Cambridge University Press 978-0-521-64647-5 - Art, Myth, and Ritual in Classical Greece Judith M. Barringer Index More information INDEX OF ANCIENT CITATIONS Aelius Aristides Diodorus Siculus 38.480, 55 12.9.6, 47 Aischines, 161 16.92.5, 55 Aischylos Eum. 13, 22–26, 128, 133, Euripides, 155 155 Ion 20–24, 102 Andokides Ion 267–274, 102 Against Alkibiades 29, 49 Lykymnios, 155 De mysteriis 40, 137 Anth. Pal. 6.280, 107 Harpokration Apollodoros Kolonetas, 137 2.4.5, 196 Lexicon, s.v. Polygnotos, 192 Epit. 5.10, 44 Herodotos Aristophanes 5.47, 50 Clouds 603–606, 155 5.62, 159 Lysistrata 642–647, 106, 5.102, 43 108 7.61, 196 Peace 1183–1184, 130 8.47, 43 Augustine Hesiod De civ. D. 18.9, 66 Theogony,71 Theogony 570–591, 93 Bacchylides Works and Days 57–105, 93 16, 155 Homer 18, 116 Iliad 1.265, 116 Iliad 23, 199 Cicero Odyssey,44 Nat. D. 1.83, 127 Clement of Alexandria IG I3 82, 134 Protr. 4.54.5, 55 IG I3 131, 49 IG I3 472, 126 Demosthenes 60.8–10, 83 Lucian Dio Chrysostomus Pro eikonibus 11, 51 11.45, 22 Lysias 31.95–97, 50 2.4–47, 83 255 © in this web service Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 978-0-521-64647-5 - Art, Myth, and Ritual in Classical Greece Judith M. Barringer Index More information 256 efh Index of Ancient Citations Pausanias 5.21.4, 36 1.3.1, 135 5.24.5, 45 1.3.2–3, 136 5.24.9, 35 1.14.6, 112 5.25.8–10, 37, 49 1.15.2, 73 6.5, 50 1.15.2–3, 135 6.5.4–6, 47 1.17.2, 192 6.5.7, 47 1.17.3, 77 6.11.2, 50 1.18.1, 189 6.11.5, 50 1.18.2, 192 6.11.8–9, 50 1.2.1, 83 6.20.9, 30 1.22.7, 190 8.45.5–7, 189 1.23.7, 190 9.4.2, 190 1.24.1, 81 10.4.3, 160 1.24.5, 66, 69 10.10.1–2, 161 1.24.7, 91 10.10.3–4, 188 1.25.2, 206 10.11.5, 163 1.27.3, 101, 103 10.19.4, 150 1.27.8, 81 10.25.1, 73 2.20.5, 188 Pherekydes, 33 2.27.2, 190 FGrH 3 F 37, 10 3.12.1–2, 46 Philochoros 3.13.6, 46 FGrH 328 F115, 159 3.14.3, 49 Philodamos of Skarpheia, 3.18.14, 187 168 3.18.9–3.19.5, 54, Pindar 186 frag. 123.10–12, 45 4.17.9, 43 Isth. 1.51–53, 44 5.6.7, 30 Ol. 1, 33 5.7.6–10, 9, 30 Ol. 1.1–7, 48 5.7.7, 22, 46 Ol. 1.40–45, 45 5.8.2, 9 Ol. 1.67–88, 9, 10, 5.8.4, 46 40 5.8.10, 43 Ol. 1.97–99, 49 5.10.2, 13 Ol. 2, 51 5.10.3, 20 Ol. 3.16ff., 22 5.10.4, 13, 16 Ol. 6.64–67, 30 5.10.6–8, 13, 33 Ol. 6.67–69, 9 5.10.9, 28 Ol. 8.1–17, 35 5.12.5, 44 Ol. 9.94, 45 5.13.2, 22 Ol. 10.24–25, 9, 22, 5.13.4–6, 44 57–59 5.13.8, 22 Pyth. 1.83–84, 52 5.14.6–7, 43 Pyth. 8, 169 5.15.4, 30 Pyth. 9.97–100, 30 5.15.7, 30 Plato 5.15.12, 49 Kritias 109c–d, 140 5.16.2–4, 30 Kritias 112a–c, 140 5.17.4, 55 Ti. 24e-25d, 141 5.17.7, 34 Pliny 5.17–19, 22 HN 34.16, 51 5.20.3, 44 HN 34.57, 190 5.20.9–10, 54 HN 36.18–19, 5.21.2–3, 36 91 © in this web service Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 978-0-521-64647-5 - Art, Myth, and Ritual in Classical Greece Judith M. Barringer Index More information Index of Ancient Citations egh 257 Plutarch, 160 Strabo Ant. 60.4, 206 8.3.30, 35 Lyc. 22.4, 43 Per.12, 63 Thukydides Quaest. Conv. 2.5.2, 2.13.5, 91 43 Thes. 27.4–5, 83 Valerius Maximus Pseudo-Aristotle 8.11, est. 3, 127 Ath.Pol. 15.4, 82 Sophokles Xenophon Antigone 1146–1152, 155 Hell. 3.2.21–22, 35 frag. 844, 137 Hell. 4.7.2, 35 © in this web service Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 978-0-521-64647-5 - Art, Myth, and Ritual in Classical Greece Judith M. Barringer Index More information OBJECT INDEX Amsterdam, Allard Pierson Museum Istanbul, Archaeological Museum 1588, 198 369, 198 Athens, Akropolis Museum 145, 82 Mykonos, Museum 370, 82 2240, 73 631, 72 1358, 96 Naples, Museo Nazionale Athens, National Museum 5026, 201 179, 151 6015, 206 180, 151 81669 (2422) (Vivenzio hydria), 83 595 (CC968), 34, 40 G103–104, 24, 111 664, 1664a, 81 New York, American Numismatic Society 1944.100.12983, 200 Basmahane, Museum 1944.100.12983, 56 4338, 185 Berlin, Staatliche Museen Olympia, Archaeological Museum F2273, 126 45, 47 F2294, 126 B1010, 42 Brussels, Mus´ees Royaux d’Art et d’Histoire B2600, 41 2314, 126 B5100, 41 T2, 45 Eleusis, Archaeological Museum MA 51, 185 Paris, Mus´ee du Louvre B370, 199 Florence, Museo Archeologico 4209 (Franc¸ois Vase), 116 Rome, Vatican 81 600, 126 344, 141 Gottingen,¨ Georg-August-Universit¨at St. Petersburg, Hermitage J22, 34, 40 St. 1807, 154 258 © in this web service Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 978-0-521-64647-5 - Art, Myth, and Ritual in Classical Greece Judith M. Barringer Index More information SUBJECT INDEX abduction, 45, 176, 183, 189, 190, 193, Herakles, labors; Hippolyta, 196–198, 204. See also Leukippos, Penthesilea daughters of and Bellerophon, 198 Achaians, 37, 44, 83 Amphictyonic League, 149, 159, 161, Achilles, 9, 53, 69, 84, 133, 138, 141, 178, 164 200 Amyklai, 54 Actium, Battle of, 211 Throne of Apollo, 186–187, 188, Aglauros. See Athens, Akropolis, Shrine of 189 Aglauros; Kekrops, daughters anakalypteria, 45 of Anchises, 74 agon, 9, 17, 46, 52. See also battle and warfare, Andokides, 137 games Androsthenes, 151 Agon (personification), 44 Antiope, 69, 83 Agora. See Athens, Agora Apaturia, 133 Aigeus, 81, 116, 182 Aphaia. See Aigina, Temple of Aphaia; Aigina pediments Temple of Aphaia, pediments, 27 Aphrodite, 1, 53, 74 Aineias, 74, 210, 212 and Arrhephoria, 101, 102 Aithra, 74 and birth of Pandora, 93 Ajax, 53, 141 and Hephaistos, 133 Akropolis, 78. See Athens, Akropolis birth of, 94 akroteria, 16, 45, 46, 53, 121, 135, 188, 190, apobatai, 86, 91 193 Apollo, 4, 15, 19, 23, 30, 32, 51, 53, 80, 142, Alexander the Great, 54–56, 199–202, 209, 144, 151, 153, 154–157, 158, 159, 160, 210 161, 162, 164, 165, 168, 169. See also Alkamenes, 96, 127 Amyklai, Throne of Apollo; Delphi, Alkmaionidai, 159, 169 Temple of Apollo; Herakles: and Alpheios River, 35 Apollo; Rome, Temple of Apollo Amazonomachy, 4, 53, 67–69, 73, 79, 82–85, Sosianus 91–92, 94–95, 108, 111, 114, 118, 151, and Python, 144 175, 181, 186, 187–188, 191, 192, 197, Paian, 155, 169 198, 203–205, 211 Apollonia, 186 Amazons, 31, 83, 95, 121, 135, 188, 206, 207. apotheosis. See immortality See also Amazonomachy, Antiope, apotropaic, 183 259 © in this web service Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 978-0-521-64647-5 - Art, Myth, and Ritual in Classical Greece Judith M. Barringer Index More information 260 efh Subject Index apples. See Herakles; labors; Atlas and Athens, 4, 8, 28, 40, 45, 49, 66, 67, 70, 73, 79, Hesperides 84, 91, 96, 112, 133, 140–141, 142, Archidamian War, 40 143, 205. See also autochthony archon basileus, 101 Academy, Altar of Hephaistos, 134 Areopagos, 138 Agora, 60, 108 Ares, 10, 41, 44, 133 Bouleuterion, Old (Old Metroon), 130, arete, 19, 20, 44, 52 131 Argos, 20, 161, 188, 196 Eponymous Heroes Monument, 110, Agora of, 188 130 aristocracy, 5, 51, 103–105, 107, 138, 199 Hephaisteion, 3, 109–143, 162, 187, Aristogeiton. See Tyrannicides 198, 204, 205; cult statues, 53, Aristophanes, 6 126–128, 137, 138, 140, 143; east Arkadia, 161 frieze, 122, 124, 131, 138–142, 143; Arkteia, 105–107, 108 friezes, 128–130; metopes, 113–122, Arktoi. See Arkteia 128–130, 131–132, 135, 136, 142, 143, armor and weapons, 5, 25, 34, 40–44, 68, 77, 162; pediments, 124–126; west frieze, 94, 110, 124, 133, 139, 140, 141, 163, 122–124, 131, 140, 141, 142–143, 203 170, 182, 203, 204. See also votives Kolonos Agoraios, 112, 131, 134, 136, axes, 23 137, 140 boulders, 124, 139, 140, 141 Metroon, Old. See Athens: Agora, cuirass, 40 Bouleuterion, Old daggers, 23 Orchestra, 131 helmets, 40, 41, 45, 49 Stoa Basileios, 130, 136, 188 shield bands, 42 Stoa Poikile, 73, 111, 135–136, 143, shields, 13, 34, 40, 104, 136, 160, 161 188 spears, 10, 34, 40 Stoa of Zeus Eleutherios, 130, 136 swords, 23, 182 synedrion, 130, 136 Arrephoroi. See Arrhephoria Tholos, 130 Arrhephoria, 91, 101–103, 106, 107, 108 Akropolis, 3, 59–82, 108, 109, 113, 140, Artemis, 1, 53, 104, 151, 159, 178 203, 204 Brauronia, 104, 105–107 Altar of Athena, 62, 97 Limnatis, 107 Beule Gate, 60 Asia Minor, 170, 171–202 Building III, 101 Assyrian reliefs, 199 Erechtheion, 72, 76, 80, 81, 86, 105; Atalanta, 178 caryatids, 98, 105, 108; Shrine of Athena, 4, 26, 60–62, 66–67, 71, 79, 81, 82, Pandrosos, 103 83, 85, 87, 94, 95, 103–104, 107–108, Lesser Attalid Dedication, 206–207 110, 111, 133, 137, 138, 141, 162, 163, Pandrosion, 80 169, 207.
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