Environmental Monitoring Report Semestral Report Project Number: 44019-013 July 2019 PRC: Hubei Huangshi Urban Pollution Control and Environmental Management Project Prepared by SGS-CSTC Standards Technical Services Co., Ltd. & SGS China Co., Ltd. for the Huangshi Municipal Government and the Asian Development Bank This environmental monitoring report is a document of the borrower. The views expressed herein do not necessarily represent those of ADB’s Board of Director, Management or staff, and may be preliminary in nature. In preparing any country program or strategy, financing any project, or by making any designation of or reference to a particular territory or geographic area in this document, the Asian Development Bank does not intend to make any judgments as to the legal or other status of any territory or area. External Environment Monitor Project Number:44019 Consulting Services Contract No: Loan 2940 P-CB03 Jul 2019 PRC: Hubei Huangshi Urban Pollution Control and Environmental Management Project Semi-Annual External Environmental Monitoring Report (January 2019 - June 2019) Submitted to: Asian Development Bank Huangshi Asian Development Bank Project Management Office Prepared by: SGS-CSTC Standards Technical Services Co., Ltd. SGS China Co., Ltd. ADB Loan 2940 P-CB03: Hubei Huangshi Urban Pollution Control and Environmental Management Project - External Environment Monitor Semi-Annual External Environmental Monitoring Report(2019.Jan-2019.Jun) TABLE OF CONTENT 1. INTRODUCTION ................................................................................................................. 1 1.1 REPORT OBJECTIVES ................................................................................................................ 1 1.2 PROJECT BACKGROUND AND GOALS ....................................................................................... 1 1.3 SUBPROJECT INTRODUCTION ................................................................................................... 3 1.4 PROJECT IMPLEMENTATION PROGRESS ................................................................................... 9 2. EMP IMPLEMENTATION AGENCY ESTABLISHMENT AND RESPONSIBILITIES ......................................................................................................................... 14 2.1 RESPONSIBILITIES OF ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT AGENCIES ...................................... 14 2.2 ENVIRONMENTAL MONITORING ............................................................................................ 20 2.3 INSTITUTIONAL STRENGTHENING ......................................................................................... 20 2.4 ENVIRONMENTAL REQUIREMENTS IN CONTRACTS ................................................................ 20 3. COMPLIANCE WITH ENVIRONMENTAL RELATED PROJECT COVENANTS 22 4. IMPLEMENTATION OF ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT MITIGATION MEASURES 23 5. ENVIRONMENTAL MONITORING PLANS AND RESPONSIBILITIES ................ 36 5.1 ENVIRONMENTAL MONITORING RESPONSIBILITIES .............................................................. 36 5.2 TARGET OF ENVIRONMENTAL QULIATY AND METHODS FOR SAMPLING AND ANALYSIS .... 36 5.3 ARRANGEMENT FOR ENVIRONMENTAL MONITORING .......................................................... 38 5.4 CONTENTS OF MONITORING .................................................................................................. 38 5.5 RESULTS OF MONITORING ..................................................................................................... 44 6. PUBLIC CONSULTATION AND COMPLAINTS ......................................................... 75 7. INSTITUTIONAL STRENGTHENING AND TRAINING............................................ 77 8. KEY ENVIRONMENTAL ISSUES .................................................................................. 81 8.1 KEY ENVIORNMENTAL ISSUES AND PROPOSED CORRECTIVE ACTIONS ................................. 81 9. CONCLUSION .................................................................................................................... 84 LIST OF TABLES Table 1.2 Detailed Project Scope of Each Subproject 5 Table 1.3 Implementation Progress of all contracts under this Project (Up to June 2019) 9 Table 1.4 Fact Sheet of the 4 works contracts that have been procured (Till June 2019) 11 Table 2.1 Information of dedicated environmental management correspondents (Till June 2019) 15 i Jul 2019 ADB Loan 2940 P-CB03: Hubei Huangshi Urban Pollution Control and Environmental Management Project - External Environment Monitor Semi-Annual External Environmental Monitoring Report(2019.Jan-2019.Jun) Table 3.1 Environmental Related Project Covenants Compliance Status 22 Table 4.1 Potential Environmental Impacts and Mitigation Measures at Design and Preconstruction Phase 23 Table 4.2 Potential Environmental Impact and Mitigation Measures (at Construction Stage) 26 Table 5.1 Environmental standards that applicable to this project 37 Table 6.1 Public Consultation Plan 75 Table 7.1 Institutional Strengthening and Training Program 77 Table 7.2 List of Upcoming Training Plans 79 Table 8.1 Key Environmental Problems and Corrective Action 81 LIST OF APPENDICES Appendix I Key Issues and Corrective Actions ii Jul 2019 ADB Loan 2940 P-CB03: Hubei Huangshi Urban Pollution Control and Environmental Management Project - External Environment Monitor Semi-Annual External Environmental Monitoring Report(2019.Jan-2019.Jun) ABBREVIATION ADB = Asian Development Bank AFS = Audited Financial Statements DMF = Design and Monitoring Framework EIA = Environmental Impact Assessment EMP = Environmental Management Plan EPB = Environmental protection bureau FMA = Financial management assessment GACAP = Governance and Anticorruption Action Plan GAP = Gender Action Plan GIS = Geographic Information System HMG = Huangshi Municipal Government HPG = Hubei Provincial Government HPFD = Huangshi Provincial Finance Bureau HPMO = Huangshi Project Management Office HUCIDC = Huangshi Urban Construction Investment and Development Company Ltd. IARS = Imprest Account Reconciliation Statement ICB = International Competitive Bidding ICS = Individual Consultant Selection LAR = Land Acquisition and Resettlement LIBOR = London Interbank Offered Rate NCB = National Competitive Bidding NGOs = Nongovernment Organizations PAI = Project Administration Instructions PAM = Project Administration Manual PCA = Procurement Capacity Assessment PIU = Project Implementation Unit PMO = Project Management Office PPMS = Project Performance Management System PRC = People’s Republic of China PSA = Poverty and Social Assessment QBS = Quality Based Selection QCBS = Quality-and-Cost Based Selection RRP = Report and Recommendation of the President to the Board SBD = Standard Bidding Documents SDAP = Social Development Action Plan SOE = Statement of Expenditure SPS = Safeguard Policy Statement SPRSS = Summary Poverty Reduction and Social Strategy TOR = Terms of Reference WWTP = Wastewater Treatment Plant iii Jul 2019 ADB Loan 2940 P-CB03: Hubei Huangshi Urban Pollution Control and Environmental Management Project - External Environment Monitor Semi-Annual External Environmental Monitoring Report(2019.Jan-2019.Jun) 1. INTRODUCTION 1.1 REPORT OBJECTIVES The key objectives of this Assignment are to ensure the Project’s compliance with (i) all applicable local regulations and stations pertaining to environment, health and safety; (ii) ADB’s Safeguard Policy Statement (2009); and (3) all mitigation measures and recommendations specified in the Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) report and Environmental Management Plan (EMP) are implemented throughout the entire project implementation period that covers design, construction and operation phase. The Assignment will review and verify all environmental monitoring information from Huangshi Environmental Monitoring Station (HEMS), conduct independent field inspection, and to evaluate the implementation of EMP and identify any environment-related issues and necessary corrective actions. The 11th Semi-Annual External Environmental Monitoring (EEM) Report (hereafter referred to as “the Report”) is prepared by the consortium of SGS-CSTC Standards Technical Services Co., Ltd. and SGS China Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as “SGS”). The SGS team visited Huangshi on 17th – 18th June 2019 with the aim to evaluate the implementation status of EMP requirements during this period. This report records the environmental management activities undertaken during the period of 2019.Jan-2019.Jun, covering from design and pre-construction stage of the subprojects and verify the environmental impacts and implementation status of mitigation measures, reduce negative environmental impacts and propose environmental improvement schemes. In accordance with all the relevant specifications and standards of the PRC, as well as the policies of the Asian Development Bank (ADB), this report will focus on (i) EMP implementation progress; (ii) implementation of mitigation measures, (iii) environmental related project covenants compliance, (iv) environmental monitoring and compliance, (v) institutional strengthening and training, (iv) Public consultation and (vii) problems that have occurred and corrective actions taken. 1.2 PROJECT BACKGROUND AND GOALS Huangshi Municipal Government (HMG) has requested a sum of USD 100 million loan from Asian Development Bank (ADB) with the purpose to promote environmental sustainable and socioeconomically inclusive urban development in Huangshi, Hubei Province, by upgrading the city’s urban
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