Wordlist This list contains the key words from the Student’s Book Unit 1 hindrance (n) /hɪndrəns/ a person or thing that self-defence (n) /ˌself dɪˈfens/ sth you say or do makes it more difficult for sb to do sth or for sth to in order to protect yourself when you are being attentive (adj) /əˈtentɪv/ listening or watching carefully and with interest The hotel staff are happen To be honest, she was more of a hindrance attacked, criticized, etc. The man later told police friendly and attentive. than a help. that he was acting in self-defence. humble (adj) showing you do not self-interest (n) one’s personal benefit (n) /benɪfɪt/ an advantage that sth /hʌmbl/ /ˌselfˈɪntrəst/ gives you; a helpful and useful effect that sth has think that you are as important as other people interest or advantage, especially when pursued I’ve had the benefit of a good education. Be humble enough to learn from your mistakes. without regard for others Not all of them were humility (n) the quality of not acting out of self-interest. blow (n) /bləʊ/ a negative setback This was his /hjuːˈmɪləti/ second major blow. thinking that you are better than other people self-obsession (n) /selfəbˈsɛʃən/ the state of Her first defeat was an early lesson in humility. being interested in yourself, your happiness, commitment (n) /kəˈmɪtmənt/ a promise to do motivations and interests to the exclusion of other sth or to behave in a particular way The company’s incremental (adj) /ɪŋkrəmənt/ Increase or adding on, especially in a regular series The government things Self-obsession and self-doubt can get in the commitment to providing quality at a reasonable way of success. price has been vital to its success. imposed small, incremental tax hikes. ingenuity (n) /ɪndʒəˈnjuːəti/ the ability to invent self-preservation (n) /ˌself prezəˈveɪʃn/ the fact compassion (n) /kəmˈpæʃn/ a strong feeling of protecting yourself in a dangerous or difficult of sympathy for people who are suffering and things or solve problems in clever new ways He was a designer of great ingenuity. situation She was held back by some sense of self- a desire to help them She was known as a hard preservation. woman with no compassion and no emotion. innovative (adj) /ɪnəveɪtɪv/ introducing or using new ideas, ways of doing sth, etc. There will be a self-sacrifice (n) /ˌselfˈsækrɪfaɪs/ the act of not compassionate (adj) /kəmˈpæʃənət/ feeling or allowing yourself to have or do sth in order to help showing sympathy for people who are suffering prize for the most innovative design. inspiration (n) the process that other people The courage and self-sacrifice of those Politicians are not usually regarded as warm or /ɪnspəˈreɪʃn/ who fought in the war. compassionate people. takes place when sb sees or hears sth that causes them to have exciting new ideas or makes them selflessness (adv) /selfləsnəs/ thinking more conquer (v) /kɒŋkə (r)/ to become very popular about the needs, happiness, etc. of other people or successful in a place The boy band is now setting want to create sth Looking for inspiration for a new dessert? Try this recipe. than about your own My motives for keeping the out to conquer the world. whole truth from you were not completely selfless. conundrum (n) a confusing inspirational (adj) /ɪnspəˈreɪʃənl/ providing /kəˈnʌndrəm / inspiration He was an inspirational leader. singlemindedness (n) /siŋgəl-ˈmı̄n-dəd/ problem or question that is very difficult to solve only thinking about one particular aim or goal It was a conundrum with no solution. interim (adj) /ɪntərɪm/ intended to last for only a short time until sb/sth more permanent is found because you are determined to achieve sth courage (n) /kʌrɪdʒ/ the ability to do sth Single-mindedness and focusing on his passion have dangerous, or to face pain or opposition, without The vice-president took power in the interim period before the election. helped him conquer adversity. showing fear He showed great courage and squint (v) to look at sth with your eyes determination. obstacle (n) /ɒbstəkl/ a situation, an event, etc. /skwɪnt/ that makes it difficult for you to do or achieve sth partly shut in order to keep out bright light or to courageous (adj) /kəˈreɪdʒəs/ showing courage see better The sun is causing everyone to squint. I hope people will be courageous enough to speak A lack of qualifications can be a major obstacle to finding a job. striking (adj) /straɪkɪŋ/ interesting and unusual out against this injustice. enough to attract attention Her face was striking. optimism (n) /ɒptɪmɪzəm/ a feeling that good dedicated (adj) /dedɪkeɪtɪd/ working hard at tolerance (n) the willingness to accept sth because it is very important to you She is things will happen and that sth will be successful /tɒlərəns/ We may now look forward with optimism. or tolerate sb/sth, especially opinions or behaviour dedicated to her job. that you may not agree with, or people who are dedication (n) the hard work and overcome (v) /əʊvəˈkʌm / to succeed in dealing /dedɪˈkeɪʃn/ with or controlling a problem that has been not like you She had no tolerance for jokes. effort that sb puts into an activity or purpose willing (adj) not objecting to doing sth; because they think it is important Florence preventing you from achieving sth He finally /wɪlɪŋ/ managed to overcome his fear of flying. having no reason for not doing sth I’m perfectly showed great dedication to her job by working very willing to discuss the problem. long hours. patience (n) /ˈpeɪʃns/ the ability to stay calm willingness (n) the quality or state of determined (adj) making a firm and accept a delay or sth annoying without /wɪlɪŋnəs/ /dɪˈtɜːmɪnd/ complaining I have run out of patience with her. being prepared to do sth; readiness Sarah always decision to do it and you will not let anyone showed a great willingness to learn to skills. prevent you I’m determined to succeed. peek (v) /piːk/ to look at sth quickly and secretly because you should not be looking at it determination (n) /dɪˌtɜːmɪˈneɪʃn/ the quality that makes you continue trying to do sth even Don’t peek at your presents before your birthday. Unit 2 when this is difficult He fought the illness with penalize (v) /piːnəlaɪz/ to put sb at a abandoned (adj) /əˈbændənd/ left and no longer courage and determination. disadvantage by treating them unfairly He felt wanted, used or needed The child was found penalized because of his age. abandoned but unharmed. dignified (adj) /dɪɡnɪfaɪd/ calm and serious and deserving respect He maintained a dignified perfectionism (n) /pəˈfekʃənɪzəm/ a person absolutely (adv) /æbsəluːtli/ used to emphasize silence during the interview. who likes to do things perfectly and is not satisfied that sth is completely true He made it absolutely with anything less Her perfectionism is evident at clear. dignity (n) /dɪɡnəti/ a calm and serious manner that deserves respect She accepted the criticism work and at home. accessible (adj) /əkˈsesəbl/ that can be reached, with quiet dignity. perseverance (n) /pɜːsɪˈvɪərəns/ the quality entered, used, seen, etc. The remote area is of continuing to try to achieve a particular accessible only by helicopter. gape (v) /ɡeɪp/ to stare at sb/sth with your mouth open because you are shocked or aim despite difficulties They showed great advisable (adj) /ədˈvaɪzəbl/ sensible and a surprised I would gape in astonishment if that perseverance in the face of difficulty. good idea in order to achieve sth Early booking is happened. persistence (n) /pəˈsɪstəns/ the fact of advisable. continuing to try to do sth despite difficulties, amicable (adj) done or achieved in a gawp (v) /ɡɔːp/ to stare at sb/sth in a rude or /æmɪkəbl/ stupid way Don’t gawp at me like that! especially when other people are against you polite or friendly way and without arguing In spite and think that you are being annoying or of their disagreement they parted on amicable gaze (v) to look steadily at sb/sth for a long /ɡeɪz/ unreasonable His persistence was finally rewarded terms. time, either because you are very interested or when the insurance company agreed to pay for the asteroid (n) /æstərɔɪd/ any one of the many surprised, or because you are thinking of sth else damage. He gazed longingly at the sweets. small planets that go around the sun You might persistent (adj) /pəˈsɪstənt/ determined to do find an asteroid between Mars and Jupiter. get over it (phr v) /ɡet ˈəʊvə(r) ɪt/ to deal with or sth despite difficulties, especially when other gain control of sth It was his first major setback in attractive (adj) /əˈtræktɪv/ pleasant to look at people are against you and think that you are I like John but I don’t find him attractive. life, but he managed to get over it. being annoying or unreasonable How do you deal glance (v) to look quickly at sth/sb audible (adj) /ɔːdəbl/ that can be heard clearly /ɡlɑːns/ with persistent salesmen who won’t take no for an Her voice was barely audible above the noise. Let me have a quick glance at the report. answer? glare (v) ( ) to look at sb/sth in an angry awesome (adj) /ɔːsəm/ very impressive or very /ɡleə r / resourceful (adj) /rɪˈsɔːsfl / good at finding ways way He glared at me without saying a word. difficult and perhaps rather frightening I just of doing things and solving problems, etc. These bought this awesome new CD! glimpse (n) /ɡlɪmps / a look at sb/sth for a very women were strong, resourceful and courageous. short time, when you do not see the person or thing bay (n) /beɪ/ a part of the sea, or of a large lake, resourcefulness (n) /rɪˈzɔːsfʊlnɪs/ the ability to completely He caught a glimpse of her in the crowd.
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