Top Gun QUARTERBACK • RECEIVER SCHOOL The Ten Basic Quarterback Reads Basic Coverages CoverCover 33 ZoneZone CoverCover 22 ZoneZone QuartersQuarters CoverCover 11 FreeFree ManMan CoverCover 00 ManMan COVER 3 ZONE FS Zone 1/3 Zone 1/3 C Zone 1/3 C M M SS Hook Hook Curl / flat Curl / flat W T N T S QB STRENGTHS WEAKNESSES 1. Three-deep secondary. 1. Weakside curl / flat. 2. Four man rush. 2. Strong-side curl. 3. Run support to SS. 3. Limited fronts. 4. Flood routes. 5. Run support away from SS. 6. Dig routes. (Square-in routes) 7. Four verticals. COVER 2 ZONE Zone 1/2FS SSZone 1/2 C Flat Flat C W M S Hash Middle Hash E T T E QB STRENGTHS WEAKNESSES 1. Five underneath coverage. 1. Deep coverages; 2. Ability to disrupt timing of outside receivers with 'jam'. a. fade area, 3. Can rush four. b. deep middle. 4. Flat areas. 2. Strong-side curl. 3. Run support off-tackle. QUARTERS COVERAGE Read # 2; if # 2 goes flat or Read # 2; if # 2 goes flat or drag, dbl #1. If # 2 goes drag, dbl #1. If # 2 goes vertical, man-up # 2. vertical, man-up # 2. Man # 1. Possible help from Man # 1. Possible help from FS SS SS. Be aggressive on all out FS. Be aggressive on all out routes by # 1. routes by # 1. C C W M S Responsible for flat Wall off Responsible for flat coverage. anything coverage. that comes E T underneath.T E QB STRENGTHS WEAKNESSES 1. Four-deep coverage. 1. Flat coverage. 2. Run support from safeties. 2. Safeties are very susceptible 3. Ability to double cover outside receivers. to play-action. 4. Allows corners to play aggresive technique on 3. Double coverage on # 1 can be outside receivers because they have help nullified by having # 2 attack over-the-top from safeties. the coverage of safety. COVER 1 FREE FS Zone Deep Middle C C M M SS W T N T S QB STRENGTHS WEAKNESSES 1. Help in the deep middle. 1. No underneath help; 2. Tight coverage. a. crossing routes, 3. Good run support to SS. b. breaking routes, 4. Can rush five. c. pick routes. 2. Play action passes. 3. Out routes. COVER 0 MAN C C FS M SS M W T N T S QB STRENGTHS WEAKNESSES 1. Pass rush. 1. No underneath help; 2. Can rush six. a. crossing routes, 3. Tight coverage. b. breaking routes, 4. Good run support. c. pick routes. 2. Nobody in the middle of the field - deep post route. Basic Quarterback Reads #1#1 TheThe SlantSlant ReadRead #2#2 TheThe StickStick ReadRead #3#3 TheThe InsideInside SidelineSideline ReadRead #4#4 TheThe CurlCurl ReadRead #5#5 TheThe SidelineSideline ReadRead #6#6 TheThe DigDig ReadRead #7#7 TheThe DoubleDouble Square-inSquare-in ReadRead #8#8 TheThe DeepDeep OutOut ReadRead #9#9 TheThe DeepDeep ReadsReads #10#10 ManMan (Single-coverage(Single-coverage Reads)Reads) Quarterback Pre-snap AlwaysAlways getget toto thethe lineline quicklyquickly withwith youryour handshands underunder center.center. IfIf thethe defensedefense isis goinggoing toto shift,shift, theythey willwill dodo itit afterafter youyou getget underunder center.center. LookLook forfor thethe safeties.safeties. IsIs therethere anyoneanyone inin thethe middlemiddle ofof thethe field?field? LookLook forfor thethe bestbest sideside toto read.read. NumberNumber ofof defendersdefenders vs.vs. NumberNumber ofof receivers.receivers. Quarterback Pre-snap LookLook atat thethe defender’sdefender’s leverage.leverage. LeverageLeverage refersrefers toto thethe defender’sdefender’s relationshiprelationship toto thethe receiver,receiver, oror thethe areaarea ofof thethe fieldfield thethe defenderdefender mustmust cover.cover. KnowKnow wherewhere allall thethe routesroutes areare goinggoing toto bebe run.run. LookLook forfor possiblepossible blitzes.blitzes. KnowKnow wherewhere youryour hothot routesroutes are.are. AtAt hishis pointpoint thethe QBQB willwill havehave aa prettypretty goodgood ideaidea ofof wherewhere hehe isis goinggoing toto gogo withwith thethe ballball –– thisthis isis extremelyextremely importantimportant.. During The Dropback RealizeRealize youyou areare makingmaking thethe finalfinal decisiondecision onon wherewhere toto gogo withwith thethe ballball onon youryour wayway backback ---- notnot atat thethe endend ofof youryour drop.drop. IfIf youyou haven’thaven’t mademade aa decisiondecision byby thethe timetime youyou getget toto thethe endend ofof youryour drop,drop, gogo toto thethe contingencycontingency planplan rightright away.away. WithWith thethe exceptionexception ofof aa quickquick 3-step3-step drop,drop, taketake twotwo shuffle-stepsshuffle-steps upup inin thethe pocketpocket maxmax,, beforebefore goinggoing toto thethe contingencycontingency plan.plan. • For example; you’ve made a decision on where to go with the ball and you’re waiting for the receiver to break away from the defender. #1 The Slant Read KeyKey flatflat defender.defender. OLB,OLB, StrongStrong SafetySafety oror CB.CB. ThrowThrow awayaway fromfrom thethe flatflat defender.defender. IfIf hehe coverscovers thethe slant,slant, hithit thethe flatflat // swingswing route.route. IfIf hehe goesgoes flat,flat, hithit thethe slant.slant. The Slant Drop TheThe Quarterback’sQuarterback’s specificspecific dropdrop isis dependantdependant onon thethe flatflat defender’sdefender’s leverage.leverage. IfIf thethe flatflat defenderdefender isis closeclose toto thethe LOSLOS (Pro(Pro 44 –– 3)3) ,, thethe dropdrop willwill bebe deeperdeeper (three-big)(three-big) soso thethe QBQB cancan throwthrow behindbehind him.him. IfIf thethe flatflat defenderdefender isis wayway offoff thethe LOSLOS (College(College 44 –– 3)3) ,, thethe dropdrop willwill bebe shallowershallower (three-quick)(three-quick) soso thethe QBQB cancan throwthrow inin frontfront ofof him.him. SLANT - FLAT / SWING READ FS C C SS W QB 3 STEP (READ FLAT DEFENDER) #2 The Stick Read KeyKey thethe strongstrong safetysafety oror defenderdefender whowho willwill covercover thatthat area.area. CheckCheck pre-snappre-snap leverage.leverage. LookLook forfor thethe flat,flat, thenthen thethe stick.stick. ManyMany timestimes lookinglooking atat thethe flatflat routeroute firstfirst willwill openopen upup thethe stickstick route.route. VsVs covercover 2,2, looklook toto thethe strong-sidestrong-side fadefade first.first. FS C C 2 W M S SS E T T E 1 QB 3 BIG HOLD (READ SS) TO GET "STICK" ROUTE OPEN, LOOK AT FLAT ROUTE FIRST. 1 FS SS 2 C W M S C E T T E QB 3 BIG HOLD THROW IN THE HOLE TO THE Z RECEIVER #3 The Inside - Sideline Read KeyKey thethe strongstrong safetysafety oror defenderdefender whowho willwill covercover thatthat area.area. CheckCheck pre-snappre-snap leverage.leverage. LookLook forfor thethe swing,swing, thenthen thethe sideline.sideline. ManyMany timestimes lookinglooking atat thethe swingswing routeroute firstfirst willwill openopen upup thethe sidelinesideline route.route. 1 C FS C 1 SS W M S E T T E QB 2 5 BIG HOLD (READ SS) TO GET TE ROUTE OPEN, LOOK AT SWING ROUTE FIRST. #4 The Curl Read KeyKey flatflat defender.defender. OLB,OLB, StrongStrong SafetySafety oror CB.CB. ThrowThrow awayaway fromfrom thethe flatflat defender.defender. IfIf hehe goesgoes flat,flat, hithit thethe curl.curl. IfIf hehe dropsdrops toto curl,curl, hithit thethe flatflat // swingswing route.route. CURL - FLAT / SWING READ FS C 1 1 SS C READ LB READ 2 QB 2 5 BIG HITCH (READ LB or SS) TO GET CURL OPEN LOOK TO SWING or FLAT FIRST #5 The Sideline Read VsVs covercover 2,2, thethe sidelinesideline willwill automaticallyautomatically turnturn intointo aa fadefade route.route. CheckCheck cornercorner andand safetysafety alignment.alignment. CheckCheck OLBOLB // StrongStrong SafetySafety alignment.alignment. KeyKey flatflat defender.defender. OLB,OLB, StrongStrong SafetySafety oror CB.CB. IfIf thethe flatflat defenderdefender cancan getget underneathunderneath thethe thethe route,route, throwthrow toto thethe stopstop oror seam.seam. SIDELINE - STOP / SEAM READ FS 1 C 1 C READ READ SS B 2 2 QB 5 ROLL (READ LB or SS) #6 The Dig Read KeyKey thethe underneathunderneath coverage.coverage. WhileWhile droppingdropping back,back, taketake aa looklook atat whatwhat thethe linebackerslinebackers areare doing.doing. IfIf theythey drop,drop, hithit thethe drag.drag. IfIf theythey jumpjump oror wallwall thethe drag,drag, gogo forfor thethe dig.dig. Vs.Vs. QuartersQuarters coverage,coverage, thethe dragdrag usuallyusually becomesbecomes thethe safestsafest throw.throw. DIG - DRAG READ FS 1 READ C B B SS C B 2 QB 7 QUICK HITCH (READ INSIDE BACKER) TO GET "DIG" ROUTE OPEN, LOOK AT TE "DRAG" ROUTE FIRST. DIG - DRAG READ FS SS C READ C W M S QB 7 QUICK HITCH (READ BACKERS) TO GET THE "DIG" ROUTE OPEN, LOOK AT INSIDE RECEIVER "DRAG" ROUTE FIRST. #7 The Double Square-in Read KeyKey outsideoutside linebackerlinebacker toto thethe strongstrong safety.safety. IfIf LBLB takestakes mediummedium square-insquare-in routeroute andand SSSS takestakes flatflat area,area, hithit thethe deepdeep square-in.square-in. IfIf eithereither LBLB oror SSSS takestakes awayaway thethe deepdeep square-in,square-in, throwthrow toto thethe areaarea theythey vacate.vacate. DEEP SQUARE-IN - MED SQUARE-IN READ FS 1 2 READ C C READ 3 B B B SS N B QB 5 BIG HITCH (READ BACKER TO SS) TO GET WR OPEN LOOK TO TE FIRST, RB LAST DEEP SQUARE-IN - MED SQUARE-IN READ 1 FS 2 C C 3 READ W M S SS QB 5 BIG HITCH (READ BACKER TO STRONG SAFETY) #8 The Deep Out Read GreatGreat routeroute vs.vs. covercover 22 TheThe flatflat routeroute willwill holdhold thethe corner.corner. IfIf thethe cornercorner runsruns withwith thethe WR,WR, hithit thethe flatflat routeroute rightright away.away. IfIf thethe cornercorner comescomes offoff thethe WR,WR, continuecontinue youryour dropdrop andand hithit thethe WRWR onon thethe DeepDeep Out.Out. DEEP OUTSIDE - FLAT READ C 1 FS 1 SS 2 LB READ READ C 2 VS COVER 3 7 BIG HITCH 7 QUICK HITCH VS COVER 2 THE FLAT ROUTE SHOULD ANCHOR THE CORNER DEEP OUTSIDE - FLAT READ FS C SS C W QB VS COVER 2 VS COVER 3 5 BIG HOLD (READ CORNER TO SAFETY) #9 The Deep Reads ThisThis isis aa timingtiming pass.pass.
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