5986 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-SENATE. 528 . By Mr. KISSEL: Peti~on of the Peoria County Farm I reiiit&red in the•A.rlington National Cemetery Thur day April Bureau, of Peo-ria, Ill., of April 8, 1922, a.lstl April 10, 1922, 27, 1922, at 2.30 p. m., which was ordered to lie on the table for relative to the imp.o.rtation of "hlact.:strap mola es"; to the the information of Senators. Committee on Wars and Means. SUPPLEMENTAL ESTI.:MATE, NAVY DEPARTMENT, 1923 (S. DOC. NO. 195). 5290. AJ o, petition ·of the Southern Tariff Association, of Washington, D. C., relative to tariff en vegetable oils; to the The VICE PRESIDENT laid before the Senate a communica­ : Committee on Ways and .Means. tion from the President of the United States, transmitting a 5291. By Mr. MAcGREGOR: Resolution· adopted by Grange supplemental estimate of appropriation for the Navy Depart· No. 906, relative to the election of six directors to the Feder.a:l ment, fiscal -year 1923, for additional employe s, Hydrographic land banks; to the Committee on: Banking and ·Currency. Office, $100,000, which, with the accompanying papers, wn · 5292. A.l o, resolution adopted by the corporatian .counsel of referred to the Committee on Appropriations and ordered to be printed. •• I the city of Buffalo, relative to .a bill to- amend the Judicial Code relating to district and circuit eourts; to the Committ~ MESSAGE FROM ~ HOUSE. on the Judiciary. A message from the House of Repre entatives, by Mr. Over- · 5293. By 'Mr. McLAUGHLIN of Nebraska.: Petition of sun- ' hue, its enrolling clerk, announced that the Speaker of the · dry citizens of Yorlr County, Nebr., mgi;E.g revival ef the United House had ~gned the following enrolled bills, .and they were States Grain Corporation ; to the Committee on Agriculture. thereupon Signed by the Vice President: 5294. By Mr. SINCLAIR; Petition of 300 residents of ~Ia.r­ S.l-059. An 1act for the relief of J. B. Waterman; shall, Taylor, Richardton, and other places in North Dakota, S. 2616. An .act to empower the Commi sioners of the Dis- urging the revival of the United States Grain Corporation ·and · trict of Columbia to convey certain land; • n stabilized price on wheat and other farm products; to the · S. 3170. An act regulating corporations doing a banltinO' busi- Committee on Agriculture. ness lin the District of Columbia ; and c · 5295. By Mr. THO..UPSON: Petition of the Presbytery ()f H. ·R. 7272. An act for the relief of Monroe B. Shealy. Toledo, Synod of Ohio, urging passage of Senate Joint Resolu­ ETITIONS AND :l.lEMOBrALS. tion 31, proposing a constitutional amendment authru:izing Con­ gress to enact uniform laws on the subject of mar ·age and Mr. LODGE presented resolutions and telegrams in the nature divorce.; to the Committee on the Judiciaxy. of petitions from the Jewish Ministers' Association of Har-1 m N. Y., Rabbi S. Hurwitz, secretary ; of the. Federation of Hun: ~29o. ~so~ petition ~f the Pcesbytery of Toledo, Synod .of OhiO, urgmg passage of House Joint Resolution 131, proposing garian Jews, Sa:muel Btlclller, president, New York 'City; of .a coustitutiona1 amendment prghibiting pplygamy in the United : the. Ladies' Mlzraclri Zionists' Organization, of Bo ton, Ma s. ~ States; to the Committee on the J udll!iacy. and of the Hadadassh Chapter, the Cllarle ton H brew Sclloo-1, 5297. Also, petition of the Presbytery 9if Toledo, Synod of the Charleston District Zjonist Organization, the South Caro· Ohio, urging pa,ssage of H~use bill 9-753; to -secure Snnr lina Jewish Relief Committee, the Beth Israel Congregation, day as a day o.f rest in the District of Columbia ; to the Oom­ the Society Daughters of Israel, the B'rith Sha.lrun Congrega­ mitt e o.n the District of Columbia. tion, in the State of South Carolina, praying for the pas age of Senate Joint Reso mion 191, favoring the establishment in 5298. By ~lr. ZIHI.... \f.AN : Petition of citizens of Washington D. C.,. protesting a~inRt the passage of an:y legislation looking Palestine of the National Home for the Jewish pe()ple, wilich to the enforcement of the observance of any religious ins tu­ were referred to the Committee on Foreign Relations. tion, or of taking any step in the direeti<>.n of a union of church 'Ml'. NICHOLSON presented a petition of rund'ry citizens of • 8.lld state, and particularly petitioning Congress not to pass Fort Collins, Colo., praying for the erractment of legislation House bill 9753 or any other Sunday bills such, for example, as favoring the establishment in Palestine of the National Home House bill 4388 and Senate bill 1948 ; to the Committee on the for the Jewish peopl-e, which was .referred to the Committee on Foreign Relations. Di~ict of Columbia. Mr. CAPPER pl'esented a r solution adopted by the Pres­ bytery of Topeka, at _ Topelal, Kans~, f .ortn:g the enact­ ;. ment -ef legi lation providing f<ir uniform marriage and SENATE. divorce lfl. s, which was. ~red ·to the Committee on tile W EDNESD.AY, .il:pn1 ~6, 19£~. Judiciary. He also presented re~rolutions aepted by the Presbytery '()f (Legi lative ilav of Thursday, April 2-0, 19-22.) Topelm, .at Topeka,. n ., and the Kansas City Presbytery, at Tbe Senate met at 12 o'cleck meridian, on the 6'J)iration of Amoret, -Mo., favoting the enactment of legislati<m providing the recess. for compulsory Stmday observa.n e in the District of Columbia, l\Ir. CU.RTIS. Mr. President, I suggest the ab ence of a which were referred to the Committee on the Di trict of Oo- quorum. lumbi:a. .. The VICE PRESIDENT. The Secretar-y will can the roll. He .also presented resolutions adopted by the Presbytery of The reading clerk called the roll, and the followin>(J' Senators Topeka, at Topeka, Kans., and the Kansas City Pt·esbytery, at answei ed to their n-ames : c Amoret, .Mo., favoning the -enactment of legi llltlon to prohjbit Ball Gerry 'McCumber Pomerene polygamy, which were referred to the Committee on the .ludi­ Borah Glass McKellar Ransdell · ciary;. Brandegee Gooding McKinley Rawson Mr. NORRIS presented re.sohrtions adopted by the Presbyt-etTy Brou ard Hale McLeam Sheppard C:Mder Harreld . McNary Smoot of Kearney, at Central City, and the Nebr ka City PresbyteTy Capper Harris Mo es Stanley. -at Fairbury, both in the State o! Nebraska, favoring th~ Caraway Harrison Myers Sterling enactment of legislation providing for uniform maTria~e and Colt Heflin Nelson Sutherland Culbel' on Johnson Newberry Townsend divor-ce laws, which were 1·eferred to "the Committee on the Cummins Jones, N. Mex:. Nicholson Wad worth Judiciary. · . Curtis Jones, Wash. Norbeck Walsh, Mass. He also presented re-solutions adopted by the Presbytery Dial Kello-t,rg Noorts Wl.rren duPont Keyes Oddie Wa+son, Ga. of Kearney, at Central City, and the Nebraska City Presbytery; Edge King .Overman Wafs.o.n.Ind. 1.1-t Fairbury, both in the State of Nebraska, favoring the enact­ Ern t Ladd 'Page Willis ment of legislation to prohibit polygamy, which were referred Flet~her La Follette ,Plripps Fre:lmg.huysen Lodge Poindexter to the Committee on the JUdicinry. He also _presented resolutions adopted by the Presbytery of Mr. SHEPPARD. The Senator from Montana [Mr. WALSH] is b ent on official busiue . - Ke~rney, at Ce-n~ral · Oity, and the Nebraska City Pre bytery, at Mr. DIAL. I .d:e-sire to annollllce tha.t my collea-gue [Mr Faubury, both m the State of Nebraska, favoring the ena t· 0 ment of legislation providing fo:r c:ompulsm-y Sunday ob erv­ SMITH] ask thllit is detained on account of illness. I this an~ District nouncement may continue through the day. ance in tbe of Columbia, which were r ferred to tile Committee on the District -of Columbia. Mr. HEFLIN. · l\1y colleague [l\fr. Ul\""DERWGOD] if! detained on Mr. TOWNSEND presented a resolution adopted by the Pre ·­ aeeount of illness in his family. I ,ask that this ann{}uncement . bytery of Lansing, at Hastings, Mich., favoring tbe enactment may stand for the day. of legislation to prohibit polygamy, which was ref-erred to the Tbe VICE PRESIDENT.. Sixty-six S~tor ha-ve an ~ered Committee on the Judiciary. • to their names, A quorum is present. He also presented a resolution adopted by the Presbytery of INTERMENT OF SOLDIER DEAD. Lansing, at Hastings, Mich., fa-voting tbe enactment of legis­ The VICE PRESIDENT laid before the Senate a communi­ lation providing fo.r compulsory Sunday observance in the Dis­ cation from the Quart~rmaster General of the Army inclo ing trict of Columbia, which w.as referred to the Committee on the a list of American soldier dead returned from over~ens to be Dish·ict .Qf Columbia! 1922. OONGRESSION AL RECORD-SEN ATE. 5987 He also presented a i'eSGlution adopted by the Presbytery of Ey Mr. LA FOLLETTE: • L nsing, at Hastings, Mich., favoring the enactment <>f l.egisla­ A bill (S. 3514) granting a pension to Frank Yandes (with twn _providing for uniform marriag-e and divorce laws, which accompanying _;papers) ; to the .Committee on Pensions. was referred to the Committee on the Judiciary. By Mr. CALDER: He also presented .a a.-esolution .adopted at a meeting of citi­ .A bill (.S. 3515) for the relief ~f the New Jersey Shipbuild­ zenB of .Ann .Arbor, Mich., favoring the enactment of a more ing & Dredging Oo., of Bayonne, N. J.; to the Committee on fil:tringent immigration law, which was ref-erred to the Committee Claims.
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