¶Î¿°¯¸É¯¼ įº²Ê¼Ê¼ Ż»»·ºº· º·³´¿· ¨® ® ζ·¶ įÁ·¿ÎÀ·¼Î In dear memory of the national leader of Azerbaijani people HEYDAR ALIYEV ¶Î¿°¯¸É¯¼ ·ºº· º»ºÎ¿ ¹¯³´»·¸¯ÀÊ ¡¯¿·Ä ¼ÀÁ·ÁÂÁ º»· §Â¿¯Àʼʼ ²Î¿¯¿Ê¼¯ ÎÀ¯Àμ ¼ÎÇ¿ ½ºÂ¼»Âdz¿ Published by the decision of the Academic Council of the Institute of History of the Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences «¡®¨ » ®§¡ª ¢ ¨¢, ® §¥¥ « ´¯º Á¯¿·Ä, ï¹Áº¯¿, ÀμγºÎ¿ «¡®¨ » ®§¡ª ª – 2005 YAGUB MAHMUDOV, KARIM SHUKUROV GARABAGH Real history, facts, documents «¡AHSIL» PUBLISHING HOUSE U – 2005 84.2 ¶ 21 ¯Ç »ÎÀºÎÈÎÁÆ·: º³¯¿ ®È»Î³ ½ËºÂ ¯È»Â³½± ÎÀºÎÈÎÁÆ·ºÎ¿: Á¯Ä¯¼ ®±Î¶ ½ËºÂ ¯Ç¯¸´± £Î¿È¯³ ¨ÅÀ´¸¼ ½ËºÂ ¯È¯°½± ¯Ç·¿: BÎȿ¶ ¨ÎÀμ ½ËºÂ Ä¼³½± ¼Ì·º·À ³·º·¼Î ÁοÉŻΠ´³Î¼: θºÎ¿ Àº¯»Ä¯¼ ½ËºÂ ¨¯Éʸ´± 21 ¯²Â° ·¹¯¸Êº ½ËºÂ ¯È»Â³½±, ο·» ολ ½ËºÂ §Å¹Å¿½± ¯¿¯°¯Ë: ´¯º Á¯¿·Ä, ï¹Áº¯¿, ÀμγºÎ¿. ¯¹Ê, «¡ÎÈÀ·º», 2005. 380 ÀÎÈ·ÃÎ. ·Á¯°³¯ ¶Î¿°¯¸É¯¼Ê¼ ¯¸¿Êº»¯¶ Áο¹·° È·ÀÀÎÀ· ½º¯¼ ¯¿¯°¯Ëʼ Á¯¿·Ä· ¸ÊËɯ» Çι·º³Î ÇÎ¿È ½ºÂ¼Â¿. 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The book reflects the entire history of Garabagh from ancient times to present and can be a research directory for those who want to become acquainted with this issue based on historical truths, established facts and documents. All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced in any form or photocopied without permission of the authors and the publisher. 4702060204 053 2005 84.2 ¶ ISBN 9952-423-00-4 © «¡®¨ », 2005 ÃÀÐÀÁÀÜ GARABAGH 7 ­ ­ PREFACE ¯Ç¯³ÊËʻʶ ³Í±¿³Î ·¼À¯¼ºÊ² μμα· ¾¿½°º´»ºÎ¿ºÎ ¸¯¼¯ÇÊ, In the current period, humanity has faced a new, more ¸´¼· – ³¯È¯ ¯ËÊ¿ °Îº¯ ·ºÎ Ŷ-ŶΠ²¯º»Êdzʿ.  °Îº¯¼Ê¼ ¯³Ê painful evil along with the traditional problems. This evil is Á´¿¿½¿·¶»³·¿. ¡´¿¿½¿·¶» °Â Ìż ³Å¼¸¯¼Ê ¼¯¿¯È¯Á ´³Î¼ μ ¯ËÊ¿ named terrorism. Today, terrorism has become the most dif- ¾¿½°º´»Î Æ´±¿·º»·Ç³·¿. ½¼ ·ººÎ¿·¼ ³ÎÈÇÎÁº· Á´¿¿½¿ ¯¹Áº¯¿Ê ÌÍÀÁο- ficult problem facing the entire world. The appalling acts of ter- ³· ¹·, °Â °Îº¯ °ÅÁż ͺ¹ÎºÎ¿ ±Î įº²º¯¿ ÅÆż, ÈÎÁÁ¯ μ °Í¸Å¹ ³Í±- ror of recent years showed that this disaster is of the same deg- ºÎÁºÎ¿³Î¼ ÍÁ¿Å ³Î ´¸¼· ³Î¿ÎÉγΠÁÎȺŹκ·³·¿. ¶Î¿°¯¸É¯¼Ê¼ °Â ree of dangerousness for all the countries and peoples, even for °Îº¯¸¯ »Å¼¯À·°ÎÁ· °·¿»Î¼¯ºÊ ±Î ²ÎÁ·³·¿: °·¶ Èο ÉÅ¿ ¶½¿¯¹ÊºÊ² ¯¹- the major powers. Azerbaijan has a straightforward and res- olute attitude towards this evil: we are against any kind of vio- Áʼʼ – Á´¿¿½¿Â¼, À½¸²Ê¿Ê»º¯¿Ê¼Ê¼, À´¾¯¿¯ÁÆÊ ´¹ÀÁ¿´»·¶»·¼, ´Á¼·¹ lent acts – terror, genocide, separatist extremism, ethnic con- Á½²²ÂÇ»¯º¯¿Ê¼, ȯ²Àʶ ²¯¼ Á͹ź»ÎÀ·¼·¼ κ´¸È·¼Î¸·¹. ¶Î¿°¯¸- flicts and unfair bloodshed. The Azerbaijan Republic is one of ɯ¼ ¯¼Á·Á´¿¿½¿ ¯º¸¯¼Àʼ¯ ·º¹ ²½Çº¯¼ ͺ¹ÎºÎ¿³Î¼ °·¿·³·¿. the first countries to join the anti-terrorist alliance. , , - ¡´¿¿½¿Â¼ À½¸²Ê¿Ê»º¯¿Ê¼Ê¼ À´¾¯¿¯ÁÆÊ ´¹ÀÁ¿´»·¶»·¼ ³½Ë¿³Â Our people are well aware of the heart-breaking tragedies Ë ³ÎÈÇÎÁº· ïɷκο °·¶·» įº²Ê»Ê¶¯ ¸¯ÄÇÊ Á¯¼Êdzʿ. ¶Î¿°¯¸É¯¼ caused by terror, genocide and separatist extremism. The įº²Ê Á´¿¿½¿¯, À½¸²Ê¿Ê»º¯¿Ê¼¯, ¶½¿¯¹Ê ³´¾½¿Á¯À·¸¯º¯¿¯ μ Æ½Ä Azerbaijani people are one of the peoples having most suf- »Î¿Â¶ ²¯º»ÊÇ Ä¯º²º¯¿³¯¼ °·¿·³·¿. ¿Áʲ 200 ·º³·¿ ¹·, įº²Ê»Ê¶ fered terror, genocide and forced deportations. Our people ïɷκοºÎ ³½ºÂ °·¿ Á¯¿·Ä ¸¯Ç¯¸Ê¿.  ²¯¼ºÊ Á¯¿·Ä 19-É ÎÀ¿·¼ α- have been living a history full of tragedies for 200 years. This ±ÎººÎ¿·¼³Î Ư¿ ÂÀ·¸¯Àʼʼ ´¿»Î¼·ºÎ¿· ¹ÅÁºÎ±· À¿ÎÁ³Î ¿¯¼ ±Î ¡Å¿- bloody history began at the beginning of the XIX century with ¹·¸Î³Î¼ °·¶·» Á½¿¾¯²º¯¿Ê»Ê¶¯ ¹ÍÆÅ¿³Å¸Å ±¯ÄÁ³¯¼ °¯Çº¯¼»Êdzʿ. the massive replacement by tsarist Russia of Armenians from ®À¿ºÎ¿ °½¸Â¼É¯ §·»¯ºº¯ ©Î¼Â°Â¼, §Î¿²ºÎ ο°·¼ ²½±ÂÇÂ- Iran and Turkey to our lands. ˼³¯ »ÅÄÁκ·Ã À·±·º·¶¯À·¸¯º¯¿Ê¼, ´Á¼½Àº¯¿Ê¼, ³·ººÎ¿·¼, ³·¼ºÎ¿·¼ Our people, who created an ancient and rich culture for ²¯¿ÇʺʲºÊ ÁÎÀ·¿· ¼ÎÁ·ÉÎÀ·¼³Î ²Î³·» ±Î ¶Î¼Ì·¼ »Î³Î¼·¸¸ÎÁ ¸¯¿¯Á- centuries due to mutual impact of different civilizations, »ÊÇ Ä¯º²Ê»Ê¶ ͶżλÎÄÀÂÀ Á½º´¿¯¼ÁºÊ², °¯Ç²¯ įº²º¯¿¯, »Î³Î- nations, languages and religions at the juncture of North and ¼·¸¸ÎÁºÎ¿Î ³Í¶Å»ºÅºÅ¹, È»¯¼·¶», »Î¿ÈλÎÁ μμκο·¼Î À¯- South, East and West, adhered to the traditions of its specific ³·² ²¯º¯¿¯² Ìκ»Î ´¿»Î¼·ºÎ¿Î ³Î Ͷ Á½¿¾¯²º¯¿Ê¼³¯ ¸´¿ ±´¿³·. tolerance, forbearance, humanism and mercy in regard other ­º¹Î»·¶³Î ´¿»Î¼·ºÎ¿·¼ À½À·¯º-·²Á·À¯³· ±Î »Î³Î¼· Áοβ²·À· ÅÆż peoples and cultures, and provided a place for the immigrant Èο ÉÅ¿ Çο¯·Á ¸¯¿¯³Êº³Ê. Armenians also. Every condition was created for the socioeco- ¯¹·¼ Æ½Ä ¹´Æ»Î³Î¼, «Í¸Å¹ ¿»Î¼·ÀÁ¯¼» Äź¸¯ÀÊ ·ºÎ nomic and cultural progress of the Armenians in our country. ¶ÎÈοºÎ¼»·Ç ´¿»Î¼· »·ººÎÁÆ·-Á´¿¿½¿Æ ³¯·¿ÎºÎ¿· į¿·É· ȯ±¯³¯¿- However, soon the Armenian chauvinist-terrorist circles poisoned with the illusion of "Great Armenia" wanted to cre- º¯¿Ê¼¯ ¯¿Ä¯º¯¼¯¿¯² ¹ÍÆÅ° ¸¯Ç¯³Ê²º¯¿Ê ¶Î¿°¯¸É¯¼ Á½¿¾¯²º¯¿Ê¼³¯ ate their own state in the Azerbaijan lands, where they had ͶºÎ¿·¼Î ³Í±ºÎÁ ¸¯¿¯Á»¯² ¼·¸¸ÎÁ·¼Î ³Ådzźο. ÍÆſźŰ moved and lived, relying on their foreign supporters. Firstly, ÌÎÁ·¿·º»·Ç ´¿»Î¼·ºÎ¿ ÅÆż ¶Î¿°¯¸É¯¼ Á½¿¾¯²º¯¿Ê¼³¯ α±ÎºÉÎ the "Armenian district" was created for the removed Arme- «¿»Î¼· ±·º¯¸ÎÁ·» ¸¯¿¯³Êº³Ê. ¼¼ ¯¿³Ê¼É¯ į¿·É³Î¼ Èο ÉÅ¿ nians in Azerbaijan territories. This was followed by "clear- ³ÎÀÁι ¯º¯¼ À·º¯ÈºÊ ´¿»Î¼· Á´¿¿½¿ÆÂ-²Âº³Â¿ ³ÎÀÁκο· ο°· ¶Î¿- ance" of the West Azerbaijan lands from the local residents of °¯¸É¯¼ Á½¿¾¯²º¯¿Ê¼Ê ½¼Â¼ ¸´¿º· À¯¹·¼ºÎ¿· ½º¯¼ ¯¶Î¿°¯¸É¯¼ºÊº¯¿³¯¼ these lands, Azerbaijanis, by the armed Armenian terrorist- «Áλ·¶ºÎ»Î¸Î» °¯Çº¯³Êº¯¿. 1905-É· ·º³Î ¶Î¿°¯¸É¯¼ įº²Ê¼¯ bandit groups provided with all kinds of support from abroad. ²¯¿ÇÊ ³ÎÈÇÎÁº· À½¸²Ê¿Ê»Ê Èθ¯Á¯ ¹´Æ·¿·º³·. ·¿·¼É· ż¸¯ »Åȯ¿·- In 1905, a horrible genocide was committed against °ÎÀ· ·ººÎ¿·¼³Î (1914–1918) °Í¸Å¹ ³Í±ºÎÁºÎ¿³Î¼ ¸¯¿³Ê» ¯º¯¼ Azerbaijani people. During the First World War (1914– 1918), ´¿»Î¼·-³¯Ç¼¯¹ À·º¯ÈºÊ ³ÎÀÁκο·, ²¯°¯²É¯³¯¼ ȯ¶Ê¿º¯¼»ÊÇ ¾º¯¼¯ the Armenian–Dashnak armed groups receiving assistance ¸Ë¼ ½º¯¿¯², °ÅÁż ¶Î¿°¯¸É¯¼ Á½¿¾¯²º¯¿Ê¼³¯ ¸´¿º· ÁÅ¿¹-»ÅÀκ- from bigger states again implemented terrible genocide against »¯¼ Îȯº·¸Î ²¯¿ÇÊ ¸´¼·³Î¼ ³ÎÈÇÎÁº· À½¸²Ê¿Ê»º¯¿Ê Èθ¯Á¯ ¹´Æ·¿- the local Turkish–Moslem population throughout Azerbaijan ³·ºÎ¿. Ŷ »·¼ºÎ¿ºÎ ¯¶Î¿°¯¸É¯¼ºÊ, ½ ÉÅ»ºÎ³Î¼ Âǯ²º¯¿, ²¯³Ê¼º¯¿, in accordance with a plan prepared in advance. Hundreds of ²½É¯º¯¿ »Îȱ ´³·º³·. ¯¸Àʶ-È´À¯°Àʶ ¸¯Ç¯¸ÊÇ »Î¼Áβκο·»·¶, thousands of Azerbaijanis, including the children, women and Á¯¿·Ä· ¯°·³ÎºÎ¿·»·¶ ¸´¿ºÎ-¸´¹À¯¼ ½ºÂ¼³Â. ½¸²Ê¿Ê»º¯¿Ê¼³¯¼ ɯ¼Ê- the old were killed. Our numerous settlements and historical ¼Ê À¯º¯»¯Á ²Â¿Á¯¿»ÊÇ À½¸³¯Çº¯¿Ê»Ê¶ °ÅÁż ³Å¼¸¯¸¯ Àξκμ³·ºÎ¿. monuments were razed to the ground. Our compatriots having ÅÁż °Â¼º¯¿¯ °¯Ä»¯¸¯¿¯², »Î¿ÈλÎÁº· įº²Ê»Ê¶ ¸´¼Î survived the genocides scattered about the entire world. ÌŶÎÇÁÎ Ì´Á³·. ¶Î¿°¯¸É¯¼ ¤¯º² ©Å»È¿·¸¸ÎÁ· ©Î¼Â°· ¯Ã²¯¶- Despite of all these, our merciful people made a new com- ³¯ λ·¼-¯»¯¼ºÊ˯ ¼¯·º ½º»¯², ´¿»Î¼·-³¯Ç¼¯¹ Á´¿¿½¿ ³ÎÀÁκο·¼·¼ promise. In order to achieve peace in the Southern Caucasus ÁÍ¿ÎÁ³·¹ºÎ¿· ²¯¼ºÊ ²Ê¿Ëʼº¯¿¯ À½¼ ²½¸»¯² »Î²Àγ· ·ºÎ, 1918-É· ·º and put an end to the bloody massacres committed by the Armenian–Dashnak terrorist groups, the Azerbaijan Peoples »¯¸Ê¼ 29-³¯ ¹´Æ»·Ç ¶Î¿°¯¸É¯¼ ³Í±ºÎÁ·¼·¼ – ¿Î±¯¼ į¼ºÊËʼʼ Republic in 29 May 1918 conceded the city of Iravan, which 8 ÃÀÐÀÁÀÜ GARABAGH ¾¯¸Á¯ÄÁÊ ½º»ÂÇ ¿Î±¯¼ ÇÎÈο·¼· ´¿»Î¼·ºÎ¿Î ÌŶÎÇÁÎ Ì´Á³·. ´ºÎ- had been the capital of a former Azerbaijan state – the Iravan º·¹ºÎ, 1918-É· ·º³Î ¶Î¿°¯¸É¯¼ Á½¿¾¯²º¯¿Ê¼³¯ – ¹´Æ»·Ç ¿Î±¯¼ khanate. Thus, in 1918, the Republic of Armenia was created į¼ºÊËʼʼ ο¯¶·À·¼³Î ¿»Î¼·ÀÁ¯¼ ´À¾Â°º·¹¯ÀÊ ¸¯¿¯³Êº³Ê.
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