
1)5 I 54. 5 ,H 5 CAMBRIDGE UNIVERSITY PRESS LONDON: BENTLEY HOUSE NEW YORK, TORONTO, BOMBAY CALCUTTA, MADRAS: MACMILLAN TOKYO: MARUZEN COMPANY LTD All righls ruuv,d To W.H.B.: C.J.P.C. E.J.F.: C.R.P. v.s. FRONTISPIECE Sflltdi.<11 Cyprus £~pr1Utfo,, LIM ESTONJl II EAO FROM VOUNJ .. .. .. .. ... .... .. .. .. A HISTORY OF CYPRUS BY SIR GEORGE HILL, K.C.B., F.B.A. * VOLUME I To the Conquest "f:y Richard Lion Heart 3 1272 00020 0848 CAMBRI DGE AT THE UNIVERSITY PRESS 1940 A HISTORY OF CYPRUS CONTENTS Preface page 1x List ~f Illustratio11s and Maps Xl Lists ofBooks Cons11lted xv Chapter I. The Land I II. The Stone Age 15 ill. The Bronze Age 22 IV. The Religion ofEarly Cyprus 55 V. The Greek Colonization 82 VI. Phoenicians, Assyrians and Egyptians 95 I. The Phoenicians 96 II. The Assyrians 104 III. The Egyptians 108 VII. From Cyrus ro Alexander I. To the death of Cin1on III II. To the death ofEuagoras I 125 III. To Alexander the Great 143 vm. The Successors 156 IX. The Ptolemies 173 X. The Arts in Pre-Ro1nan Cyprus 212 XI. The Roman Province 226 XII. Byzantium and Islam 257 Addenda 330 Index 331 ILL USTRATIO NS AND MAPS PLATES Limestone head from Vouni Frontispiece (Swedish Cyprus Expedition.) Seep. 218 I. a. Khirokitia Excavations to face p. 16 (Phor. Cyprus Museum.) See p. 17 b. Black Stone from Kouklia in the Cyprus Museum (Phor. Major Vivian Seymer, D.S.O.) See p. 72 II. Bronze Age (a) Vase and (b) Model of ritual scene, from Vounous. Cyprus Museun1 58 (Phor. Cyprus Museum.) See pp. 56, 57, 224 III. Terracotcas from Ayia Irini 62 (Swedish Cyprus Expedition.) See pp. 61 £, 222 IV. Stele of Sargon from Lamaka. Berlin Museum ro6 (Phor. Berlin Museum.) Seep. 104 V. Coins relating to Cyprus. British Museum 116 1. Paphos. Reverse of silver stater ofTimocharis (?) Seep. 221 2 a, b. Salamis. Silver stater of Gorgos Seep. n6 3 a, b. Salamis- Silver stater ofEuagoras I See pp. 143, 221 4 a, b. Paphos. Silver tetradrachm of Nicocles of Alexandrine types Seep. 164 5 a, b. Demetrius Poliorcetes. Silver tetradrachm conimemorating victory of Salamis Seep. 172 6 a, b. Ptolemy V Epiphanes. Silver tetradrachm struck by Polycratcs See pp. 181, 187 n. 3. .. Xll List of Illustrations and Maps 7 a, b. Ptolemy IV Philopator. Silver didrachm of Dionysiac coinage Seep. 181 8. Caracalla. Reverse of bronze coin with Temple of Paphos Seep. 74 VI. Vouni, after the Swedish Excavations. The small island in the right distance is Petra tou Limniti to face p. u8 (Phoc. Mangoian Bros.) Seep. II7 VII. Bull's-head Capital from Salamis. British Museum 214 (Block lent by che Truscces of che Bricish Museun1.) Seep. 216 VIIl. The sarcophagi of Amathus and Golgi. Metropolitan Museum, New York 216 (Phoc. Mecropolican Museum.) Sec p. 218 IX. Limestone statue of a priest of Aphrodite. Metro­ politan Museum, New York 218 (Phot. Mecropolican Museum.) Seep. 218 X. Stone Head from Arsos. Cyprus Museum 220 (Phoc. Major Vivian Seymer, D.S.O.) Sec p. 220 XI. TcrracottasfromLapithosandLarnaka. British Museum 222 (Phoc. British Museum.) Seep. 223 XIl. Seventh-century vase. Metropolitan Museum, New To~ ~ (Phoc. Mcrropolican Museum.) Seep. 224 XIll. Head of bronze statue of Septimius Severus. Cyprus Museum 232 (Phoc. Cyprns Museum.) Sec p. 233 XIV. Wall-painting at A. Chrysostomos 304 (Phoc. Mr C. J. P. Cave. Block lent by the Cyprus Monu­ ments Commiccee.) Seep. 323 XV. Kantara Castle 320 (Phoc. Mr C. J. P. Cave. Block lenr by the Cyprus Monu­ menrs Commirree.) See pp. 5, 320 List of Illustrations and Maps X111 For pennission to reproduce the photographs of Plates Ia, II and XIII my thanks arc due to the Director of Antiquities and the Curator of the Cyprus Museum. The Swedish Cyprus Expedition kindly provided che photographs for che Frontispiece and Place ill (lower portion), and allowed Place ill (upper portion) co be made from their publication. Major Vivian Seymer cook special photographs for Places Ib and X. The blocks, che loan of which I owe co the Cyprus Monuments Colllllliccee, were made from Mr Cave's photographs for the Appeal issued by the Committee in 1934. That of che Salamis capical (Plate VII) was made for the British Museum Catalogue of Scs1lpt11re, Vol. n, 1900, Plate XXVII. For chis and che cases of the coins on Place V, as for the photographs on Place XI, I have to thank the Trustees. Messrs Mangoian Brothers presented me with the beautiful view of Vouni on Plate VI. MAPS General Map ofCyprus at end of 11ol11me Sketch Map of relation ofCyprus to neighbouring lands page 2 Map of Stone Age and Bronze Age sites, based on the Cyprus Departn1entof Antiquities Report (1936) and on Gjerstad, Studies on Prehistoric Cyprns co face p. 24 LISTS OF BOOKS These two lists do not pretend to be systematic or complete. Many general histories and works of reference have been omitted, because the reader will have no difficulty in identifying them. The first list expands the abbreviations of titles most commonly used throughout the volume; the second enumerates those books which are commonly cited by the authors' names alone. I ABBREVIATIONS B.C.H. B11lleti11 de Correspo11da11ce Helle11iq11e. Achens and Paris, 1877­ B.M.C. Britis/1 M11se11111 Catalogue of Greek Coi11s. By R. S. Poole and ochers. London, 1877- . B.M. I11scr. The Collectio11 ofA11cie11t Greek lllscriptious i11 tire British M1,se11111. By C. T. Ncwron and ochers. 4 parts. London, 1874-1916. B.M. Sc. Catalogue of Sc11lpt11re i11 the Departmeut of Greek and Ro111a11 A11tiq11ities. Vol. I, Parr IL Cypriore and Etruscan. By F. N. Pryce. London, 1931. 8.M. Terr. Catalog11e of Terracottas. By H.B. Walters. London, 1903. 8.A!. Vases. Catalogue of Greek and Etrnscan Vases. Vol. 1, Pare I. Pre­ historic and Aegean Pottery. By E. J. Forsdykc. London, 1925. Vol. t, Pare ll. Cypriote, Italian and Etruscan Pottery. By H. B. Walters. London, 1912. B.S.A. A111111al oftire British School at Athens. London, 1895- • C.A.H. Cambridge Ancient History. Cambridge, 1924-39. C.C.M. Catalogue ofthe Cypms M11se11111. ByJ. L. Myres and M. Ohnefalsch­ Richccr. Oxford, 1899. C.I.G. Bocckh (A.), ere. Corp11s Inscription11m Graecamm. 4 vols. Berlin, 1828-77. C.I.L. Corp11s I11scriptio111m1 Lati11arrm1. Berlin, 1862- . C.I.S. Corp11s l1,scriplio1111111 Semiticarr1111. Paris, 1881- . C.M.H. Cambridge Medieval History. 8 vols. Cambridge, 1922-36. E:.:cav. Cypr. British Museum. Excavatio11s i11 Cyprus. By A. S. Murray, A.H. Smith and H.B. Walters. London, 1900. Exe. Cypr. See Lisr ll, Cobham. XVl List of Books F.H.G. Fragme11ta Historicomm Graecorum. Ed. C. er Th. MiiUer. 5 vols. Paris, 1878--85. G.D.!. Sa111111l1mg der griechischm Dialekt-1"schrifie11. Ed. H. Collirzand ochers. I, pp. 1-80: "Die griechisch-kyprischcn Inschrifcen in epichorischer Schrifc", by W. Dcccke. Goccingen, 1884. H.C.C. Metropolitan Museum of New York. Ha11dbook of the Ces11ola Collectio11. By J. L. Myres. New York, 1914. Hdb. Handbook ofCyprus. By R. Storrs and B. J. O'Brien. London, [ 1930]. H.L. Sec Lise II, Boucbc-Lcclcrcq. I.G. Iuscriptio11es Graecae. Berlin, 1873- . Ed. D (Minor). Berlin, 1913­ J.G.R.R. I11scriptio11es Graecae ad Res Ro111a11as pertine11tes. Paris, 1906­ J.L.N. Jl/ustrated Lo11do11 News. Various dates from 1931­ Jac. See List ll, Jacoby. j.H.S. Journal ofHellenic Studies. London, 1881- . K.B.H. Kypros, die Bibel 1111d Homer. By M. Ohnefalsch-Richrer. Berlin, 1893. English edition, Kypros, the Bible a11d Homer. London, 1893. (References are co the former.) K.K. Sec List ll, Georgiades. Kvrrp. xpov. Kvrrp100<0: XpoVIKO:. Larnaka, 1923­ L.B.W. Voyage arclteologiq11e en Grece et m Asie Mi11e11re. By P. Lebas and W. H. Waddington. Vol. m, Pa.re I. Paris, 1870. Miss. See Lise Il, Schaeffer. M.L. H. See Lise II, Mas Lacrie. O.C. See List II, Oberhummer. O.K. Sec Lise ll, Obcrhummer. 0.G.I.S. W. Diccenberger. Orie11tis Graeci lllscriptio11es Selectae. 2 vols. Leipzig, 1903-5. P.G. J. P. Migne. Patrologiae C11rs11s Co1nplet11s.... Series Graeca. Paris, 1857-66. P.I.R. Prosopographia Imperii Ro1111111i. Ed. Klebs and ochers. 3 vols. Berlin, 1897-8. Ed. n, by Groag and Stein. Berlin and Leipzig, 1933- . P.L. J.P. Migne. Patrologia Lati11a. Paris, 1844~4. R.D.A. Cyprus Department of Antiquities. Ammal Reports. Nicosia, 1915, 1916, 1933- . R.E. Pauly-Wissowa-Kroll-Mictelhaus. Real-E,,cyc/opiidie der Clas­ sisclum Alterttmu-Wissenschajt. Sruccgarc, 1894­ Rec. Cr. Arm. Recueil des Historie11s des Croisades. Documents Arml11ie1,s. 2 vols. Paris, 1869-1906. Rec. Cr. Crees. The same. Historie,1s grecs. 2 vols. Paris, I 875-8 r. Rec. Cr. 0cc. The same. Historiens Occide11ta11x. 5 vols. Paris, 1844-95. List of Books XVll Rec. Cr. Or. The same. Historit11s Orie11ta11x. 5 comes. Paris, 1872-1906. S.C.E Swdish Cypms Expeditio11. Fi11ds a11d Results of the Excavatio11s it1 Cyprtts, 1927-31. By E. Gjersrad and ochers. Stockholm, Vols. 1, n, 1934; Vol. m, 1937; Vol. IV co follow. S.E.C. S11pplemtt111m1 Epigrapliicum Craecum. Leyden, 1923- . S.P.C. See Lise II, Gjerscad. Syll. W. Dicccnhergcr. Sy/loge Inscriptio1111111 Craecarttm. Ed. n, 3 vols. Leipzig, 1898-1901; Ed. m, 4 vols. Leipzig, 1924. lI AUTHORS AMADI. Chro11iq11es d'Amadi et de Strambaldi. Puhl. par R. de Mas Larrie. Coll. des doc. incd. sur l'l11sc. de France. Paris, 1891. BtvAs (E.). History .ifE,~ypt 1111der tire Ptolemaic Dy11asty. London, 1927. Boucnf-LECLcRCQ (A.). Histoire des Lagides.
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