
Church of St. James of the Marches 410 Totowa Road, Totowa, New Jersey 07512-2098 (www.stjamesofthemarches.com) ([email protected]) Our Community Is Served By Father J. Patrick Ryan, Pastor Father Marek S. Krysiak, Parochial Vicar Monsignor Eugene M. Boland, Pastor Emeritus Mr. Michael Messano, Seminarian Intern Dr. Linda Kostenko, Principal Sr. Antoinette Cedrone, FMA, Director of Religious Education Sr. Eileen Tickner, FMA, Pastoral Associate Mr. Kevin Walsh, Trustee Mr. John Waryas, Trustee Mr. Vincent D’Antonio, President Parish Council Ms. Virginia Andreano, President/Pastor’s Advisory Board Ms. Ann Riccardi, Pastoral Associate for Administration Ms. Gail Monochello, Administrative Assistant/CCD Ms. Catherine Ryan, Accounts Clerk Ms. Janet Cozzolino, Ms. Diana Farina, Ms. Adelaide Fiorarancio, and Ms. Fran Tesoriero, Parish Support Staff Mr. Andrzej Trembicki, Music Ministry Mr. Greg Caldarone, Music Ministry Sacramental Life Mr. Michael Agures, Mr. James Beagin, Ms. Mary Jean Hayek, The Holy Sacrifice of the Mass Mr. Jerry McFarlane, & Mr. Antonio Vacca, Sacristans Sundays: Vigil Mass 5:30 pm (Saturday), 7:30am, 10:15 am & 12:00 Noon Weekdays: Monday 8:15 am, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday 8:00 am Pastoral care of the Sick Saturdays: 8:30 AM Holydays: AS ANNOUNCED We wish to be of help to anyone who cannot celebrate Mass with us in The Sacrament of Penance Church because of illness, age or disability. To receive the Sacraments Saturdays: 4:00 to 5:00 PM or by request at anytime. of Penance, Eucharist or Anointing of the Sick at home, please call the The Sacrament of Baptism Rectory. Kindly notify one of the priests if you wish them to visit a fami- Celebrated on the Second and Fourth Sunday of each month immedi- ly member who is hospitalized. ately AFTER the 10:15 am Mass Devotions Parents should contact the Rectory either before or soon after the birth Eucharistic Holy Hour: with exposition of the Most Blessed Sacrament, of the baby to register for the reception of the Sacrament. novena prayers and consecration to the Sacred Heart of Jesus ending Instruction for parents and godparents is held on the FIRST MONDAY with Benediction every First Friday of the month at 7:00 PM. of each month at 7:30 PM . Parents and godparents are expected to Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults (R.C.I.A.) be practicing Catholics; godparent must have received the Sacrament Anyone wishing to become Catholic or who has not received the Sac- of Confirmation in order to serve as sponsors. raments of Eucharist or Confirmation should call the Rectory for further The Sacrament of Matrimony information. Arrangements must be made at least one year in advance. Please call Parish Registration the Rectory for an appointment. Every Catholic family in the Parish should be registered. Please con- Sponsor Certificates: ONLY Eligible Registered Parishioners will be tact the Parish Office to do so or use the below form to join our Parish. given certification to be a sponsor for Baptism & Confirmation. PARISH MEMBERSHIP : All adult Catholics should register in the Par- ish. Young adults of working age should register independently of their parents. In order for us to testify to your ability for sponsorship in Bap- Parish House tism, Confirmation or witness to a Catholic marriage, it is necessary to 32 St. James Place, Totowa, NJ 07512 be a registered member of this Parish. Also, please notify the Parish Phone: 973-790-0288 Fax: 973-790-7064 Office of any changes in address, or if you are leaving the Parish. (office hours 8:30 am to 4:00 pm, Monday thru Friday ) (Please PRINT) NAME___________________________________________________ The Academy of St. Francis of Assisi 400 Totowa Road, Totowa, NJ 07512 ADDRESS_______________________________________________ Phone: 973-956-8824 Fax: 973-956-9430 CITY___________________STATE__________ ZIP _____________ Religious Education Office (CCD) PHONE #________________________________________________ 31 St. James Place, Totowa, NJ 07512 Check: ____New Reg. ____Moving ____Change of address Phone: 973-790-4860 Fax: 973-790-4644 Please cut out & return to the rectory or place in the collection basket In almost every large city and in many smaller towns, hospitals were founded by re- ligious orders of women (and some men) to Thinking Out Loud…. take care of those who were in need of medi- Something is happening in American cal care. The care, given to those in these society in regards to the Catholic Church and hospitals, received wonderful reviews from political structures which impose themselves patients both Catholic and not. As the need on all of us. arose, Catholic nursing homes were estab- We know that when this country was lished to respond to the needs of an aging founded, Roman Catholics were barely toler- population. Like our hospitals and schools, ated. There was one signer of the Declaration these nursing homes set the standards of Independence who was Catholic, and I which others only hoped to imitate. have often wondered how his signature For the most part, obvious bigotry wound-up on that treasured document. against Catholics has faded. While there are Every group which has come to this some in this country who will continue to country can speak of bigotry in one form or hate anyone or anything not identical to another. The Italians, Polish, French, Ger- themselves in all things, outward bigotry man, and the Irish all had to endure bigotry against Catholics has gone the way of the from a nativist population who saw itself far horse-drawn carriage. closer to God and far more intelligent than But make no mistake about it. As a those who came to this country with rosary church, we are being persecuted today by beads in their hands and a loyalty in their elitists on all levels of government who be- hearts to the Holy Father as Vicar of Christ on lieve it is their solemn duty to take away any earth. influence the church might have, or any Anyone who was not a white Anglo- voice expressed by the church, which is in Saxon Protestant was a Papist, except per- opposition to their own thinking. haps if you were Jewish, and that was an en- The number of those who call them- tirely different story. selves Catholics has decreased significantly Those who most Americans looked up since World War II. Catholics do not vote in a to, the great coal, oil and transportation bar- bloc the way they once did. ons, were millionaires. They got that way on Those Catholics who do enter the polit- the broken backs of the Germans, Italians, ical arena understand, in too many cases, Irish, etc. whom they often worked to death. that the votes they cast will be dictated by There were no unions, the pay was pathetic, backroom bosses, whose support they will and either you accepted the meager pay that need, if they wish to run and get re-elected. was offered, or you and your family starved It is common knowledge, for instance, to death. It was that simple! that if you want to be nominated for any posi- In response to a hostile society, Catho- tion in a nearby state, you are either pro- lics went inward together, and in that inward abortion or you don’t have an ice cube’s unity found great strength and creativity. chance in hell of having your name appear on We founded our own educational sys- the ballot for any position above dog catcher. tem, and health and care systems, which in We look at what these elitists are try- time were second to none. From Notre Dame ing to do with the health care mandate now to Georgetown, to the smallest Catholic being shoved down our throats. They are at- school in the middle of nowhere, students in tempting to re-define that which we believe, our schools received quality education. force us to accept it even if it goes against It did not matter if our schools were not everything we believe to be true regarding as big as the neighborhood public school, or the value of human life, and take our tax ex- our gyms weren’t as fancy, or the fact that emption away as well. If we do not comply, a our classroom size sometimes were double fine will be imposed upon every Catholic in- that of the local PS. We not only managed but stitution which is not goose-stepping to their thrived. (Column continues on next page) (Column continues) PRAYER REQUESTS demands. In the near future, the fines will be so Please remember in your prayers the following: big that the doors to some of our hospitals, Rosemarie Amendola, John Amodio, Jackie nursing homes, schools, etc. will have to be Balloutine, Kristin Cappuccio, Maria Ciaremella, closed. Gerald Connors, Lucy & Antonio Convertino, Harry Cortes, There is a price to be paid for being Carolyn DiStasio, Angelina Fattorusso, Dennis Florence, Lucille the voice of the loyal opposition. Elitists are Gillen, Betty Goodsir, Philip Gordon, Angie Kimble, Joey Kuri, the only right thinkers, according to them. If Anne Krautheim, Father Justin Kusibab, OFM Conv., Liana we allow them to dictate to people of faith, a Lobosco, Juliann Marciano, John Nicoll, Carmela Noorigian, great deal more than any of us realize will be Andrew O’Connor, Brother Stefano Panizzolo, LC., Anthony the price we pay. Polito, Elizabeth Rousset, Maggie Speziale, Denis Sullivan, Paul Let’s hope it never gets to that! Tommasi, Bea Vinciguerra, Bryan Wells, Ann Williams, Robyn Zaleski, Evan Zillner, Agnes Mariella Zimmer. Father Patrick HOME TO GOD Please pray for all those who have recent- ly passed on, especially Thomas A. LENT 2014 Curcio and Kenneth Santillan, III. The Sacrament of Reconciliation deceased always rely on our prayers on their “WELCOME HOME” journey home to God.
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