8 Republican Baths, 213 prostitution Sarno Baths, 208, 211–14 of children, 56–57 scholarship in nineteenth and early de‹nitions, 7–9 twentieth centuries, 182–97 historiography, 5, 14–15 sources of clients for prostitutes, male, 2, 75, 97, 229–30, 247 171–72 part-time and/or casual, 29, 64–65 Stabian Baths, 212–14, 239, 245–46, poverty a motive, 54, 61, 68–69 283 pro‹table, 32, 39, 49, 53–54, 71–77 Suburban Baths, 2–3, 113–16, 118, regulation, 3–4, 92, 95–111, 134–35, 198–99, 210–11, 213–14, 235, 240, 142, 145–46 282, 286, ‹gs. 12–17 repression, 92, 95–111, 145–46 Index of Subjects 359 symbolic signi‹cance, 10 St. Paul, Minn., 38, 147, 169, 174, 228 taxation, 43, 45–46, 59, 76, 147, 177, Subura, 20–21, 28, 58, 80–81, 121, 251 249, 252 tolerance, 95–111, 140, 145–46 taberna/ae, 8, 16–19, 31, 80, 179, 206, widespread, 72–73 242, 247, 261, 267–94. See also of widows and orphans, 70–71 hotels, inns, restaurants, and tav- of wives, 57 erns zoning, 2, 4, 11–13, 78–111, 120, Tarracina, 212 132–33, 134–66, 240–55, 261–63 taverns. See hotels, inns, restaurants, and Puteoli, 31, 35, 36, 178 taverns temples, 23, 251, 253–55 Regionary Catalogs (Curiosum and Noti- theaters, 22, 97–98, maps 3 and 5 tia), 34, 167–73, 222, 290 Thermopylae, 27 residential housing, 15–22, 80, 167–73, Thessalonica, 209, 221 234, 237, 242, 248, 256–57 Thugga, 220 Rome, 12, 20, 23, 45, 167–73, 221–22, Times Square, 3, 145 246–55, 290.
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