Re3 Cross Drive March 1-31 Reel Cross Drive March 1-3 i 56th YEAR, No. 39 SUMMIT, N. J., THURSDAY, MARCH 4, 1945 IJAYlAfc * CENTS CouncilMembers For Mayor Summit A.W.V5. Former Overlook Nurses Art Stcend LieufenonH In Army Nurte Corps Slum Clearance Red Cross Reports Seek Renomination. Dissolves Unit; 2nd Ward Contest And Housing Topic 526,000 First Week Petitions ar» now in circulation Joins State Hdqs. Of Women Voters Of War Fund Drive f«r Councilman-st-large Ernest S. At a meeting of the Summit "Slum Clearance aad Low In- A total of $2tS,OOQ, which ia near* Hsekok and Councilman Louii G. Unit, AWVS held on January 15, some Housing" will b« the Jsubjeet ly 30 percent of its quota of J75 OOfl Dapero of the Second Ward as can- it was decided by the entire mem- of.-. the Mai fh meeting of the was reported % Summit Chapter, bership present, that, because of didate for renomiaation to their League of Women Voter* icto he American Red Cro-.*, yesterday respectiv* pcwU ia the Jun» 12 lack of continuous services to be held Monday, March* 1- at the av»rninjr for the fir.--t wtek of fha' performed, the Summit Unit primary on the Republican ticket. Mt'thoiiiH Church-'parish hoiwr at War Fund which Councilman Dapero faces opposi- I should become a atate extension 2 p. m. continue throughout March, and members should pay their tion because petition* are being Mrs. Gertrude Gross, Overseer All groups active In the driv* circulated for .Eugene F. Daly of duea directly.to New Jersey State Headquarters- and receive assign- of the Poor and director of relief, have either completed their pre» Pearl street who seeks the nom- ments from there. will speak about the existing hous- campaign assignment*, such fta ination on the Republican ticket ing condition* in Summit. Mrs. window displays and various forms for the same post. Mrs. Charles F. Robbing, atate W. W. I'unxburn, vice-chairman of .publicity, or, are working hard Councilmaii-at-large Hickok at chairman, pointed out that this uf social wellai«> tti the New J«-r- on their jobs of soliciting contribu»r—~ the end of this year will have would mean a simple .reorganiza- .spy league, will explain how a com- tion.i from private individuals and completed his first term of two tion of the Summit Unit should munity should approach & hints.- business firms. MMana y *P*i"iit| the need for »uch arise in the years. A former commissioner of ing problem. Koine A. Betts. pres- (vfn(s are being conducted future. Boy Scouts for the Summit Dis- f idfi»t of the common council.; will' throughout the month for tlw ben. The Summit Unit was organized trict, Mr. Hickok is aerving this WINIFRED Jtl B.W JMII.DKED WILSON KD1TI1 GEIGKK tell what Summit can vUi.iand what} ef it „{ \iw drive, MAXWELL IESTEII, JR. hv March. 1942, by Mrs. Andrew f year on the following council eom- Three more nurses from this are* are now a livea at 10 Pas«ale avenue, and graduated from he would like to see done to ini- \ we\\ attended service, dedicaU miiteejj: finances, taxes, buildings JJnrr who was acting chairman prove-Summit's housing. cd to the Red Cross was held Sun- until September of that year when part of Uncle Sams army. In response to the re- Mountain State Hospital Training School for Nurses and grounds; streets, iew«ra and cent emergency call for nurses for mUltery duty, at Charleston. West Ya., In 1M1. She has done Mrs. George II, Rockwood, chair- ((ay ftt Central Presbyterian ' parka; and public utilities. He is Lester feiitions she moved to California. man of economic welfare of the Church, Rev. Leonard V. Bush- Mrs. Nicholas Hussey became all three applied'for commissions in January. They private duty nursing in various hospitals in SavanT chairman of council's publicity were accepted and reported to Fort Dix. last Thurs- nah, Ga,, Gainesville, Fla., Cami* Croft, S. C, and Summit league-will be In man, piwtor of the church, preach* Being Circulated acting chairman at that time and of the meeting. All civlc-inindod committee, In addition he ia a day where they were sworn in as Second Lieutenants for the past five months in Overtook Hospital. eii the sermon ami others of tlia served! until the first regular elec- citizens of Summit arc invited to .member of the Planning Board in the Army Nurse Corps. Second Lieutenant Winifred Kuban Is front Summit clergy who took part wen*"""" For Mayoralty tion in May 1913,-w-hen Mra. Ed- attend. and of the Board of School Esti- All were formerly on the staff of Overlook Hos- Springfield, She graduated from Overlook Hospital RcvvVV. O. Kinsolving. Rev. O. C. mate. Petitions are being circulated ward Jones was elected the first Nelson and Rev, Ern«st Wxon Jr. for Councilman Maxwell Lester, chairman of Summit Unit, pital. Now at Tilton General Hospital, Fort Dix, Training School in 1943, and was a member of Councilman DaperO, who will the Overlook'Hospital stun* for one year. Last Ser» Larg* groups of Red Cro«3 ve>iun« Jr., as a candidate for mayor on Mrs. Jones was followed by Mrs. j they will undergo four weeks basic training before : trer workers, many in the uni- complete at the end of this year the Republican ticket in the June I Clarence P. Marvin, who served being assigned to Army hospital units. tember sho joined (be Public Health Service^ in Newark. forms of the corps, as w«*U su IUHI his first term, ia a member of 112 primary. Since Mr. Lester hap (Continued on Page 4) Rose Mildred Wilson is now a Second Lieuten- t Cross nurses and officers and! jthe following council cornmittees: been in Florida for the past ant in the Army Nurse Corps, The story back of Second Lieutenant Edith Geiger, of West fie Id, is Now Member State streets, sewers and parks; law, or- mcnibt'rs of the Boitrd of Dircc- month he could not be reached for her enlistment is one of courage and patriotism. a 1944 graduate of the Overlook Hospital Training tors of the chapter 'waHtcd in tins dinance and legislation. He is Immediate comment. At the same Warns Dog Owners Mrs. Wilson is the widow of Cpl. Winner W. Wilson School and was a member of the Overlook Hospital Library Commiss'n processional from the parish house? chairman of the public utilities time Mayor G. Harry Cullis ha; who was killed in Italy lust October 19 and awarded staff until she applied for her commission. to the church. committee. announced that he will not be a the Purple Heart posthumously. He had been in Mr*. W. W. Schormann, recruitment nurse for Mrn. Richard h Miller was sworn Both Mr. Hickok and Mr. Da- On UfHng Pets In yesterday as a nirniber of the Dr. Buschmnn spoke of the orl- candidate for re-election. This actual combat less than 10 days. As soon ns Mrs. the Summit Chapter. American Red Cross, in highly <Continued on Patfe 4) ipcro have tSc active support of Mayor Is of the belief that ho h Wilson received the telegram, she wanted to go pleased with the response to the call, and reports State Library Commission for a IJbeir associates in council and entitled to a rest from city offices And ...dising into the army to take his place and carry on for that 15 nurses have applied for commissions since I term of five years. The appoint- Mayor Cullis In their candidacies, in which capacity he served for! him. But she had to build herself up in order to December. Mrs, Schormann added, however, that! merit was mt»«lc by Governor Edge Summit OCD Wins Mr. Daly, who on two previous nearly two decades as Councilman- It has come to the attention of pass the strenuous physical examination. She ha* many more arc Still needed. In fact, the need is | and confirmed by the Senate last occasions sought a council post at-laree and previously as a mem- Chief of Police Edward K. Egan, applied for overseas duty only, A Summit girl, she practically unlimited. month, from the Second Ward, has been ber of the Board of Health. He is that there are a large number of Mrs. Miller lias Citation for Work I active ia the community work of continuing as president of the Joint doga running: at large, and that of the Summit LCHKI"" »f Wunx-n these dogs are making a nuisance the Elks of which he Is a member. Session Meeting which has to do Kiwarns Hears Seeks Council Seat !f)$afl Seeks Voters for two . ynirs, i.Shc is n Actively interested for a number of themselves, by carrying garbage grnihinto of the University of n Sept. Hurricane with the administration of the and awllt from cans, which are of years in various recreational joint sewer system serving 11 mu- About Mental ! Lester Post Southern California, and took Summit's Office of Civilian Do overloaded because of the difficulty graduirte work at the University en«e through its Defense'Council programs offered in the city, Mr. including Summit. l>a|y is running independently. of th« ashes and garbage depart- On Council of Colorado. Shi: taught *v\w>\ In •cpre.ientatlvc.i traveled to Tren- ment to make regular calls for Hygiene Work Grand .lumtion, Col., iiii'l Ues oti lust Thursday to receive a > aside from his .work as a mem- Miss Catherine Baschnagel, ex- C.
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