
9194 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS March 24, 1970 PUBLIC BILLS AND RESOLUTIONS of explosives; to the Committee on the By Mr. WHALLEY: Judiciary. H.R. 16640. A bill to provide for the is­ Under clause 4 of rule XXII, public H .R. 16631. A bill to amend the Internal suance of a special postage stamp in memory bills and resolutions were introduced and Revenue Code of 1954 by imposing a tax on of Ernie Pyle; to the Committee on Post severally referred as follows: the transfer of explosives to persons who Office and Civil Service. By Mr. BEVILL (for himself, Mr. may lawfully possess them and to prohibit By Mr. WIDNALL: ANDREWS of Alabama, Mr. BUCHANAN, possession of explosives by certain persons; H.R. 16641. A bill to provide for a U.S. Mr. EDWARDS of Alabama, Mr. to the Committee on Ways and Means. contribution to the Special Funds of the NICHOLS, and Mr. FLOWERS) : By Mr. RHODES (for himself, Mr. Mc­ Asian Development Bank, and for other H .R. 16620. A bill to amend section 32 (e) CULLOCH, Mr. GooDLING, Mr. Lu­ purposes; to the Committee on Banking and of title III of the Bankhead-Janes Farm KENS, Mr. MIZE, Mr. RoBISON, and Currency. Tenant Act, as amended, to authorize the Mr. STEIGER of· Arizona): H.R. 16642. A bill to create a Federal Home Secretary of Agriculture to furnish financial H.R. 16632. A bill to provide for the estab­ Loan Mortgage Corporation, and for other assistance in carrying out pla.ns for works lishment of a U.S. Court of Labor-Man­ purposes; to the Committee on Banking and of improvement for land conservation and agement Relations which shall have juris­ Currency. ut1lization, and for other purposes; to the dict ion over certain labor disputes in indus­ H.R. 16643. A bill to increase the supply of Committee on Agriculture. tries substantially affecting commerce; to decent housing and to consolidate, extend By Mr. QUIE (for himself, Mr. AYRES, the Committee on the Judiciary. and improve laws relating to housing and Mr. GERALD R. FORD, Mr. ERLENBORN, By Mr. ROSENTHAL (for himself, Mr. urban renewal and development; to the Com­ Mr. ESHLEMAN, Mr. COLLINS, Mr. KARTH, Mrs. CHISHOLM, Mr. ECK­ mittee on Banking and Currency. HANSEN of Idaho, and Mr. ESCH): HARDT , Mr. FEIGHAN, Mr. HANLEY, By Mr. WIDNALL (for himself and Mr. H.R. 16621. A bill to extend and amend Mr. HOWARD, Mr. MACDONALD of CONTE): the Higher Education Act of 1965, and for Massachusetts, Mr. MIKVA, Mr. MIN­ H.R. 16644. A bill to clarify and extend other purposes; to the Committee on Educa­ ISH, Mrs. MINK, Mr. OTTINGER, Mr. the authority of the Small Business Admin­ tion and Labor. ST GERMAIN, Mr. SMITH of Iowa, istration, and for other purposes; to the Com­ By Mr. QUIE: Mr. TIERNAN, Mr. WoLFF, and Mr. mittee on Banking and Currency. H.R. 16622. A bill to promote higher edu­ GILBERT): By Mr. GERALD R. FORD: cation throughout the Nation by providing H.R. 16633. A bill to provide for the de­ H.R. 16645. A bill to amend the Tariff general assistance to colleges and universi­ velopment of a uniform system of quality Schedules of the United States with respect ties; to the Committee on Education and grades for consumer food products; to the to the rate of duty on certain leather work Labor. Committee on Agriculture. gloves, and for other purposes; to the Com­ By Mr. COWGER: By Mr. ROSENTHAL (for himself, Mr. mittee on Ways and Means. H.R. 16623. A bill to amend the Federal KARTH, Mrs. CHISHOLM, Mr. "ECK­ By Mr. BEVILL: Water Pollution Oontrol Act and the Clean HARDT, Mr. FEIGHAN, Mr. HANLEY, H .J . Res. 1145. Joint resolution proposing Air Act in order to provide assistance in en­ Mr. HOWARD, Mr. MACDONALD of an amendment to the Constitution of the forcing such acts through Federal procure­ Massachusetts, Mr. MIKVA, Mr. MIN­ United States relative to equal rights for ment contract procedures; to the Committee ISH, Mrs. MINK, Mr. Moss, Mr. OT­ men and women; to the Committee on the on Public Works. TINGER, Mr. ST GERMAIN, Mr. SMITH Judiciary. By Mr. FOREMAN: of Iowa, Mr. TIERNAN, Mr. WOLFF, By Mr. GALLAGHER: H.R. 16624. A bill to convey oertain land in and Mr. GILBERT) : H.J. Res. 1146. Joint resolution authorizing Dona Ann County, N. Mex., and for other H.R. 16634. A bill to require that durable a grant to defray a portion of the cost of ex­ purposes; to the Committee on Interior and consumer products be labeled as to durabil­ panding the United Nations headquarters in Insular Affairs. ity and performance-lif·e; to the Committee the United States; to the Committee on For­ By Mr. GILBERT: on Interstate and Foreign Commerce. eign Affairs. H.R. 16625. A bill relating to the effective H.R. 16635. A bill to require that certain By Mr. FULTON of Tennessee: date for section 1902(a) (23) of the Social short shelf-life durable products be promi­ H. Con. Res. 557. Concurrent resolution ex­ Security Act in the case of Puerto Rico, the nently labeled as to the date beyond which pressing the sense of the Congress in opposi­ Virgin Islands, and Guam; to the Committee performance life becomes diminished; to the tion to the high interest rate policy; to the on Ways and Means. Committee on Interstate and Foreign Com­ Committee on Banking and Currency. By Mr. HORTON: merce. By Mr. YATES (for himself, Mr. HECH­ H.R. 16626. A bill to amend the Railroad H.R. 16636. A bill to require that certain LER of West Virginia, and ST GER­ Unemployment Insurance Act to eliminate drugs and pharmaceuticals be prominently MAIN) : the prohibition against payment of unem­ labeled as to the date beyond which potency H. Con. Res. 558. Concurrent resolution ployment or sickness benefits following re­ or efficiency becomes diminished; to the Com­ urging the President to determine and under­ ceipt of severance pay; to the Committee on mittee on Interstate and Foreign Commerce. take appropriate actions with respect to stop­ Interstate and Foreign Commerce. H.R. 16637. A bill to require that certain ping armed attacks on aircraft and passen­ By Mr. HUNGATE: durable products be prominently labeled as gers engaged in international travel; to the H .R. 16627. A bill to improve law enforce­ to date of manufacture, and for other pur­ Committee on Foreign Affairs. ment in urban areas by making available poses; to the Committee on Interstate and funds to improve the effectiveness of police Foreign Commerce. services; to the Committee on the Judiciary. H.R. 16638. A bill to require that certain MEMORIALS By Mr. JONES of Tennessee: processed or packaged consumer products be H.R. 16628. A bill to amend the Truth in labeled with certain information, and for Under clause 4 of rule XXII, memorials Lending Act to eliminate the inclusion of other purposes; to the Committee on Inter­ were presented and referred as follows: agricultural credit; to the Committee on state and Foreign Commerce. 340. By the SPEAKER: A memorial of the Banking and Currency. By Mr. WATSON: General Court of the Commonwealth of H.R. 16639. A bill to amend the Interstate By Mr. MURPHY of New York: Massachusetts, relative to providing for the H.R. 16629. A bill to amend the Gun Con­ Commerce Act, as amended, in order to make unlawful, as unreasonable and unjust dis­ mass transit costs by using the Federal high­ trol Act of 1968 to require certain records to crimination against and an undue burden way fund; to the Committee on Ways and be kept relating to the sale or delivery of ex­ upon interstate commerce, certain property Means. plosives; to the Committee on the Judiciary. tax assessments of common and contra.ct 341. Also, a memorial of the Legislature of H.R. 16630. A bill to amend title 18 of the carrier property, and for other purposes; to the State of Hawaii, relative to repealing United States Code to provide fur increased the Committee on Interstate and Foreign title II of the Internal Security Act of 1950; penalties for certain illegal use or possession Commerce. to the Committee on Internal Security. EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS PROGRESS IN APPALACHIA: A palachian Regional Development Act employment. In this connection, a total MODEL FOR FEDERAL-STATE upon the recommendation of President of 267 miles of highway have now been COOPERATION Johnson in 1965. The U.S. News & World completed in the 13-State area. Report in its current issue points out HON. JOE L. EVINS that this program may become a model In addition, under this program 238 for Federal-State cooperation and as­ vocational and technical schools have OF TENNESSEE been built or are under construction. IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES sistance for development of rural areas in Appalachia. Other public facilities under construc­ Monday, March 23, 1970 One of the major thrusts of this pro­ tion or completed under the Appalachian Mr. EVINS of Tennessee. Mr. Speaker, gram is highway construction to provide program include 193 health centers and a Democratic Congress enacted the Ap- access to areas in need of industry and hospitals, 43 airports, 72 libraries, and March 24, 1970 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS 9195 120 facilities for colleges and universities, still an important industry, accounts for 0nly gional centers, which are larger communities about 3 per cent of the jobs in the region. that serve several districts; 78 primary cen­ among others. ters, where significant expansion is expected is In its first five years, the ARC has spent The program moving rapidly ahead slightly more than a blllion dollars of fed­ and major investments are intended, and 88 now and in this connection, I want to eral money.
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