3960 Questions without Notice [COUNCIL what steps does the Government intend Legislative Council to take to implement those recommenda­ Wednesday, 2 December 1981 tions, particularly in light of the recently announced proposal to take over the Herald and Weekly Times organization? The PRESIDENT (the Hon. F. S. Grim­ The Hon. HAD DON STOREY wade) took the chair at 12.19 p.m. and (Attorney-General) -The Norris com­ read the prayer. mittee recommendations were far reach­ ing and very extensive in terms of the CREDIT BILL steps which may be taken in relation to the print media in this State. Accord­ This Bill was received from the ingly, the Government released the re­ Assembly and, on the motion of the Hon. port so everybody would have an oppor­ HADDON STOREY (Attorney-General), tunity to read it, to consider it and to was read a first time. make comment upon it. When the Gov­ ernment is in receipt of views or is in a GOODS (SALES AND LEASES) BILL position to receive views on that report. This Bill was received from the it will do so, but it has made no deter­ 'Assembly and, on the motion of the Hon. mination at this stage to implement the HADDON STOREY (Attorney-General), recommendations of that report. Cer­ was read a first time. tainly the Government will look at it and, in looking at it, will take note of CHATTEL .SECURITIES BILL the recently reported proposal referred This Bill was received from the to by Mr Landeryou. Assembly and, on the motion of the Hon. HAD DON STOREY (Attorney-General), STATE ELECTRICITY COMMISSION was read a first time. CHARGES The Hon. B. P. DUNN (North Western SECONDING READING OF COGNATE Province) -The Minister for Minerals BILLS and Energy will be aware of a case at The Hon. HAD DON STOREY Donald township whereby two con­ (Attorney-General) -By leave, I move: stituents of mine have been told by the That this House authorizes and requires Mr State Electricity Commission that in one President to permit the second readings of the case it will cost $16850, and in the Credit Bill. the Goods (Sales and Leases) Bill. other $14 700, to upgrade State and the Chattel Securities Bill to be moved and debated concurrently. Electricity Commiss'ion lines to their properties, which are town blocks. I ask The motion was agreed to. the Minister, in view of the crippling effect of these charges on development in country towns and throughout the QUESTIONS WITHOUT NOTICE whole of Victoria, what action is he taking to ensure that these charges are CONTROL OF PRINT MEDIA reduced and that people can have some chance of having State Electricity Com­ The Hon. W. A. LANDERYOU mission lines connected? (Doutta Galla Province) -Before direct­ ing my question without notice to the If the Minister is undertaking an in­ Attorney-General, on behalf of honour­ quiry into this matter, when will that able members I extend congratulations inquiry be completed? Will honourable to Mr Knowles on his engagement. I ask members be permitted to make sub­ the Attorney-General: In view of the missions to it, and when will the Norris committee recommendations to Minister intervene on behalf of the the Government supporting the estab­ Donald people who are affected in this lishment of an authority to monitor the case? control of the print media in this State The Hon. D. G. CROZIER (Minister with a view to protecting· the public in­ for Minerals and Energy) -As I have terest, what steps have been taken or explained to this House on previous 2 Decem,ber 1981] Questions without Notice 3961 occasions during this sessional period, casions, and will be doing so again, I am this particular aspect of State Electricity far from proud of the industrial rela­ Commission administration is the sub­ tions record in this State. ject of current-review. 1 invite submis­ Honourable members inte.rjecting. sions from honourable members, in­ cluding Mr Dunn, and 1 agree that on The Hon. D. G. CROZIER-It it all the face of it the case he has quoted very well for the Socialist chorus to does seem to indicate that these costs come to life on this issue but, to rub are excessive, although there are in the point, I remind the House of one reasons, of course, for the State current and very pertinent illustration, Electricity Commission imposing such that is, the bans imposed by the costs. I have little personal doubt in Builders Labourers Federation on the that case- Loy Yang project, as a consequence of which work has been undertaken out of The Hon. Joan Coxsedge--How much sequence by contractors at a cost is Alcoa getting out of it? estimated by the State Electricity Com­ The Hon. D. G. CROZIER-I know mission, which has to be borne by the Mrs Cox sedge would prefer that Alcoa, State Electricity Commission and pas­ leI and all other major industrial de­ sed on to customers in the future, of the velopments in the State- order of $4 million a week currently. The PRESIDENT (the Hon. F. S. The State's industrial relations clearly Grimwade)-Order! The Minister should can be improved. It is a fact, neverthe­ not respond to an interjection in the less, that the Queensland industrial re­ course of answering a question. By re­ lations record is not as rosy as Sir sponding to an interjection he auto­ William would have his audience and matically gives precedence to the inter­ others believe. jection over the prime question. My understanding is that more days have been lost per thousand employees INDUSTRIAL DISPUTES in the March, June and September quarters in Queensland than in Victoria. The Hon. D. K. HAYWARD (Monash Province) -I direct my ques­ ALCOA OF AUSTRALIA LTD tion to the Minister for Minerals and The Hon. D. R. WHITE (Doutta Galla Energy representing the Minister for Province) -Can the Minister for Miner­ Economic Development. I refer to a als and Energy advise the House statement in this morning's press that whether Alcoa of Australia Ltd has the level of industrial disputes is higher now been provided by the Government in Victoria than in Queensland. Is the and the State Electricity Commission Minister able to advise the House with all the necessary facts on which to whether that statement is correct? base its decision whether to proceed Honourable members interjecting. with the planned Portland s'melter? If The Hon. D. G. CROZIER (Minister not, what is causing the delay and when for Minerals and Energy) -I am aware is it expected that the company will of the statement to which Mr Hayward have all the information it has sought has referred. It was a statement made on which to make its decision? by Sir William Knox, the Queensland The Hon. D. G. CROZIER (Minister Minister for Employment and Labour for Minerals and Energy) -My opinion Relations who, on the occasion of pre­ is that the company has been provided senting the 1981 furniture industry with the relevant information it needs awards to apprentices of the Ithaca to make a decision. I understand the College of Technical and Further Edu­ board of Alcoa has been meeting this cation in Brisbane, made these com­ morning and may still be meeting, but ments. He was inspired to make the it has to be appreciated by the Hous~ somewhat erroneous comparison be­ and I believe it might even be appreci­ tween his State and this State in terms ated by Mr White and other members of industrial relations. As I have in­ of the Opposition-that, in negotiations dicat.ed to the House on previous oc- of this importance and complexity, 3962 Questions without Notice [COUNCIL clearly there will be matters on which anyone who should not be there and I further clarification is likely to be re­ hope that is clearly understood.' Some quested. members of the Police Force have quite I repeat the Government's intention mistakenly, assumed that ~chool that this development ought to be as­ grounds are public property in respect sisted and will be assisted in any way of which the principal has no authority. the Government believes is reasonable, They are wrong in that assumption. and the company has been advised re­ peatedly of the Government's intention EDUCATION DEPARTMENT in that regard. I am hopeful that the REGIONAL OFFICES development will proceed, because of the enormous consequences and benefits The Hon. N. B. REID (Bendigo that will flow for the future economic Province) -Is the Minister of Education development of this State. I am aware aware that Education Department re­ that the opinions of honourable mem­ gional offices provide photocopying and bers on the Opposition side of the duplicating facilities to community House are quite contrary to that point groups, for which they charge a fee; is of view and, if Alcoa did decide to re­ he also aware that some regional offices linquish the project and leave, that are using Education Department facili­ would be greeted with great hilarity by ties to produce material of a political members of the Opposition, who have nature for political candidates of the done their level best to torpedo the pro­ Australian Labor Party; if he is aware ject right from the outset. of those activities, does he propose to take any action to discourage the prac­ tice? TRESPASSING ON SCHOOL GROUNDS The Hon. A. J. HUNT (Minister of The Hon. D. M. EV ANS (North Education) -Where the facilities of a Eastern Province) -I refer to the Minis­ regional office are under-utilized and the ter of Education concern being express­ time and availability of staff enables it -ed by a number of school principals who to be done, regional offices frequently apparently, under the present law, do co-operate with community groups by not have the right to order persons typing, roneoing or photocopying com­ whom they regard as trespassers on munity service announcements, at cost.
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