Book of Abstracts ALASKA MARINE SCIENCE SYMPOSIUM 17–21 JANUARY 2011 ANCHORAGE, ALASKA SHOWCASING OCEAN RESEARCH IN THE ARCTIC OCEAN, BERING SEA, AND GULF OF ALASKA alaskamarinescience.org Index This Index follows the chronological order of the 2011 AMSS Keynote and Plenary speakers Poster presentations follow and are in alphabetic order according to time of presentation, within their LME category i ii Speakers: GULF OF ALASKA Monday Afternoon January 17 Session Chair: Francis Wiese, North Pacific Research Board Keynote 1:45-2:15 John Piatt Predator response functions and the "Ecosystem Approach to 1 Fisheries" Climate and Oceanography 2:15-2:30 Mark Halverson Near-surface circulation in Prince William Sound during the Sound 2 Predictions Project Ecosystem Perspectives 2:30-2:45 Alan Mearns Recovery of a mussel reef in Prince William Sound 22 years after 3 the Exxon Valdez oil spill and cleanup 2:45-3:00 Arny Blanchard Highlights from 40 years of research in Port Valdez 3 3:00-3:15 James Estes Patterns of covariation in prey availability, morphology, behavior 4 and ecology associated with the collapse of sea otter populations in southwest Alaska Session Chair: Rob Campbell, Prince William Sound Science Center Lower Trophic Levels 3:30-3:45 John Crusius Abundant, seasonally variable supply of glacier flour-derived iron 5 drives high nitrate consumption in Copper River plume and adjacent Gulf of Alaska continental shelf 3:45-4:00 Melissa Deiman Kelp spore susceptibility to sedimentation and light attenuation 5 within Alaska 4:00-4:15 Chris Siddon Comparison of three independent methods for estimating red king 6 crab (Paralithodes camtschaticus) biomass in southeast Alaska Fish and Fish Habitat 4:15-4:30 Jake Gregg Inability to demonstrate horizontal transmission of the highly 7 pathogenic parasite Ichthyophonus from laboratory infected Pacific herring (Clupea pallasii) to naïve conspecifics 4:30-4:45 Paul Development of tools to forecast the potential for viral hemorrhagic 7 Hershberger septicemia epizootics in Alaskan herring 4:45-5:00 Louise Importance of prey quality to North Pacific marine fish larvae: 8 Copeman a test case with Pacific cod (Gadus macrocephalus) iii Speakers: GULF OF ALASKA Tuesday Morning January 18 Introduction by: Michele Buckhorn, Prince William Sound Science Center Fish and Fish Habitat 8:00-8:15 Benjamin Van The hatchery regime shift 8 Alen 8:15-30 Chris Rooper Estimating distribution and abundance of rockfishes using a 9 combination of acoustical, optical, and trawl survey tools 8:30-8:45 Mary Anne Application of the POST Prince William Sound Acoustic Array to 9 Bishop assess movements and dispersal of lingcod 8:45-9:00 John Eiler Tracking tagged fish with an autonomous underwater vehicle 10 9:00-9:15 Julie Nielsen Characterizing space use of Pacific halibut during summer in 10 Glacier Bay, Alaska using acoustic telemetry 9:15-9:30 Christina Field studies in support of the stock assessment of the giant 11 Conrath Pacific octopus, Enteroctopus dofleini Seabirds 9:30-9:45 Kirsten Bixler Why aren’t pigeon guillemots in Prince William Sound, Alaska 12 recovering from the Exxon Valdez Oil Spill? Marine Mammals 9:45-10:00 Josh London Ecologically meaningful units for managing harbor seals 13 Introduction by: Scott Pegau, Oill Spill Recovery Institute, Prince William Sound Science Center 10:30-10:45 Kelly Hastings Temporal and spatial variation in age-specific survival rates of 13 Steller sea lions from southeast Alaska 10:45-11:00 Martin Haulena Remotely-delivered chemical immobilization of adult female Steller 14 sea lions for physiological sampling and satellite telemetry attachment in southeast Alaska 11:15-11:30 Kim Parsons Examining the structuring of killer whale populations across the 15 northern North Pacific 11:30-11:45 Robert Small Seasonal distribution of Cook Inlet beluga whales based on 15 passive acoustic monitoring 11:45-12:00 Janice Straley Inshore and offshore movement of humpback whales in the Gulf of 16 Alaska: Are offshore whales different from their coastal neighbors? Humans 12:00-12:15 Scott Gende Cruise ship-humpback whale interactions in Alaska 17 iv Speakers: ARCTIC OCEAN Wednesday Morning January 19 Session Chair: Molly McCammon, Alaska Ocean Observing System Keynote 8:00-8:30 Fran Ulmer Oil Spill Commission Report and the Implication for Future 18 Offshore Oil Development Climate and Oceanography 8:30-8:45 Carin Ashjian Year-to-year variability of ocean conditions across Barrow Canyon 19 and the western Beaufort shelf: 2005-2010 8:45-9:00 Rachel Potter Surface current measurements in the northeast Chukchi Sea 19 using shore-based high-frequency radar 9:00-9:15 Peter Winsor AUV glider missions in the northeast Chukchi Sea 20 Ecosystem Perspectives 9:15-9:30 George Hunt The Barents and Chukchi Seas compared: 21 Why is the Barents so much more productive? Session Chair: Tom Hurst, Alaska Fisheries Science Center 10:00-10:15 Rolf Gradinger Arctic Ocean Diversity (ArcOD) synthesis: How many species are 22 there? 10:15-10:30 John Trefry In search of sources and distribution patterns for trace metals in 23 seawater, biota and sediments of the eastern Chukchi Sea 10:30-10:45 Kenneth Dunton COMIDA: Sources and fates of nitrogen and carbon in the 23 benthic ecosystem of the eastern Chukchi Sea Lower Trophic Levels 10:45-11:00 Jacqueline COMIDA: Pelagic-benthic coupling and benthic community 24 Grebmeier structure in the Chukchi Sea 11:00-11:15 Lee Cooper Characterization and comparison of benthic biological 24 communities using video and trawling approaches during COMIDA CAB Fish and Fish Habitat 11:15-11:30 Vanessa von Terrestrial and marine sources fuel the growth of young-of-the- 25 Biela year Arctic cisco (Coregonus autumnalis) as determined from diet and stable isotope analysis 11:30-11:45 Justin Priest Benthic and pelagic fish sampling in the northeastern Chukchi Sea 25 11:45-12:00 Brenda 50 Years of demersal fishes in the Chukchi Sea 26 Norcross v Speakers: ARCTIC OCEAN Wednesday Afternoon January 19 Session Chair: Cathy Coon, U.S. Bureau of Ocean Energy Management, Regulation and Enforcement Seabirds 1:30-1:45 Suzanne Budge Estimating diets in threatened eiders using stable carbon isotopes 27 of specific fatty acids Marine Mammals 1:45-2:00 Jeff MacDonnell Combining acoustic propagation modeling and long-term 28 monitoring data to determine bowhead moan source levels 2:00-2:15 Lori Inter-annual variability and exceptional movements of western 28 Quakenbush arctic bowhead whales from satellite telemetry, 2006–2010 2:15-2:30 Megan A tale of two seas: lessons from multi-decadal aerial surveys for 29 Ferguson cetaceans in the Beaufort and Chukchi Seas 2:30-2:45 Greg O'Corry- Kinship, group structure and philopatry in beluga whales, 29 Crowe Delphinapterus leucas: the genetic evidence 2:45-3:00 John Kucklick Temporal and spatial trends of current-use and legacy persistent 30 organic pollutants in beluga whales from Alaska 3:00-3:15 Julien Delarue Acoustic detections of belugas in the northeastern Chukchi Sea 30 between July 2007 and October 2009 Session Chair: Douglas Woodby, Alaska Department of Fish & Game 3:30-3:45 Sara Carroll What's in the mix: treatment of ice-seal prey sources within stable 31 isotope mixing models 3:45-4:00 Chadwick Jay Pacific walrus behaviors during summer and autumn, 2007-2010 31 4:00-4:15 George Durner Predicting the seasonal distribution of sea ice habitats used by 32 female polar bears in the Beaufort Sea Humans 4:15-4:30 Garrett Yager Modeling causeway impacts on coastal morphology in the 33 Sagavanirktok River delta 4:30-4:45 Stephen Braund Oil development impacts on subsistence - monitoring and 33 assessing mitigation 4:45-5:00 Hajo Eicken A community-of-practice approach to assess the nature and 34 impacts of sea-ice changes on Bering and Chukchi Sea ice users 5:00-5:15 Beth Peluso The Arctic Marine Synthesis: Using maps to influence science and 34 policy in the Chukchi and Beaufort seas vi Speakers: BERING SEA and ALEUTIAN ISLANDS Thursday Morning January 20 Session Chair: Nora Deans, North Pacific Research Board Keynote 8:00-8:30 Mike Sigler / Understanding Ecosystem Processes in the Bering Sea 35 Rodger Harvey 8:30-8:45 George The Bering Sea Ecosystem Professional Development Workshop 35 Matsumoto – Transforming BEST-BSIERP Science into Educational Resources Climate and Oceanography 8:45-9:00 Seth Danielson The BEST years from a mooring array’s perspective 36 9:00-9:15 Margaret Esch The effect of bioturbation on iron and manganese oxide reduction 36 pathways in Bering Sea shelf sediments Ecosystem Perspectives 9:15-9:30 Christopher Volcanic eruptions, landscape disturbance, and potential impacts 37 Waythomas to marine and terrestrial ecosystems in Alaska: an example from the August 2008 eruption of Kasatochi Volcano and other noteworthy eruptions in Alaska Session Chair: Jeff Napp, Alaska Fisheries Science Center Lower Trophic Levels 10:00-10:15 Michelle Benthic biogeography & foodwebs in Beringian canyons 38 Ridgway 10:15-10:30 Jared Weems Isotopic assimilation in the bivalve Nuculana radiata: possible 38 trophic consequences in changing Bering Sea ice-benthic coupling Fish and Fish Habitat 10:30-10:45 Franz Mueter Effects of temperature and density on spatial dynamics and 39 interactions among Bering Sea groundfishes 10:45-11:00 Robert Lauth The 2010 eastern and northern Bering Sea shelf bottom trawl 39 survey; a first-time synoptic view of groundfishes and crabs 11:00-11:15 Ingrid Spies Landscape genetics of Pacific cod in the Bering Sea
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