JWBK208-IND-II August 12, 2008 16:22 Char Count= 0 Index of General Terms 395 Index of General Terms 3D clusters (in cytology) polymorphous low grade 131 adiposis dolorosa 281 mesothelial 360 prostatic 220, 222, 224 adnexal tumours 292–4 urine 365 adenoid adrenal medullary chromaffin adenocarcinoma 361 basal carcinoma 234 paraganglioma 276 ␣1-antitrypsin 157 basal epithelioma 234 adrenal pathology 53–4, 275–7, 383 acantholytic squamous cell carcinoma cystic carcinoma 131, 369 adrenocortical adenoma 275–6 285 pharyngeal tonsil 38 adrenocortical carcinoma (ACC) acanthoma 282, 283, 292 adenoma 130–1, 200 275–6 accessory auricles 199 adrenocortical 275–6 adrenocorticotrophic hormone acetic acid artefact 357 basal cell 130–1, 223 (ACTH) 275, 278 achalasia of the cardia 135 bile duct 172 adult achondroplasia 330 bronchioalveolar 91 granulosa cell tumour 249 acinar cell carcinoma/dysplasia 177 Brunner’s gland 142 large bile duct obstruction 164 acinar zones (of liver) 156 canalicular 131 renal tumours 49 acinic cell carcinoma 132, 369 duct 264 respiratory distress syndrome 383 acquired immunodeficiency dysplasia 149–50 T-cell leukaemia 115–16 syndrome (AIDS, see also HIV) flat 149–50 advanced practitioners 359 165, 306–7, 346–7, 364 follicular 268–9 adventitious bursa 342 acral naevus 288 gastric 138 AFP 19 acrodermatitis enteropathica 304 hepatocellular 169–70 age-related changes 68, 75, 196–7, ACTH 275, 278 hyalinising trabecular 271 201 actinic malignum 235 age-related macular degeneration keratosis 283 metanephric 216 (AMD) 196–7 lentigo 288–9 microcystic 177 Agenda for Change 24–5 reticuloid 299 nephrogenic 218 aggressive Actinomyces spp. 343–344, 22, 239, of the nipple 259–60 angiomyxoma 317 357, 371 parathyroid 274 osteoblastoma 335 acute Pick’s 227 AIDS cholangiopathy 165 cholecystitis 173–4 pleomorphic salivary 130, 368 AIDS-associated malignancies diffuse proliferative polypoidal 149–50 347 glomerulonephritis 202 renal 216 AIDS-defining illnesses (ADI) 346, disseminated encephalomyelitis 183 serous microcystic 177 364 endometriosis 239 serrated 149–50 AIN 152 febrile neutrophilic dermatosis 300 sporadic 149–50 air embolism 390 haemorrhagic leucoencephalitis 183 adenomatous Albers-Sch¨onberg marble bone haemorrhagic hyperplasia (lung) 91 disease 330 leucoencephalomyelitis 183 hyperplasia (prostate) 220–1 Alcian blue 12 haemorrhagic leucoencephalopathy nodules (liver) 171 alcoholic 183 polyps 138, 149–50, 220 fixatives 7 hepatitis 158–9 adenomyoma gastropathy 137 lymphoblastic leukaemia 16, 97, atypical polypoid 239, 242 hepatitis 157 101, 103–5, 228, 253 biliary tree 173 steatohepatitis 157 myeloid leukaemia 103, gallbladder 174 alimentary tract 126–55 4, 16, 99–104, 107–8, 123, 300 uterus 239 alkaline phosphatase (ALP) 11, 15, pancreatitis 175 adenosarcoma 242–3 53, 332, 336, 337 pouchitis 147 COPYRIGHTEDtamoxifen and 238, 254 MATERIALALL 16, 97, 101, 103–5, 228, 253 pyelonephritis 206 vs. endometrial stromal tumours 242 allograft rejection see transplants radiation effects 305 vs. granulosa cell tumour 249 alopecia 295 rheumatic fever 76–7 adenosis ALP 11, 15, 53, 332, 336, 337 tubular necrosis 206 atypical apocrine 262, 373 Alport’s disease 205 villitis 63 microglandular 262 alveolar adamantinoma 335 prostate 220–1 capillary dysplasia 56 adenocarcinoma 91–2, 219, 361 sclerosing (breast) 262 pathology 58 basal cell 130–1 sclerosing (prostate) 221 radial counts 393 bronchial 369–70 sclerosing (salivary) 134 soft part sarcoma 323 ductal 176 vaginal 232 Alzheimer’s disease 181 endometrioid 92 adenosquamous carcinoma (ASC) 92 AMD 196–7 invasive 234–5 ADH 258–9 ameloblastic fibroma 128–9 minimal deviation 235 adipose 313–15 ameloblastoma 128 Diagnostic Criteria Handbook in Histopathology: A Surgical Pathology Vade Mecum by Paul J. Tadrous Copyright C 2007 by John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. JWBK208-IND-II August 12, 2008 16:22 Char Count= 0 Index of General Terms 396 AML 103, 4, 16, 99–104, 107–8, 123, antiphospholipid antibody syndrome ASH 157 300 61–2, 351 Askin tumour of chest wall 58 amnion nodosum 63 aortic dissection 73 Aspergillus spp. 22, 345, 370 ampulla of Vater 46 aphthae 126–7, 144–5 asthma 86 amputation neuroma 317 apical granuloma 128 astrocytoma 185 amyloid 11 apocrine carcinoma 293 asymptomatic proteinuria 201 angiopathy 72 aponeuroses 323–4 atherosclerotic aneurysms 72 colonic 146 appendix 46, 152 atrophy 358 eye 194 applied anatomy 36–43 atypical skin 300 appraisals 32 acinar cell nodules 177 tumour 94, 194 arachnoid nodules 94 adenomatous hyperplasia 91, 220–1 anal canal 152 ARDS 383 adenomatous nodules 171 anal intra-epithelial neoplasia (AIN) Arias-Stella reaction 232, 236, 237, decubital fibroplasia 311 152 253 ductal hyperplasia 258–9 analgesic nephropathy 206 arrhythmogenic right ventricular fibroxanthoma 325 anaphylaxis 382 dysplasia (ARVD) 78, 385 haemangioma of the breast 320 anaplastic artefact(s) hyperplasia 51, 238 astrocytoma 185 acetic acid 357 lipoma 313 carcinoma 272, 368 air bubbles (vs. air embolism) 390 lobular hyperplasia 262 large cell lymphoma 105, 109, 116 alcohol fixation 7 nodular proliferations in a meningioma 186 birefringent particles (in synovial congenital naevus 288 myeloma 109 fluid) 375 polypoid adenomyoma 239 oligo/oligoastrocytoma 186 capsule/halo (in Histoplasma) 345 small acinar proliferations 222 seminoma 225 cirrhosis and 161 vascular lesions post radiotherapy Wilms’ tumour 60 cracks (in FCL) 112 320 anatomy 36–43 crush (in carcinoid/SmCC/spinal aural polyp 199, 319 ancillary techniques 362–3 cord) 93, 389 autoimmune ancillary tests 387 dyscohesion (in breast FNA) 371, diseases 86–7 androgen blockade therapy 224 373 hepatitis 161 aneurysmal bone cysts (ABC) 331, dysplasia vs. 136 pancreatitis 175 333 erosion vs. 127 plexopathy 154 aneurysms 72–3 FNA / needle track 265, 269 sialadenitis 132–3 angina 75 formalin fixation (unbufferred) 7, autopsy 3, 23, 377–94 angioblastoma of Nakagawa 319 383 limited 386–7 angiocentric frozen section 4 performance lymphoid proliferations 91 ice crystal (in muscle) 43, 189 recommendations/guidance 378 T-cell lymphoma 115 iodine (and CIN) 233 perinatal 392–3 angiodysplasia 148 liver 156 see also postmortem angiofollicular lymph node mercurial fixation 16 autosomal dominant polycystic hyperplasia 119–20 nuclear clearing (due to kidney disease (ADPCKD) angiography 386 biotin/fixation) 267, 270, 272 212–13 angioimmunoblastic RBCs in alveoli 87 autosomal recessive polycystic kidney lymph node reaction 115 retraction (in lacunar cells) 4, 117 disease 213 lymphadenopathy with sampling (in muscle Bx) 189 avascular dysproteinaemia 115 sclerosing HCC (footnote) 171 necrosis 330 T-cell lymphoma 115 sickling of RBCs 383 villi 62 angiokeratoma circumscriptum 285 smearing (vs. vascular invasion) 205 angioleiomyolipoma 314 spindling (in Ewing’s) 336 B-cell angiolipoma 313 tangiential sectioning 205 lymphoma 110–14, 302 angiolymphoid hyperplasia with thick section (syncytial knots) 61 persistent polyclonal lymphocytosis eosinophilia 318 arterial 101 angiomatosis 319–23 dissection 73 reactions 109 angiomyofibroblastoma 317 embolism 390 bacillary angiomatosis 319 angiomyolipoma 216, 314 pathology 68, 69 bacilli 343 angiomyxoma 317–18 pulmonary hypertension 88 bacterial angiosarcoma 320–1 arteriohepatic dysplasia 164 colitis 143 ankylosing spondylitis 194 arterioles/arteriolosclerosis 68, 69 infection 343–4 anti-rejection drug toxicity 209–10 arteriosclerosis 68 balanitis xerotica obliterans (BXO) antibodies arteritis 44, 69, 70 215 anticardiolipin 351 arthritis 340–1 balloon cells 197 antiphospholipid antibody articular pathology 339–42 Banff grading 209, 208, 165 syndrome 61–2, 351 ARVD 78, 385 Barium 148, 341, 32 layering methods 9 ASAP/ASAPUS 222 Barrett’s, 135, 45 site selective 363 asbestos bodies 86, 48, 371 epithelium 135 anticardiolipin antibody 351 asbestosis 85–6 dysplasia 136 antigens 19, 107–9 ascending cholangitis 166–7 oesophagus 135 JWBK208-IND-II August 12, 2008 16:22 Char Count= 0 Index of General Terms 397 Bartholin gland cysts 232 ␣1-antitrypsin 157, 170 pathology 329–39 Bartonella spp. 167 aortic 11 sarcoma 53 basal cell asbestos 86, 48, 371 tumours 332–9 adenocarcinoma 130–1 Aschoff 76–7 BOOP 85 adenoma 130–1, 223 asteroid 194 borderline adenomatosis 223 Barr 353 cutaneous T-cell proliferations 302 carcinoma 48, 223, 284, 292 blue 84, 370 mucinous tumours 245 hyperplasia 223 Call-Exner 249, 252 nuclear changes 354, 358 immunohistochemistry 18 Call-Exner-like 227 seminoma 225 papilloma 282–3 carotid 11 serous tumours of the peritoneum basal ganglia degenerations 182 Civatte 297, 306 255 basal-like carcinoma (breast) 265 colloid 300 teratoma 225 basement membranes 11 Councilman 159, 163, 166 Borst-Jadassohn phenomenon 282 Baylisascaris spp. 349 Creola 369 Bouin’s fixative 7 BCC 48, 223, 284, 292 cytoid 185, 195 Bowel Cancer Screening Program 32 BCDA 136 Donovan 109, 343 Bowenoid actinic keratosis 283 Becker’s muscular dystrophy 191 Dutcher 104, 361, 362 Bowenoid papulosis 229 Becker’s pigmented hairy epidermal elementary 185 Bowen’s disease 229, 283 naevus 287 embryoid 252 BPOP 333 Beh¸cet’s ferruginous 86 brain 36, 187–8, 383, 388 arthritis 341 fibrous 278 breast colitis 144, 145 foreign 101 angiomatosis 319 disease 194 fruiting 345 atypical haemangioma 320 benign Gamna-Gandy 79, 122 atypical vascular lesions 320 breast lesions 265–6 giant lamellar 91 basal-like carcinoma 265 familial chronic pemphigus 304 haematoxyphile 204 benign lesions 265–6 familial haematuria 205 Herring 277 carcinoma 17, 52, 260–262, 265 fibrous histiocytoma 326 Hirano 181 cytopathology
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