Prosjektbank til stipendiatstillinger Project name: COVID-19, policy responses and the ‘institutional immune system’: Social inequalities in health, work and wellbeing during a double-crisis (COINEQ) Objectives: The consequences of the COVID-19 crisis are not likely to be dictated by the health system capacity and by timely and effective non-pharmaceutical interventions alone, but also hinges on the capacity of society to ‘buffer’ market failure, maintain the economy and redistribute costs and burdens. COINEQ addresses how different responses to the current double-crisis affect social inequalities in health and mortality, well-being and living conditions, and investigates the role of pre-existing societal features - dubbed the ‘institutional immune system’ - in shaping both crisis responses and outcomes. COINEQ’s objectives are: 1. To identify distinct ‘crisis policy clusters’ and policy paths through the pandemic in Europe and in select American states. 2. To investigate population trends and social inequality developments in well-being and social, material, economic and health-related living conditions in Norway. 3. To analyse developments in health and social outcomes by crisis response and institutional set-up in select Nordic and Anglo-Saxon countries. 4. To contrast case-specific findings to the broader European context. 5. To study changes in social inequalities in cause-specific mortality and socioeconomic outcomes in Nordic register data. Thematic relevance: Labour market inclusion; Quantitative research; Ethnic minorities. Available data: EU-SILC survey data for Norway and European countries, Nordic register data, American surveys. Collaboration and duration of the project Six researchers from OsloMet. If the project receives funding in November it will include partners in Finland, Sweden, Denmark, UK & the US. Duration: 01.01.2021-31.12-2024. Funding: The project will be included in WELLIFE, which has similar aims, if not funded by Norwegian Research Council in November. The OsloMet group will carry out parts of the original project anyhow. Contact details: Kjetil van der Wel, [email protected] Project name: EUROSHIP – Closing gaps in European social citizenship. Objectives: The EUROSHIP project (2020 - 2023) will provide gender-sensitive assessment of the current gaps in social protection against poverty and social exclusion in Europe. Focal points will be the roles of social protection systems, digitalisation of work and social protection delivery, and the social and political opportunities for active agency by three groups of citizens: youth at risk, precarious workers with care obligations and elderly and disabled people with long-term care needs. EUROSHIP will give original insights on how social rights mitigate risks across the life-course and affect the scope for exercising social citizenship by vulnerable persons within a multi-level governance system. The team will address the interplay of different dimensions of inequality such as gender, class, age, ethnicity and disability for all three age groups (youth, prime age and older citizens). Thematic relevance to the call for proposals: EUROSHIP addresses both questions about labour market inclusion and the opportunities for exercising social citizenship among ethnic minorities. Available data: Life-course interviews with low-skilled and low-income women and men in Germany, Estonia, Spain, Hungary, Italy, Norway, and the UK, semi-structured interviews with stakeholders, and comparative micro-data from EUROSTAT. Collaboration and duration of the project A trans-disciplinary consortium of nine research institutions from eight countries (CH, DE, EE, ES, HU, IT, NO, UK) and one European CSO will implement EUROSHIP. The team is likely to continue to publish results from the project a couple of years after the external funding from the EU ends in 2023. Funding: H2020 Contact details: For more information, please do not hesitate to contact Professor Rune Halvorsen ([email protected]). See also https://euroship-research.eu/. Project Title: Organizing for Outcomes (O4O): Links between service integration and transitions to employment for citizens with complex service needs Objectives: O4O researches links between the organizing of service delivery and employment outcomes among groups with complex service needs, with a focus on marginalised young adults outside education and work (NEETs). The research questions concerns to what extent can service integration explain employment outcomes for marginalised citizens with complex service needs and which service configurations are associated with employment outcomes; and whether the integrated services of Norway (NAV organization) are more helpful in assisting marginalised citizens into employment, compared to the dispersed organizing of service delivery in Sweden and Denmark. Thematic relevance: Labour market inclusion; Quantitative research; Ethnic minorities; Urbanisation. Available Data: Individual-level register data, administrative data on frontline services, survey data on organizational characteristics, service integration, and municipal data on social, economic and demographic context. Qualitative data from selected municipalities and NAV-offices (interviews and documents). Collaboration and duration of the project: Project period: 2021-2024. Six participating researchers, one PhD-student and one post doc. from OsloMet. Collaborators at the University of Stockholm, Aalborg University, University of Copenhagen, Department of Public Health and at the University of California, Berkeley. Funding: The Norwegian Research Council . Contact details: Espen Dahl [email protected], tlf: 95907248, Tone Alm Andreassen, SPS, [email protected], ,tlf: 91158160 Prosjektnavn Kjerneforskningsmiljøet INTEGRATE Sentrale problemstillinger i prosjektet: Problemstillingen dreier seg om den betydningen lokal sosialpolitikk og tjenesteorganisering har for muligheten for at utvalgte vanskeligstilte grupper kan delta i arbeidsmarkedet. Av spesiell interesse er det å studere samspillet mellom sosial tilhørighet/bakgrunn og status som vanskeligstilt med hensyn på posisjon i arbeidsmarkedet. Med «lokal» sikter vi til kommuner og bydeler i de store byene i Norge. Flere «vanskeligstilte» grupper er aktuelle, etniske minoriteter, utsatte unge, mennesker med kroniske helseutfordringer, mfl. Vi vil ikke her og nå bestemme hvilken, eller hvilke grupper som skal studeres siden vi ønsker at stipendiaten skal være med på å avgjøre det. Tilgjengelige data: Datatilfanget i phd prosjektet består av norske registerdata. Disse inneholder tallrike opplysninger om individuelle demografiske, sosiale, økonomiske og helsemessige forhold, samt hvilken kommune/bydel de er bosatt i. Vi har allerede hentet inn opplysninger om hvordan NAV kontorene er organisert, og har planlagt innhenting av ytterligere opplysninger om organisatoriske forhold på lokalnivå, i tillegg til informasjon om arbeidsmarkedsforhold og næringsstruktur mm. Temaer: Temaer i utlysningen som dekkes er arbeidsinkludering, og kvantitativ forskning. Avhengig av hva stipendiaten velger å fokusere på, kan også etniske minoriteter ble dekket. Prosjektperiode mm: Phd prosjektet vil strekke seg over tre år. Stipendiaten vil knyttes til INTEGRATE. For tiden består INTEGRATE av knapt 20 forskere, stipendiater inkludert. Stipendiatene deltar på alle fagmøter i INTEGRATE. INTEGRATE har et panel med 10 internasjonalt anerkjente eksperter innen arbeidsinkludering og tjenesteintegrasjon, samt tre «adjunct professors» som er jevnlig på besøk ved Oslomet. Stipendiatene har mulighet til å legge fram paperutkast mm. for disse. Funding: The Norwegian Research Council. Kontaktperson: Espen Dahl, e-mail: [email protected], tlf: 95907248 Project Title: Work, health and welfare trajectories among ‘successful’ participants in active labour market programmes (ALMPs). Objectives: We have extensive knowledge about the selection into and the effects of different ALMPs on transitions from welfare benefits to work. However, little is known about the long-term welfare of both ‘successful’ ALMP participants, i.e. those who are able to gain a foothold in the labour market, and those who fail. To what extent do different ALMPs shift previous benefit recipients into trajectories that help them avoid poverty, poor working conditions, ill health, dead-end jobs or labour market exclusion? To what extent do ALMPs protect vulnerable participants by helping them accessing jobs with acceptable working conditions? Do ‘successful’ participants have more favourable health trajectories than ‘failures’, i.e. does work have salutogenic effects? Thematic relevance: Labour market inclusion; Quantitative research; Ethnic minorities. Available Data: Individual-level register data from Statistics Norway, Nav and the Norwegian Patient Registry. Collaboration and duration of the project: Project period: 2020-2023. The project is linked to the WELLIFE project. The OsloMet project group has seven participants, including two PhD students. Collaborators at the University of Stockholm, University of Copenhagen and The University of Helsinki. Funding: Nordforsk . Contact details: Åsmund Hermansen, [email protected]. Prosjektnavn- ENKEL OG TRYGG PÅRØRENDEKONTAKT: Innovasjonsprosjekt med ensomhetsreduserende teknologi i eldreomsorgen i Oslo Innovasjonsprosjektet «Enkel og trygg pårørendekontakt» er et samarbeid mellom Sykehjemsetaten i Oslo, teknologibedriften No Isolation, og institutt for sosialfag ved OsloMet. Prosjektet fikk støtte fra Norges
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