SpringPrizesPrizesPrizes andandand 2001AwardsAwardsAwards APS Announces Spring 2001 Prize and Award Recipients Thirty-seven APS prizes and 1980’s he elaborated with his grenoble 2001 OLIVER E. BUCKLEY PRIZE 2001 DANNIE HEINEMAN PRIZE awards will be presented during spe- group the prototypes of ECR Ion Sources (ECRIS) for highly charge gaseous and cial sessions at three spring meetings Alan Harold Luther Vladimir Igorevich Arnol’d metallic ions, and advocated their utiliza- of the Society: the 2001 March Meet- NORDITA Steklov Institute of Mathematics (Russia) ing, 12-16 March, in Seattle, WA; the tion for new accelerator projects as well 2001 April Meeting, April 28 - May 1, as for the existing cyclotrons, linacs and Citation: “For his fundamental contribu- synchotrons. After retiring from CEA in Victor John Emery in Washington, DC; and the 2001 meet- Brookhaven National Laboratory tions to our understanding of dynamics 1992, he joined the Institut des Sciences and of singularities of maps with profound ing of the APS Division of Atomic, Nucliaires, Grenoble. Molecular and Optical Physics, May Citation: “For their fundamental contribu- consequences for mechanics, astrophysics, 15-19, in London, Ontario, Canada. Ci- Lyneis received his tion to the theory of interacting electrons statistical mechanics, hydrodynamics and optics.” tations and biographical information PhD in physics from in one dimension.” Stanford University for each recipient follow. Additional Alan Harold Luther re- Arnold received his in 1974 and went on biographical information and appro- ceived his PhD (Physics), PhD from the Keldysh to work in the High in 1967 from the Univer- Institute of Applied priate Web links can be found at the Energy Physics Labo- sity of Maryland. Mathematics (Moscow) APS Web site (http:/www.aps.org). ratory at Stanford to Employment includes in 1963. He taught at the Nominations for most of next year’s work on the Super- stints at the Technical Moscow State Univer- prizes and awards are now being ac- conducting University of Munich, sity until 1986, and then cepted. For details, see pages 7 and 8 Accelerator (SCA). In 1981 he moved to Brookhaven National at the Steklov Math- of this insert. Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory Laboratory, Harvard ematical Institute of the to become Director of Operations and University, and Nordic Institute for Theo- Russian Academy of Sciences (Moscow). Development at the 88-Inch Cyclotron. PRIZES retical Physics (Nordita) Copenhagen, Since 1993 he has also been a professor at He also leads the development of Elec- Denmark. His research has focused on in- CEREMADE, Universite Paris-IX. Among tron Cyclotron Resonance (ECR) ion teracting electrons in one dimension, and his main scientific results are the solution sources for use with heavy-ion accelera- 2001 HANS A. BETHE PRIZE techniques which enable calculation of cor- of the Hilbert’s problem 13 (on represen- tors. Lyneis is currently working on a relation functions and other observables as tation of functions), the solution of the next generation superconducting ECR Gerald E. Brown well as extension of these techniques to Birkhoff problem of stability of fixed points source for the 88-Inch Cyclotron. State University of NewYork, higher dimensions using "Tomographic" of symplectic mappings, and the discov- Stonybrook quantization and applications to strongly ery of the instability of Hamiltonian 2001 HERBERT P. BROIDA PRIZE correlated electrons in two dimensions, systems. Arnold is the President of the Citation: “For his insightful analyses of the and high Tc superconductivity. Moscow Mathematical Society. effects of various nuclear constituents on David W. Chandler nucleon interactions and nucleon struc- Emery received his Sandia National Laboratory ture, and his contributions to new PhD in theoretical 2001 POLYMER PHYSICS PRIZE viewpoints on supernovae, neutron stars, physics from the Uni- and black hole formation.” Paul Houston versity of Manchester, Masao Doi Cornell University England, in 1957, and Nagoya University Brown received his held stints as a research Citation: “For their critical contributions PhD in physics from associate at Cambridge Citation:”For pioneering contributions to to the investigation of vibrationally- and Yale University in University’s Cavendish the theory of dynamics and rheology of rotationally-resolved molecular photodis- 1950 and DSc from Laboratory and A.E.R.E. entangled polymers and complex fluids.” sociation and reaction dynamics, in the University of Bir- in Harwell, England. In 1960 he joined the fac- particular for the invention and develop- Doi graduated from the Department of Ap- mingham, England in ulty of the University of Birmingham, ment of the photofragment ion imaging plied Physics of 1957. He was on the leaving three years later to take on a one- method.” University of Tokyo in faculty of Birming- year visiting professorship at the University ham University from 1970. In 1976 he re- Chandler received of California, Berkeley. He joined the tech- 1950-1960, professor at NORDITA, Den- ceived his Doctoral his PhD from Indiana nical staff at Brookhaven National mark, 1960-85, at Princeton University Degree in Engineering University in 1980 Laboratory in 1964, where he presently 1964-68, and at Stony Brook 1968- at the University of To- and held a leads the Solid State Theory Group. present. Brown did fundamental work kyo and began his postdoctoral position in atomic physics. In twenty-some pa- academic career as an at Stanford Univer- pers with Hans Bethe he worked out the 2001 DAVISSON-GERMER PRIZE Assistant Professor of sity before joining collapse of large stars, evolution of com- IN ATOMIC OR SURFACE physics at the Tokyo Metropolitan Univer- Combustion Re- pact binaries and, most recently, the PHYSICS sity. He moved to Nagoya University in search Facility at evolution of black holes in the Galaxy. 1989 where he is currently Professor of Sandia National Laboratories in 1982. Brown has also been awarded the APS Donald M. Eigler Computational Science and Engineering. His research interests include vibra- Tom W. Bonner Prize. IBM Almaden Research Center His early research was concerned with the tional and rotational energy transfer, dynamics and rheology of flexible poly- unimolecular dissociation dynamics and Citation: “For his seminal contribution to mers. More recently, his research has 2001 TOM W. BONNER PRIZE bimolecular reaction dynamics. Recent nanotechnology and for pioneering a new focused on the dynamics of soft materials, work involves the study of unimolecular methodology for probing matter at the and its computational modeling. and bimolecular chemistry using posi- Richard Geller atomic scale.” Continued on next page Institut de Science Nucleaire, Grenoble tion sensitive ion detectors to obtain three-dimensional velocity, alignment Eigler attended the University of Califor- Claude Lyneis and orientation information about reac- tion products. nia San Diego where Lawrence Berkeley Laboratory he received a PhD in Table of Contents Houston received his Physics in 1984. He Citation: “For their critical leadership in PhD from MIT in was a Postdoctoral conceiving and developing the electron 1973. Following Member of the Techni- cyclotron resonance (ECR) ion source and Prize and Award postdoctoral work at cal Staff at AT&T Bell advanced ECR source, which have opened the University of Laboratories in 1984- Recipients a new era in heavy ion studies of nuclear California at Berke- 86. He joined IBM as a Research Staff 1 phenomena” ley, he joined the Member in Physical Sciences in 1986 and Geller received his faculty at Cornell was appointed an IBM Fellow in 1993. He New APS Fellows Doctorat en Sciences University. He is also was awarded the 1995 Dannie-Heineman from Sorbonne Uni- a member of the Cornell Center for Ma- Prize by the Goetingen Academy of Sci- versity, Paris, in 1954. terials Research and the Field of Applied ences for his work on the quantum 4 He was hired in 1948 Physics. He has served as Chair of the mechanical behavior of atomic scale de- Nominations for by F. Joliot Curie at APS Division of Laser Physics (1997-98), vices. His area of research is experimental Commisariat l’Energie and has authored or co-authored ap- condensed matter physics, specializing in 2002 Prizes and Atomique (CEA) proximately 130 publications in the field the physics of surfaces at low tempera- 7 Awards where he built several plasma devices of physical chemistry and a textbook on tures and the physics of nano-scale based on ECR. Throughout the 1970’s and chemical kinetics. structures. low-dimensional structures. He was co-re- Brook, with guest appointments at quantum theory of molecular solids. He did 2001 IRVING LANGMUIR PRIZE cipient (with Horst Stormer and Daniel Fermilab, CERN, the Rutherford Labora- his postdoctoral research at Northwestern IN CHEMICAL PHYSICS Tsui) of the 1983 APS Oliver Buckley Con- tory, and University College London. His University, and then spent an IBM Fellow- densed Matter Physics prize. primary past research was conducted at ship at the University of California, Berkeley. Louis E. Brus the Brookhaven AGS and the CERN ISR When the Federal Government established Columbia University and LEP colliders. In 1983, he was asked a National Laboratory in Colorado in 1978, 2001 LARS ONSAGER PRIZE Citation: “For establishing the field of semi- to form a collaboration to design and build Zunger was asked to head the Solid State a collider detector at the D0 intersection Theory effort there, a position he still holds conductor nanocrystals through innovative Bertrand I. Halperin synthesis, spectroscopy and theory.” region of the Fermilab proton-antiproton today. At the National Renewable Energy Harvard University collider, complementary to the planned Laboratory (NREL), he was appointed in Brus earned a PhD in CDF detector. Grannis led the D0 experi- 1984 as Principal Scientist, and in 1991 as Citation: “For his wide-ranging contribu- chemical physics from ment from its inception through the end an Institute Research Fellow. Zunger devel- tions to statistical physics and quantum Columbia University of Tevatron Run I.
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