INDEX A.AO .A.IS Aachen (Germ.), 1048, 1070 Addis Ababa (Ethiopia), 945-49, Aalborg (Denmarl<). 905 1010 Aargau (Switz.), 1376. 1378 Adelaide (S. Australia), 439, 446, Aarhus (Denmark), 905, 906 486, 487, 488, 503 Aas (Norway), 1251 Adelie LAnd (Antarctic), 435 Abaco Is. (BahamaR), 418 Aden, 222-25, 340, 341, 1496 Abadan (Persia), 1279, 1285 -opium, 150 Abaiang Is. (Pacific), 539 Adi Is. (N. Guinea), 1241 Ahajo (Cuba), 890 Admiral tv Is. (Bismarck Arch.), 507, Abakan (U.S.S.R.), 1436 508 Abancay (Peru), 1289 Adola (Ethiopia), 948 Abastuman (U.S.S.R.), 1455 Adrar (Mauritania), 995 Abemama Is. (Pacifi<o), 539, 540 Adrar Temar (Flp. Sahara), 1357 Abt'okuta (Nigeria), 315 Adrianople (Turkey), 1406 Abercorn (Rhodesia), 285 Adygei ( R.S.F.S.R.), 1443 Aberdeen (U.K.), 63, 64, 69, 70 Adzharian Rep. (Georgia), 1455 Aberdeen (S. Dakota), 716 .tEgean Is., Greek, 1076, 1080 Aberystwyth (U.K.), 69, 70 .tEtolia (Greet•e), 1075 Abidjan (Fr. W. Africa), 993, 999 Afghanistan, 761-65 Abilene (Texas), 722 Afyon (Turkey), 1406, 1410 Abkhazia (Georgi&), 1455, 1456 Agadez (Niger), 998 Abo (Finland), 953 Agadir (Morocco), 1033 Abo.Bjorneborg (Finland), 952 AgalPga Is. (!11.auritius), 345 Ahoisso (Fr. W. Afri .. a), 999 Agnil.a (Guam), 754 Abor Hills (Assam), 167 AgdAr, Austand Vest (Norway),l250 Aboso (Gold Const), 324 Agion Oros (Greet"e), 1075 Abqaiq (Arabia), 1341, 1342 Agra (prov.), see Uttar Pradesh A bra (Philippines), 1301 Agra (town), 142. 181, 182 Abruzzie e Molise (lta.ly), 1157 Agri (1'nrke:v). 1406 Abu Dhabi (Arabia), 774 Agryz (U.S.S.R.), 1436 Abu Zenima (Egypt), 935 Aguadul<·e (Panama), 1264 Ahyssinia, Hee Ethiopia, 944-50 A~ruaR<•aliAnteR (ME!xiro), 1209, 1210 A~ajutla (El Salvador), 943 Ahmadi (Kuwait), 773 Act~rnania (Greece), 1075 Ahm .. dauad (ln<iia), 142, 171 Accra (Gold Coast), 322-25 Ahuacha.pan (El Salvador\, 940 Accrington (U.K.), 60 Ahvenanmaa (Finland), 952 Aohaia (Gree~e), 1075 Ahwaz (Persia), 1279, 1280, 1285 Acholi (Uganda), 303 Aidin (Asia MiMr), see Aydin Acklin's Is. (Bahamas), 418 Ain (Franee), 962 Aconco.gua (Chile), 849 Ain Dar (Arabia), 1341 Acre (Brazil), 822, 827 Ain RPfr11 (Algeria), 982 A<hmawa (Nigeria), 331 Ain Zalah (Iraq), 1127 Adams (Colorado), 627 Arr (Fr. W. Africa\, 998 Adana (Turkey), 1406, 1408 Aisne (France), 962 1509 1510 THE STATESMAN'S YEAR-BOOK, 1!l5:l AIT ALL Aitutaki I8. (Cook Is.), 527 Albany (N.Y.}, 565, 690, 691, 692 Aix (FranPe). ()67, ()68 Albany (W. Australia), 492 Ajaigarh (Indin.), 196 Alberta (Canada), 349, 376-78 Ajlun (Jordan), 1183 - area and population, :3il3 Ajman (Ambia}, 774 - births, deaths, marriages, ;)iJ4 Ajmer (India), 142, 1()2 - education, 355 - area. and population, 140 - field crops. 362 - communities, 143 -livestock, 363 - cultivation, 155 - mining, 364, 365 --- election, 135 - municipal govt., 375 -justice, 147 - police, 361 - land tenure, 154 - popln. born outside, 353 - police, 148 - religion, 355 -religion, 143 - representation, 350 Ajmer-Merwara (India), 190 Albina (Surinam), 1238 Akerman (U.S.S.R.), 1416, 1449 Albuquerque (New .Mexico), 689 Akershus (Norway), 1250 Albury (N.S.W.), 462 Akhal-Senaki (Georgia), 1457 Alcazarquivir (Morocco), I 030, I O:lfi Akjoujt (Mauritania), 995 Aldabra Is. (Seychelles), 345 Aklavik (Canada), 405, 406 Alderney (Channel Is.), 64, 124, 128 Akmolinsk(Kazakhstan),1436, 1466, Alentejo (Portugal), 1:~14 1468 Aleppo (Syria), 1388-(}1 Aktyubinsk (Kazakh.), 1466 Alesund (Norway), 1251 Akola (India), 173 Alexandretta (Syria), 1405 Akranes (fceland), 1110 Alexandria (Egypt), 927, 928, 929, Akron (Ohio), 565, 700, 701 930, 932, 935 Akureyri (Iceln.nd), 1110 Alexandria (Louis.), 656 Alabama, 615-18 Alexandria (Virginia), 730 - area and population, 559 Alexandroupolis (Greece), l0i6 -- ~otton, 587 Alexandrovsk (Ukraine), 1451 - education, 568 Aley (Lebanon), 1192 -··iron, 593 Alfort (France), 968 - representation, 554 Algarve (Portugal), 1314 Alagoas (Brazil), 822 Algeranza Is. (Canary Is.), I:l4ti Alais (France), 968 Algeria, 981-86 Alajuela (Costa Rica), 881, 882 AI Ghail (Yemen), 1497 Alameda (California), 623 Algiers (Alger), 967, ()82, 983, 985 Aland (Finhnd). 952 Alhambra (California), 623 AlapayeYsk (U.S.S.R.), 1437 AI Hazm (Yemen), 1497 Alaska, 742-46 Alicante (Spain), 1346. 1351. 1353 - area and population, 559 Alice Springs (Australia), 454. iiOJ, - highway. 369, 408, 745 503 - legiHlature, 557 Aligarh (India}, 145, 181, 182 - metals, precious, 589 Alipura (India}, 196 -- national guard, 580 Alirajpur (India), 188 - representation, 554 AI ,Tauf (Yemen), 1497 - social weliare, 573 Al.Jibla (Yemen}, 1497 Alava (Spain). 1346 AI Khamr (Yemen), 1497 Alaverdi (Armenia), 1458 Alkmaar (Netherlands), 1227 Alhacete (Spain), 1346 Allahabad (India), 142, 145, !81, Alba lulia (Rumania),133l 182 Albania, 766-69 Allanmyo (Burma), 845 Albany (Georgia), 638 Allenstein (Poland), 1306 INDEX 15ll ALL ANG Allentown (Pa.), 565, 709 Ames (Iowa), 648 Alliance (Ohio). 700 Amherst (Mass.), 663 Allier (France), 962 Amherst (Nova Scotia}, 392 Alma.-Ata (U.S.S.R.), 1421, 1423, Amide. (Turkey), 1407 1439, 1466, 1468 Amiens (France), 965 AI Mata.mma. (Yemen), 1497 Amindivis Is. (Laccadives), 177 Almelo (Netherla.nds),1227 Amirantes Is. (Seychelles), 345 Almeria (Spain), 1346 Amlekganj (India), 1222 Almira.nte (Pan.), 885, 1267 Amman (Jordan), 1183, 1184, 1192 Almora. (India), 182 Amoy (China}, 863 Alofi (Cook Is.), 528 Amphlssa. (Greece), 1075 Alofi Is. (Fr. Pacific), 1013 Amran (Yemen), 1497 Alon (Burma.), 846 Amra.oti (India),173 Along Bay (Viet-Nam), 1023 Amritsa.r (India), 142, 179 Alost (Belgium), 798 Amsterdam Is. (Madag.).1008, 1009 Alpes, Basses- (France), 962 Amsterdam (Neth.), 1227 - Hautes- (France), 962 Amsterdam (N.Y.), 691 --Maritimes (Fram•e), 962 Anaconda (Montana), 676 Alphonse Is. (Seychelles), 345 Anadyr (U.S.S.R.), 1439, 1446 Alsa.ce-Lorraine (Fr.), 964 Anaiza. (Saudi Arabia), 1341 Al Suda (Yemen), 1497 Ancash (Peru), 1289 Altai (R.S.F.S.R.), 1443, 1446 Anchorage (Alaska), 743 Altan Bula.k (Mongolia), 1219 Anchorage (Cook Is.), 527 Alton (Illinois), 643 Ancona (Italy), 1160 Altoona. ( Pa. ), 709 Andalucea (Spain), 1353 Aluminium, see Bauxite Andaman and Nicobar Is., 197-98 Alverdi (Georgia.), 1457 -area and population, 140 Alvsborg (Sweden), 1361, 1367 - communities, 143 Amacuro (Venez.}, 1490 - election, 135 Amagasa.ki (Japan), 1172 - forests, 156 Amamha.y (Paraguay), 1272 - police, 148 Amamlinsk (Armenia), 1458 - religions, 143 Amapa (Brazil), 822, 828 Anderson (Ind.), 646 Amapala. (Honduras), 1095 Andhra (India), 145, 175 Amara (Iraq), 1124 Andizha.n(Uzbek.),1421, 1470,1471, Amarillo (Texas), 721 1472 Amama.gar (India), 191 Andorra, 769-70 Amasya (Turkey), 1406 Andros Is. (Bahamas), 418 Amazonas (Brazil), 822, 827 Anooho (Togo), 1000, 1017 Amazonas (Colombia), 874 Anegada (Virgin Is.}, 428 Amazonas (Peru), 1289 Aneity{im Is. (Pacific), 542 Amazonas (Venez.), 1490 Angara (R.S.F.S.R.), 1446 Amb (Pakistan), 211 Angduphodang (Bhutan), 813 Ambala. (India.), 142, 180 Angediva (Goa), 1327 Ambatondrazaka. (Marlag.), 1006 Angers (France), 965. 968 Ambato (Ecuador), 919, 920 Angkor (Cambodia), 1026 Ambeno (Port. Timor), 1328 Anglesey (U.K.), 60 Amboina (Indonesia.), 1116, ll20 Anglo-Egyptian Sudan, 333-40 Ambrizette (Angola.), 1326 Angola (Port. W. Afr.), 1317, 1325- Ambrym Is. (New Hebrides), 542 26 American States, Organization of, Angora, see Ankara. 38-41 Angra do Heroismo (Port.), 1314, Amersfoort (Netherlands), 1227 1315 1512 THE STATESMAN'S YEAR-BOOK, Hl53 ANG ART Anguilla ls. (W. Indies), 425, 426, Ararl (Rnmania), 1330, 1331, 1333 428 Aragua (\'enezu••la), 1490 Angus (:Seotland), 63 Arak (Persia), 1279 Anhwei !China), 8HO, 864 Arani (Armenia), 1458 Anin (Burma), 846 Aran Pradet (Thailand), 1396 Anjouan Is. (Comoro Is.), 1008 Aranuka Is. (Gilbert ls.l. 539 Ankara (Turkey). 1404-08 Arapahoe (Colorado), 627 Ankolc· (Uganda). 303 Ararat (Victoria), 473 Annaberg (Germany), 1054 Arauca (Colombia), 874 Annui (Br. Guiana), 415 Arau<'o (Chilt>), 849 Annam (Fr. Indo-China). 1018<!7 Arcadia (Greer-e), 1075 Annumnlai (Madras), 145, 175 Ar<·hangel (U.S.S.R.), 1421, 1439. Annapolis (M.aryland), 660 1443, 1444 Ann Arbor (l\liehigan), 666 Ardebil (PerRia), 1279 An••ol>on Ts. (Sp. Africa).l357 Ardeche (l?rance), 96:?, 975 Anshan (China), 860 Ardenne• (Franre), 962 Antalaha (Madagascar), 1005 Ardrossan (U.K.), 123 Ant,alya (Turkey), 1406 Arendal (Norway). J 251 Antigua lA. (W. Indios), 425-27 Arequipa (Peru), 1288, 128!l. 1200 - U.S.A. base, fi80 Arezzo (Italy), 1162 Antilles (Neth.), 1239 Argenteuil (Fran<'e), 965 Antioch (:Syria), 1389, 1407 Argentinlt, 776-89 Antioquia (Colom.), 873. 876 Arges (Rumania), 1331 Antipodns Is. (N.Z.), ;i26 Argyrueastro (Albania), 766. 767 Antofagasta !Chile), 818, 849 Argolis (Greece), 1075 Antrim (N. Ireland), 114, 117 Argostolion (Greece), 10i5 Antsira.be (Madag. ).1005, 1007, J 008 Argovie (Switz.), 1376. 1378 Antung (China), 860 Argyll (Seotland), 63 Antwerp I Belgium), 797, 798, 799, Arianeoupom (Fr. India), lOll 803 Afic·a (Chile), 818. 1289 Anzer6-:-;lidjensk (U.S.S.B.), 1421, Arii·g<' (Fmn~e), 962 1422 Arivonimamo (Madagascar), 1008 Anzoat<'gui (\'enez.). 1490 Arizona, 618-20 Aoba (New Hebrides), 542 - area and population, 550 Apeldonrn (NetherlandA), 1227 - cotton, 587 .~pia (W. Samoa), ii3l. 756 - metals, precious, 589 Ap->lima (W. Samoa). ii30 - repreHentation, 554 Appenzt>ll (Switz.), 1376. 1378 Arkans:1s, 620-22 Appleton (Wisconsin), 737 -area and population, 55!1 Apra Harbntu· (Guam), 754 -- cotton, .~87 Apulia (Italy), 1!57 - eduPnt.inn, 568 Annre (V~·nM.), 1490 - rerrescntation, 554 A[mrima~ (Peru). 1289 Armagh (N. lrehtnd), 114, ll7 Aqaba (Arabia), 1183 Arma vir ( U .S.R.R. ), I 42 I, 14:12 Aral, League, 41--42, 1190 Armenia (U.S.S.R.). 1457-59 Arabian States, 770-75 -area and population, 1420 -Bahrain. 774 Armidale (N.S.\V.), 463, 464 -Kuwait, 772 Arnhem (Netherlands), 1:!27 -Muscat a,nd Oman, 770 Arnrae Is. (PacifiP), 539 -· Q~ttar. 774 Arrn?osy Esteros (Paragua~'), 1272 - :Saudi, 1:140-43 Arta (Greece), 1076 - Trucia1 States, 773 Artemnvsk (U.S.tl.R.), 1422 Aracajl1 ( llm·Lil), ii:l2 Arthington (Liberia), ll95 INDEX 1513 ART AYD Artigas (Uruguay), 1477 Athens (Ohio), 701 Artvin (Turkey), 1406 AthoH, Mount (Greef:'e), 1075, 1076 Arua (Uganda), 305 Atiu Is.
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