rica MANHATTAN DISTRICT HISTORY EOOK I - GENERAL VOLUME I - GENERAL APPENDIX E GENERAL INDEX Q T ’i COPT ^ / t “gr a s — I------- ----- m m — mm— ^ REDACTED COPY CLASSIFICATION CANCELLED OB-eKnK'G» » ?T- W. <Uic+l<20>. •Y AUTHORITY -tspJiP^y x ' K E S T TA Of iThis dccumerT Restricted Oaf* .... DATE. .f.&lii3 as defined in rnic Cnorgy Act 61 BGLmJAcSOP- 1954. I pU'lcxut* tc any JlCi Department of E *rgy Declas^j ation Review unation: [Circle Number(s)] 1M Review Date 3 ^ 5 assification Retained A uth ority: Q D C g DD Classification Changed To:_____ Contains No DOE Classified Info oordinate W ith:______________ _^slficatlon Cancelled 2nd Review Date: * f/| 1 T^ZlS^gfied Info Bracketed A u th o rity Ihe^fcpe c ify) l§8l p l ® '■". - 'i ,T- ‘:T". '.I ' £Lo iSmoUsll 25441 U.SAE.C., WASH., D, C. SEP 26 1952 (JIEGHNICAL LIBRA RY S & C M l f F M B » SECURITY I^uKMAIIOtf M P H - 6k I Ur,f 1 Rt>pS. THIS DOCUMENT QCNSISTS OF . J . U f . FAGE(S NQ‘ ....... OF ■ COPIES, SERIES MAJJHATTAU DISTRICT HISTORY BOOK I - GEFIEAL VOLOKE I - GENERAL APPENDIX E GENERAL IEDEX 5£gv;:agr~>r JLJUI'HTir EEAHHATlaw GENERAL INDEX Notes t 1. This General Index supplements the Combined Indices of the Manhattan District History, in Appendix C of this Volumei C(l) Index of Names of Persons; C(2) Index of Names of Agencies, Industrial Organizations, P ‘ r-J Universities, etc, 2, The items included in this Index are confined for the most part to general Bubjects end general headings only* for more detailed items, reference should be made to the indices which are included in the separate Books and Volumes of the History, S. In most oases, the reference to a subject shows* first, the Book number (in Roman numerals)j then the Volume number (in Arabic numerals) and, finally, one or more Page numbers (in Arabic numerals). For example, the reference reading* “Ac c i d e n t s "Electromagnetic Project "V, Vol. 4 - 3,7, 5,8, 5*12n ■will be found on Pages S.7, 8,8 and 5,12 of Volume 4 of Book V of the History, 4, References to Book VIII, Volume 2 (represented thus* "VIII, Vol. 2"), end to the Supplement to Book VIII, Volume 2 (represented thus* "VIII, Vol. 2 (Supp.)n), give each Page number by Roman numerals followed by Arabic numerals, because the Pages in these two parts of the History ere so num­ bered, the Roman numeral representing the Chapter number and the Arabic numeral representing the Page number in the Chapter. Thus: "Aooi d e n t s "Los Alamos Project "VIII, Vol. 2 - 111-41, X7-S, XV-4n will be found on Pages 111-41, I7-S, and XV-4 of Book VIII, Volume 2, 5, In some cases, the Section number (in Arabic numerals), and in some cases the Chapter .number (in Roman numerals) is inserted between the Volume number and the Page number (aB* "Sec, 2’* or "Ch,9w)j in references to Volume 2 of Book IV, which is divided into two "Parts”, the Part number (in Roman numerals) is inserted between the Volume number and the Page number (as* "Pt,!!"); in references to Book III or to Book VI, no Volume number is given, because these two Books of the History are not divided into Volumes, 6, When the referenced subject continues on several consecutive Pages (three or more), the reference usually Includes the number of the first of these Pages only, followed by the abbreviation "ff" (but in some cases, the reference is given thus* "5,12 to 5,17")j where the referenced subject con­ tinues in general through the whole of a Section or a Chapter, etc., the page numbers are usually omitted. u n i n Atomic Act 1946 •flTTV Specific, rioted Data v T A Cleara; red N 1 7. Wherever in this Index the reference "I, Vol. 14 (F'gn. Int. Supp.)" occurs (as, for example, under the entry "ALSOS Missions”) it is intended to mean Foreign Intelligence Supplement No. 1 of Volume 14 of Book I. Subsequent to the compilation of this Index, Foreign Intel­ ligence Supplements Nos. 2 and 3 to Book I, Volume 14, were incorporated in the History and at that time "Foreign Intelligence Supplement" was redesignated "Foreign Intelligence Supplement No. 1". 8. Because of the incorporation of the two additional supple­ ments, to Book I, Vol. 14, (Foreign Intelligence Supplements Nos. 2 and 3), the following entries are added(and references thereto have been inserted in their proper alphabetical positions in the main Index): ADDENDA. Export Control Intelligence & Security - I, Vol. 14 (F'gn. Int. Supp. No. 3) Liaison, Continuation and Development of, 2 Status as of 31 Dec 46, 7 Transfer to AEC, 10 PEPPERMINT Intelligence & Security - I, Vol. 14 (F'gn* Int. Supp. No. 2) Preparations in the United Kingdom, 3 Preparations in the United States, 2 Piadioactive Materials (possible enemy use of, as a weapon) see PEPPERMINT above. «Ablen Site Storage Project I* Vol. 4, T.St Supplement « Ut 14* 1 6 y 19 "Able" Test Lob Alamos Project - Till, Vol< 2 (Supp.) - I-13ff, II-5 Operation Crossroads - Till, Vol. 3# Ch.8 - 8.10, 8.11, 8.34ff Absenteeism Central Facilities * I, Vol. 12 - 18,1 Los Alamos Project - VIII, Vol. 1 - 6.62 P e r s o n n e l - I, Vo l . 8 - 3.3> 3.4- Pile Project - IV, Vol. 5 - 4*21, 4.22, 6.26, 10.1 Accelerators, Particle Los Alamos Project VIII, Vol. 2 - Vl-lff Till, Tol. 2 (Supp.) - IV-8ff Access to Project Central Facilities - I, Tol. 12 - 1.2 Los Alamos Project - VIII, Vol. 1 - 2.4ff A c c i d e n t s Central Facilities - I, Vol. 12 * 19.23 Electromagnetic Project V, Tol. 4 - 3.7, 3.8, 3.12 T, Tol. 5 - 5.8, 5.9 T, Tol. 6 - 7.3 Gaseous Diffusion Project II, Tol. 4 - 4.1 II, Tol. 5 - 8.5 Los Alamos Project Tin, Tol. 2 - 111-41, XV-3, XV-4 VIII, Tol. 2 (Supp.) - 1-9, II-l6ff, 11-22, 11-33, V-4 Pile Project IT, Tol. 5 - 10.6, 10.7 IT, Tol. 6 - 7.1 Safety Program - I, Tol. 11 - 5.3, 5.4# 5.2, "S« 5.3 Accountable Property Officer Los Alamos Project - Till, Tol. 2 (Supp.) - 11-13, 11-14 Los Angeles Procurement Office - Till, Tol. 3, Ch.l - 2.11ff Pile Project - IT, Tol. 6 - 14.1, 14.2, 1 4 . 4 Accountability Feed Materials Feed Hat»l.* Special Proc. & Geo. Expl. - Til, Tol. 1 - Sec. 13 (T.S.) P l u t o n i u m Pile Project - IT, Tol. 6 - 2.8 P r o p e r t y Los Alamos Project - Till, Tol. 2 (Supp.) - II-l3ff Pile Project - IV, Vol. 6 - Sec. 14 S i l v e r Electromagnetic Project - V, Vol. 4 - Sec. 6 U r a n i u m s*CB!mn^*pp*aw!PT i oar Accounting Department (Contractors) Loa Angeles Procurement Office VIII, Vol. 3» Ch. 1 * 2.13 Accounting, Fiscal and Cost Fiscal Procedures - I, Vol. 5 - S e c . 6 Los Angeles Procurement Office - VIII, Vol. 3» Ch.l - 2.13ff Acheson - Lilienthal Report Contributions of Rep. of the H.D. to the Disc, and Prop, for International Control I, Vol. 4> Ch. 7 - 7.6 Acid Neutralizing Plant Gaseous Diffusion Project Construction -II, Vol. 4 “ 3.4-9 Design - II, Vol. 3 - 11.30, 11.31 Operation - II, Vol. 5 - 6.10 Acquisition of Land - See "Land Acquisition" under "Clinton Engineer Worke", Acreage Acquired "Lo b Alamos Project" and Land Acquisition CEE - I, Vol. 10 - 2.4.7 "Pile Project" Los Alamos Project - VIII, Vol. 1 - 3.5» 3.6 Pile Project - IV, Vol* 4. - 6.2, 6.4 A c t i n i u m Pile Project IV, Vol. 6 - 4.28ff Activated Carbon Pile Project IV, Vol. 3-5.71 Activated Charcoal Pile Project IV, Vol. 2, Pt.I - 6.4 IV, Vol. 3 - 5.17 IV, Vol. 6 - 2.9 Activation of the Manhattan District General - I, Vol. 1 - 3.6 Priorities Program - I, Vol. 9 - 2 . 5 Activities of the National Bureau of Standards - See "Rational Bureau of Standards/ iUfllvl Lim; t-t” Administration Electromagnetic Project - V, Vol. 1 - 1.3 Feed Mat’l. Special Proc, & Geo. Expl. VII, Vol. 1 - 1.8(T.S.) VII, Vol. 2 - Sec. 3 Gaseous Diffusion Project - II, Vol. 1 - 8.1, 8.2 General - I, Vol. 1 - 3.14ff Los Alamos Project VIII, Vol. 1 - Sec. 6 VIII, Vol. 2 - III-6ff, II1-12, in-19, IX-10, IX-11 Pile Project - IV, Vol. 1 - Sec. 3 Adminis tration Feed Kat'l. Special Proc. & Geo. Expl. Expenditures - VII, Vol. 2 - 3.1» 3.2 pr;Z7«— .HUH. ry jf-* TO, T? Health and Welfare - VII, Vol. 2 - 3.6 Personnel - VII, Vol. 2 - 3.2ff Protective Security * VII, Vol. 2 - 3.4ff Administration Area Central Facilities - I, Vol. 12 - 5.1# 10.4. Electromagnetic Project - V, Vol. 5 - 3.15# 3.16 Gaseous Diffusion Project II, Vol. 1 - 3.5* 4.1, 4.4 II, V o l . 3 - Se c . 13, 14.17 II, V o l . A - 3.51ff Lo b Alamos Project - VIII, Vol. 1 - 5.11, 5.23 Pile Project IV, Vol.
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