Board of Directors Meeting Wednesday, July 14, 2021 6:00 p.m. Virtual Option: Click Here to Join In-Person Option: Bob Keefer Center 250 S. 32nd Street - Ken Long Room Agenda Presenter I. Call to Order President Bean II. Roll Call Superintendent Wargo III. Flag Salute President Bean IV. Adjustments to the Agenda President Bean/Superintendent Wargo V. Public Comment President Bean VI. Unfinished Business - Oaths of Office A. Denise Bean B. Renee Jones C. Brook Reinhard VII. Consent Agenda - Action President Bean A. Approval of Minutes 1. June 9, 2021 Regular Meeting B. Approval of Financial Documents 1. May 2021 Claims 2. FY21 07/01/20-05/31/21 Report VIII. Business: Updates, Discussions, and Presentations A. Employee of the Month Presentation Superintendent Wargo B. Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Monthly Update Mavis Sanchez-Scholes C. CAPRA Monthly Update Jase Newton & Chuck Dinsfriend IX. Business: Action Items A. Worker's Compensation Insurance Renewal Melissa Taxara/Geoff Sinclair B. Pierce Park Playground Equipment Contract Award Eric Adams C. Georgia Pacific Natural Area Master Plan Adoption Eric Adams D. Dorris Ranch Orchard Ad Hoc Committee Superintendent Wargo E. Vehicle Purchase Authorization - Recreation Dept. Van Jase Newton X. Other Business A. Board President B. Board Members C. Standing & Special Committees - LCOG/Whilamut CPC/Wildish Theater/Foundation D. Legal Counsel E. Superintendent XI. Adjournment President Bean OATH OF OFFICE WILLAMALANE PARK AND RECREATION DISTRICT STATE OF OREGON ) ) ss. County of Lane ) I, Denise Bean , being first duly sworn on oath, depose and say: That I will faithfully discharge my official duties as a Director of WILLAMALANE PARK AND RECREATION DISTRICT to which I have been elected, my term to start the 1st day of July 2021. ___________________________________ Director Name and Signature of Witnesses: Chris Wig, Board Vice President Date Michael Wargo, Superintendent Date OATH OF OFFICE WILLAMALANE PARK AND RECREATION DISTRICT STATE OF OREGON ) ) ss. County of Lane ) I, Renee Jones , being first duly sworn on oath, depose and say: That I will faithfully discharge my official duties as a Director of WILLAMALANE PARK AND RECREATION DISTRICT to which I have been elected, my term to start the 1st day of July 2021. ___________________________________ Renee Jones, Director Name and Signature of Witnesses: Chris Wig, Board Vice President Date Michael Wargo, Superintendent Date OATH OF OFFICE WILLAMALANE PARK AND RECREATION DISTRICT STATE OF OREGON ) ) ss. County of Lane ) I, Brook Reinhard , being first duly sworn on oath, depose and say: That I will faithfully discharge my official duties as a Director of WILLAMALANE PARK AND RECREATION DISTRICT to which I have been elected, my term to start the 1st day of July 2021. ___________________________________ Director Name and Signature of Witnesses: Chris Wig, Board Vice President Date Michael Wargo, Superintendent Date Board of Directors Meeting Minutes Wednesday, June 9, 2021 6:00 PM This meeting was held in-person and via videoconference ☒ Draft ☐ Board Approved I. Call to Order President James called the June 9, 2020 Board meeting to order at 6:04 p.m. II. Roll Call Board Members Present: President Greg James, Director Lee Beyer, Director Renee Jones, and Director Chris Wig. Vice President Denise Bean was absent. Staff Present: Superintendent Michael Wargo, Eric Adams, Chuck Dinsfriend, Teri Gutierrez, Betty Nielsen, Kenny Weigandt, Jase Newton, David Kieffer, Tracy Kribs, Dune Erickson, Joyce Shepherd, Lisa Albert, Daniels Schewlakow, Mavis Sanchez-Scholes, and Jo Schutte, recorder. Guests Present: Kristin Denmark, Legal Counsel, Sonya Tafejian, Geoffrey Sinclair, Mary Steinberg- Pichey, Joan Morgan, and Roy (no last name given). III. Flag Salute President James led the group in the Pledge of Allegiance. IV. Adjustments to the Agenda President James said that agenda items IX. Business: Action Items, B, C, D, and J would be moved to the consent agenda, and item IX. H. would be discussed at the next board meeting in July. V. Public Comment Joan Morgan, In-District Resident Joan Morgan addressed the Board about providing additional accessible parking spaces at Willamalane Park Swim Center. “Sonja”, logged in as Mary Steinberg (Did not indicated in or out-of-district) Sonja addressed the Board about the use of Roundup and other chemicals used at Dorris Ranch. She felt that Willamalane needed to transition to using organic alternatives. Jennifer Eisele, In-District Resident Jennifer Eisele addressed the Board about the use of post-emergent herbicides at Dorris Ranch. She said that good signage and improved communication would be helpful in alerting the public prior to using herbicides at Dorris Ranch and other parks. VI. Consent Agenda – Action A. Approval of Minutes - May 12 and May 19, 2021 B. Approval of Claims – April 2021 C. Approval of Financial Board Report - FY21 07/01/2020-04/30/2020 D. 2022-2026 Five Year Budget Plan Approval E. Retirement and Deferred Compensation Trustees – Resolution 20-21-05 F. State of Oregon Treasury Investment Pool Signer – Resolution 20-21-06 G. Park Services Vehicle Purchase Authorization Regarding the financial report, Director Jones asked if the bank reconciliations had been completed yet. Betty Nielsen reported that they were indeed complete. Director Beyer, seconded by Director Wig, moved to approve the consent agenda. The motion passed unanimously, 4:0. VII. Business: Reports, Updates & Discussion A. June Employee of the Month Superintendent Wargo and Eric Adams, Planning, Parks and Facilities Division Director, introduced Brett Parsons, Natural Resources Specialist, as employee of the month for June 2021. B. Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) Monthly Update Mavis Sanchez-Scholes, DEI Supervisor, referred to an agenda memo included in the board packet and went over highlights for the month of May which included updates on the DEI strategic action plan, communication plan, DEI organizational outreach, and committee activities. The report also included District education and training and Mavis shared that the Recreation Services Division completed required DEI training. C. CAPRA Monthly Update Jase Newton, Recreation Services Division Director, and Chuck Dinsfriend, Information Technology Manager, presented an agenda memo included in the board packet on the CAPRA report for the month of May. 437 tasks had not been started (down from 480 in May), 243 were in progress, and 242 had been completed (up from 214 in May). D. Olympic Trials Race Walk Event Update Jase Newton presented an agenda memo included in the board packet and gave an update on Olympic Trials Race Walk Event on Saturday, June 26 at 9:00 a.m. Community activities would take place before and after the official event and would include both children and adult Race Walk clinics. Cheer Kits would be available to help represent each Race Walk participant, and awards would be presented at 11:00 a.m. VIII. Public Hearing – FY 2022 Approved Budget A. President James opened the Public Hearing at 6:55 p.m. to adopt the FY 2022 Budget approved by the Board of Directors on May 19, 2021. There was no public comment. B. President James closed the Public Hearing at 6:56 p.m. IX. Business: Action Items A. Approval of FY 2022 Board Budget Resolution 20-21-04 Betty Nielsen, Chief Financial Officer, presented resolution 20-21-04 to adopt the FY2022 budget, levy, and categorized taxes, and make appropriations. She referred to two attachments included in the board packet: FY2022 Summary of Funds; Resolution 20-21-04. Director Wig, seconded by Director Beyer, moved to approve Resolution 20-21-04 to adopt the FY 2022 Budget with a tax rate of $2.0074 per thousand of assessed value levy for bonded debt of $1,332,250, and make appropriations for a total budget of $24,955,021. The motion passed unanimously, 4:0. B. Fiduciary Insurance Coverage Approval Betty Nielsen presented an agenda memo included in the board packet on fiduciary insurance coverage for Willamalane. She said that per the FY 2020 audit, the auditors found and recommended the following: “In reviewing fidelity insurance coverage we noticed that the District often carries cash and investment balances in excess of the insurance overage amount. We recommend that the Board of Directors examines this exposure risk and make a determination as to the amount of insurance coverage they feel is prudent in regard to their oversight.” Geoff Sinclair of Brown and Brown Northwest, Willamalane’s agent of record, reported that Willamalane’s crime coverage insurance through Special District Insurance Services was currently at $1 million dollars with a $10,000 deductible. In his opinion, this amount was reasonable and also in line with other special districts in Oregon. He did not feel that Willamalane needed to purchase any additional insurance coverage. With this recommendation, the Board chose not to take any further action. C. FY 2022 Cost of Living Adjustment and Pay Increase Approval Cost of Living Adjustment - Teri Gutierrez, Human Resources Manager, presented an agenda memo included in the board packet requesting a 1.5% COLA for all bargaining and non-bargaining employees. She stated that the current AFSCME collective bargaining agreement designated a 2.5% increase, however due to the financial impacts of the pandemic the Union agreed to reduce the COLA to 1.5% for FY22. Minimum Wage Feathering – Betty Nielsen presented information on the minimum wage for the Springfield area and said that it would increase by $0.75 on July 1, 2021 and again in July 1, 2022 bringing the minimum wage to $13.50. Due to the upcoming increases, the management team members requested approval to increase the lowest five wages of the wage scale as followed: Range B – 6.7%, range C – 5.5%, range D – 4.8%, range E – 4.0%, and range E – 3.3%. Director Jones, seconded by Director Wig, moved to approve a total increase of 1.5% cost of living adjustment for all employees and to approve increases in ranges B through F as presented, effective June 27, 2021 for hourly staff and July 1, 2021 for salary staff.
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