CONGRESSIONAL RECORD. PROCEEDINGS AND DEBATES OF THE FORTY-FIFTH CONGRESS. FIRST SESSION. IN SENATE. The Secretary (Mr. GEORGE C. GoRHAM) read the proclamation, as follows: MONDAY, October 15, 1877. By the President of the United States of America. A PROCLAMATIO:s'. The :first session of the Forty-fifth Congress commenced this day, Whereas the final adjournment of the Forty-fourth Congress, without making at the Capitol, in the city of Washington, in pursuance of the proc­ the·usual appropriations for the support of the Army for the fiscal year ending lamation of the President of the United States of the 5th day of May, June 30, 1878, presents an extraordinary occasion, requiring the President to exer­ cise the power vested in him by the Constitution t~ convene the llouses of Con­ 1877. The Senators a-ssembled in the Senate Chamber. gress in anticipation of tho day fixed by law for their next meeting: The VICE-PRESIDENT of the United States (Hon. WILLIAM A. Now, therefore, I, Rutherfor·d 13. Hayes, President of the United States, do, by WHEELER, of New York) called the Senate to order at twelve o'clock, virtue of the power to thhl end in me vested by the Constitution, convene both Houses of Congress to assemble at their respective Chambers at twelve o'clock, meridian. noon, on Monday, the 15th day of October next, then and there to consider and PRAYER. determine such measures as, in their wisdom, their duty and the welfare of the people may seem to demand. Rev. BYRON SUNDERLAND, D. D., Chaplain to the Senate, offered In witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand and caused the seal of the the following prayer: United States to be affixed. 0 Thon supreme, ever-living, all-glorious Lord God, Dweller in Dono at the city of Washington this 5th day of May, in the year of our Lord 1877 eternity, Father of light, Master of all force, and Author of all and of the Independence of the United States of America the one hundredth and first. [SEAL.] R. B. HAYES. change, bear now, we humbly entreat Thee, tho prayer which we By the President: make before Thee this day. We acknowledge all Thy good provi­ WM. M. EvARTS, Secretary of State. dence which has been over us, as well in the mysteries as in the mercies of our life. We thank Thee that Thou bast preserved us; SENATORS PRESENT. that Thy care bas been over us. We know that all summer long Thou The following Senators were present: from the State of­ hast kept us, our country, and our people, as in the hollow of Thy Maine-James G. Blaine and Hannibal Hamlin. hand ; and we grieve that there should be any in all the land who do New Hampsltire-Edward H. Rollins :md Bainbridge Wadleigh. not confess it. Vernwnt-George F. Edmunds and Justin S. Morrill. And now we entreat Thee, 0 Lord, to have pity upon us, and to Massachusetts-Henry L. Dawes and George F. Hoar. bring us, each one, to perceive and to acknowledge Thee. Rhode Island-Henry B. Anthony and Ambrose E. Burnside. As Thou hast brought here again together Thy servants in this ·connecticltt-William H. Barnum and William W. Eaton. place, these council chambers of a great nation, we pray that Thou New York-Roscoe Conkling and Francis Kernan. wilt have them all in Thy holy care and keeping in all that which New Jersey-John R. .McPherson and Theodore F. Randolph. lies before them. In this temple of law in this shrine of justice, Pennsylvania-William A. Wallace. may every man begin to feel that he is rugher1 to God, the Maker of Delawm·e-Thomas F. Bayard aud Eli Saulsbury. law and the very Essence of justice. Mm·yZand-George R. Dennis and William Pinkney Whyte. We pray Thee to save us all from the defe.ctions of our lower na­ Vi1·ginia-John W. Johnston and Robert E. Withers. ture, to pre erve us from all misunde1·stauding and misrepresenta­ North Cm·oZina-Augustus S. 1\ferrimon and Matt W. Ransom. tion, from all the confusion of counsel, and from all fruitless strife. South Ca1·olina-Jolm J. Patterson. Bless Thy servants, the President and Vice-President of these Georgia-John B. Gordon and Benjamin H. Hill. United States, and all the rulers and law-givers of the land, that by Flmida-Simon B. Conover and Charles W. Jones. their means peace and good order, honesty, purity, and happiness Alabama-John T. Morgan and George E. Spencer. may abound. Confirm the religion of Thy Son in every heart. Dif­ MiBsisaippi~Blanche K. Bruce and Lucius Q. C. Lamar. fuse intelligence, frugality, and industry through all our borders, Texas-Richard Coke and Samuel B. Maxey. that impiety, iniquity, and consuming vice may not prevail. Arkansaa-Stephen W. Dorsey and A. H. GMland. We thank Thee that Thou hast brought Thy servants together, some Missouri-Francis M. Cockrell. out of severe sickness, and restored them to health. We pray for that Tennessee-James E. Bailey and Isham G. Harris. member of this Senate who is absent by reason of bodily disease and Kentucky-James B. Beck and Thomas C. McCreery. infirmity, that if it please Thee Thou wilt restore to him his strength, West Vi1·ginia-Henry G. Davis and Frank Hereford. that be may appear with his associates in this place. Always under Ohio-Allen G. Thurman. the shadow of bereavement and aflliction, Thy servants meet here to­ Indiana-Joseph E. McDonald. day with the memory of one who will come no more to his place. Illinois-David Davis and Richard J. Oglesby. May Thy grace suffice for those on whom this sadness falls most Michigan-Isaac P. Christiancy and Thomas W. Ferry. heavily, and may the warning voice which is ever resounding through Wisconsin-Angus Cameron and Timothy 0. Howe. these halls bestir us all to diligence and duty, that when the Master Iowa-William B. Allison and Samuel J. Kirkwood. shall call for 11s we may each one answer with great and exceeding MinneRota-Wi IIi am Windom. joy. Through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen. Kanaaa-John J. Irtgalls and Preston B. Plumb. Nelrraska-Algernon S. Paddock and Alvin Saunders. THE PROCLAMATION. Nm:ada-John P. Jones. The VICE-PRESIDENT. The proclamation of the President of California-Newton Booth :md Aaron A. Sargent. the United States convening the two Houses of Congress will ooread Ot·eyon-Ln.Fayette Grover and John H. Mitchell. by the Secretary. Colorado-Jerome JJ, Cb.!ltfee and llenry M. Teller, VI-4 50 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-HOUSE. OCTOBER 15, CREDENTIALS. would in all probability be thoroughly organized, and that the com­ Mr. THURMAN presented the credentialR of Stanley Matthews, mittee would have had an opportunity by two o'clock of calling upon elected by the Legislature of the State of Ohio a Senator from that the President and informing him that the two Houses were in ses­ State to fill the vacancy ca.used by the resignation of John Sherman. sion, so that his message could come in to-day. I have certainly no Tho credentials were read; and. the oaths prescribed by law hav­ objection to an adjournment if my friend from New York chooses to ing been administered to Mr. MATTHEWS, he took his seat in the Sen­ make that motion. ate. Mr. CONKLING. I have no preference, I will say to the Senator, Mr. W .A.LL.A.CE presented the credentials of James Donald Cam­ for an adjoumment, except that, if we can accomplish nothiiJg by re­ eron, elected by the LegiMlature of the State of Pennsylvania a Se.n­ maining here, we may as well have the day and be at liberty in other ator from that State to fill the vacancy caused by the resignation of respects. I had not supposed, from intimations I had heard from Simon Cnmeron. other Senators and from my own judgment, that we should be able The credentials were read; and, the oaths prescribed by law hav­ to accomplish anything by an attempt to do any business this day. ing been administered to Mr. C.utERON, he took his seat in the Sen­ I will submit a motion, if that is agreeable to the Senator, that the ate. Senate do now adjourn. Mr. COCKRELL presented the credentials of David H . .Armstrong, Mr. WHYTE. Very well. appointed by the governor of the State of Missouri a Senator from The VICE-PRESIDENT. The question is on the motion of the Sen­ that State to fill, until the next meeting of the Legislature thereof, ator from New York that the Senate do now adjourn. the vacancy caused by the deat.h of Lewis V. Bogy. The motion was a.greed to; and (at twelve o'clock and twenty-two The credentials were read; and, the oaths prescribed by law hav­ miuutes p.m.) the Senate adjourned. ing been administered to Mr. .ARMSTRONG, he took his sea.t in the Seuate. HOUR OF MEETING. On motion of Mr. HAMLIN, it was Ordered, That the hour of the daily mooting of the Seuate be twelve o'clock m., HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES. until otherwise ordered. NOTIFICATION TO THE PRESIDE~. MONDAY, October 15, 1877. Mr. .ANTHONY offered the following resolution; which was con­ sidered by unanimous consent, and agreed to : The members-elect of the House of Representatives for the Forty­ Resolved, That a. committee consisting of two membel'S be appointed, to join fifth Congress assembled in their Hall and, at twelve o'clock, noon, such committee a.s may be appointed by the House of Represeutati\'es, to wait were called to order by GEORGE M.
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