Prof.Prof. BrunoBruno PierriPierri HistoryHistory ofof ItalianItalian ForeignForeign policypolicy GiolittiGiolitti ’’ss ItalyItaly andand thethe ItaloItalo--TurkishTurkish WarWar AprilApril 8th,8th, 20142014 RelationsRelations withwith AustriaAustria--HungaryHungary ResumptionResumption ofof irredentistirredentist feelingfeeling duedue toto unjustunjust treatmenttreatment ofof ItalianItalian minoritiesminorities inin HabsburgHabsburg EmpireEmpire AustroAustro--RussianRussian ententeentente ofof BalkansBalkans duedue toto:: 1) AustrianAustrian determinationdetermination toto preventprevent ItalianItalian ingerenceingerence inin BalkansBalkans 2) RussiaRussia committedcommitted inin FarFar EastEast –– warwar lostlost againstagainst JapanJapan 3) 19031903 AustroAustro--RussianRussian programmeprogramme forfor reformsreforms inin Macedonia,Macedonia, togethertogether withwith TurkishTurkish officersofficers ItalianItalian fearsfears ofof extensionextension ofof AustrianAustrian influenceinfluence onon AlbaniaAlbania AustroAustro--RussianRussian EntenteEntente OctOct 1904:1904: PactPact ofof NeutralityNeutrality inin casecase oneone ofof thethe twotwo involvedinvolved inin warwar againstagainst otherother powerpower alonealone andand withoutwithout anyany provockationprovockation ViennaVienna predictedpredicted possibilitypossibility ofof warwar againstagainst ItalyItaly RussiaRussia safeguardedsafeguarded herselfherself towardstowards WestWest whilewhile atat warwar withwith JapanJapan,, alliedallied withwith UKUK ItalianItalian GovtGovt doesdoes notnot receivereceive anyany communicationcommunication aboutabout pactpact withwith RussiaRussia EntenteEntente CordialeCordiale GermanyGermany dislikeddisliked ItalianItalian diplomacydiplomacy sincesince ItalyItaly waswas tryingtrying toto rapproachrapproach FranceFrance BerlinBerlin aimedaimed atat keepingkeeping intactintact TripleTriple AllianceAlliance asas aa challengechallenge andand defencedefence againstagainst AngloAnglo--FrenchFrench EntenteEntente CordialeCordiale 19041904 ColonialColonial controversiescontroversies sortedsorted out:out: BritainBritain freefree handhand inin EgyptEgypt ,, FranceFrance freefree handhand inin MoroccoMorocco FrancoFranco--BritishBritish DeclarationDeclaration,, 19041904 His Britannic Majesty' s Government declare that they have no intention of altering the political status of Egypt The Government of the French Republic declare that they will not obstruct the action of Great Britain in that country The Government of the French Republic declare that they have no intention of altering the political status of Morocco His Britannic Majesty' s Government recognise that it appartains to France to preserve order in that country, and to provide assistance for the purpose of all administrative , economic , financial , and military reforms They declare that they will not obstruct the action taken by France for this purpose , provided that such action shall leave intact the rights which Great Britain , in virtue of treaties , conventions , and usage , enjoys in Morocco SecretSecret ArticlesArticles His Britannic Majesty's Government have no present intention of proposing to the Powers any changes in the system of the Capitulations, or in the judicial organisation of Egypt. In the event of their considering it desirable to introduce in E gypt reforms tending to assimilate the Egyptian legislative system to that in force in other civilised Countries, the Government of th e French Republic will not refuse to entertain any such proposals, on the understanding that His Britannic Majesty's Government will agree to entertain the suggestions that the Government of the French Republic may have to make to them with a view of introducing similar reforms in Morocco. The two Governments agree that a certain extent of Moorish territory adjacent to Melilla , Ceuta , and other presides should, whenever the Sultan ceases to exercise authority over it, come within the sphere of influence of Spain, and that the administra tion of the coast from Melilla as far as, but not including, the heights on the right bank of the Sebou shall be entrusted to Spain. FirstFirst MorocconMoroccon CrisisCrisis ExpansionExpansion ofof FrenchFrench spheresphere ofof influenceinfluence onon MoroccoMorocco ThisThis waswas inin contrastcontrast withwith MadridMadrid ConventionConvention 1880,1880, claimingclaiming equalequal rightsrights inin thethe areaarea forfor allall contractingcontracting partiesparties WilliamWilliam IIII inin TangeriTangeri 31.03.190531.03.1905 toto defenddefend GermanGerman tradingtrading interestsinterests :: defencedefence ofof openopen doordoor KaiserKaiser ’’ss landinglanding provockedprovocked moremore resentmentresentment inin LondonLondon thanthan inin ParisParis NoNo oneone wantedwanted toto fightfight againstagainst mostmost powerfulpowerful armyarmy inin EuropeEurope:: negotiatednegotiated solutionsolution idealideal forfor everyoneeveryone MadridMadrid ConventionConvention InternationalInternational conferenceconference summonedsummoned inin MadridMadrid inin summersummer 18801880 workedworked outout aa universaluniversal conventionconvention onon thethe capitulationcapitulation systemsystem inin MoroccoMorocco BesidesBesides capitulationscapitulations ,, EuropeansEuropeans pressedpressed forfor thethe rightright toto buybuy landland andand ownown realreal estateestate inin MoroccoMorocco MadridMadrid ConventionConvention grantedgranted thisthis rightright toto allall thethe capitulationcapitulation PowersPowers ofof EuropeEurope ConferenceConference ofof AlgecirasAlgeciras EndEnd ofof crisiscrisis JanJan 19061906 FranceFrance diddid everythingeverything toto aimaim asas muchmuch asas possibilepossibile atat thethe ideaidea ofof protectorateprotectorate onon MoroccoMorocco ItalyItaly inin aa difficultdifficult position,position, sincesince sheshe hadhad stipulatedstipulated contractscontracts withwith FranceFrance ((MoroccoMorocco andand LibyaLibya),), besidebeside thosethose sheshe alreadyalready hadhad withwith TripleTriple AllianceAlliance AgreementAgreement providedprovided internationalinternational managementmanagement ofof policepolice,, financefinance,, taxationtaxation system,system, publicpublic worksworks andand servicesservices ofof MoroccoMorocco throughthrough FranceFrance RenewalRenewal ofof TripleTriple AllianceAlliance 19071907 renewalrenewal necessarynecessary toto avoidavoid warwar ItalyItaly--AustriaAustria:: eithereither warwar oror alliancealliance ItalyItaly reachedreached colonialcolonial andand commercialcommercial agreementsagreements withwith FranceFrance,, RussiaRussia andand BritainBritain onon EasternEastern Africa:Africa: goodgood relationsrelations withwith EntenteEntente PowersPowers AngloAnglo--RussianRussian EntenteEntente 19071907 TheThe GovernmentsGovernments ofof GreatGreat BritainBritain andand RussiaRussia mutuallymutually engageengage toto respectrespect thethe integrityintegrity andand independenceindependence ofof Persia,Persia, asas wellwell asas thethe permanentpermanent establishmentestablishment ofof equalequal advantagesadvantages forfor thethe tradetrade andand industryindustry ofof allall otherother nationsnations Russia,Russia, onon herher part,part, engagesengages notnot toto oppose,oppose, withoutwithout previousprevious arrangementarrangement withwith GreatGreat Britain,Britain, thethe grantgrant ofof anyany ConcessionsConcessions whateverwhatever toto BritishBritish subjectssubjects inin thethe regionsregions ofof PersiaPersia GreatGreat BritainBritain undertakesundertakes aa similarsimilar engagementengagement asas regardsregards thethe grantgrant ofof ConcessionsConcessions toto RussianRussian subjectssubjects BritishBritish OilOil companycompany hadhad acquiredacquired concessionconcession inin 1901:1901: oiloil discovereddiscovered inin 19081908 BosnianBosnian CrisisCrisis 1908 Bosnia -Herzegovina annexed to Habsburg Empire Bulgaria declared independence from Ottoman Empire Formally Bosnia -Herzegovina was still part of Ottoman Empire, though Austrian Protectorate Serbia could still hope to join her territory to that of Bosnia German hostility towards Russia implied an attempt of reconciliation with Britain and France : 9 feb 1909 agreement through which Germany recognised French political supremacy on Morocco , while France committed not to harm German economic interests in same area Vienna reached agreement for recognition of annexation of Bosnia -Herzegovina , but Serbia did not accept it German Ultimatum to Russia, which thus accepted annexation of Bosnia -Herzegovina ItalianItalian PositionPosition Austria -Italy Talks : «[...] Tittoni has not hesitated to precisely declare me that Bosnia -Herzegovina belonged to us and that we had Italy ’s signature for our right on these provinces . [...] the Triple Alliance Treaty was stipulated four years later the occupation and clearly says that territorial compensations should be gained only if one or the other of the contracting parties temporarily or definitively occupied a Turkish country » Aehrenthal ’s interpretation excluded that annexation of Bosnia -Herzegovina had been an “occupation ” (since the province had already been occupied ), thus Italy had no right to any compensation in case of annexation Tittoni wanted dissolution of Turkish Empire in favour of national States , in order to avoid expansion of Turkish influence On the day of the annexation , Tittoni said that Italy could quietly wait
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