![CON.G,J:">]JSSIONAL RECORD-SENATE](https://data.docslib.org/img/3a60ab92a6e30910dab9bd827208bcff-1.webp)
1922. CON.G,J:">]JSSIONAL RECORD-SENATE .. '1553 SENATE. etc., which "\Ya referred to the Committee on Inter~ tate Com­ merce. :MoNDA.Y Janua'ry ~3} 1922. Mr. DADD presented 48 petitions of sund.ry citizens of Souris, The l!aplain, RcY. J. J. 1\fuir, D. D., offered the following Cogswell, Brampto.n, Lundsvalley, Maddock, M()untain, Goocl­ prayer: rich, l\fercer, .McClusky, La 1\foure, Marion, Ypsilanti, Eckelson, Pekin, Arnegard, Rydel', 1\Iohall, Maxbass, Wheelock, Reeder, Our Fathei:, Thou hast very often proven Thyself to be a 'Bucyrus, Haley, Tolley, Norma, Kenmare, Lisbon, Elliott, Coal present help in time of trouble. As we look.out upen tbe wodd 1Harbor, Kulm, Merricourt, Leroy, Backoo, Neche, Sheyenne, this morning we see tbat sorrow is everywhere present. As iPark Ri\er, and Hoople, all in the State of North Dakota, and multitudes the world over bow. before the bier. of a distinguished· of Newark, S. D.ak., p1·aying for the enactment of legisla­ prelate, as a nation sorrows becauso an honored statesman has tion reviving the Government Gram Corporation, so as to passed a"ITny, and as there are so many homes shadowed by the stabilize price of certain farm products, whieh were referrecl presence of a Yacant chair, we would ask Thee to--day, our to the Committee on Agriculture and Forestry• . Father, o to move upon onr.hearts and.lives that through those He· also presented· a re.solution . adopted at a public gathering monition. of Thy providence TI"e may, learn to live right and to of farmers and business men ~ld at Aneta, N. Dak., January do right, and to fulfill always Thy pleasur in connection with lG, 1922, favoring the enactment of legislation reviving the the Nation and with humanity at large. \\e ask in Jesus' Government Grain Corporation, so as to stabilize prices of cer­ name. Amen. tain farm products, which was referred to the Committee on Agriculture and Forestry. The .A ·~i ·tant Secretary proceedell to reau the Journal of the proceedina- · of the legislatiYe day. of Friday, January 20, 1922, P AYU:;s'KEY RIVER BRIDGE. when, on request of Mr. C'u&TIS and by unanimous con:ent, the Mr. SHEPPA.RD. From the. Com.Inittee on Commerce I re­ further reading was dispensed with and the Journal 'Tas ap­ port back favorably without ameudnumt the bill (H. R. 9050) proved. gJ.·anting the consent of Congress-to the Pamunkey Ferry Co. C~LL OF THE ROJ.L. to construct a bridge across the Pamunkey River in Vil•ginia, l\lr. CURTIS. :\Jr. Pre ident, I ·uo-ge. t the absence of a q·uo­ and I submit a report. {No. 448) thereon. I ask unanimous rum. consent for the immediate consideration of the bill. The VICE PRESIDE~T. T.he Secretary will call the roll. There being no objection, the Seu.a.te, as in ,Committee of the . The Assi ·tant Secretary called the roll, and the follo"ITing Sen­ Whole, proceeded to consider the bill, which was read, as ator: an ''\\'ered to their names: follows: Ashurst Gla.ss ~!c]i:ell:u Simmons Be it en,acted, etc., That tb;e consent of Congres£ is hereby g:cante.d Borah Ilalc ?llci~ary Smith t<? !he Pa~unkey Ferry Co., duly- incorporated Under the laws of Vir­ Brandegce Harreld Nicholson Spencer grnta, and 1ts successors and assigns, to construct, maintain, and oper­ Calder Harris Norris Stanfield ate a bridge and approaches thereto across tho Pamnnkey River at a Capper Harrison Oddie Swanson point suitable to the interests of navigation. at or near Sweet Hall in Culberson llc!Un Overman 'fra.mmell King William County, to a point opposite in New Kent CountY in 'the Curtis Johnson Owen. Wadsworth Co.mmo.uwealth of Virginia, in accordance. with the provisions' of the Dial Jones, Wnsb. Page Watson, Ga. act entitled ".An act to regulate the construction of bridges over Dilling.ham Kellogg Phipps 'Vatson,·Ind. navigable water~." approved March 23, 1900. duPont Kenyon Poindexter Willis SEc. 2. That the right to alter, amend, or repeal this act is hereby Edge King Robinson expre ly reserved. li'ernald )!cCumber . 'beppard The bill was reported to the Senate without amendment, Mr. H..AJlRISO~. I <Je,;ire to state that the S nator from ordered to a third reading, read the third· time, and passed. Rhode Island [l\lr. GERBY] is <letained from th~ Senate by ill­ ness. REPORTS OF THE COl.U.U~ o::q- l\ULITARY AFFAIRS. MI·. CURTIS. I was requesteu to announce that· t.he Senator l\Ir. SHEPPARD, from the Committee on Militru.·y Affairs, from Utah [l\Ir. SMooT], the Senator from 'Visconsin [1\Ir. LA to which was referred the bill ( S. 2632) to corxect . the mili­ FoLLETTE], the Senator from Connecticut [l\Ir. McLEAN], the tary record of Martin Cletner, reported it without amendment Senator from New Jersey [Mr.. Fr.ELI~GHUYSEN], and the Sen­ and submitted a report (No. 449) thereon. ator from "'e t Virginia (1\Ir. SuTHEBLA:ND] are absent on official He also, from the sam-e committee, to which. was referred the business. bill (S. 1632) for the relief of Charles. l\1. Gourley, submitted Mr. Sl\IITH. I was requested to state that the Senator from an adverse report the:ceon, which was a.gxeed Lto, and the bill Korth Dakota [l\lr. L.ADD] and the Senator from New Hamp, was indefinitely postponed. shire [l\fr. KEYE ] are detained at. a meeting of the Committee Mr: SPENCER, from the. Committee on 1\Iilitary. Affa.ll·s, to on Agriculture and Forestry. which w·as referred .the bill {H; R . 2004) for the relie;f_. of. Frank The VICE PRESIDENT. Forty-six Sem:.tors have answered Ferrin, reported it without· amendment and: submitted a report to their names. A quorum is not present. The Secretary will (No. 450) thereon. call the names of the absentees. BILLS AND JOINT BESOLUTI0:;.\1 INTRODUCED. The Assistant Secretary called the names of the absent Sen­ ators, and the follo"ITing Senators answerea to their names Bills and a joint resolution were introduced, read the first time, and, by unanimous consent, the second time, . and referred when called: as follows: Cn.raway Myers Bansdell By Mr. DILLll'IGHAl\f: The following enator entered the Chamber and answered to A bill (S. 3052) to amend the corporation law of the District their name · : of Columbia; to the Committee on the Di trict of Columbia. France La FoJlette Moses Sutherland By Mr. KELLOGG: Frelinghuysen Lenroot Pomerene Townsend Gooding McLean Smoot Walsh, Mont. A bill (S. 3053) for the relief of Mar hall-Wells Co., of Du­ The VICE PRESIDENT. Sixty Senator ~ having answered to luth, 1\Iinn. ; to the Committee on Claims. their names, a quorum is present. By 1\Ir. McNARY: A. bill ( S. 3054) for the relief of J'olln Kearney ; to the Com­ PETITIONS. mittee on Military Affairs. l\Ir. HARRIS presented a resolution adopted by the board By 1\Ir. BRAl"\TDEGEE : of directors of the Savannah (Ga.) Cotton Exchange, requesting A bill (S. 3055) granting an increase of pension to Edward Congress to make a thorough investigation of the Crop Report­ F. La Rock (with accompanying- papers); to the Committee ing Bureau of the Department of Agriculture, with a ·view to on Pensions. <liscovering the cause of, and instituting remedies for, the alleged By 1\Ir. SHEPPARD: gross inaccuracies shown in the report of the 1921 cotton crop A bill ( S. 3056) for the purchase of land adjoining Fort Bliss, as published by the Department of Agricultm·e, which was re­ Tex.; to the Committee on Military Affairs. ferre.d to the Committee on Agriculture and Forestry. By Mr. SUTHERLAND: 1\Ir. WILLIS presented a communication in the nature of a A bill ( S. 3057) granting a pension to Christina ~\.. Dabney; petition of the board of directors of the Cincinnati (Ohio) Asso­ to the Committee on Pensions. ciation of Credit Men, praying for fair treatment of the ran­ By Mr. UNDERWOOD: roads of the country in connection with the rate-making power A. bill (S. 3058) granting_an increase of pension to John A. of the Interstate Commerce Commission and the wage-adjust­ Shannon; to the Committee on Pensions. ment power of the Railway Labor Board, so that rates may be By Mr. CALDER: fair to the public and at the same time yield sufficient income A bill (S. 3059) for the relief of Ida Smith; to the Commit­ to attract capital for adequate improvements and additions, tee on Claims. 1554 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-SENATE. J.A.NU.ARY 23, Memorandum, of second conference bettceen a special committee ot t·ail­ By Mr. ODD IE: ~ ~·oad ezecutives and a transpot·tation committee ot agriNJlture ana A joint resolution (S. J. Res. 157) extending the time for the 1ndustru 1teld at the R.acq1~et Club, Washington, D. 0., Decembe1· performance of certain acts under the act of Cong1·ess approved 9, 1921. February ·25, 1920, entitled "An act to promote the mining o:t The participants in the conference were: coal, phosphate, oil, oil shale, gas, and sodium on the public RAILROAD ExECUTIVES. domain," and for other purposes; to the Committee on Public W. ,V. Atterbury, chairman special committee of railroa'l Land~ and Surveys. e:x~cuth·es, Pennsylvania Railroad, Philadelphia . .AD.JUST:hfENJ.' OF FOREIGN LOANS. Howard Elliott, special committee of railroad executiyes, 1\Ir. NORRIS and 1\fr. McKELLAR submitted amendments in­ Northern Pacific Railroad, New York. tended to be proposed by them to the bil~ (H.
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