®jje JSeto ijampsfjtte V O L U M E N O . 46 IS S U E 26 UNIVERSITY OF NEW HAMPSHIRE, DURHAM, N. H. — DECEMBER 13, 1956 PRICE — SEVEN CENTS Salisbury Informs, MacLeish, Mumford, Huxley Appear Davis Inspires, At In New Distinguished Lectures Series Archibald MacLeish, Lewis Mumford, and Aldous Huxley will Large Convocation appear in the University’s new distinguished lecture series this winter. This series will be supported by a recent two-year grant President Eldon L. Johnson welcomed a large crowd of students and towns­ given by the Harriet M. Spaulding Charitable Trust. people to a convocation last Thursday. Archibald MacLeish is a noted poet, author, former Librarian This convocation was held to inform- of Congress and Assistant Secretary of State. At present he is a those attending on the crisis in Hungary member of the Harvard faculty. He will be on campus Jan. 17 and to trigger a campus and town-wide and 18 and will address a convocation in drive for contributions to be channeled New Hampshire on the afternoon of the through CARE for Hungarian refugees 17. in Austria. Pan-Hell Organizes Lewis Mumford, social philosopher and Harrison Salisbury, Pulitzer Prize city planner, will appear Feb. 26-28, winning Moscow Correspondent of The Girls Rush Period speaking on the 28th. New York Times, called the Hungarian The last speaker of the present series, crisis the most serious since W orld W ar Aldous Huxley, is a noted British author. II. In a speech intended to give the audi­ Of Early February Although no exact date has been set ence background on the present situation, for his appearance, it is hoped that he he stated that the cause for the trouble is On M onday, Feb. 4, 1957, the two will be on campus either late in April or Russia’s change in policy since the death and a half week period of formal rush­ early in May. of Stalin. Under Stalin, uprisings could ing will begin for freshman and upper- All three men will address convocations not occur because he maintained iron class girls with an open house and in New Hampshire Hall and meet with control through a powerful police. People Mary Jo Price, Virginia Paulu, Barbara Lee guided tour of the sororities. small groups and perhaps attend classes were in constant fear of being arrested In preparation for rushing, the while in Durham. and sent to the forced labor camps in members of the Pan-Hellenic Council The program for the distinguished lec­ Siberia. De-Stalinization will be visiting the dorms after Arnold Air Society tures series has been formulated by a The conditions in Russia and the satel­ Ginny Paulu Reigns Christmas vacation to answer any special committee consisting of President lites have changed since the “de-s"taliniza- questions that rushees might have. Eldon Johnson, Professor John Holden, tion” started to take place under the pres­ Hosts N E Conclave They will also give informal talks to Professor Edwin Scheier, Professor Al­ ent leaders. There has been a general Over Mil-Arts Ball This past weekend,' the UNH acquaint the girls with the process. bion Hodgdon, and Kenneth Maclver, T he rush booklet for the 1957 season reduction in nolice power, discipline over Reigning queen of last weekend’s Squadron of the Arnold Air Society student representative. has been revised and will be available the people has been relaxed, work camps Military Ball was Virginia Paulu. Archibald MacLeish was born in Glen­ played host to delegates from five New after Christmas. are releasing prisoners, sudden seizure Ginny, a junior, was sponsored by coe, Illinois, attended local schools, and England Area Squadrons in a conclave In order to aid the rushees in any and imprisonment under false pretenses Alpha Tau Omega, and won the went to Yale College and Harvard Law described by Area Commander, Cadet difficulties which might occur during is becoming rare. In Russian domestic crown after vieing with fourteen other School. In World War I he served in Colonel Cliff Rockwell, as,” . highly the rush season, members of City policy there has been more emphasis on candidates. She was chosen at a tea France in the field artillery, rising to Pan-Hellenic and of College Pan- production in non-heavy industry than held at Phi Mu Delta last Tuesday successful and quite beneficial . .” the rank o f captain. After practicing Hellenic will be in Commons on Tues­ before and increasing amounts of food afternoon by a representative of the Delegates from the University of law for three years in Boston, he set out and consumer goods are being offered on Hart Modeling Agency and two of Vermont, Connecticut, Boston Uni­ day, Wednesday, and Thursday nights of the second week between 4:30’ and boldly to become a poet. A fter five years the market. his models. versity Colby, St. M ichael’s, and U N H in Paris, where he wrote steadily, he These changes in policy seem to bn Acting as aides were sophomores 5:30. A receptionist will be available convened Saturday morning in a two to' help the girl decide whether she returned to America and eventually be­ reflected by changes in the attitudes of Barbara Lee, Sigma Beta’s candidate, hour business session at which each came one of the editors of Fortune. In Soviet and satellite peoples. Last month and Mary Jo Price, Sigma Alpha should see an older woman or a stu­ school was given an opportunity to air 1939 President Roosevelt appointed him workers in a large Moscow factory went Epsilon’s candidate. dent. Any problems or questions which its problems and make suggestions or a rushee has should be taken immedi­ Librarian of Congress, and during World out on strike. This was the first strike The queen wore a light blue full War II he served first as director of the resolutions. Colonel Louis Ciccolis, ately to these people for they will be by Russian laborers in thirty years. They length gown and corsage of white Office of Facts and Figures, then as the Executive Officer of the .National in a position to give counseling and got the reforms they asked for. A t the gardenias. Ballerina length dresses Assistant Secretary of State. University of M oscow some students post were worn by the aides: Mary Jo headquarters in Washington D. C. advice. For the benefit of sorority girls, the Mr. MacLeish was awarded a Pulitzer news bulletins of the BBC, the British was in aqua crystalfet, Barbara in addressed the. group on the overall Prize for Conquistador, a saga-poem in Broadcasting Company. These bulletins silver-green brocade. All were pre­ parties have been scheduled a day operation of the Society. apart so that they will have time to which a Spanish warrior tells his own often give interpretations and views to sented with bouquets of roses prior For the enjoyment of the delegates story of the conquest of Mexico under which the Soviet regime is violently to their appearance on the stage. prepare for them and still keep up the UNH Squadron planned a social their school work. Cortez. opposed. Some students seem to be showing Miss Paulu was escorted to the schedule which included, providing onen antagonism. At present, citizens are stage by Dick Spaulding, Cadet A rushee may accept no more than dates, through the Angel Flight, for four invitations to an informal party not afraid to openly ask questions about Colonel, and was crowned by Dr. Ed­ the Mil-Arts Ball, a tour of the on any one night. She may accept the government, to sometimes criticize ward D. Eddy. She received a silver Strategic Air Command Base at only three conclusive party invitations. Hungarian Drive it and to joke about it. The Hungarian cup, and eagles giving her the rank of Portsmouth with luncheon at the T he 1957 form al rush schedule is situation shows that antagonism is found Honorary Cadet Colonel. Officer’s Club, and invitations to the as follow s: in the satellites as well as in Russia. It The queen’s aides were also pre­ fraternity parties Saturday night. Monday — sign-up, guided tour, and Collects $2,129 was found that Hungarians remained sented silver cups, and gold leafs open house subdued as long as Red Arm y tanks re­ significant of the Honorary Major Members of Angel Flight similarly Tuesday — informal open house mained in the streets. W hen they left rank. honored Arnold Air Society pledges, First Five Days Thursday — informal party by in­ demonstrations and agitations began To highlight the evening Miss creating a new tradition. vitation In the first five days of the unified again. Solution For Russia Paulu tapped 25 new pledges to Freddy Sateriale’s Dance Band Monday — informal party by invita­ campus and community drive to raise Mr. Salisbury believes the only way Scabbard and Blade. During the provided the music for the ball. ceremony the pledges and their dates Saturday evening fraternity parties tion funds to send CARE packages to Russia can solve her problem is to change Wednesday, Thursday and Friday — Hungarian refugees in Austria, a the treatment given to her citizens and walked undr the crossed swords of put, the finishing touches on the week­ the present members. end. conclusive parties, two per night. total of $2,129.11 was collected, ac­ satellite peoples. He stated although the Monday — day of silence cording to James Yakovakis, treasurer problem seems insolvable, he is confident Tuesday — Pledging. for the coordinating committee. These Russia’s leaders are capable of solving it. figures were given out on Monday This is illustrated by the fact they have Department of Music Gives Second night.
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