eet _ No. RO/VJA/Misc.24/B/OFC/NH-544D/Sr.no.75 / way Government of India Ministry of Road Transport &Highways Regional Office, Vijayawada Door no. 38-2-3/2, Gorle dalapanna Veedhi, Near American Hospital, Punnammithota Vijayawada-520010. Tele: 0866-2970220; Fax: 0866-2571985 Dated:\@.02.2021 ~ Invitation of Public Comments Sub: Proposal for Permission for l a y i n g O p t i c a l F i b r e cable (OFC) by M/s Vindhya Telelinks Limited from k m 73/525 t o km 84/976 (LHS) o f NH-544D (Ananthapuramu-Tadipatri-Bogasamudramu section) and crossing at k m 84/876 from LHS to RHS for a total length of 11.351kms in Kurnool D i s t r i c t in the State of Andhra Pradesh - reg. P l e a s e f i n d enclosed herewith t h e proposal in accordance with Ministry’s latest guidelines d a t e d 22.11.2016 forwarded by Chief Engineer(R&B), N H & CRF, A P vide letter dated 07.01.2021 f o r laying O p t i c a l Fibre cable ( O F C ) b y M/s Vindhya T e l e l i n k s Limited from km 73/525 to km 84/976 ( L H S ) of NH-544D (Ananthapuramu-Tadipatri-Bogasamudramu section) a n d crossing a t k m 84/876 from L H S to RHS for a total length of 11.351kms a t Thimmaneyunepeta, Itikala, Kolimigundla V i l l a g e s in Kurnool D i s t r i c t in t h e S t a t e of A n d h r a P r a d e s h by the Horizontal Directional D r i l l i n g (HDD) method. 2 . As p e r the guidelines, i s s u e d by the Ministry vide Circular N o . R W / NH- 33044/29/2015/S&R(R) dated 22.11.16, t h e proposal for Highway crossing permission along & a c r o s s National Highways shall be put out in t h e p u b l i c domain for 30 days for s e e k i n g claims and objections o n grounds o f p u b l i c inconvenience, s a f e t y a n d general p u b l i c interest. 3. In view o f the above, comments o f the p u b l i c on the above mentioned proposal i s invited o n the a d d r e s s mentioned below: ~ The Regional Officer, Ministry of Road Transport and Highways, Gorle Dalappana Veedhi, Near American Hospital, Punnami Thota, Vijayawada - 520010 Email id: [email protected]. Encl: As above = ( N a k u l Prakash Verma) Executive Engineer, For Regional Officer, MoRTH, Vijayawada Copy to: 1) Senior Technical Director, NIC for uploading on the Ministry’s website. 2 ) T h e Chief Engineer(R&B), N H & CRF, AP. 3) T h e M/s Vindhya Telelinks L i m i t e d , P l o t n o . 5 6 , Ishaq c o l o n y , Opp: S y n d i c a t e Bank, P i c k e t 015, B r a n c h , Wellington road, Near AOC Center, Marredpally, Secunderbad - 500 Telangana. CERTIFICATE 1) signed has examined the proposal of the applicant for laying optical fiber along the National Highway-544-D(Ananthapuramu-Tadipatri-Bogasamudramu Section) NH - 544-D along the road from Under Km _73/525-84/976(LHS) and Acrossing at 84/876 from LHS to RHS for total length of 11.351 Kms, in the Kurnool District of AP under the limits of R&B NH Division Kurnool I the state of Andhra Pradesh and confirm that all standard conditions issued vide Ministry Circular No.RW/NH-33044/29/2015/S& Dt:22.112016 has been followed 2) It is certified that any other location of utility line would be extremely difficult and unreasonable costly and installation of utility line within ROW will not adversely affect the design stability & traffic safety of the highway nor the likely future improvement such as widening of the carriageway casing of curve etc,, 3) I will ensure supervision of the work of lying of utility and ensure that the defects in the road portion after lying of utility are corrected. 4) I will notify/ forfeit the BG for claims for damages done/ disruption in working, if any 5) I will ensure the proposed permission in the entered in the register of records. 6) The récord of previous approval, if any has been considered and the copy same is enclosed with the proposal. (Mnclde —til yer Executive Enginedr(R&B) APRDC Division, Kurnool Supe srintendin Engineer R&B) NH Clrcla, Dantes CERTIFICATE 1) Under signed has examined the proposal of the applicant for laying optical fiber along the National Highway-544-D(Ananthapuramu-Tadipatri-Bogasamudramu Section) NH - 544-D along the road from Under Km 73/525-84/976(LHS) and Acrossing at 84/876 from LHS to RHS for total length of 11.351 Kms, in the Kurnool District of AP under the limits of R&B NH Division Kurnool | the state of Andhra Pradesh and confirm that all standard conditions issued vide Ministry Circular No.RW/NH-33044/29/2015/S& Dt:22.112016 has been followed ‘ 2) It Is certified that any other location of utility line would be extremely difficult and unreasonable costly and installation of utllity line within ROW will not adversely affect the design stability & traffic safety of the highway nor the likely future improvement such as widening of the carriageway casing of curve etc,. | will ensure supervision of the work of laying of utility and ensure that the defects in the road portion after laying of utility are corrected. ~s Pan 5 lo Wb enw ‘Dh YB Se SIio| Assistant Engineer (R&B) Dy. Executive Engineer(R&B) APRDC Section-111 NH Sub division, Kurnool Kurnool : CHECK - LIST Accommodation of Public and Industrial Utility Services along and across National Highways by Private Parties under Industrial Utility. Relevant Circulars « Ministry Circular No. RW/NH-33044/29/2015/S&R(R), Dated: 22.11.2016 Check list for qotti rovalfor laying of Optical Fibre Cable on NH land Si. No. Item Information/ Status ss Remarks 1 General Information Permission for taying Optical Fibre Cable | across National Highway No-544 D at Thimmaneyunepeta, Itikala, Kolimigundla Villages, Kurnool District, in the state of re Andhra Pradesh, 1.1 Name and Address of the Applicant / Agency M/s. Vindhya Telelinks Ltd, Plot No. 56, \ Ishaq Colony, Opp. Syndicate Bank, Picket Branch, Wellington Road, Marredpally, | Secunderabad-500015, Telangana state. | 4.2 National Highway Number NH-544 D i 13 | State Andhra Pradesh a | 1.4 Location Thimmaneyunepeta, Itikala, Kolimigundia | Villages, Kurnool District, in the state of i Andhra Pradesh, 15 (Chainage in km) Km 73/525 - 84/976 (LHS) and Acrossing at 84/876 from LHS to RHS (Anant—h Taadpipautrri- - Bogasamudram Section) 1.6 Length in Meters 14,354.00.Mits 1.7 Width of available ROW i | (a) Left side from center line towards 16.0 Mitrs 7 increasing chainage (km) direction (6) Right side from center line towards) 222.0000 ww increasing chainage (km) direction 1.8 Proposal to lay the Utility Cable - (a) Left side from center line towards Yes, as Per Drawing attached | i increasing chainage (km) direction 15.0 mtr ee | (6) Right side from center line towards [090090 022020202000 ween increasing chainage (Km) direction 7 1.9 Proposal to acquire land ‘es (a) Left side from center line NA | (b) Right side from center line NA 1.10 Whether proposal is in the same side whe re YES land is not to be acquired If not then where to lay the cable At the edge of RoW ; | 1.11 Details of already laid services, if any, along By EE the proposed route Z Number of existing lanes (2/4 / 6/8 lanes), 4 Lanes Proposed Number of lanes (2 lane with p aved NA shoulders/4 / 6/8 lanes). 1.14 Service road existing or not NA If yes then which side (a) Left side from center line NA (b) Right sidefr amine NA uy or 6 Ape D fouly Lp) ee o Assistg L402 y (2B) ( \ ji 5 . 1 APRA. goction - 1 1, ~ KURNOG: « Exotweth tiareve LnAgione dr NIA NOC i, (R&B) A,P.R.D.C, Division ~ KUR NOOL, Proposed Service road (a) Left side from center line NA (b) Right side from center line NA Whether proposal to lay Cable is after the NA service road or between the service road and main carriageway Whether carrying of Electrical Poles has been | No, Utility (OFC) not proposed on bridges proposed on highway Bridges. lf Yes, then mention the methodology proposed for the same Whether carrying of Poles has been proposed No, Utility (OFC) not proposed on the on the parapet/any part of the bridges. parapet/any part of the bridges If yes, then mention the methodology proposed for the same. if crossings of the road involved lf Yes, it shall be either encased in pipes or YES through structure or conduits built for that | Passing Optical Fibre Cables with required purpose at the expenses of the agency owning Clearances for safety of users the line (a) Whether existing drainage structures NA are allowed to carry utility Poles (b) Is it on @ line normal to NH Yes (c) What are the distances of crossing the utility pipelines from the existing structures Crossings shall not be too near the existing NA structures on the National Highway.
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