PROCEEDINGS OF THE 57*" MEETING OF THE UNIVERSITY GRANTS COMMISSION HELD IN NEW DELHI ON THE 1** APRIL, 1964 co^-wnbiNTT al University Gj?ants CdiTimission ' Bahadur Shah Zafar ^Tew Delhi • • • Proceedings of the 57th meeting of the Unive-^sity Grants Commission held in New Delhi on the 1 st .Anril, 19 64. The following were present^ 1 , Prof. D. S. Kothari Chairman 2, 3hri S.R. Das Member 3. Dr. A, C, Josh i 4. Shri D.C.Pavate 5. Prof. A, R.Wadia 6. Shri 3.SbJva Rao ” 7. Pt, H.^I.Kunzru ” 8 . Shri P.^^. Kir^al 9. Shri K. L. Joshi Secretary Secret ar iat v. Dr. P. J.Philip Joint Secretary 2. Dr. V. S.Patankar D.O. (S) 3. Dr. S.Bhattacharya D.O'. CH) 4. Shri R.K.Chhahra Deputy Secretary Prof. H.Simonsj Consultant o>n General Education was present by special invitation for’ items 5 and 6. Apolo.;;^ for absence was recej^ived from_ Shri V. T, D e h e jia . I tem l\b. t ^ To receive the minutes of the meeting of the Commission held on 4th Kar’ch;, 1964. The minute’s of the 56th meeting of the Tiniver- sity Grants Commission and the record! of discussion bet­ ween the Education Minister and the Members of the Uni­ versity Grants Com-mission, already circulated, were con- firm.ed. Item. No.2 g (a) T© approve the action taken an certain matters. (b) To receive items of information. (a) The Comnission approved! the action taken on item.s listed'in*Apr;endix I of these minutes. (b) The Corn-mission received and noted the items listed in*Appendix II of these minutes. With re^gard to item. 2 (b) <^2) , it was suggested that the Indian Council for Cultural Relaftions be reruested to see that pa:^"ments to the scholars are m.ade re^gulaI•ly and that some money is advanced to tine students imm.edia- tely on arrival in India to enable thiem. to meet out of pocket expenses. Item, To approve, the statement o f grant s released after the last meeting of the Com.misSion held on 4th March 3 ,1954. The Commission api^roved thae grants released as shown in* Appendix I I I of these mi mutes* T) • t, o • '-Co receive a statement of grants paid by the U. G.C. during 1963-64 ur) to the end of Febru- ar:/5 19 64, ■ThiS' was.noted. IMm.„S2uuLl To receive a note on the. progress of general education programmes in the ^^nivor sities. Item No, 6? To consider further the rec^jmmendations of the StaJiding Advisory Committee oh Cieneral Sduc.q.tion regarding the appointm_ent of co­ ordinators ’etc, for implementing the pro­ gramme of general education-; in, the univer­ sities. The Comimission received the note on general education^ and also.' heard Prof. H, Simionsj'Consultant on General Sducation, about the progress of general educa­ tion in the universities. The Commission agreed to the proposal of the M. S.University of Baroda for the crea­ tion of two posts o-'f lecturers for General Education, Assistance to the university for these will be on the usual basis for pro'gra;'am.es in general education for the remaining period of the Third Plan. 11 em No. 7 g To consider the question of payment of grants to universities for enabling them, to become the corporate members of India International Centre. The Commission noted the advice given by the Law-Ninistry with regard'to the paynent of membership fee to India International Centre by the universities. It also noted that the Acts of the four Central Universities did not contain a specific provision for the universities to become members of registered societies. In this'con­ nection it was mentioned that the Interpretation given by the Law Ministry may affect also the mcribership of the universities of such bodies as the Inter-TTniversitv Board and the Association of the Commonwealth Ufiiversit ie s. It was agreed that the^matter be referred again to the Law Ministry for clarification and advice whether the . universities could becom.e m.em.bers of the Inter University Board and such bodies in accordance with the present Acts and if notj how the Acts could be amended to enable the universities to continue to be associated with these and other aDnronriate organisations as m.embers. Item No.qg TTo receive a letter from^ the Ministry of Education regarding audit objections on the grants paid by the U. G.C. The Commission took the following decisions *- Para 1 - Release of grants not covered by the U, G. C. Act. It was noted that the Law Ministry have advised that the Commission could pay the maintenance grants to the institutions deemed to be universities under Section 3 of the U, G.C. Act. The Commission agreed that it should not con­ tinue to pay grants on long term basis to the engineering colleges under the A. I»C,T.E. scheme» and that this may be -3- paid by the Ministry of Sdiication v/ith effect from i. 4.1964 Para 2 - Grants to universities for Welfare Schemes* The C om issio n agreed that the welfare schemes mentioned in the audit note have a direct bear^nn; on the U, G.C. functions and responsibilitie s 5 and that grants on such schcjmes should be treated as ’’development grants. ” Far a 3 - Purchase of Tagore Paintings This v;as noted for future guidance. Para 4 - Grant to Government Colleges. The Comjnission a^greed that it could pay grants to Government Colleges including Medical Clolleges. Item ^'^n. 9 ’ To consider the following proposals received from the Delhi University s (i) Starting Honour s classes in Philosophy at Deshbandhu College and in Sociology at Delhi Gollerre from the academic year 19 64-65^ (ii) Cre.ation of additional ^bn-academic po st s 5 (iii) The revised recommendations on the est?ib- lishm.ent of post-graduate courses in ^^nsic. (i) The Comjnission noted the present strength of students in 3 . A, Honour s (^Philosophy) of’ the Collegos^of Delhi IT;niver sity 5 and did not agree to tho starting of Honours Courses in Philosophy at Deshbandhu College. In this connection it was felt that in the interest of effi­ ciency and economy it may be desirable in the_case of subject where the nmnber of students was lim.ited to ex­ plore the possibility of inter-collegiate teaching or assigning the subjects to a few selected colleges. The Commission agreed that the Delhi College be permitted to start Honours'classes in Sociology with effect from the academic year 19 64-65 and the grant be paid to the college on the usual sharing basi^. (ii) The Com.m.ission anproved the creation of the following non-teaching posts in the Delhi University?- College Unit 1 .' Senior Assistant ' - 1 2. Assistants - 2 5. Clerks/Typists - 2 4. Steno-typist - ^ 5. Peon . ■ - 1 Other Sections ' • ^ 1* Superintendents- - ■ 4 •2. Senior Assistant - 1 3. Assistants - IB -4-- 4. Clertes/Typist s - ^ 5. Peons3 - 3 With ref5^q.rd to the craatibn of a'loost of'Joint' Registrar, tho Coirnmi ss ion, after talking into account the letter received fr:om the Vice-Chancellor 5 Delhi University ^ suggested that tho3 matter be discussed with"the univGr-""' sity with a view t:o exploring the possibility of granting, as a special case,, a suitable special pay to the present Deputy-'Regi str ar wa^o would also be in charge of the Col­ lege Unit in add it: ion to his own work. The Coramnission also approved the recoramenda- tions of the commilt tee that the posts of two Assistant Re- ’ gistrars need not be ungraded to those of Deputy Registrars,. (iii) The C^ommission agreed to the following in’ connection with thie establishment of post-graduate courses in Misic at the De3lhi University J- ^qiilpment (i) Hinduistani Music - 9,500 (ii) Karnaatak Music - 2 0 ,ono (iii) GramoDphone records and „ p^, i0,0-00 Tapess etc. Building mith plinth area of - p% 5 , 0 0 , o o o 38000 sq.'ftG. at an approximate cost of P". lO,00 ,000 (The Uni­ versity mee;3t an expenditure of Pc. 5 lakhs from^ Shankar Lai Trust Fund)) ■ ■ - IIT Immediate I’C-epair of old jubilee S5,000 hall barr^ic^ks. IV Fencing the3 compound wall of the 15 ,0 0 0 new Music touilding. V Library booDks and journals and 2 0 , 00ofR')'i ) pub 1 ic at io ms 25 , ^00 ( R) The Commisssion further desired that the staff require3-3- ments of the Musics D^^partment' of the University be exami­ ned by Shri B. Shiiva Rao, I tem l^fo.^0 ; To coDnsider the following proposals from, the Banarras Hindu University; - (i) The iintroduction of a post-graduate diploma coursse in Radio Physics and Electronics in • the DDepartm.ent of Physics. (ii) The ccreation of supernumerary professorships in thne departm.ents of Physics and Botany du.r- ing tthe Third Five Year Plan period. (iii) Proviision of necessary facilities for the teaclhing of the first year of the reorgqnised prof ea ssional courses in the Colleges of Sngirneering, Technology, Medicine and Agri­ cult lure. -5- (i) T>ie Goiinissicn did net approve the'r)roDosal cf the Bananas Hindu University for the irrtpodiacti'cn of'- a po st-jraduate diploma course in Radio ^hysics and Elec­ tronics in the Department of Physics but a.^^reed that the University may consider, if they so desired,, the possi­ bility of introducing such a course in the Engineering College.
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