Katheri ne Tingley M arriag e and the Hom e An Interv iew w ith the TheOSOphical Lead er By Claire M erton Publis hed by The T e s i P h o oph cal ub lishing Co. i L Po nt oma , California h 1 2 a her ne in le Copyrig t . 9 1 , by K t i T g y CONTENTS Katherine Tingley on M arriage and the Home : An Interview By Claire Merton Katherine Tingley : Theosophist By Iverson L . Harris Jr . Lomaland The Home of Theosophy By Kenneth Morris Brief Chronology of some Important Events in the History of t he Theos phiocal Movement There s hou ld be in all thin one i d gs s ngle evotion, one motiv e one d e i re an , s d aspiration. Diff erences of natu re and mind a re inev itable; each s hou ld there ore accord to all the s ame toleration he a k or him el f s s f s f, , and then the s ingle thread of d evotion will u nite all into one Univ ers al Brotherhood . The power wou ld be i mmen e ! i thi were u t into o eration i wo d s , f s p p t u l d o a o s en t ll, al ng the inv is ible bu t real currents , a tr am o hel or mind ou l and bod u nitin a l s e f p f , s , y, g l h in er ane a d u how he wor d the r a on t e n pl , n th s s t l e l power of co- operation on all the planes of force and cons cious nes s . KATHER I NE T INGI. EY To feel the fi re of Theos ophy with its s timu lative red em tive ower in ou r liv e ou r . mind s mu t p p y s , y s become as free and receptiv e as the fl owers to the s unlight. K ATHER I NE T I NGLEY Lomaland Photo E n rav i n D g g ept. THE THREE LEADERS OF THE THEOSOPHICAL MOVEMENT Helena Petrovna Blavatsk y Katherine Tingley W l a i li m Q . J udge K atherine Tingley : An Interv i ew w ith the T heosophi cal Lead er Her Vi ew s on M arri age and the Home By C lai re M erton T was the lovely climate of Southern California , and D particularly of San iego , that attracted me to the Golden State and the Silver Gate city to escape the rigors n of an eastern winter . I k ew nothing about Theosophy , and all I knew about Madame Katherine Tingley was derived from reading a sensational article about the Theosophical Leader and its subsequent retraction made some few years not ago in a large eastern paper . I could help but admire the spirit of justice , not merely to herself and in defence of her own reputation , but to the Society of which she is the a f n f he d , and in de ence of its pri ciples and belie s , which ’ seemed to ac tuate the Theosophical Leader s insistence on f a w as o . the publication the retr ction It a moral victory , but knowing nothing of the Theosophical teachings I was satisfied at the time with the feeling of gratification that a woman had had the courage to stand by her womanhood and had won out . From that day however I learned that W hile many were ff k n indi erent , the people whom I met were , generally spea i g , divided into two camps , those in the one great admirers of heOSO hists Madame Tingley , and even if not in any sense T p , recognising her as one of the humanitarian and educational of n leaders today ; those in the other , holdi g just the opposite , and as nf f n r n I took pains to i orm myself, o ten e tirely igno a t, ’ f t n “ of the ac s of Madame Ti gley s life and work and teachings , 8 M W ERINEQTIN}QLET:J AN INTERVI EW often governed by prejudice or accepting mere hearsay and gossip . It was with consid erab le interest therefore that I found ‘ myself in San Diego so near to the International Theosophical Headquarters on Point Loma . It is not however the a Lom l n place itself , the ch rm of a a d as the members call k a their Headquarters , the remar ble buildings , the chaste - classic beauty of the open air Greek Theater , the wonderful atmosphere of the place , its orderliness and serenity, or the - world wide activities that center there , that constitute my n theme . Ma y noted writers have written of these , but so far as I know , not one of such writers , though perhaps incidental ly referring to it , has sought to bring to the public attention Katherine Tingley ’ s views and teachings in respect to mar riage and the home . Before I go further let me give my reason for selecting . heoso hists this subject Fate , or chance T p would say ‘ Karma ’ — decreed that I should find myself immedia tely on my arrival in San Diego in one of the two camps I referred and to above , the camp of the unfriendly , as I discovered later , . the uninformed critical gossipers My first thought , was , is it true then that ‘ a prophet is without honor in his own ’ an - country adopted country in this case , yet nevertheless considering all that Katherine Tingley has done for the D material prosperity of California and especially of San, iego , not to mention the existence of Lomaland within the boun d aries of the city as one of its greatest educational and moral assets , and notwithstanding the fact that Madame Tingley - . is pre eminently cosmopolitan and at home in all countries , it may truly be said that Lomaland is in a peculiar sense her own country . Furthermore , it did not require much investigation to learn that the best and most influential residents of San Diego and of the State recognise Madame and Tingley as one of their most distinguished citizens , hold her in the highest esteem . But to return to my reason for the selection of this subject . Speaking t o s ome casual acquaintances at the hotel W here I . w as staying , I was interested to learn that they had recently KATHERINE TI NGLEY : AN I NTERVI EW 9 p aid a visit to the Theos0phical Headquarters grounds at n Point Loma , whe , to my amazement , one of them remarked that strange stories were afloat among certain gossipers as to ‘ ’ on the views held by the people the hill , as she described - f them , regarding marriage and home li e . For her part she d id not believe them but that is what she had heard . I cer ’ inl ta y didn t believe them either , but as I do believe in going b — u whenever possi le to the fountain so rce for information , I sough t an opportunity for an interv iew with Madame Tingley herself. I first made my inquiries at the Theosophical Information - Bureau and Book store in the Isis Theater Building , which by the way is owned by Madame Tingley . There I was put ’ into telephone communication with Madame Tingley s private r secretary , who very cou teously invited me to attend the n a usual Sunday eve ing service at Isis The ter on the morrow , a a when M d me Tingley expected to speak , saying that possibly ’ I might have an opportunity of a few minutes conversation with her at the close of the service . I accepted the invita and . tion gladly , went Again I must pass over much I woul d like to write about ’ e the service its lf and Madame Tingley s marvellous eloquence , f her presence , her musical voice , now ringing and force ul , now and - of sympathetic tender , as she spoke of the heart cry the ’ ’ world s children ; the sweet singing of the young maidens chorus ; and , too , the beautiful little ceremony at the end the seven silvery tones of a bell sounding far away and the moment ’ s perfect silence in which one ’ s whole heart was lifted up in spiritual aspiration . Never before was I so impressed with what I can only call the true religious feeling that pervaded all . ‘ ’ Was it fate again , or Karma , that Madame Tingley in her address briefly touched upon the subject about which I wished to as k her ? To me it seemed indeed a strange ‘ c a oincidence . T king as her subject , The Relation of Theo ’ - sophy to Present World Problems , she made the following reference to the part that home-life must play in the now rapidly unfolding drama of world reconstru ction : 10 KATHERINE TINGLEY : AN I NTERVI EW Family life built u p of the unselfish efforts of parents and n childre alike will redeem the world . It will make of the home the spiritual center it should be . It is for this that families should work , and in this they will find their happiness and “ fullest development . Parents who have the interests of their children and of humanity at heart will seek for the means to w follow this course ith their own loved ones .
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