Cambridge University Press 0521520665 - Ancient Cahokia and the Mississippians - Timothy R. Pauketat Index More information Index abandonment, 11 Bennett, John, 18 Adair, James, 14, 49, 63 Big Bang, 65, 126 Adams, Robert, 18, 57, 100 bison, 35, 36, 37 adaptationism, 23, 43, 68 Black, Glenn, 18 Adena burial mounds, 7 Blackhawk, 16 adze blades, Dalton, 36 Blanton, Richard, 179 Africa, 3 bodies, 145. See also men, women agency, 24, 163. See also practices Bodmer, Karl, 15 agriculture, 38 bow and arrow, 8, 52 Algonkians, 43, 156 Brackenridge, Henry, 15, 17, 37, 73, 163, Alt, Susan, 99, 100, 109, 180 174 American Bottom, 9, 26, 31, 33, 37 Braden style, 6 tree clearance, 41 Bradley site, 159 Angel site, 11, 138 Brown, James, 6, 141, 144 Apalachee, 162 Brumfiel, Elizabeth, 179 Apple River, 127 Bureau of American Ethnology, 16, archaeomagnetism, 5 104 Archaic period, 6 Butler, Brian, 139 arrowheads, 10, 91, 104, 172 Cahokia-style, 113, 124, 125, 129, 137, Caddoans, 43, 72, 133, 156, 173 170 Cahokia Mounds State Historic Site, 69 foreign, 113, 120 Cairo Lowlands phase, 155 lodged in rib cage, 92 Calumet ceremony, 116 axe heads, 41, 84, 100–1, 121 Cambria phase, 125, 131 ceremonial, 149 Carneiro, Robert, 178 manufacturing, 101 Castile Landing, 160 traded north, 125 Central Lowlands, 30, 31 Aztalan, 16, 17, 121, 129, 174 central political-administrative complex, controlling the gaze, 181 71, 106, 164, 166. See also East St. Louis, St. Louis Bareis, Charles, 19, 21, 176 ceremonial center, 3, 8 Barker, Alex, 132 Chapman, Carl, 18 Barrett, Samuel, 17, 129, 178–9 Chav´ınde Huantar, 4 Bartram, William, 14, 63 Cherry Valley phase, 133 beaded burial, 88, 111, 115. See also chert, 32, 33 Mound 8 Chichen Itz´a,72 beads, 84, 91, 100, 120, 129, 170, 172. See Chickasaw, 44, 143 also shell chiefdom, 3, 4, 51, 125, 161, 167, 168 Beckwith’s Fort, 134, 155 children, 157 Bell, Robert, 18 China, 3, 4, 167 Beloit College, 181 Chiwere-Siouans, 154 Benn, David, 52, 128 Choctaw, 43, 49, 63 212 © Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 0521520665 - Ancient Cahokia and the Mississippians - Timothy R. Pauketat Index More information Index213 chunkey, 63, 86, 109, 111, 115, 132, 145 diaspora, 24, 153 Cahokia-style stones, 121, 124, 125, Diaz-Granados, Carol, 118 129, 131, 137, 160 Dickson Mounds, 126 stone, 10, 23, 49, 63, 64, 65, 170, 179 direct-historical approach, 23 stones in Mound #72, 91 displacement, 10, 11, 24 city, 3, 4 Dobbs, Clark, 125 city-state, 4 dog, 35 Civil War, 16, 176 drought, 41, 152 civilization, 1, 4, 167, 173 dugouts, 36 Clark, George Rogers, 14 Dunbar, William, 14 Clark, William, 14, 181 Duncan, James, 118 cloth, 84 Cobb, Charles, 104, 139 earspools, 128 Cole, Fay Cooper, 18 earthquake, New Madrid, 71, 152 Coles Creek, 8, 49–51, 66, 113, 133 East St. Louis site, 15, 16, 19, 71–4, 150, plazas, 50 163, 165 transition to Plaquemine, 139 palisade, 149 Collins, James, 100 and public works, 86, 147 Collins site, 125 and settlement hierarchy, 96 community, 4, 107–8 storage buildings, 105 identity, 155 Effigy Mound Culture, 8, 53, 116, 127 imagined, 47 Egypt, 69 Confederacy, 16 Emerald site, 87, 97, 150 confederation, 170 Emergent Mississippian, 9, 67 conflagration, 131, 171 avoidance of concept, 67 East St. Louis site, 149, 152 Emerson, Thomas, 6, 21, 55, 132, 156, Eveland site, 126 177, 178, 181 Rench site, 126 emigration, 125 Union Bench site, 128 replacement hypothesis, 97–9 Conrad, Lawrence, 21, 156, 176 Engelke, Georgia, 28 Coosa, 162 environmental factors, 44, 151 copper, 35, 51, 57, 83, 91, 92, 121, 126, Eridu, 4 128, 172 ethnoscape, 42, 44 earpieces, 133 Etowah, 115 corporeality, 22, 152, 163, 165 Eveland site, 126, 156 costumes, 36 evolutionism, neo-, 68 courtyard, 61, 62, 63, 64, 79 execution, 91–2. See also men, Mound elimination of, 94, 109 #72, women craft goods, 85, 101 Creek, 16, 174. See also Muskogee FAI-270, 21, 22, 164, 177 crop yields, 41 excavation ideology, 181 Crow Creek site, 156 Fairbanks, Charles, 18 Cuicuilco, 166 farmsteads, 96–9, 150, 156, 163, 164, cult, 112, 114, 171 169 Cahokian, 119, 143, 145, 156 nodal, 99 see also Red Horn feasting, 37, 51, 59–60, 85, 86 culture areas, 43 implications, 165 culture making, 48 large-scale, 106 cypress, 5, 37, 85 Finney, Fred, 128 First Nations, 3, 154 Dalan, Rinita, 76 flintclay, 32, 128 DeBoer, Warren, 86 figurines, 11, 110, 132, 133, 144, 170, deer, white-tailed, 36, 85 180 dendrochronology, 5, 12 floodplain, 9 Dhegiha-Siouans, 154 Ford, James, 18 © Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 0521520665 - Ancient Cahokia and the Mississippians - Timothy R. Pauketat Index More information 214 Index Fortier, Andrew, 21, 55 hoe blades, 10, 35, 103, 104, 129 Fowler, Melvin, 19, 57, 72, 166, 181 distribution, 180 Fred Edwards site, 128 industry, 11 Freeman, Thomas, 14 see also Mill Creek chert French Colonial period, 14, 33 Hoecake site, 56, 57, 133, 171 French Fork Incised, 58 Holder, Preston, 18, 19, 87 homesteads. See farmsteads Gahagan site, 133 hooded bottles, 136 galena, 30, 32, 33, 100, 126, 149, 180 Holmes, William, 178 gaze, 49, 181 Hopewell culture, 7. See also Woodland gender, 100, 108, 110 period and Southeastern Ceremonial Complex, Hopgood, James, 57 144 horizon marker, 5–6, 7, 10. See also Ghana, 4 Long-Nosed God Gibbon, Guy, 125 Horseshoe Lake site, 87, 97 Glenwood complex, 125 House, John, 133 Goggin, John, 114 households, 148 Gottschall Rock Shelter, 116, 118, 131, houses, 79. See also wall trench 154 architecture government, 4 Huasteca, 72 Grand Plaza, 69, 77–8, 84, 85, 92 relationship to mounds, 94 identity, 108, 155 and Mound #72, 91 ideology, 13, 152, 162 Great Mortuary. See Spiro and community, 107–8 Great Oasis, 125 Illinois Basin, 30 Great Zimbabwe, 4 Illinois Country, 33 Green, William, 52 Illinois River, 31 Green Corn Ceremony, 144 inalienability, 49, 64, 84, 87, 121 grid, Cahokian, 80. See also master plan Interior Low Plateau, 30 Griffin, James, 18, 19, 21, 22, 158, intrusion, 120, 127. See also Aztalan 177 Ioway, 154 Grossmann site, 165, 180 Gulf Coast Tradition, 47 Jackson, Andrew, 3, 16 Jefferson, Thomas, 3, 14, 15 Hale site, 104 letter from Brackenridge, 174 Hall, Robert, 72, 115, 116, 118, 178 Louisiana Purchase, 33 Halliday site, 62, 65, 100 and the Osage, 181 Harlan site, 133 John Chapman site, 127, 128 Harn, Alan, 126 Hartley Fort site, 128 Kansa, 154 hegemony, 109, 145, 165, 168 Kaskaskia River, 99 hematite, 32 Kelly, Arthur, 18 Henning, Dale, 100, 181 Kelly, John, 21, 62, 65, 150 Hernando de Soto, 1, 5, 14, 158, Kelly, Lucretia, 180 173 Kersey site, 58 heterarchy, 55, 75, 155, 162, 165, 166, Kincaid site, 11, 12, 57, 119, 121, 137–9, 172 143, 155, 171, 174, 181 of central complex, 168 kingdom, 4, 125 hierarchical solidarity, 110 Kneberg, Madeline, 18 hill forts, 8 Knight, V. James, 65, 141 historical disjuncture, 67, 96 Knoebel site, 105 historical event, 5 Koldehoff, Brad, 41, 83, 104, 180 historical processualism, 24, 68 Hixton sandstone, 35, 121, 127, La Moine River polities. See Spoon River 128 Mississippian Ho-Chunk, 154 labor, 95, 165 © Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 0521520665 - Ancient Cahokia and the Mississippians - Timothy R. Pauketat Index More information Index215 Lake George site, 12, 119, 121, 139, 143, Milanich, Jerald, 179 155 Mill Creek chert, 10, 35, 83, 128, 149. See Lake Providence site, 133 also hoe blades landscape, 145 Mill Creek phase, 125 inscription of, 114, 176, 177 Millhouse, Phillip, 178 theories of, 151, 163 Milner, George, 21, 68, 106, 178, 180, Langkford, George, 141 181 Le Page du Pratz, Simone, 63 minimalism, 68, 164, 176 Lee, Robert E., 15 Mississippi Alluvial Plain, 30 Lewis, Barry, 57, 133 Mississippi flyway, 37 Lewis, Meriwether, 14 Mississippi River, 5, 26 Lilbourn site, 134 floodplain, 42 Linn-Helig site, 104 flood stage, 26 Little Ice Age, 28, 37 Mississippian culture, 1, 8, 178 Lohmann phase, 11 Mississippianization, 11 Lohmann site, 97 Mississippians, 1 Long, Stephen, 15, 174, 178 Missouri Indians, 26, 154 Long-Nosed God, 73, 170, 172 Missouri River, 31 earpieces, 116, 118, 121, 125, 131, 133 Mitchell site, 15, 17, 19, 74, 87, 150 Horizon, 11, 114, 145 palisade, 149 Ludwickson, John, 125 and settlement hierarchy, 97 Moche, 169, 170 McCorvie, Mary, 143 Monks Mound, 67, 71, 77, 84, 95, 152, McElrath, Dale, 21, 55 164 Macon Plateau, 155. See also Ocmulgee Monte Alb´an,4, 166 Madagascar, 170 monuments, 1 Mainfort, Robert, 58 Moore, Clarence, 17 maize, 7, 8–9, 55, 56, 180 Moorehead, Warren King, 17, 174 earliest, 38, 67 Moorehead phase, 12 intensification, 38, 44, 60 Morse, Dan, 57, 58 Plum Bayou, 53 Morse, Phyllis, 57, 159 tribute, 103–6, 144 Mound #51 borrow pit, 84, 106, 165 and women, 52 Mound #72, 21, 72, 75, 87–90, 91–2, 111, Mandan, 63 115, 126, 154, 161, 165, 167, 168, marine shell. See, beads, shell 170 Marksville, 49 Mound City, 17. See also St. Louis site Marshall, Richard, 57 mound construction, 87 massacre. See Crow Creek Moundbuilder Myth, 3, 16, 23, 163, master plan, Cahokian, 90. See also grid 174 materiality, 22, 165 race, 16 Medieval Warm Period, 28, 40, 67, 151, mounds, 65 173 ridge-top. See also Mound #72, Powell memory, 47 Mound men, 110, 157 Moundville site, 12, 119, 139, 143 sacrifices, 91–2 Muller, Jon, 137 Merina, 170 Muskogees, 43, 63. See also Creek Mesoamerica, 24, 43, 44, 72, 169 linguistic traits, 143 Nassaney, Michael, 8, 51 Mesopotamia, 3, 4, 167 Natchez, 162 Mexico, 3, 42 New Deal archaeology, 18, 131, 177 mica, 83, 91, 121 Nickerson, William, 17, 176, 181 microlithic tools, 11, 84, 101, 104, 124, Nutall, Thomas, 15 133 Midwestern Taxonomic System, 43 Obion site, 11, 17, 119, 121, 136, 155, migration, 5, 14, 24, 43, 48, 128, 129, 174 131, 171, 172 O’Brien, Patricia, 96 © Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 0521520665 - Ancient Cahokia and the Mississippians - Timothy R.
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