Research and Special Programs Admin., DOT § 172.101 TABLE 2 TO APPENDIX AÐRADIONUCLIDESÐ the class of the material must be determined Continued in accordance with § 173.2a of this sub- chapter. 3. This appendix contains two columns. (2)Ð (3)ÐReportable Atomic The first column, entitled ``S.M.P.'' (for se- (1)ÐRadionuclide Num- Quantity (RQ) ber Ci (TBq) vere marine pollutants), identifies whether a material is a severe marine pollutant. If the Ytterbium-169 .......................... 70 10 (.37) letters ``PP'' appear in this column for a ma- Ytterbium-175 .......................... 70 100 (3.7) terial, the material is a severe marine pol- Ytterbium-177 .......................... 70 1000 (37) lutant, otherwise it is not. The second col- Ytterbium-178 .......................... 70 1000 (37) umn, entitled ``Marine Pollutant'' , lists the Yttrium-86 ................................ 39 10 (.37) Yttrium-86m ............................. 39 1000 (37) marine pollutants. Yttrium-87 ................................ 39 10 (.37) 4. If a material not listed in this appendix Yttrium-88 ................................ 39 10 (.37) meets the criteria for a marine pollutant, as Yttrium-90 ................................ 39 10 (.37) provided in the General Introduction of the Yttrium-90m ............................. 39 100 (3.7) IMDG Code, Guidelines for the Identification Yttrium-91 ................................ 39 10 (.37) of Harmful Substances in Packaged Form, Yttrium-91m ............................. 39 1000 (37) Yttrium-92 ................................ 39 100 (3.7) the material may be transported as a marine Yttrium-93 ................................ 39 100 (3.7) pollutant in accordance with the applicable Yttrium-94 ................................ 39 1000 (37) requirements of this subchapter. Yttrium-95 ................................ 39 1000 (37) 5. If approved by the Associate Adminis- Zinc-62 ..................................... 30 100 (3.7) trator for Hazardous Materials Safety, a ma- Zinc-63 ..................................... 30 1000 (37) terial listed in this appendix which does not Zinc-65 ..................................... 30 10 (.37) meet the criteria for a marine pollutant, as Zinc-69 ..................................... 30 1000 (37) Zinc-69m .................................. 30 100 (3.7) provided in the General Introduction of the Zinc-71m .................................. 30 100 (3.7) IMDG Code, Guidelines for the Identification Zinc-72 ..................................... 30 100 (3.7) of Harmful Substances in Packaged Form, is Zirconium-86 ............................ 40 100 (3.7) excepted from the requirements of this sub- Zirconium-88 ............................ 40 10 (.37) chapter as a marine pollutant. Zirconium-89 ............................ 40 100 (3.7) Zirconium-93 ............................ 40 1 (.037) Zirconium-95 ............................ 40 10 (.37) APPENDIX B TO § 172.101ÐLIST OF Zirconium-97 ............................ 40 10 (.37) MARINE POLLUTANTS $ The RQs for all radionuclides apply to chemical com- S.M.P. Marine Pollutant pounds containing the radionuclides and elemental forms re- gardless of the diameter of pieces of solid material. (1) (2) ² The RQ of one curie applies to all radionuclides not other- wise listed. Whenever the RQs in TABLE 1ÐHAZARDOUS Acetal SUBSTANCES OTHER THAN RADIONUCLIDES and this Acetaldehyde table conflict, the lowest RQ shall apply. For example, uranyl Acetone cyanohydrin, stabilized acetate and uranyl nitrate have RQs shown in TABLE 1 of Acetylene tetrabromide 100 pounds, equivalent to about one-tenth the RQ level for Acetylene tetrachloride uranium-238 in this table. Acraldehyde, inhibited ** The method to determine the RQs for mixtures or solu- Acrolein, inhibited tions of radionuclides can be found in paragraph 7 of the note preceding TABLE 1 of this appendix. RQs for the following Acrylic aldehyde, inhibited four common radionuclide mixtures are provided: radium-226 Alcohol C-12 - C-16 poly(1-6) ethoxylate in secular equilibrium with its daughters (0.053 curie); natural Alcohol C-13 - C-15 poly(1-6) ethoxylate uranium (0.1 curie); natural uranium in secular equilibrium Alcohol C-6 - C-17 (secondary)poly(3-6) ethoxylate with its daughters (0.052 curie); and natural thorium in secular Aldicarb equilibrium with its daughters (0.011 curie). PP Aldrin *** Indicates that the name was added by RSPA because it Alkyl (c12-c14) dimethylamine appears in the list of radionuclides in 49 CFR 173.435. The reportable quantity (RQ), if not specifically listed elsewhere in Alkyl (c7-c9) nitrates this appendix, shall be determined in accordance with the pro- Alkylbenzenesulphonates, branched and straight cedures in paragraph 7 of this appendix. chain Alkylphenols, liquid, n.o.s. (including C2-C12 homo- [Amdt. 172±122, 55 FR 46798, Nov. 7, 1990] logues) Alkylphenols, solid, n.o.s. (including C2-C12 homo- EDITORIAL NOTE: For FEDERAL REGISTER ci- logues) tations affecting appendix A to § 172.101, see Allyl bromide the List of CFR Sections Affected in the ortho-Aminoanisole Finding Aids section of this volume. Aminocarb Ammonium dinitro-o-cresolate n-Amylbenzene APPENDIX B TO § 172.101ÐLIST OF Amyl mercaptans MARINE POLLUTANTS Anisole PP Azinphos-ethyl 1. This appendix lists potential marine pol- PP Azinphos-methyl lutants as defined in § 171.8 of this sub- Barium cyanide chapter. Bendiocarb Benomyl 2. If a marine pollutant meets the defini- Benquinox tion of any hazard class or division as de- Benzaldehyde fined in this subchapter, other than Class 9, Benzyl chlorocarbonate 277 VerDate 15<DEC>99 10:04 Dec 21, 1999 Jkt 183197 PO 00000 Frm 00277 Fmt 8010 Sfmt 8002 Y:\SGML\183197T.XXX pfrm03 PsN: 183197T § 172.101 49 CFR Ch. I (10±1±99 Edition) S.M.P. Marine Pollutant S.M.P. Marine Pollutant (1) (2) (1) (2) Benzyl chloroformate PP Chlorpyriphos PP Binapacryl PP Chlorthiophos N,N-Bis (2-hydroxyethyl) oleamide (LOA) Coal tar PP Brodifacoum Coal tar naphtha Bromine cyanide Cocculus Bromoacetone Coconitrile Bromoallylene Copper acetoarsenite Bromobenzene Copper arsenite ortho-Bromobenzyl cyanide Copper chloride Bromocyane PP Copper chloride solution Bromoform PP Copper cyanide PP Bromophos-ethyl PP Copper metal powder 3-Bromopropene PP Copper sulphate, anhydrous, hydrates Bromoxynil Coumachlor Butanedione PP Coumaphos 2-Butenal, stabilized Creosote (coal tar) Butyl benzenes Creosote (wood tar) Butyl benzyl phthalate Cresols (o-; m-; p-) n-Butyl butyrate PP Cresyl diphenyl phosphate N-tert-butyl-N-cyclopropyl-6-methylthio-1,3,5-triazine- Cresylic acid 2,4-diamine Cresylic acid sodium salt Butyl mercaptans Crotonaldehyde, stabilized Butylphenols, liquid Crotonic aldehyde, stabilized Butylphenols, solid Crotoxyphos 2,4-Di-tert-butylphenol Cumene 2,6-Di-tert-butylphenol Cupric arsenite para-tertiary-butyltoluene PP Cupric chloride Butyraldehyde PP Cupric cyanide PP Cadmium compounds PP Cupric sulfate Cadmium sulphide Cupriethylenediamine solution Calcium arsenate PP Cuprous chloride Calcium arsenate and calcium arsenite, mixtures, Cyanide mixtures solid Cyanide solutions Calcium cyanide Cyanides, inorganic, n.o.s. Calcium naphthenate Cyanogen bromide PP Camphechlor Cyanogen chloride, inhibited Camphor oil Cyanophos Carbaryl PP 1,5,9-Cyclododecatriene Carbendazim PP Cyhexatin Carbofuran PP Cymenes (o-;m-;p-) Carbon tetrabromide PP Cypermethrin Carbon tetrachloride 2,4-D PP Carbophenothion PP DDT Cartap hydrochloride normal-Decaldehyde PP Chlordane normal-Decanol Chlorfenvinphos Decyl acrylate PP Chlorinated paraffins (C-10 - C-13) Decycloxytetrahydrothiophene dioxide PP Chlorinated paraffins (C14±C17), with more than 1% DEF shorter chain length Di-allate Chlorine Di-n-Butyl phthalate Chlorine cyanide, inhibited PP Dialifos Chlormephos 4,4'-Diaminodiphenylmethane Chloroacetone, stabilized PP Diazinon 1-Chloro-2,3-Epoxypropane 1,3-Dibromobenzene 2-Chloro-6-nitrotoluene PP Dichlofenthion 4-Chloro-2-nitrotoluene Dichloroanilines Chloro-ortho-nitrotoluene 1,3-Dichlorobenzene 2-Chloro-5-trifluoromethylnitrobenzene 1,2-Dichlorobenzene para-Chlorobenzyl chloride, liquid or solid 1,4-Dichlorobenzene Chlorodinitrobenzenes, liquid or solid Dichlorobenzene (meta; ortho; para) 1-Chloroheptane 2,2-Dichlorodiethyl ether 1-Chlorohexane Dichlorodimethyl ether, symmetrical Chloronitroanilines Di-(2-chloroethyl) ether Chloronitrotoluenes liquid 1,1-Dichloroethylene, inhibited Chloronitrotoluenes, solid 1,6-Dichlorohexane 1-Chlorooctane Dichlorophenols, liquid PP Chlorophenolates, liquid Dichlorophenols, solid PP Chlorophenolates, solid 2,4-Dichlorophenoxyacetic acid (see also 2,4D) Chlorophenols, liquid 2,4-Dichlorophenoxyacetic acid diethanolamine salt Chlorophenols, solid 2,4-Dichlorophenoxyacetic acid dimethylamine salt Chlorophenyltrichlorosilane 2,4-Dichlorophenoxyacetic acid triisopropylamine salt alpha-Chloropropylene Dichlorophenyltrichlorosilane Chlorotoluenes (ortho-, meta-, para-) PP Dichlorvos 278 VerDate 15<DEC>99 10:04 Dec 21, 1999 Jkt 183197 PO 00000 Frm 00278 Fmt 8010 Sfmt 8002 Y:\SGML\183197T.XXX pfrm03 PsN: 183197T Research and Special Programs Admin., DOT § 172.101 S.M.P. Marine Pollutant S.M.P. Marine Pollutant (1) (2) (1) (2) Dicrotophos 2-Ethylhexenal PP Dieldrin Fenaminphos Diethybenzenes (mixed isomers) PP Fenbutatin oxide Diisopropylbenzenes PP Fenitrothion Diisopropylnaphthalene PP Fenpropathrin PP Dimethoate Fensulfothion Dimethyl disulphide PP Fenthion Dimethyl glyoxal (butanedione) PP Fentin acetate Dimethyl sulphide PP Fentin hydroxide PP N,N-Dimethyldodecylamine
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