RP-62 NO.6 SUBMITTAL TO THE WORLD BANK Public Disclosure Authorized THE PEOPLE'SREPUBLIC OF CHINA ZHUZHOU NAVIGATIONAND HYDROPOWERPROJECT FOR HUNANXIANGJIANG RIVER NAVIGATION DEVELOPMENT Public Disclosure Authorized RESETTLEMENTACTION PLAN Public Disclosure Authorized MID-SOUTHDESIGN & RESEARCHINSTITUTE FOR HYDROELECTRIC PROJECTS, SP, PRC Public Disclosure Authorized HUNANXIANGJIANG NAVIGATION CONSTRUCTION & DEVELOPMENTCO., LTD November 2000 NO.6 SUBMITTALTO THE WORLD BANK THE PEOPLE'SREPUBLIC OF CHINA ZHUZHOUNAVIGATION AND HYDROPOWERPROJECT FOR HUNANXIANGJIANG RIVER NAVIGATION DEVELOPMENT RESETTLEMENTACTION PLAN MID-SOUTHDESIGN & RESEARCHINSTITUTE FOR HYDROELECTRIC PROJECTS, SP, PRC HUNANXIANGJIANG NAVIGATION CONSTRUCTION & DEVELOPMENT CO., LTD November 2000 Contents PREFACE...... 1 1. GENERAL .3 1.1 Descriptionof the Project .3 1.2 DesignProcess of ResettlementPlan .3 1.3 PrincipalPlan Design Achievements .4 2. PRESENTSOCIOECONOMIC SITUATION IN Reservoirarea .6 2.1 Contents,Methods and Organization of Socioeconomicsurvey . 6 2.2 PresentSituation in ReservoirArea .6 3 INVENTORYOF PROJECT-AFFECTEDASSETS .13 3.1 Contents,Scope and Methods of Investigationof Inventoryof Assets.13 3.2 TangibleMaterial Indices Affected by ReservoirInundation .16 3.3 TangibleMaterial Indices of DamArea .16 3.4 TangibleMaterial Indices of HengshanKilo-tonnage Wharf Area .16 3.5 Impactson livelihoodsof Project-affectedpopulation .17 4 RESETTLEMENTPOLICY AND LEGAL FRAMEWORK .25 4.1 ResettlementLegal Framework .25 4.2 MajorResettlement Policy Framework .25 5. PRELIMINARYRESETTLEMENT PLAN .27 5.1 Planningof ProductionResettement for RuralRelocatees .27 5.2 HousingRelocation .37 5.3 ResettlementPlan for DamArea ...................... 40 5.4 ResettlementPlan for HengshanWharf .41 6. SPECIALFACILITIES REHABILITATION PLAN .42 6.1 TransportationFacilities .42 6.2 Powerand Telecommunication Facilities .43 6.3 WaterConservancy Facilities .44 7. PLANNINGOF PROTECTIONWORKS .47 7.1 Planningof ReservoirBank Protection .47 7.2 Planningof FarmlandProtection .50 8. COMPENSATIONCOST ESTIMATION .57 8.1 Bases.57 8.2 TangibleMaterial Quantities Included in CompensationCost Estimationfor ReservoirInundation handling .58 8.3 UnitPrices for Compensationof Main Items.59 8.4 OtherExpenses and Rates.61 8.5 CompensationInvestment for ReservoirInundation Treatment .62 8.6 DamArea Resettlement Compensatory Investment .69 8.7 ResettlementCompensatory Investment for HengshanWharf .71 9. RESETTLEMENTAUTHORITIES AND THEIR RESPONSIBILITIES .73 9.1 XiangjiangCorporation .73 9.2 HunanProvincial Resettlement Development Bureau (HPRDB) .74 9.3 Zhuzhoucity and Hengyangcity .74 9.4 Zhuzhou,Xiangtan, Liling, Hengdong and HengshanCounties .75 9.5 Townshipsand TownConcemed .76 10. RELOCATEES'PARTICIPATION AND CONSULTATION ............................................ 76 10.1 ProjectInformation Disclosure ...................................... 76 10.2 Contentsof PublicParticipation and Consultationin ResettlementWork . 77 10.3 Arrangementof PublicParticipation and Consultationin ResettlementWork .78 10.4 Impactsof Resettlementon the HostCommunities .79 11 PAPS'RIGHTS AND GRIEVANCE MECHANISM .79 11.1 PAPs'Rights ....... 79 11.2 Channelsfor PAP'sGrievance Redress .80 11.3 GrievanceProcedures .80 11.4 Assistanceto VulnerableFamilies .81 12. RESETTLEMENTMONITORING AND EVALUATION .82 12.1 Purposeof ResettlementMonitoring and Evaluation...................................... 82 12.2 Work Basesof ResettlementMonitoring and Evaluation . ..........................83 12.3 Contentsof Monitoringand Evaluation ...................................... 83 12.4 Methodsof Monitoringand Evaluation ...................................... 84 12.5 IndependentMonitoring and Evaluation Unit ..............................-.---.---- 86 13. TRAINING.86 14. PREFERENTIALPOLICIES ............................................. 87................87 PREFACE The draft ResettlementAction Plan (RAP)for ZhuzhouNavigation and Hydropower Projectof HunanXiangjiang Navigation Co.nstruction and Development(hereinafter referredto as Project)was preparedby Mid-SouthDesign & ResearchInstitute for HydroelectricProjects (MSDI) in August2000. Mr. Zhang Chaohua, a socialscientist, on behalfof theWorld Bank, reviewed the RAPand discussed the RAP with the membersof the XiangjiangNavigation Construction & DevelopmentCorporation (hereinafter referred to as XiangjiangCorporation), Hunan Provincial Reservoir Resettlement Development Bureau(HPRRDB) and MSDI duringhis missionin HunanProvince to reviewthe preparationprogress of the proposedThird Inland Waterway Project between September 22-26, 2000. Mr. Zhang Chaohuahas submitteda MissionAide Memoirfor the preparationprogress (social aspects) of the proposedThird InlandWaterway Project. Basedon the issuesand suggestions put forward by Mr.Zhang in the AideMemoir, MSDI andthe XiangjiangCorporation have made some supplements to relatedwork, revised the draftRAP, and then prepared this revisededition of RAR This RAPwas preparedin accordancewith relevantlaws and regulationsof Hunan Provinceand Chinaand the WorldBank OD 4.30 on InvoluntaryResettement The overalltarget of the resettlementis to make the production,living standardsand infrastructureconditions of the resettlersgradually restore to or exceedthe originallevel beforemove with a developingpotential, achieving synchronous economic growth in both resettlershost areaand non-resettlers area, promoting the socioeconomicand ecologic environmentin the reservoirarea going into a soundcycle, and making the peoplein the reservoirarea live and work in peace. Definitionsof the Projectaffected persons (PAP) and resettlementin the RAPare as below. 1. Definitionof ProjectAffected Persons (PAPs) The PAPsin the RAPrefer to thepersons who have been or will besubject to the followingimpacts as a resultof the Projectconstruction: a) adverseimpacts on livelihoods;b) temporaryor permanentacquisition or occupationof housing, land (includinghouse plot, farmland and livestock farm), and other movable and fixed properties,of whichthey are entitledto enjoyownership, right of use,equity or economicbenefits; c) adverseimpacts on business,job posts,and living conditions.The PAPmaybe is eithera naturalperson, or a legalperson such as a corporationand a publicagency. The PAP shall not be limitedto legal registration,permits to workor live in the projectaffected area, or ownershipof assets,land and housing. The PAPsare dividedinto three categories as follows: a) Displacedpersons: refers to thosewho needto movetheir housesdue to the constructionof the Project,such as familymembers and workers serving in govemmentaloffices, enterprisesand companies,including both registeredpersons and unregistered children, students who will servetheir homelandafter graduating from colleges, teachers paid by the localpeople, compulsoryservicemen, middle and primaryschool students,temporary I workers,contract workers, and personssentenced to reformand reeducate through labor. The displacedpersons are also divided into the following groups: 1) personswhose housesare under the reservoir inundationline, except for those in the area of the protectiveworks; 2) persons whose housesare within the potentiallandslide, landfall and submersionarea as well as isolatedislets; 3) personswho will losefarmland only (their houses are abovethe reservoirinundation line, butthey can notfind any exploitable land nearby after reservoirinundation); and personswhose productionand livingare not convenientafter the reservoirimpoundment; 4) personswhose housesare above the reservoirinundation line, but they have to move as a result of the relocation of towns and villages they live in; 5) persons originallywithin the new host area and the area occupiedby protctive works;6) personswifthin the damsitearea and HengshanPort b) Productionresettlement population: refers to the populationlosing means of productionand object (land)of laboringdue to the Projectconstruction and needingproduction resettlement. c) Populabtionwhose infrastructureand publicfacilifies will be affected: refers to the populationwhose infrastructureand public facilitiessuch as water conservancy, electric power, communication and transportation, telecommunication,culture, education, and publichealth will be affectedby the Projectconstruction, and have to be reconstructedor rehabilitated. 2. DeflnItion of Resettlement The resettlementin the RAP refersto the following: a) Arranginghost areaand supplyinginfrastructure and publicfacilities such as water,electric power,roads, culture, education and public health in the new host area in order to make the housingconditions and livingenvironment of the relocateesreach or exceedthat beforemove. b) Supplyingappropriate means of productionand object of laboringfor the populationlosing their jobs only so as to make the income level of the affectedpopulation reach or exceedthat beforemove. c) Takingprotective mneasures for the affectedfarmland and houses. d) Rehabilitationand compensationfor the affectedprivate- and public-owned enterprises. e) Rehabilitationand reconstructionof the affected special facilities such as water conservancy,electric power,communication and transportation,and telecommunicationin principlesof followingthe originalstandard, scale and functions. f) Rehabilitationor compensationfor other privateor public assetsaffected by the Projectin orderto eliminatethe adverseimpacts to the local residents. 2 1. GENERAL 1.1 Description of the Project The Project, as one of Lot IlIlProjects of China inland waterwaydevelopment
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