Mass of the Ordinary Form Latin/English With 2010 ICEL English Translation Annunciation Catholic Church Please Return Booklet to Usher March 1, 2015 Table of Contents Ordo Missae Cum Populo (The Mass) ................................... 3 Introductory Rites ................................................... 3 Entrance Antiphon . 3 Greeting . 3 Penitential Rite . 4 Confiteor . 4 Kyrie ............................................................. 5 Gloria ............................................................. 6 Opening Prayer . 8 Liturgy of the Word ................................................. 9 The Creed . 10 Liturgy of the Eucharist ............................................ 14 Preparation of the Gifts . 14 Prayer Over the Gifts . 15 Eucharistic Prayer . 15 Preface . 16 Sanctus . 16 First Eucharistic Prayer . 19 Second Eucharistic Prayer . 26 Third Eucharistic Prayer . 29 Communion Rite ................................................... 33 Pater Noster . 33 Sign of Peace . 35 Breaking of the Bread . 36 Agnus Dei . 36 Communion . 38 Prayer After Communion . 38 Concluding Rite . 38 Appendix .............................................................40 Asperges . 40 VidiAquam ....................................................... 41 Conclusion . 42 The Latin texts for the Mass in this booklet are consistent with the 2000 Latin Missal. The chants are from the Liber Usualis and checked against the Gregorian Missal (Solesmes, 1990). The English texts are from the approved ICEL transla- tion released in 2011, c 2010, International Committee on English in the Liturgy Inc. All rights reserved. Please return booklet to usher. To print free personal copies see the: Thesaurus Precum Latinarum http://www.preces-latinae.org/ 2 Vidi Aquam APPENDIX INTRODUCTORY RITES Greeting Ordo Missae Cum Populo Entrance Song/Antiphon ¢ li-² o²¯ ª et² Spi-² rí-ᢢ tu-Ң ²i SánҢ cto.²¯ * Sic-ᢣ ut é-² rat²Â ²in prin² cí-²Â pi-² o,²¯ ª Ý the Son, and to the Holy Spirit. As itң was in the beginning, According to the day/feast. Greeting ¢ etᢢ nunc,Ң et² semҢ per,²¯ etᢣ in sáe² cu-² la²Â sae² cu-²ᢢló-rum.ᢢ Amen. and is now, and always andңwill be forever and ever.Ң Amen.² ²¯ ¢ B. ²In nó²mi-² ne² Pa²tris,² et² Fí-² li-² ²Éi, ª et² Spí-² ri-² tus² Sancᢢ ti.²¯ Þ B. In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit. Conclusion B. Ostende nobis, Domine, miseri- B. Show us, Lord, Your mercy. (P.T. ¢ A. Amen. B. Grá-ti- a Dómi-ni nostri Ie-su Christi, cordiam tuam. (T.P. Alleluia.) Alleluia.) ² Ң¯¯ ² ² ² ² ² ² ² ² ² ² ² ²Â ª Ý A. Amen. B. The grace of our Lord Jesus Christ A. Et salutare tuum da nobis (T.P. A. And grant us Your salvation. Alleluia.) (P.T. Alleluia.) B. Domine, exaudi orationem meam. B. O Lord, hear my prayer. A. Et clamor meus ad te veniat. A. And let my cry come to You. ¢ et² cá-² ri-² tas² De-² ²Éi, et² com² mu²ni-² cá-² ti-² o² Sanc² ti² Spí-² ri-² tus²É ª Ý and the love of God and the communion of the Holy Spirit  B. Dominus vobiscum. B. May the Lord be with you. A. Et cum spiritu tuo. A. And with your spirit. B. Oremus. Exaudi nos, Domine B. Let us pray. Hear us O holy Lord, sancte, Pater omnipotens, aeterne Father Almighty, Eternal God; and ¢ sit cum ómnibus vo-bis A. Et cum spí-ri-tu tu-o. Deus: et mittere digneris sanctum An- graciously send Your Holy Angel ² ² ² ² ² ᢢ ² ² ² ² ² ² ² ²¯ be with you all. ¯ . And with Your spirit. gelum tuum de caelis: qui custodiat, from heaven to watch over, to cherish, A foveat, protegat, visitet, atque defendat to protect, to abide with, and to defend omnes habitantes in hoc habitaculo. all who dwell in this house. Through Per Christum Dominum nostrum. Christ our Lord. The sprinkling of holy water may be optionally celebrated here. The Asperges (outside Eastertide) and the Vidi Aquam (Eastertide) are given in the Appendix, A. Amen. A. Amen. pages 40 & 41. If celebrated, the Penitential Rite that follows next is then skipped. 42 3 Penitential Rite INTRODUCTORY RITES APPENDIX Vidi Aquam Penitential Rite Vidi Aquam During Eastertide X. s. ANT. VIII B. Fratres agnoscamus peccá-ta nostra, ut apti simus ad sacra ¢ « í-di á- quam * egre- di- én-tem de tém- ᔤplo, a B. Brethren,² ² let² us² acknowledge² ² ² ² our² sins,² ² and² ² so² prepare² ² ourselves² ² ²Ý V¢ ÉÉÉ ª ᢢ ᒢ ²² ²² « ¯ ҢI sawᢣᢢ water㲧 ²¯ flowing² Ң from Ң Ң the² Temple,ᢢ㲧¯ ҢÞ mysté-ri- a ce-lebránda. ¢ ² ² ² ² ² ²¯ lá- te-re déx- tro, alle- lú- ia et óm- nes ad quos to celebrate the² sacred² myteries. ¢ ²Ң ² ᢢ ²ⲩ « Ⲩ ᢢ¯ ઢ· ²Â ² ² Þ from² its right-hand side,ᒢ¯ alleluia,² 䓅 Ң ¯ andҢ all² to whom A. Confiteor Deo omnipotenti et A. I confess to almighty God and to vobis, fratres, quia peccavi nimis you, my brothers and sisters, that I cogitatione, verbo, opere, et omis- have greatly sinned, in my thoughts sione: (et percutientes sibi pectus, and in my words, in what I have ¢ perᔢ vé-Ң nit²¯ ª á-²²ᢢqua ᢢÉí-sta,Ң´Â´·´ « sál-²²Ңvi² fá-²䲧cti·´ sunt, dicunt) mea culpa, mea culpa, mea done and in what I have failed to this water Ҥ came ´´ᢢ¯ were² saved, ´ and²¯ Ý maxima culpa. Ideo precor beatam do, (striking the breast) through my Mariam semper Virginem, omnes fault, through my fault, through angelos et sanctos, et vos, fratres, my most grievous fault; therefore orare pro me ad Dominum Deum I ask blessed Mary ever-Virgin, all nostrum. the Angels and Saints, and you, my brothers and sisters, to pray for me ¢ etᤢ dí-²ⲩ cent: « Al- le-² lú-㺧 ia,²¯ al-· le-ᢣ¯ઢ lú-ÉÉÉ ia. Ps 117. Confi-ᢢ to the Lord our God. shall say:ᒢ¯ Alleluia,Ң alleluia.´´ Ң 㲧 ²¯ Give² Þ témi-² ni² Dó²mi-² no,² quó-ᢢ ni-Ң am² bóҢnus:²¯ * quó-ᢣ ni- am² ²in saé² cu-²Ý . Mi-se-re- á-tur nóstri omnípo-tens De-us et dimíssis ¢  ң  ¢ B « praiseҤ to the Lord, for He is good for His mercy B. May² Almighty² ² ² ² God² ² have² ² mercy² ² on² us²¯ and² forgive² ² ²Ý ¢ lum² mi-² se-² ri-² cór-²ᢢdi- aᢢ é-ius. Gló- ri- a Pá²tri²Â et² Fí-²Ý ¢ peccá-tis nóstris, perdúcat nos ad vi-tam ae-térnam. A. Amen.¯ endures Ң forever.² ²¯ Glory² ᢢ beҤ to the Father, and to us² our² ² sins,² ² and² bring² ² us² to² everlasting² ² ² life.ᢢ ²¯ A. Amen.² Ң¯ 4 41 Asperges APPENDIX INTRODUCTORY RITES Kyrie APPENDIX Kyrie Asperges Outside Eastertide XIII. s. Missa VIII “De Angelis”: Ordinary Time, Christmas, & Feasts XV-XVI. s. VII. V. ¸ -spér- ges me, Dó-mi-ᢢ ne, hyssó-po et mundá- bor: ›- ri- e ¸ ´ * e- lé- i-son. bis A · ²¯ *ª ²ઢ ᢢ ª ² ᒢÉ ¸´ K¢ ò§ ²Ң²¯ ´´²¯ ´Â´㲧¯ ª ò§·´ ᒢ Ý ¢ ҢSprinkle´´ Ң me with hyssop, O Lord, andҢ I shall´ be cleansed;² 㲧ÉÉÉ ²¯ Þ Lord,² have ´Â´ mercy.²Â ² ²¯ á Christe ·¯¸´ ²¯ e-· lé- i-son. bis la-vá- bis me et ¸ su-per ní-vem de- al-bá- bor. ¢ ² · ò§ Ң ´ ª ò§ ´ ᒢ · ²¯ « ²» ´´ ᢢ ² ¸´ Christ, have´´´²¯ ² ´Â´ mercy.²Â ² ²¯ ¢ washҢ ´´ Ң me and I shall²Â be whiterҢ than´Â snow.² 㲧ÉÉÉ ²¯ Þ Â ² ² ¸ ´ 㲱 ᒤ á ¢K˝Â -ri- e ´Â ¯ ò§ ¸ ¯ ² ¯ *ª ò§e-· ᒢlé- i-son. Ps 50.Mi- se-re-re mé- i, Dé- us, se-cúndum magnam mi-se-ri-cór- Lord, have Ң ´´ mercy.² ² Ң ² ² ң ² ᢢ Ң¯¯ * ᒣ Ԣ ² ² ² ² ² ² ²ઢ Þ Â´  ² ¯ ¢ Have㲩 mercy on me, O God, according to Your great mercy. ²Â ² ¸´ 㲱 ᒢ¸´ 㲱 ᒤ ¢ K˝-ri- e ´Â ¯ *ª ´Â ¯ò§ ¸¯Ң²¯ **ª ò§e-·´ ᒢlé- i-son. Lord, have ´Â´ mercy.²Â ² ²¯ di-² am² tú-²²² am. Gló- ri-Ң a² Pá²tri² et² Fí-² li-² o,²¯ ª et² Spi-² rí-ң tu-²Â ²Ýi ¢  ᒢ¯ Glory㲩 be to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Missa XVII: Sundays in Advent & Lent XIV. s. VI. Sáncto:¯ * Sic-ut é-rat in princí-pi- o, et nunc, et semper,¯ ¯ ¯ ᤢ Ң¯ ᒣ ² ² ² ² ² ² ²¯ ª ² ң ² ᤢ Ң¯ Þ ¢ ›-ri- e¯ * ò§e-·´ lé- i-son. bis Chriò§²ste· · à ¢ Holy Spirit. As itҢ was in the beginning, and is now, and always, K ⲧ ² ´Â´· 㲧 ² Ң Lord,² have ´Â´mercy. ²¯ Christ, · ²䓅¯ · et in sáecu-la saecu-ઢ ló- um. A- men. ¢ò§e-´´Â´· lé-㲧 ²i-son. bis K˝-ri-ң ò§e ò§e-´´Â´· lé-㲧 ²i-son. ᒣ Ң ² ² ² ² ² ² ² ²²² have ´ mercy. ²¯ Lord,² have ´ mercy. ²¯ Ý ¢ and will be forever and ever. Amen.ᒢ¯ ´ ´ 40 5 Gloria INTRODUCTORY RITES COMMUNION RITE Concluding Rite ¯ ¯ ¢ B. Be-ne-² dí-² cat² vos² om² ní-² po-² tens² De-² us, Pa-ter,² et² Fí-² li-² us,²É + Ý ¢ K˝-ri-ò§e²䓅 * ò§ 䓅 **ò§e-·´ lé- i-son. ² ²¯ « ²  ª ң ª ң ´Â´· 㲧 ² B. May almighty God bless you, the Father, and the Son, + Lord,² ² have ´Â´mercy. ²¯ Missa I “Lux et Origo”: During Eastertide X. s. ¢ et² Spi-² rí-² tus² Sanᢢ ctus.²¯ A. A² men.Ң¯¯ VIII. and the Holy Spirit. A. Amen. ÉÉÉ ›·- ri- e· * e- lé- i-son. bis Chri-㲧ste ¯ K¢ ² ң ´ · Ⲭ 㲨 ¯ ª Ý Dismissal Outside Eastertide Lord,Ң ´ have´´ ² mercy. ² ²¯ Christ, Ⲭ ÉÉÉ ¢ B. I-te mis-ᢢ sa est.²¯ A. De- o grá-ᢢ ti- as²¯ e- lé- i-son. bis K˝-¸ ri- e㲧ᒣ e- lé- i-son. ² ң ² ² ң ² ¢ Ң·´´ » ² ¯ ª ·´´ 㲧 ² Þ B. Go, the Mass has ended. A. Thanks be to God. have´ mercy.²Â ² ²¯ Lord,ң¯ have´´ mercy. ²¯ During Eastertide ÉÛ ᢢÉ ¢ K˝²-ri- e»¸Ң ᒣ¯ *ª e-·´ lé- i-son. Lord,ᢢ ң¯ have´Â´´ mercy.㲧 ² ²¯ ¢ B. ²I- te² mis-² sa² est,²É al-² le- lu-Ԣ ia,²¯ ª al² le-Ҥ´´Â´ lu-Ң ia.ᢢ¯ B.
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