Jan. 31 / Administration of George W. Bush, 2003 Uganda’s Ambassador to the U.S.; Anthony tutes of Health; and Father Edward Phillips, S. Fauci, Director, National Institute of Al- chairperson, Eastern Deanery CBHC and lergy and Infectious Disease, National Insti- AIDS Relief Program. The President’s News Conference With Prime Minister Tony Blair of the United Kingdom January 31, 2003 President Bush. It’s my honor to wel- that these twin threats that the world faces come Tony Blair back to the White House. are dealt with. And I have no doubt at We just had a wide-ranging discussion on all that we can deal with them. But we a lot of issues. I appreciate my friend’s should realize those two threats, terrorism, commitment to peace and security. I appre- weapons of mass destruction, are not dif- ciate his vision. I appreciate his willingness ferent; they’re linked. And dealing with to lead. Most importantly, I appreciate his both of them is essential for the future understanding that after September the peace and security and prosperity of the 11th, 2001, the world changed, that we face world. a common enemy, terrorists willing to kill Thank you. innocent lives, that we now recognize that President Bush. Fournier [Ron Fournier, threats which gather in remote regions of Associated Press]. Here’s what we’re going the world must be dealt with before others to do. I will call upon a reporter. The lose their lives. Prime Minister will call upon a reporter. Tony Blair is a friend. He’s a friend of And we’ll do this three different times. the American people. He’s a friend of Start with you. mine. I trust his judgment, and I appreciate his wisdom. Timetable for Action/U.N. Resolution 1441 Welcome. Q. Thank you, sir. First, quickly to the Prime Minister Blair. First of all, can Prime Minister, did you ask President Bush I say how delighted I am to be back in to secure a second U.N. resolution and to the White House and to see President give the inspectors more time? And Presi- Bush. And as he’s just described to you, dent Bush, the U.N. says—the U.N. inspec- we had an excellent discussion, covering all tors say Saddam is not complying; you say the key issues of the day. And I would Saddam is not complying. Why wait a mat- like to praise his leadership in the world ter of weeks? What’s—why hold up on the since September the 11th, particularly on decision? what I think are the two key issues that President Bush. First of all, you violated face our world today, which are issues of the two-question rule—as usual. He’s had international terrorism and weapons of a bad habit of this. I’ll start. mass destruction. And I think both of those Saddam Hussein is not disarming. He is issues come together because they threaten a danger to the world. He must disarm. the peace and the order and the stability And that’s why I have constantly said and of the world. the Prime Minister has constantly said this And what is essential is that in every issue will come to a head in a matter of respect, in every way that we can, we mobi- weeks, not months. lize international support and the inter- Prime Minister Blair. The whole point national community in order to make sure about the present situation is that when 114 Administration of George W. Bush, 2003 / Jan. 31 President Bush made his speech to the United Nations stand up as a body and United Nations, when we went down the show the world that it has got the capacity United Nations route, we passed Resolution to keep the peace?’’ 1441. And I think it really repays reading So, first of all, in answer to one part that, because we said very clearly that Sad- of your question, is this needs to be re- dam had what we said was a final oppor- solved quickly. Should the United Nations tunity to disarm and that he had to cooper- decide to pass a second resolution, it would ate fully in every respect with the U.N. be welcomed if it is yet another signal that weapons inspectors. we’re intent upon disarming Saddam Hus- As Dr. Blix said in his report to the sein. But 1441 gives us the authority to Security Council earlier this week, he’s not move without any second resolution. And doing that. And therefore, what is impor- Saddam Hussein must understand that if tant is that the international community he does not disarm, for the sake of peace, comes together again and makes it abso- we, along with others, will go disarm Sad- lutely clear that this is unacceptable. And dam Hussein. the reason why I believe that it will do Steve [Steve Holland, Reuters]. that is precisely because in the original Res- olution 1441, we made it clear that failure Secretary Powell’s Upcoming U.N. Visit to disarm would lead to serious con- sequences. Q. Thank you, sir. Mr. President, is Sec- So this is a test for the international com- retary Powell going to provide the undeni- munity. It’s not just a test for the United able proof of Iraq’s guilt that so many crit- States or for Britain. It’s a test for the ics are calling for? international community, too. And the judg- President Bush. Well, all due in modesty, ment has to be, at the present time, that I thought I did a pretty good job myself Saddam Hussein is not cooperating with of making it clear that he’s not disarming the inspectors and, therefore, is in breach and why he should disarm. Secretary Pow- of the U.N. resolution. And that’s why time ell will make a strong case about the danger is running out. of an armed Saddam Hussein. He will Andy. make it clear that Saddam Hussein is fool- Q. Andrew Marr, from the BBC. A ques- ing the world or trying to fool the world. tion for the President, if I may. What is He will make it clear that Saddam is a the status, in your view, of any second reso- menace to peace in his own neighborhood. lution? Is it something that you think it’s He will also talk about Al Qaida links, links worth spending time and energy trying to that really do portend a danger for America assemble and, if so, why? and for Great Britain—anybody else who President Bush. First, let me reiterate loves freedom. what I just said. This is a matter of weeks, As the Prime Minister says, the war on not months. Any attempt to drag the proc- terror is not confined to just a shadowy ess on for months will be resisted by the terrorist network. The war on terror in- United States. And as I understand the cludes people who are willing to train and Prime Minister—I’m loath to put words in to equip organizations such as Al Qaida. his mouth—but he’s also said weeks, not See, the strategic view of America months. changed after September the 11th. We Secondly, I want to remind you, I was must deal with threats before they hurt the the guy that went to the United Nations American people again. And as I have said in the first place. I said, ‘‘Why don’t we repeatedly, Saddam Hussein would like come together as a world to resolve this nothing more than to use a terrorist net- issue, once and for all? Why doesn’t the work to attack and to kill and leave no 115 Jan. 31 / Administration of George W. Bush, 2003 fingerprints behind. Colin Powell will con- disarm in front of inspectors. We know tinue making that case to the American what a disarmed regime looks like. We people and the world at the United Na- know what it means to disarm. There’s no tions. negotiations. The idea of calling inspectors Prime Minister Blair. Adam. in to negotiate is a charade. If he is going to disarm, he must start disarming. That’s Iraq and Terrorists the only thing he needs to talk to the in- Q. Adam Boulton, Sky News. One ques- spectors about, is, ‘‘Here. I’m disarming.’’ tion for you both. Do you believe that there Prime Minister Blair. That’s absolutely is a link between Saddam Hussein, a direct right. If you look back at the history of link, and the men who attacked on Sep- this, for 12 years, he’s played these games. tember the 11th? And that’s why it’s so important to realize President Bush. I can’t make that claim. what the U.N. inspectors were put back Prime Minister Blair. That answers your in to do. The U.N. inspectors—and this question. The one thing I would say, how- is the crucial point, because it’s on this ever, is I’ve absolutely no doubt at all that basis that the whole issue of the U.N. au- unless we deal with both of these threats, thority rests—the U.N. inspectors did not they will come together in a deadly form. go back into Iraq to play a game of hide- Because, you know, what do we know after and-seek with Saddam. They didn’t go back September the 11th? We know that these in as a detective agency.
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