Effi rfs*a um tfary" fefun'* +r h.B fiqri.Et Lfr.FE, riilu tf"* +ilr di{&{H, Br_8, )iia.B.)fu -., ,rrc1 tr-5 6: 0172-2212221 , sA6: [email protected] rrsfora tfa rifrE ffiI r,rfonr.nra ,frr= }pe 20fi fHH E1 rn-njrra ffi- 2s.02.18 d aEl E1,a r#lif"p* ff,ffi; - *-= * rffi1rro qTrs -" Effi;fi, * is tr fu mdffira-f€-dT .1 ;s-p-fo3 3 iffi mel ir faJ u-g,-dE DldIfu, .x1.S.nr.,-s.t. s1o fu rimu r zffi:- r. ffi*,-g, eTfun-c 2.7t7xF'frffiilffi-Ir5 -/-r"-' tt Tacher Eligibility Test-2o17 held on ".subJect: PuqJab State 25.o2.2o,.a-EvaluationofTQuestionsofPSTET.I. ,,, This is with reference to Your Memo No. K.W. 6/ 180- 17D(3)/ 508 '.i,, clated 06l006l2Ol8 on the subject cited above vide which it was asked to send the Para-wise comments on the enclosed representation cll some candidatcs. In this connection, it is intimated that in Para 8, somd carrdidates raised objections on 7 questions. The Answers of all these 7 question$ lave been got rechecked- form the subject experts and it was found that the answers as mentioned in the revised answer key are absolutcll' 7 qucstir)Ils ill-e t correct. I-lowevcr, the question-wise comments of these given below: Set Set Rcmarks A C ffi ir rptid b'(st;klr;Gi:"r'riii ii-] thc supported by thc evidances/proof's/inragcs rvith i attachements-fiom page I to 10. =-.--r- . ,-1 .l i / t-'.^.,;,'.'arm,rht,r I I 127 r50 ilr; Co.r*i Ans*e, is option 'cl'([',nviorrtmental---. Protection Agency). This is supported by the evidances/proofs/images with the help rlt' attachnlents from Page ll to 14. The option 'a' (Enviornmental Protection Act) is Itot correct as this Act is known as Enviornment l)rotectiott Act and not lrnviornmcntal protection Act l)rools t a ttac hed w i th the tt4ppl-qttqq!9.91 !,s-l' il ?8, tnrit $-e-11 - t(D ll0 [*tti* 1i;t"lrtely correct i. lrrlglislt vcrsi,tt I-lowever, thc rvorcl kilogranl is r11issing tn tltt: I'tlniitbi version. It is clearty mentioned in lnstrtrctittns prittted titt the first page of Question Booklet at S'No l(t " l ht: question paper will bc both in English and l)uniabi. lrr casc of any cloubt, English vcrsion will bc taken its iinot." ",lH-; Urfrd' ,r6t.fr ryl ur'r81 iB o.n'<t kd iffil ffi + f€€'E fr yes f{u h?dffi ffirro+ htfuH ilf&?e gr|6qr; " (Photo Copy ol' Iirst ['agc ol' tion Booklet it eqqg&.q)!qge-22 l, g ow) NlJvX rfuv'ug,rrvB RS rrrx, z-*tw6^q- (Established by the State Legistature Act'-No' 21 of 1969) f61 Accredited at " A++" grade level by NAAC and awarded (;a ' "University with Potential for Excellence" status by UGC i : i i i i l : i i i i i i i i i i Re"*uilin$8"[i i i iaeiu. i i i i i : : : i i i i i : i i i i : ) Dt. i tLl 6 ltg 4 59 52 44 36 The Cotre"t Ans*"t is option'd'(Wi) tfi, qE, g.d Drtut rcttu ftg U-il6 rloqor ryrE 6'l uri'6re fee yu EsE uld t i hlrut ry1 fw tr urt - urs+r fu d 6 trrroa il ffi ltriqd ddr iferrtt Page30&31 t t44 136 r29 t22 The Conect Answer is option 'c'(Eichhomia), The objection raised that Punjabi version is not in Punjabi language, therefore, the same confuses the applicants. It is clarified that this aquatic plant Eictrhornia is an 'invasive alien species'introduced from America and its scientific generic name is either in Greek or Latin language, which cannot be translated into vernacular languge (Punjabi/Hindi). Rather the confusion is created if these names are written in vernacular language. The obiection is null and void. 6 88 81 73 64 The Correct Answer is option 'a'(Sounds). The most stable feature of a language are its sounds not its vocabulary or its grarnmer as clearly mentioned in the book "The Teaching of Engtish in Indiiwritten by Dr. S.S. Wadhwa at pagd'58" (copy attached). Paee32 &33 7 85 78 70 6t The Correct Answer is option 'b'(One activity cannot be utilized for assessing many abilities) because option 'b'was given in negative form and hence is false. All the other three options are not false statements. (copy attached) Page 34 to 38 From the above, it is clear that Answers of all these 7 questions as mentioned in the revised answer key are absolutely correct._,_+b (Prof. T.S. BEfripal) Co-ordinator (o -2- M aailrnan 0AIhAAL!qUSS! ryg'-so) o t i\ 1970 (htt@ yhIUyh?0Y,i r Y{Lg' en 'ong=en) L*T ?Flrtt Gtr'Sr 8$ttffi *t tu 8&GhilrotT human envircnmaflt' and an .filon Flan cuntatntn6 tho pr*ervation and snhrn@rnant o{ the a dedara,on th't s€t orJt princidcr fo. progrs.l summ( adopted unit.d Nationr Environment which Th6 summ* argo dreid.d to esubllsh rn ,eeornm.ndationE for iilternsttonsr envrronmeniol a*ion. hesdquort€c vfls be locrted in N6ltobl' Kenya' raSr:chitdrm{hnnr#w,y&luyL7llalt&fiEmIlbuFlo}.ErMmil4e,tt(hB0l/w',yhJllv}?gdtlll*allt0Etrsst'?h&6!!Ii'ul1lsftulu!96 Ihtfll/*Y.r.yhJkvk?oe/6{6ltid&u &ril:lol rat(1't1/'?llilg:Em $,ELCffi[Tp wORtSs BEBT,rEf,3 (ElP:'/nYlI:.fl'nLr'I l c frtP.as-ftrrrF:/1tnft1tr'Yt(.F1/n(?ot'lc rrPrt$fi|lf,ffi Urf ?Oth inlrlY.rr.l, clmDal|n flnl'nd Flnrncrd [J Ttro ilsthrtry lor Forclgil AftrlE *tor. hro: l$forrld$tto.fl Famr\' tg{',*rairoil {'! Fr!$r.d Aid, uHrcEF tlnlsnd, w v{on'D Flnlano' wlth th. psilop8rion afi uil A$oatsilon ot FinEM, n6nbh RrlugGc l @ I Ear{h Summlts' WikiPedia DIA @ 1' iF*fusummits - ' ' : . -.r** -f rha llnit€d Nation*, to t. reaaers'.1s1[l "r- are deenniel m"etinss;;rrd thc ;*.trest tffilrut"Tlffi:-kT,illtr;Jilffi;;';il;.L '..turtr, summitu ::::'ffiT*hver. rr* aim TlL"lffiT[:,HiJJis to bring toseth'cr - on forward frcrm all .': anil orsanieations humani" ** n ot H*f;"];|to ru n into . ,#di,,iduals ;;",'*r'*0,"*i:iti::::,:::til: u" J d***rop a pran }"#:rX*or action ff ';T:,.,;:l;::il## l:ffiy; T;Hffi;; *#lfltJffi: impremented- of action ir eanedtuendael and so that ars. wau..rhis pran Yl*::r::fi1""H:H:;:ffa*"is;ua smartrv and'pen enough. not to nriss out ott r,'#;,*Tl#xJl3Jf;llffi#:ilfi1ilffi,;$ own ptan of action ard guidance can *J.*;;is for their organisations, companies and individuals importantissuqither,a*"aop*a"'*oains*ili:yy::ffi :Hi::-**ffiL re*uru rom Xf]l$ffi1,,f;,ffi trrese fr: [::,T];;I.'*H ffi;,.flffiHffi ;:"iffiffi ;h* il- Fesiusnr+&f r- or^^Ll.^r- /rQde'lerrl) ln ro'2' tlrg gc'ennJ i' X'* fir6t su e,alled ;--Eilll@ ,(Qooth".*Selgg @1393$<r tookplatt Rio de Jsnetroin rc19. ffi E.videnceofthedevelopmentofaglobalcultureofreepwtfortheenvironment:3-ffi:::::["":ffi,'*il::lcapacitl - thev aim to demoncJrett the couective ilffin,":1i##::I:il1;:Lffiffi;"*j*csstilcalenc,s i-rr^---. nrahlpms and af{irmar{irm then*edk'the n*ed tt' srobar-lakal probremsard ilfffi-*iffi'fiTffi;*:k;;Tiffi;"ffi;***J;;;ianenses, r6i Drnorrm (IINEP). lt'hilt ::-#ffi$tr-Tlilli;.,*il#;*1.1'n':i"'11::1'.::ffi::H:Tffi,ril..ala .-harrap (f TNFCCC). llYlT1;*u" wh'sewhOse sisntrtonsiAntrton [:HrTffi,ff"n"6i. ;ffi.*;;il*"*r. conu.otlon- on^- climate chmse (UNFCCC)' ccruntries have met annually since 1995' Earth Summits List; of ofliclalHi,i., Earth sunrmit s failure. lt is not evan mentionad as an dolegatod daughter of rhe united statec) *"i" utir Summit. in de Janeiro (tsrazil) .p€Y€l9pmgnt (uNcEg) frio 3. 1sez - The !{ritg_d ry_argns" Q_o"_rtfcLB-ns4-o.1$1vjp1g16$ -enil. in Johannesbug ($elqemcal 4.20A2- The wortd summit on SustElnable o"otopr"nt'(w-s8D) (!lNcsD) or Flio+2O' aloo took place in Rio da 5.201?- The united Natione confersnce on sustalnable oovelopment Janeiro (Brazll) References Retrieved trom 'frtrps:/en.wiklpedia.orglrJin{-ot.php-itl!le=Eqrtfr-$ummlts&oldid=70857{160' t': ir ,i;;3quf irt*r ia'ii +.tl;l{}{i {)i} I Sspttrrfthsr ?frl?. #{ S'-J ,r'r;.i{,.. ;ri' -t'rr i f:'lriit )rii 'iirl;1i (}!t httpsr/ren.wikipcdla.org/wihilEarih-Summite o @ / United Nations Confersnca On The Human Envlronmant (19721 Environmental Science: ln Context COPYRIGHT 2009 Gale (1973 United Ndrone gonferenqq Qn the Human Errvltonment htleduclp! qatioll.s qrowinq rnovement o[ltre-19Q-Q-q''11gnv l '; lfflegBqltiiS to the envirottmenlal earlv'l9Z ' ggyernrnBnt$Ieqalr_tueElze that pollution clid noj stop al-ttrgJl-F-sggl$-JnlElralpl' h- n vi ro n rli 199!Leg-!v-hle tlj'l I @ o n we re reo uired tp tackte I FiLt-ql qoIEtrysrld Fl-elpl0c-ldqlur.act-u'JEE SLqlr-aL$ hop S-q!rittai1-c-'- l-0-Yrs . ffirdifirtgr:e-W[d-fiil4;;'iE=GGT',I U.a-n-u-ra9lrrinl--sogvnis' s-c]li:.l:rri q6ffijiles"t-".lu.I0ri-esrltlep.ltw"t-=-/riimlrrins-J-$p-eui-p-ttrd'! ; :. : 1''I ; [p_A[LefliJ-UIQU EIrEe-( .r: - -..rj:.:'| . rne gtocxrrolm confer,enFe etnoe-r.0dq$@E!ffiH!E"idEg$.-An,hey-gp4m[]fl!$-qqu'!{i 't1i}1i nd treatv r:n thg OnvitCrl"" " lert-35realg" l-ii fa q! ti1g-E-w-qsl.5-l-$'' ' Nalronq General AssembtY co[.vgnefl the uNsHEetlhele-queE] ge.r 40Q nqn:oovernrtg[r"!,il--qI0g)7=AlQ.DF.-{!'l' Representatives from .1 13 nations Bnd : ' Attgnded the Stockho --.! b @ THE RTO EARTH SUMMIT: SI.MMARYotrTIIEUNITEDNATI0NSC0NFERENi,-iE ON ENVIRO NPIENT' AND T}EVELOPMENT children' (lnuit We do not inherit the earth frorn ourfathers,, we borrow it t}om Our :; 'ji saying) & d' ,;ls, rvilljudgeus harshly if we fail.at this # We cannot betray- future generations.1'hey .w of Norway, LINCED' lgqlI .i# *"*.n,.iCro U#tem Brundtland, Priml klinister r "rf,i.rf I ! must realize that ...we can wqte the planets resourc€s for a few decades more"'we ! For them it will be i one day the storm witt Ureat on the heads of future generations.
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