For Project X muSR forum at Fermilab Oct 17th-19th,2012 J-PARC MLF MUSE muon beams J-PARC MLF Muon Section/KEK IMSS Yasuhiro Miyake N D-Line In operation N U-Line Commissioning started! N S-Line Partially constructed! N H-Line Partially constructed! Proton Beam Transport from 3GeV RCS to MLF� On the way, towards neutron source� Graphite Muon Target! G-2, DeeMe Mu-Hf Super Highexperiments Resolution Powder etc. H-LineDiffractometer (SHRPD) – KEK are planned 100 m LineBL8� NOBORU - IBARAKI Biological S-Line JAEA BL4� Crystal Diffractometer Nuclear Data - Hokkaido Univ. High Resolution Chopper 4d Space Access Neutron Spectrometer Spectrometer(4SEASONS) Muon Target Grant - in - Aid for Specially Promoted Research, MEXT, Neutron Target U-Line HI - SANS Versatile High Intensity (JAEA) Total Diffractometer(KEK /NEDO) D-Line&9&$3/-&3&1 (KEK) Cold Neutron Double Chopper Spectrometer IBARAKI Materials Design (CNDCS) - JAEA Diffractometer 30 m Muon Engineering Materials and Life Science Facility (MLF) for Muon & NeutronDiffractometer - JAEA Edge-cooling Rotating Graphite Graphite Fixed Target Target From January 2014! At Present! Will be changed in Summer 2013! Inves�gated during shut-­‐down! Fixed Target Rota�ng Target S-Line H-Line Surface µ+(30 MeV/c) Surface µ+ For HF, g-2 exp. For material sciences e- up to 120 MeV/c For DeeMe µ- up to 120 MeV/c For µCF Muon Target U-Line D-Line Ultra Slow µ+(0.05-30keV) Surface µ+(30 MeV/c) For multi-layered thin Decay µ+/µ-(up to 120 MeV/c) foils, nano-materials, catalysis, etc Users’ RUN, in Operation MUSE D-Line, since Sep., 2008 [The world-most intense pulsed muon beam achieved at J-PARC MUSE] ZZZAt the J-PARC Muon Facility (MUSE), the intensity of the pulsed surface muon beam was recorded to be 1.8 x 106/s on November 2009, which was produced by a primary proton beam at a corresponding power of 120 kW delivered from the Rapid Cycle Synchrotron (RCS). The figure surpassed that obtained at the Muon facility of Rutherford Appleton Laboratory in the UK, pushing MUSE to the world frontier of muon science. It also means that the unprecedentedly high muon flux of 1.5 x 107/s (surface muons) will be achieved at MUSE when the RCS proton beam power reaches the designed value of 1 MW within a few years. We achieved World strongest pulsed surface muon beam at J-PARC MUSE D1&D2 area even with 120 kW intensity. on November,10th 2009 µ± Muon Kicker System Muon pulse (a) >100ns time structure of muon pulsebefore kicker Time Fast (b) raising B-field which is 300ns Pulse B-Field synchro nized to Time muon pulse (c) Time structure of muon pulse after Kicker Single Pulse can be Time obtained. Top loading Dilu�on Refrigerator N Brought from KEK-­‐MSL µ N 25mK was achieved at D1 area on 4/30. N It takes 3 days un�l achieving the lowest temperature. N It takes 8-­‐12 hours to exchange a sample. Gas Handling Liq.He vessel Manipulla�onÏÖ3m) D1 Spectrometer 0.43 0.4 Ag Holder 80K 0.425 0.3 0.42 0.2 0.415 2.7K 0.1 0.41 0 0.405 0.025K -0.1 0.4 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 -0.2 Time(µs) 0 5 10 15 Time(µs) 6«¢¤°4fWE¬?1@¬M7 P)Åɺͬ¯ µ D-Line Studies explored at MUSED-Line Either Surface muon (^] or Decay muon (^b`up to 120 MeV/c) available! da yZy~Zw Ït~ÌyÐ 1. µSR Study of Organic Antiferromagnet β'-(BEDT-TTF)2IBrCl 2. μSR in Ironpnictide superconductoZPhys. Rev. Lett. 103 027002z ZZwxsZjq`wkxm 3. µSR evidence for magnetic ordering in CeRu2Al10 J. Phys. Soc. Jpn. At May, 2010 4. novel phase transi�on in f-electron system -­‐ high-­‐order “mul�pole” ordering Phys.Rev. B 82, 014420 (2010),Phys. Rev. B 84, 064411 (2011).J.Phys.Soc.Jpn.80(2011)SA075,J. Phys. Soc. Jpn. 80, 113703 (2011). ,J. Phys. Soc. Jpn. 80, 033710 (2011). 1. Ba2IrO4: A novel spin-orbit Mott insulating quasi-2D antiferromagnet, Phys.Rev. B83, 155118 (2011) ea t~~ZyÏsZl~k|Ð da smveÏz~ÐPhys.Rev. B 82,224412 (2010), Phys.Rev. B84 054430 (2011) ea m~oevg`Zu~tevgZ~Zstevg fa ÔÕZnZZsZZ 4. Pre-martensitic phenomena of thermo elastic martensitic transformation in NiTi alloys studied by muon ha yxZZoZZZZ~Zq`wkxmZ~~[ fa w ~Zmp 1. Investigation of molecular effect in the formation process of muonic atom ^ ` ea t\ ]Z~Z ~ZZZ~ ga w~Zw ` ` da Z^Zk\}_u]ZZ Z^k\}_u]Z~Z~ ha u`Z~~_ZZx~~ da r~_ZvZJ. Phys.: Conf. Ser.s 225 (2010) 012040 , Bull. Chem. Soc. Jpn. Bull. Chem. Soc. Jpn.(2012) ea tZx~~ ia l~Zn da yJ. Phys.: Conf. Ser. 225 012012(2010) ea {~ZyZt U-­‐Line Dedicated to Ultra Slow Muon more than 10 �mes intense than D-­‐Line First goal of U-­‐Line: Surface muon source that produce Ultra Slow muon ( E= 0.05 eV – 30 keV) with high intensity and high luminosity. Motivation µ+ Positive Muons ( ) very powerful2 0 -2 tool-4 -6 -8 -10 -12 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 τc(sec) ●As a probe for neutron microscopic magnetism � ● As a light isotope of H, D and Mossbauer T,its Diffusion and Reaction µSR ●&:0.4H.'470&.,60µs order) NMR ac susceptibility� Strong Requirement for Ultra Slow Muon Source ●&>?/C!,89=.408.08>0<1,.0=9<7?6>46,C0<0/H67 ●Surface Chemistry-Catalysis on nano-particle Cooling techniques to obtain Slow Muon Beam ● Slowing down through solid Ar or N2 at PSI ●Laser Resonant Ionization of Mu at KEK, RIKEN-RAL&J-PARC Concept of ultra slow µ+ generation by laser resonant ionization of thermal Mu from hot tungsten Can be realized by synchronizing intense pulsed muon and pulsed laser J-PARC MUSEpulsed muon source) CAN MAKE IT ! - 4MeV -> 0.2 eV (7 order cooling) e µ+ Ultra-slow Muon HISTORY STEP1:Production of Thermal Muonium in vacuum (~1985) by Mills, Imazato, Nagamine et al. &Matsushita, Nagamine(Pt) STEP2: Resonant Ionization of thermal Muonium by 1s-2s excitation(~1987)ÏQED confirmationÐ ByChu, Mills, Kuga, Yodh, Miyake, Nagamine et al. STEP3: Ultra-slow Muon Project @KEK (1990-1998) by Miyake, Shimomura, Birrer Nagamine, et al. STEP 2 Thermal Mu1s-­‐2s resonant excita�on STEP4: Ultra-slow Muon Project @9>RAL ●The first successful extrac�on of (1999~ ) by Bakule, Matsuda, Miyake, Ultra-­‐slow Î Muon Shimomura, Nagamine et al. ●consistent with QED STEP5: High-intensity Ultra-slow Muon expecta�on within 300MHz @J-PARC Z(2010- Present project By S. Chu, Nobel prize (1997). Now Secretary of US-­‐DOE. 5.0 x 108 /s surface muons, 20 times more intense U-­‐Line than D-line which is the strongest at present! Dedicated beam line to produce Ultra Slow muon ( E= 0.05 – 30 keV) with high intensity and high luminosity. Normal Conducting MIC Capture Solenoid Maximum current 1500A Peak central field 0.3T Coolant 130 l/s Muon capture rate 8 5x10 µ +/s @ 30 MeV/c Due to the high level of exposure to radiation, the solenoids are wound with o Solid angle 400 mSr (±20 ini�al radiation-resistant mineral insulation acceptance angle, ~10 �mes larger) cables(MIC). Superconducting Curved Transport Solenoid under fabrication @Toshiba deep collaboration with KEK cryogenic group! Straight section Second curved section Steering dipole First curved section Dipole coils for charge selection coils (x and y) Cooled by Five Gifford-McMahon (GM) refrigerators Superconducting Curved Solenoid is about to be installed into U-Line, On July 6th, 2012 Axial Focusing superconduc�ng solenoids Exit of curved Thin lenses solenoid Experimental target Ö8000 mm Positron separator Beam Brocker Focusing solenoid 400 300 Positron separator N Three-stage, Wien 200 Filter type 100 N w= 450, l= 750, 0 N gap= 300 mm σy /mm N Max. Electric field -­‐100 +2.67 MV/m (±400 kV) -­‐200 N Max. Correction -­‐300 dipole field -0.0375 --µ+ Tm -­‐400 0 1000 2000 centerline 3000 /mm 4000 5000 --e+ 6000 7000 8000 9000 10000 Funded, Many thanks to KEK Directors & J-­‐PARC Director Superconducting Axial Focusing Magnets Surface µ+ stopping on W, Commissioning Beam size and focal length from Oct. 18th, 2012 Dependence of current density of the last coil Beam profile at the final σ = 18 mm, Focal length 460 mm focusing pointÏ700mmÐ σ = 25 mm, Focal length 700 mm A/mm2 W Target (70 x 40 mm2Ð Intensity: 2 x 108 µ+/s, on W (70 x 40 mm2Ð(@1 MW) Intensity: 1.2 x106 (0.5 x 106 ) µ+/s, on W (40 x 35 mm2Ð@RIKEN-RAL 1.2 x106/s is surface µ+ arriving at Port3, could be less than 0.5 x 106/s stopping on W Curved A04 team Solenoid Focusing U1A Area Solenoid Thin film µSR H reaction on Surface 2 x 108 /s surface muon etc. (161 times more intense) than RIKEN/RAL. A01 team ULTA SLOW MUON GENERATION Grants-in-Aid; Frontier of Materials, Life and Elementary Particle Science Explored by Ultra Slow Muon Microscope Lead by Prof. E. Torikai A01:Ultra Slow Muon Microscopy & Microbeam (Y. Miyake) A02ÒSpin Transport and Reaction at Interface (E. Torikai) A03ÒHeterogeneous correlation of electrons over the boundary region between bulk and surface (R. Kadono) A04:Ultra Cold Muon beam (M. Iwasaki) Will be installed On Nov. 19-30th,2012 (static) Spectrometer Specification of Spectrometer(1st stage) ÌMagnetic Field0-1400GÏNormal conductingÐ ÌTemperature10-15KZ(He flow cryostat) ÌVacuumÏ10-8PaÐ Ìe+ counters, MPPC(256ch) ÌFloated by 30kV He-flow cryostat (Mini-cryo type) VWµ´Ë¹Í W?= ICF152 φ203x680 ÁÍÆ *« 1.4kG ICF253 Micro Channel Plate FGÃÈË· (MCP) ÁÍÆ*«AI Ê;ʼ¶ ÄÊò³É¬7 »ÇËÀÍ® P)¬&-ÏRHEEDDÐ kcg Laser Diagram Pump Laser1Ò2photon resonance frequencyÓZ212.55 nm LD pump Nd:GdVO4 DFB-LD ω = 2 ω ω Multiamp 5 HG Kr Ly-α 1 - 2 0.1 mJ 1 J 100 mJ Kr 4p55p Fiber Amp 100 µJ @1062.55 nm @212.55 nm ω2 815 @122 nm ω1 Nd: 0.5% 212.55 nm ~ 850 nm Nd:GdVO Laser Crystal 4 ω Nd: 1.0% Directly emi�ng 212(x5)nm Ly-α 121.5 Nd: 2.0% Much be�er efficiency(Wada) ω1 ~ 122.2 nm Nd:GdVO4 212.55 nm Lyman α Pump Laser2Ò 815-850 nmvariable Kr 4p6 DFB-LD 100 mJ @815-850 nm Lyman-­‐α Intensity 100 �mes LD pump Cr:LiSAF Multi amp stage Ultra Slow Muonfor sure 105-­‐6/s S.WADA, N.
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