Take Back The Night Marches in Ann Arbor BY JOSH BENNINGHOFF a survivor of violence against women." There exists a "continuum of violence HE NIGHT OF SATURDAY, in our rape culture," she said, citing April 18th was not about any statistics that claim that one in three T social issue; it was about women will be sexually assaulted be­ women, for better or for worse. Shortly fore the age of eighteen. after 7:00 p.m., student activist Although she said that no man Brenna De Vaney's introductions com­ should ever be raped, she claimed the menced the Nineteenth Annual "Take American "rape culture" doesn't ac­ Back the Night" march and rally. knowledge the severity of its rape Although the Ann Arbor Coalition statistics. This claim brought forth Against Rape (AACAR) organized this h~r overall slogan, that the "personal event in just over a month, popular is political." She then proceeded to support for this event was apparent condemn TBTN for not addressing in the crowd gathered on the Diag. the racial issues that are inextricably Some came expecting TBTN to spe­ intertwined with the feminist move­ cifically address sexual violence, in­ ment. She asked, "What use are a cluding rape; but the purpose ofTBTN, bunch ofwhite women marching with as stated in their literature distrib­ police escorts?" After remarking how uted at the rally, is to make the fol­ the "most useless thing in the world is lowing proclamation for women: "we a guilty man ... Guilt makes people will be safe, we will be strong and we turn inward. Let's not talk about you. will be free. The TBTN March is a Let's talk about violence against Women rally to Take Back The Night symbol of our collective commitment women," she soon concluded by say­ ~ ..,. ...... that there will come a day where ing, "I need you all. 1 can't end vio­ women and children will no longer lence against women." need to fear male violence." After her speech, she left the stage U-M Commencement After various announcements, in­ and invited the members of the cluding By Any Means Necessary AACAR to take the stage to announce (BAMN) leader Jessica Curtin's plea their demands. Honorees: Who Are They? for the support of affirmative action, The demands for this year in­ the first of three "entertainment" seg­ cluded, among others: BY LEE BocKHORN students asked, "Who are these ments began. Detroit Police Officer • "that all schools immediately people?" Although widely known and Kalimah Johnson and her poem implement comprehensive interven- S TUDENTSATUNIVERSITY respected in their specific fields, this "Rape" was a detailed account of how tion and support programs regarding commencements are accus- year's speaker and honorees are not rape "bleeds a bloody song into (her) sexual assault and domestic violence. tomed to seeing big-name exactly household names, so let's take ears." The emotion was apparent in • that the media publish rape and speakers. In the past, the University a closer look at these four individuals . her voice and demand that those that domestic violence hotline numbers of Michigan has enjoyed its share of chose to lie on or near the Diag, "get routinely and add domestic violence notable commencement speakers, in- MAMPBELA BAMPHELE up,standup. Standupforyourrights." to the crime map. cluding the likes of President George The first speaker was Sexual As­ • that NO PERSON touch an- Bush, First Lady Hillary Clinton, Dr. Ramphele, vice chancellor of sault and Prevention Awareness Cen­ other pers~m without consent." Supreme Court Justice Sandra Day the University of Capetown in South ter (SAPAC) member Deborah As stated in their brochures, O'Connor, and Pulitzer Prize-winning Africa, was chosen from this year's Frankie. In a positive, emotional TBTN "seek(s) to expose the political novelist Toni Morrison. group of honorary degree recipients speech, Frankie stated, "If there is function of rape in our society - that In contrast, last week's announce- to give the Spring Commencement one thing that people should take is, keeping women terrorized and ment of Dr. Mamphela Ramphele as address at Michigan Stadium. Born with them, it should be the impor­ under the control of men." After the this year's choice for commencent under apartheid to rural schoolteach­ tance of support." U-M alumna final demand was read, men were speaker raised eyebrows on campus. ers, the fifty-year-old Ramphele over­ Carolyn Hammond followed Frankie thanked for their support, but asked Upon hearing the names ofRamp he Ie came long odds to become a physi­ by explaining how seeing the night's not to attend the ensuing march. The and the three other honorary degree cian, social activist, and now th(> h::ad protest made her "feel like a winner." women then left for an hour-long recipients - Edward Said, Richard The second "entertainment" march that included parts of campus" Ford, and Mary Lowe Good - many See COMMENCEMENT, Page 9 group, the Emily Barry Dance Com­ as well as ~owntown.Ann Arbor be- . INSIDE' gun ofconservative thought at both pany, performed an evocative dance f?rere~u:nmgtotheDlagforacandle- • environmentalists and feminists. to celebrate the education and heal­ light VIgil. When asked why men were ing involved in a survivor's life. Fol­ not invited to participate in the march, • SURVIVE THE SUMMER • BENJAMIN KEPPLE QUITS. lowing the dance, AATU co-coordina­ DeVaney explained that "Tonight is WITH E·MAIL. Ben Rousch tells Read Ben's Final installment of tor Melissa Dansforth began by ask­ only about women. That doesn't mean you how to stay connected to the ing that the crowd summon the pow­ Lost In The Eighties TM that men can't be a part of the solu­ Internet. ers of the elements and direction. tion or be there for support, but the Rounding out the speakers was point of tonight is for women to feel • AND LEE BOCKHORN local activist Katie Mattingly. She power and know they don't need any- • C.J. GETS TWO BIRDS ~~ STARTS. Lee Bockhorn starts his . , ~l~med ~hat "every woman I know is. 0lle t<? e~~~~ o~ p!?~e~~ ~~~tp ~".~... ONE STONE. C.J. fires his ZIP new column, Lanterns & Lances! -. '" "'I. '" "" ... '" ... 6 ... ..... ... ". ~ • , . .. " , " .. < ...............- .. .. --.-.-....... - .-... -.. -~-.. - - ----.. ~--.. --,--.."., .. ---------~.---------------------------------- 2 THE MICHIGAN REVIEW April 22, 1998 TIlE l\IwJlJ(; ..\\' HE\'IE\\, The campus Affairs Journal of the o SERPENT'S TOOTB University of Michigan Better Living Through Satire™ "Earth Day? Get the steak!" EDlTOBIAL BOARD EDITOR-IN-CHIEF: Benjamin Kepple The University of Michigan was the the "burn your bridges" tactic at the in this venture will visit North Cam­ PUBLISHER: Sang Lee recent focus of a massive April 15 local meeting of President Clinton's pus for a term so they can bloody well MANAGING EDITOR: Lee Bockhom article by The Detroit Free Press with Initiative on Race and blasted it for stand in line for half an hour for a MANAGING EDITOR: C. J. Camacchio regards to our simmering affirmative not appointing an American Indian to measly piece of the same greasy pizza ARTS EDITOR: Kristina Curkovlc action debate and our ever-present that panel. day after day. In the future, we would CAMPUS AFFAIRS EDITOR: Ben Rousch FEATURES EDITOR: Julie Jeschke racial tension. However, even we appreciate it ifyou tre~hugging hip­ weren't expecting the proponents of Reilly claimed in the April 15th Free pie LSA reps would worry about your EDITORIAL STAfF affirmative action to hand us the in­ Press article that "a lot of privileged own damn campus. tellectual battle on a platter like that. white students have a sense of en­ MUSIC EDITOR: Chris Hayes SPORTS EDITOR: Rob Wood One student supporter of affirmative titlement to attend a prestigious uru­ We were jubilant to read Paul CONTRIBUTING EDITOR: Matthew Buckley action, Michael Blair, said: versitylike U-M."However, there was Serilla's final column in the Daily IllUSTRATOR: Astrid Phillips no mention of his privilege of gaining this week - finally, we'll never have "You hear buzz words like 'earn' and free tuition under Michigan law be­ to read that tripe again. In memory, STAFF WRITERS: John Bach, Josh Benninghoff, Craig Garthwaite, Andrew Golding, Jen Guerra, Doug 'hard work' ... It's become an issue of cause he's an Indian. however, here are some choice bits Hilihoule, Amy Majerowicz, Jacob Oslick, Maureen who deserves to be here." from some of his columns: Sirhal. "We must deal with a lot of stereo­ First off, it's always been an issue of types that we are savages who live in • "Chances are, ifyou are reading this BUSINESS STAFF: Matt Fogarty, who deserves to be here. Secondly, if teepees and don't wear jeans and drive column right now, you are not a happy FOREIGN CORRESPONDENT: Tom Jolliffe (Madrid) words like 'earn' and 'hard work' are cars," Reilly said. A~tually, Joe, per­ camper." (Feb. 27, 1998) now buzzwords, what's next? Grade haps we don't know the same igno­ EDITOR EMERITUS: Geoff Brown Poin t Average? Leadership? Personal rant morons you prQfess to deal with • "Of course, all of these things are The Michigan Review is the independent, student-run Achievement? Heck, why have any every day, but ifyou really think that, true of a new car purchase as well­ journal of conservative and libertarian opinion at the Uni· standards at all? you've got a lot of stereotypes about the main difference is, well, used cars versity of Michigan. We neither solicit nor accept monetary the evil white man. aren't new." (Mar 27, 1998) donations from the U-M. Contnbutions to the Michigan Review are tax-deductible under Section 501 (c)(3) of the And Mike "Full Moon and Empty Internal ReVenue Code.
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