RPi 36 V/olume 9 Ethiopian Roads Authority (ERA) Public Disclosure Authorized Resettlement Action Plan Assosa - Guba Road Project Public Disclosure Authorized Final Report SCANNE Dte FLEL,QPYRaC ccLONa ACC8SSi;r l Public Disclosure Authorized NF iS older March 2004 Carl Transport Bro als Department Carl Public Disclosure Authorized IntelligentBro 6^ Solutions FILE tt Carl Bro 46 International Development Agency Intelligent Solutons 1 81 8th Street r 5 n ms nrl I Water &Environment Washington DC 20433 rl - - . l Industryd&uMarine USA.s 04 ,gnC d IT& Telecommunicaton Management Attn: Mr. John Riverson - Building Lead Highway Engineer Transportation AFTTR Energy Addis Ababa Agrculture Ethiopia 05 March 2004 Job No. 80.1959. 06 Letter No. IDA -41 1 Ref.: Assosa - Guba Road Project Resettlement Action Plan Dear Sir, As per ERA's letter of February 27, 2004 regarding the finalization of the RAP Report, we have the pleasure in submitting two (2) copies of the Draft Final Report for your pe- rusal. Yours faithfully, ; carl3 ercr > r ,1-fS olt t itan l * 15, Y, _ ^ Henrik M. Jeppesen Project Manager SCANNED FILE COPY .rr - {c-dJ lI 1 - ______ ..:s.)inet/Drawer/Folder/Sub10oder. TransQrtation F e3 Con 6 Tran.sportafi o nCons~ultinq Fnqineers Assosa - Guba Road Project Resettlement Action Plan Distribution List DISTRIBUTION LIST Sent to: Number of Copies Ethiopian Roads Authority P.O. Box 1770 Addis Ababa Ethiopia 4 Tel: (251-1) 15 66 03 Fax: (251-1) 51 48 66 Telex 21180 Att.: Ato Zaid Woldegabriel International Development Agency 1818H Street 2 Washington DC. 20433 U.S.A. Fax: (202) 473-8326 Nordic Development Fund P.O. Box 185 2 FIN-000171 Helsinki Finland Fax: +358-9-622 1491 Telex: 124704 nib fi Carl Bro a/s Granskoven 8 2600 Glostrup Denmark Tel: +45 43 96 80 11 Fax: +45 43 96 85 80 AUt.: Jan Lorange Assosa - Guba Road Project Resettlement Action Plan Table of Contents TABLE OF CONTENTS Executive Summary 1 INTRODUCTION 14 1.1 Background 14 1.2 Objectives of the Study 14 1.3 Study Approach and Methodology 15 1.3.1 Meetings with ERA EMB 15 1.3.2 Data Collection and Review 15 1.3.3 Field Work 15 1.3.4 Compensation Characteristics 16 1.3.5 Environmental Protection and Management 16 1.3.6 GIS Mapping 17 1.4 Report Structure 17 1.5 Study Team Composition 17 2 DESCRIPTION OF THE PROJECT ROAD 20 3 POLICY, LEGAL, INSTITUTIONAL AND ADMINISTRATIVE FRAMEWORK OF RESETTLEMENT 22 3.1 Policy Framework 22 3.2 Legal Framework 24 3.2.1 Right of Way 25 3.2.2 Compensation 25 3.2.3 Dispute Settlement Procedures 28 3.3 Institutional and Administrative Framework 28 3.3.1 Ministry of Finance and Economic Development 29 3.3.2 Ethiopian Roads Authority 29 3.3.3 The Environmental Protection Authority 30 3.3.4 Benishangul Gumuz Regional Government 30 3.3.5 Intemational and Non Governmental Organizations 31 4 SOCIO-ECONOMIC PROFILE OF THE PROJECT AFFECTED PERSONS 32 4.1 Demographic Profile within the Project Area 32 4.2 Characteristics of the Project Affected Households 34 4.2.1 Household Size 34 4.2.2 Occupations of the PAPs 35 4.2.3 Gender and Age Structure 35 4.2.4 Ethnicity and Religion 36 4.2.5 Migratory Status 37 4.2.6 Income and Expenditure 37 4.2.7 Education Levels 39 4.2.8 Health Status 40 4.3 Categories of Impacts 40 4.4 Vulnerable Groups 41 4.5 Relocation Options 42 4.6 Social Impacts of Relocation 44 Assosa - Guba Road Project Resettlement Action Plan Table of Contents 5 CONSULTATIONS WITH THE PAPS AND LOCAL AUTHORITIES 46 6 ELIGIBILITY 48 7 METHODS OF VALUATION OF AFFECTED ASSETS 50 7.1 Bases for Valuation 50 7.2 Compensation for Loss of Annual Crops 51 7.3 Compensation For Loss Of Perennial Crops 53 7.4 Compensation for Loss of Structures 54 8 INSTITUTIONAL ARRANGEMENTS 57 8.1 Institutions Involved 57 8.2 Implementation of the RAP 57 8.3 Delivery of Entitlements 58 9 IMPLEMENTATION PROCESS FOR THE RAP 59 9.1 Preliminary Activities 59 9.1.1 Formation of Resettlement Implementation Committee 59 9.1.2 Awareness Creation 59 9.2 RAP Implementation Activities 59 9.2.1 Right of Way Survey 59 9.2.2 Identification of Land for Resettlement 59 9.2.3 Payment of Compensation 60 9.2.4 Land Preparation 60 9.2.5 Construction of New Houses 60 9.2.6 Monitoring Activities 60 9.3 RAP Implementation Schedule 60 10 ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION AND MANAGEMENT 63 10.1 Background 63 10.2 Anticipated Environmental Impacts due to the RAP 63 10.3 Environmental Protection and Management Considerations 64 11 GRIEVANCE REDRESS 65 12 MONITORING AND EVALUATION 68 12.1 Performance Monitoring of the RAP 68 12.2 Impact Monitoring of the RAP 69 13 IMPLEMENTATION COSTS FOR THE RAP 70 Assosa - Guba Road Project Resettlement Action Plan Table of Contents MAPS Map 1: Topographical Map of the Project Road Map 2: General Map Showing Location of Project Road Map 3: Location of Affected Households and Assets Map 4: Possible Relocation Sites ANNEXES: Annex 1 List of Documents Consulted Annex 2 Survey Forms Annex 3 Socio-Economic Profile of PAPs Annex 4 Impact by Category of PAPs Annex 5 List of Vulnerable PAPs Annex 6 Resettlement Options for PAPs Annex 7 Methods of Valuation of Affected Assets Annex 8 PAP Compensation Summary Annex 9 Description of the Biological Environment of the Project Area Annex 10 Minutes of Meetings with Local Authorities Annex 11 Minutes of Meetings with PAPs Annex 12 Photographs of the Project Road Annex 13 List of Persons Contacted Assosa - Guba Road Project Resettlement Action Plan Acronyms ACRONYMS AAC - Arbitration Appraisement Committee ADLI - Agricultural Development Led Industrialization BGRNS - Benishangul Gumuz Regional National State CSE - Conservation Strategy of Ethiopia EMSB - Environmental Monitoring and Safety Branch EIA - Environmental Impact Assessment EPA - Environmental Protection Authority EPE - Environmental Policy of Ethiopia ERA - Ethiopian Roads Authority FDRE - Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia GC - Grievance Committee GCRC - Gross Current Replacement Cost MoFED - Ministry of Finance and Economic Development NGO - Non Governmental Organizations PAP(s) - Project Affected Person(s) RAP - Resettlement Action Plan RBDPP - Regional Bureau of Disaster Prevention and Preparedness RBOA - Regional Bureau of Agriculture RBTIUD - Regional Bureau of Trade Industry& Urban Development RFSO - Resettlement and Food Security Office RIC - Resettlement Implementation Committee ROW - Right of Way RoWB - Right of Way Branch RRA - Rural Roads Authority RSDP - Road Sector Development Program UNHCR - United Nations High Commission for Refugees WB - World Bank .. r "'X' _ ' -' . Kornsoah ' Awele Ber Village -s - Guba * . r *t -i*\ ~~'r~ - Yarena Village Project Resettlement Action Plan Projectno. batt Carl Bro as Assosa -0ubaRoad Pnqe 80.1959.00 31.01.2004 Transport Department OrFwtle Topographical Map of the . Mcprwing no. Projc Road 1:500.000 Ma 0 Assosa - Guba Road Project Resettlement Action Plan Executive Summary EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Introduction The project road from Assosa to Guba (Mankush) is 221 kilometres long. It is located in Benishangul-Gumuz National Regional State (BGNRS) in western Ethiopia. Construction of the road to gravel standard is considered to have a crucial role in developing and integrating the regional economy, as the road represents a potentially important inter-regional link, serving presently inaccessible districts and interconnecting the Western and North-Western Corridors. This is depicted in Map 1, Topographical Map for the Project Road. As part of a maintenance programme, construction of the section of the project road from Assosa (Km 0) to Sherkole (Km 84) was undertaken by the Regional Govemment. The section from Assosa to Komosha was identified as requiring only maintenance works, while actual works commenced on the section from Komosha to Sherkole at the beginning of 2002. SATCON is constructing the road from Komosha to Sherkole (50 km) and the road will be fully open to traffic by mid 2004. Therefore, due to the ongoing construction up to Sherkole, the section of road considered for this Resettlement Action Plan (RAP) for the Assosa-Guba Road Project extends from the junction of Sherkole Town (Km 84) up to Mankush Town (Km 221), a total of 137 km. The section of the project road from Sherkole to the Abay River is currently a rough track and is presently impassable for motor vehicles at all times. Other sections of the road are closed in the wet season. The project includes the construction of a 355 m long crossing of the Abay River (Blue Nile) about 50 km south of Mankush (refer Map 2 Location of Project Road). The Feasibility Study and EIA for the Assosa-Guba Road was carried out in 2001. Detailed design and preparation of tender documentation for this road were prepared in March 2003. As the road construction will be financed by the World Bank, through the RSDPSP, a requirement for funding such works, is that a proper RAP is established for the project (refer Map 2 Location of Project Road). The objective of this study is therefore to prepare a Resettlement Action Plan (RAP) for the Assosa-Guba Road Project, so that the adverse social impacts of the road construction operations can be minimized. Legal Framework A number of policy legal instruments govern issues pertaining to compensation and resettlement. Among the most important is the Constitution of Ethiopia, which has provisions regarding land tenure, expropriation, compensation, public consultation, gender and environmental issues. The Environmental Policy of Ethiopia (EPE) aims to promote sustainable social and economic development through the sound management and use of natural, human-made and cultural resources and the environment as a whole.
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