![Congressional Record—Senate S6877](https://data.docslib.org/img/3a60ab92a6e30910dab9bd827208bcff-1.webp)
June 16, 2004 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S6877 refinery bill, this bill has bad con- confirm what we all suspected: Enron proved the quality of life on campus sequences. While the bill seeks to speed manipulated energy markets and and in surrounding West Philadelphia. up renewable energy projects, it is real- gouged consumers. According to these Since 1994, the University of Pennsyl- ly a way to trample over Federal envi- tapes, Enron traders celebrated when a vania has doubled its research funding, ronmental laws or State and local re- forest fire shut down a major trans- tripled both its annual fundraising and quirements. For example, a city’s ob- mission line into California in 2000. endowment and attracted record num- jections to a windmill or solar panels This shut down cut power supplies and bers of undergraduate applicants. How- proposed for the top of a downtown fed- raised energy prices. An energy trader ever, Dr. Rodin’s greatest legacy will eral building may not have to be re- sang: ‘‘Burn, baby, burn. That’s a beau- be her response to the challenge the solved or alternatives considered, even tiful thing.’’ These taped conversations University of Pennsylvania faces as a if there are local scenic concerns or also provide evidence that Enron made citizen of West Philadelphia. conflicts with zoning ordinances. In a secret pacts with power producers and From her first days as President of regular NEPA process, discussion could Enron traders deliberately drove up the University of Pennsylvania, Dr. resolve those concerns and produce a prices by ordering power plants to shut Rodin made clear that one of her core project that meets both Federal and down. The traders also brag about their beliefs was that a great research uni- local needs. We should be reaching ability to manipulate markets and versity must also be a great neighbor. agreement over the development of re- steal money from the ‘‘grandmothers Dr. Rodin established the West Phila- newable energy, not creating conflicts. of California,’’ who one trader called delphia Initiatives—a multi-faceted Also today, the House will take up ‘‘Grandma Millie.’’ The arrogance of urban-planning and community-devel- H.R. 4545, the Gasoline Price Reduction these traders shocks the conscience. It opment program which has reduced Act of 2004, a bill that proposes to in- also demonstrates the need for Con- crime and blight, increased job oppor- crease gasoline supplies by capping the gress to protect consumers from energy tunities and improved the quality of number of so-called boutique fuel market manipulation. We cannot let life in West Philadelphia. This program blends. This bill is not likely to have a the market abuses that took place dur- in turn has reinforced the University’s beneficial effect in terms of reducing ing the Western energy crisis of 2000 ability to attract the best students, gasoline prices or increasing supplies, happen again. faculty, staff and research opportuni- and appears designed to significantly S. 2105 requires the Federal Energy ties. worsen air quality. It allows EPA open- Regulatory Commission to prohibit the The success of the West Philadelphia ended authority to waive cleaner-burn- use of manipulative practices like Initiatives in bringing employment, in- ing gasoline or diesel requirements in- these that put at risk consumers and vestment and quality-of-life improve- definitely based on an undefined ‘‘sig- the reliability of the transmission grid. ments to West Philadelphia has be- nificant fuel supply disruption.’’ In ad- We learned from this crisis that elec- come a model for collaboration be- dition, EPA’s determination appears tricity markets need close government tween universities and urban commu- not to be judicially reviewable, since oversight to ensure that companies do nities throughout the United States. the EPA Administrator need only deem not engage in risky and deceptive trad- Key to the success of the program has a waiver ‘‘necessary.’’ Further there is ing schemes leading to soaring energy been Dr. Rodin’s acute understanding no obligation to mitigate or make up prices and their own possible financial of the problems facing the West Phila- for the excess air pollution that may failure. In both cases, consumers—the delphia community, as a native Phila- occur over the waiver period. people who depend upon the electricity delphian. This bill also would bar any increase these companies generate or trade—are Dr. Rodin was born in Philadelphia in the number of existing fuels and fuel the losers. and attended Girls’ High School, where additives. This would apply to any The Senate recently went on record she was a Mayor’s Scholar. As an un- State-adopted ultra-low sulfur diesel, in support of barring abusive energy dergraduate at the University of Penn- biodiesel or cleaner-burning gasoline market practices when it approved an sylvania, she showed great talent both programs, even though these programs amendment to the fiscal year 2004 agri- in the classroom and in politics, where, do not affect gasoline prices or supply, cultural appropriations bill offered by as president of the women’s student and regardless of the fact that they Senator CANTWELL. I am disappointed government, she helped to lay the may be needed to meet new, health- this language was stripped from the groundwork for a merger with the based air quality standards for ozone or omnibus spending bill. These necessary men’s student government. fine particulate pollution. protections were also omitted from the Dr. Rodin later earned a doctorate in There are too many serious problems final energy conference report and the psychology at Columbia University, with these bills. The American people revised energy bill we voted on in and spent two decades on the faculty at do not want us to act at the expense of April. Yale University, where she worked environmental quality. We should be We need to send a clear message to tirelessly to research and explain the passing the pieces of the energy bill the energy industry that this behavior biological and psychological factors where we can reach agreement to do so, will not be tolerated, and we must that lead to obesity—a critical health like those issues I outlined. show consumers that we will protect issue facing our country today. We should not be rushing to pass leg- them from energy market manipula- She also helped launch the women’s islation with such serious con- tion. I am proud to cosponsor S. 2015 health movement, and expanded our sequences. These are aggressive, over- and encourage my fellow colleagues to understanding of aging by dem- reaching bills, and are deeply flawed. I pass this legislation. onstrating that elderly people who are will oppose them, and other Senators f empowered lead more active, healthier, should as well. and longer lives than those who are TRIBUTE TO DR. JUDITH RODIN f consigned to helplessness. It is a true Mr. SPECTER. Mr. President, I have testament to Dr. Rodin that she ENERGY TRADING OVERSIGHT sought recognition to pay tribute to brought with her to the University this Mr. FEINGOLD. Mr. President, the Dr. Judith Rodin, who on June 30, 2004, same resolve and tremendous passion recent release of audiotapes of Enron will complete a remarkable 10-year to serve the students of the University traders gloating about their ability to presidency of the University of Penn- of Pennsylvania and the less fortunate manipulate energy markets should jolt sylvania, my alma mater. of the West Philadelphia community. the Senate into passing S. 2015, the En- When she came to the University of As a graduate of Penn, I am pleased ergy Needs Regulatory Oversight Now Pennsylvania in 1994, Dr. Rodin became to be able to honor Dr. Judith Rodin or ENRON Act. the first woman president of an Ivy today, as a great Philadelphian, Penn- A public utility near Seattle, which League school. During her tenure, she sylvanian, and American, and perhaps is trying to get back the money it lost has led the University of Pennsylvania most important, a great University of to Enron’s unscrupulous energy trad- through a period of growth and devel- Pennsylvania Quaker. ing practices, received the tapes from opment that has transformed the Uni- I thank her for her service and wish the Justice Department. These tapes versity academically and greatly im- her the best in the future. VerDate Mar 15 2010 22:12 Jan 29, 2014 Jkt 081600 PO 00000 Frm 00055 Fmt 4624 Sfmt 0634 E:\2004SENATE\S16JN4.REC S16JN4 mmaher on DSKCGSP4G1 with SOCIALSECURITY.
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