The Student Newspaper of Imperial College 22 November 1999 : Issue 1158 Imperial C 03m{ ;m\ - vai mM'trnm m4 ; Registry refuse to block bailiff threat ANDREW OFORI sary forms had been sent. Their tried in absentia and the magistrate were told they would have to wait details would then be checked and had ordered baliffs to arrive in two another two days. Only after a return Registry bureaucracy almost had the apologies made. weeks. The letter was dated 1 1 trip to Ms. Newton did they receive bailiffs knocking at student's doors As the students were not there to November leaving them only eleven the papers. last week when the local Council defend themselves over the summer, days to save their possessions. The The certificates have now been forced students to defend themselves the Council became convinced they Council was now insisting on a new sent to the Council, who have prom• against erroneous tax claims. had tax dodgers on their hands and exemption certificate and the students ised to confirm that baliffs will not be The chaos started when West• the bemused trio were summoned to rushed to the Registry office in hope sent, and that the students' credit rat• minister Council lost some students' court. One of them explained "We of a saviour. ings will remain intact. Ms. Newton paperwork and demanded they pay were really stunned." They reacted They were told they would have was dismayed by the Registry office's council tax. All full-time students are quickly, contacting Westminister to wait a week and were frantic when, lack of compassion: "Their job is to exempt from the tax and only need to Council and once again insisting that having explained the desperation of help people, if they can't do their job provide their local Council with a cer• their details had been sent and they the situation, the reply did not because they can't cope then they are tificate from their Registry Office. Even were told the necessary information change.. They brought their case to simply not doing their job." though the three students who shared had indeed been received and the ICU President Tasha Newton, who felt One student who is looking into the accommodation had done this, case would be dropped. the Registry's response was "totally taking legal action against Westmin• the Council plagued them with The students were overwhelmed unacceptable" and took the matter to ister Council for harassment stated monthly calls last year demanding when they received a letter on 14 the Deputy Academic Registrar. It was "Registry are more interested in their they pay. On each occasion the indi• November informing them the court agreed the students could collect their own standard procedure and bureau• viduals would explain that the neces• case had gone ahead, they had been forms that day, but on arrival they cracy than our needs." Mammoth genetics research lab unites departments JIM GEACH & SUNIL RAO that the Imperial site is very old, and consequently the process has been Despite rumours to the contrary, it hampered by underlying debris left appears that construction of the over from previous structures. new Multi-Disciplinary Research The building is apparently still Building (MDRB) is well underway on budget, though, and construc• and, weather permitting, construc• tion work is expected to finish by tion ought to be complete on January or February, with the build• schedule. ing opening for use by November The new nine-storeyed building, 2000. A few mock-ups of the proj• located behind the Biochemistry ect were constructed before being building, is to house and encourage rejected, but again, that is normal scientific research projects that are for projects this size. of a multidisciplinary nature, to try Artist's impression of the new project Richard Toy and his team are and encourage better communica• confident that "the quality of the tion between departments. sion, explained that construction Daniel Foreman of the Heery Pro• MDRB will surpass that of the Richard Toy, Major Projects has been put back a week due to ject Management Company, who is award-winning Sir Alexander Flem• Manager in College's Estates Divi• problems with digging foundations. co-ordinating the work, explained ing building." 2 News Felix • 22 November 1999 The name's James. [email protected] Exactly what does the Union do ANDREW OFORI College there is only one thing left co.uk, and they are hoping the entrusted lo it by the College? to do - become the coolest man in former President will create some• Many will remember last year's the world!" thing of a media frenzy. Union President as Dave Hellard, Funmail allows users to have Graham Goodkind of Funmail but you would in fact be referring up to 20 personalised e-mail described how the company to [email protected]. addresses using domain names, allowed users to choose a num• We launch a new dedicated Sci• The former ICU President, cur• for example there was a popular ber of addresses from over 5000 ence section with a look at the rently in his final year of Joint response to their last Engalnd - domain names and link them all to nature of scientific: study. Maths and Computing, has Scotland releases where addresses one inbox suggesting "As we go formed an odd alliance with the e- such as [email protected] forward into the future I think it's mail service Funmail. His love of and [email protected] going to catch on". He felt the James Bond and his appreciation were available. They intend to use service, which is "particularly pop• of the free web-based email serv• Mr 0-0-7.co.uk as publicity vehi• ular amongst students", mixed a Another new section, this time ice has led him to change his cle and are taking care of all his unique stylish humour with sound catering for the consultant or name by deed poll to james@0-0- costs as well as providing him with technological service "The under• 7.co.uk. The move is attracting some allowance. To coincide with lying system is the most robust on interest from national press and a the release of the new Bond film the market." photo shoot for one national The World Is Not Enough on Fri• New releases currently being paper is already being arranged. day, Funmail is releasing over 50 planned include those for The rising star commented, "Hav• new Bond domain names includ• Hanukkah, Christmas and the Mil• • Up, W;; h ing been President of Imperial ing name@shaken-not-stirred. lennium. Welfa re In Brief CAMBRIDGE INITIATE and whites. According to the "excellent", "approved" and "not NEW LINK-UP WITH MIT research, conducted by Notting• approved" according to the quality ham's Professor David James, most of their teaching. Under the gov• A partnership agreement between of the discrimination occurs at the ernment's preferred system of Cambridge University and the application stage, and consequent• "name and shame", universities Massachusetts Institute of Technol• ly it's applications procedures that which receive excellence awards ogy has been hailed by the govern• are under review. Although qualifi• will be conferred "beacon" status. ment as a "path-breaking innova• cations are not an issue, Prof James The paper goes on to suggest that Prince, l-War, Ed TV, Four Knight; tion" which will form the basis for believes that asking people to list continued excellence "could prop• in Knaresborough, Carrie 2, the future of global higher educa• activities that demonstrate their erly be regarded as a beacon that Abomination...the list is endless. tion. good qualities (empathising, time others should emulate". These Details of the final project are management, teamworking, priori• plans are designed to provide a still sketchy, as the deal has so far tising, caring etc) is the problem, as compromise between Vice Chan• only received approval from both women and whites tend to get cellors and the Government, but sides in terms of broad principles, involved in more extracurricular mixed feedback to the proposals but it is already known that the activities. suggests that it could be some time "CMI" will have funding of at least As a result, this year Notting• yet before a new quality control £84 million. Of this, £68 million ham has asked its applicants to and audit system is finally agreed. will come from the Treasury's Cap• detail experiences from their lives, ital Modernisation Fund, whilst the rather than just listing activities. MASSIVE NEW FUNDING remainder emanates from industry Other medical schools are devising FOR BIOTECH CENTRES A rec donations. action plans, encouraged by the ted worid? The CMI will have four broad Council of Heads of Medical The government is set to announce areas of activity: integrated Schools, and will be watching the a programme to pump millions of research; professional practice pro• results of Nottingham's changes pounds into biotechnology grammes in innovation and entre- with interest. research. The funds will be avail• preneurship: undergraduate edu• able to help key institutions coordi• The Mountaineers cation; and the creation of a "BEACON" STATUS OFFERED nate the growth of high-tech "clus• National Competitiveness Network. TO TOP UNIVERSITIES ters", as recommended in a report commissioned by science minister MED SCHOOLS ACT TO The Quality Assurance Agency has Lord Sainsbury. University spin-off END DISCRIMINATION redrafted it's plans for assessing companies could also be big win• universities once again. Vice Chan• ners, with hefty government back• jp on lt_ s lower Medical schools across the country cellors have been given just over ing on offer.
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