•'*''.'.'. d o g e d g by PAUL WALLACE Paul rvev-er realty did xindersiand xvAere r iKe prieviou^ came wckpc bourfKt \^ o? His best bu^to, ^lifO — overnight 5 ha4 ^onc missing. Vncwf (hat ^ 1 ... bul \ics\. .^, him <^c he Had to talk -to hii btrddies, jfucKtn^ mad •'•iy-/__L >eM^: •p^ss? 'he^^a cows', he tie woiild w^otrlj say , rit lt^ bojif and for dehyd" catc4 j> alive.., M- —.1..- ., 1 M. f^i\jeti. hdi Very ^nd Uveu i^ bappeixeci , He ., f (ake / tt J sorrveone hai ut a carrot ^a taty cairrot, a ucVia^ lotxs^ heed rl strong Kixxs. eHiS ear? grey bal^y carrot, €MXr •> I i'wafer^,']! f^ga ,~1 | sogar ••• cTient ... / 7' ^ kxrr Avgh go thai fir>tjw fpCl^lh / hit S *? ^irm Bh nt s V 1*'M// l^oij Jd s/ V-/-*<-1 At.- ( • ;..> We at Semper know there's a lot of Paul I know you don't know nne Paul but I've been your biggest fan for years. I was devastated Wallace £ans out there I when I missed your one and only gig with the band "I might fuck myself performing so to make things easier we've made this Paul songs from your tape "Cane Frolicking In The Dog" with the really professionally Wallace form fan letter. Love designed cover but do really and truly want to buy a copy from Semper for the Just sign your name ridiculously low price of $10.1 think your orange hair is just neat. Maybe one day you and hand it into Semper and I could share an Arnotts Monte biscuit and a cup of Earl Grey tea. I'd ask you but I and we*U make sure he You know you'd just tell me to piss off. That's o.k., I Uke that about you too. May angels getsit. watch you as you sleep, Paul, Paul Yours swineys 1, Cover 2. Dog Man 3. Contents 4.& 5. The Nighl of June 2nd and beyond 6.& 7. Letters 8.&9. Land Rights 10. Bush tucker n. Poetry Competition, Isl Prize and The World News 12.& 13.&14.&15. A 60lh Anniversary look at bygone Sempers 76.&17, Election Sluff 18.&19. Short Story Competition, Isl Prize 20.&2H The Middle Pages 22. Ads 23. Open Uni ond Movie Reviews 24.&25. Union Stuff 26. More Ads 27. Words 28.& 29. Music reviews 30. Ads 31.FunPoge 32. Urbon Renewal Page 33. Gig Guide 34.& 35. Ecologically Sustainable Population 36. Book Reviews 37. Cement Box 38. Schonell Guide 39. Carrol Man 40. Back Cover Giveowoys, Semper Fioreat Is / V \Q 0 © I H /\U SI PQ I I Q by editors Martin Bush, Phillip O'dea and Darrv^ Rosin (in order of length of trousers), layed out by these same people and Lindsay Colborne and collected by Pacific Waste Managemenl. Il was Phillip's tum lo do ihe cover and he did. Typesetting by Barb. Thankyou Borb. Printing and "The Gympie Elted' by Gympie Times. It was a dark and stormy night Hired guards removing student. Students at Occupation. June 2nd - the background and the aftermath On the night of the second of raised. Many people felt that tended. After hearing the elected on a platform of being June, our Union sank to prob­ these plans were attacks on the Exec's proposal and the argu­ apolitical, but their actions that ably the lowest point in its Union. A petition calling for a ments against, the students night put politics above every­ history. That night, three stu­ general meeting of students voted unanimously against the thing, even students lives. dents were hospitalised, one was taken. This was so stu­ plans. The next day, an angry student with a permanent injury, by dents could give their opinion The Exec then called an in forum was held at lunchtime, security guards hired by the on the issues (as neither plan camera meeting of council. and a group of students com­ Union Executive. The students had been put forward by TRI This is a device used to protect menced an occupation of the had been protesting the Ex­ at the elections last year.) Over the Union from legal proceed­ Finance offices in protest at ecutive's decision to press on 500 signatures were collected ings. It has only been used the Exec's actions. Some with cuts to Activities and in three days. However coun­ only rarely, in regards to con­ damage was caused to the of­ Women's Rights. The Execu­ cil refused to wait for this fidential staff matters. The fices and was later cleaned up tive hired security guards to meeting and started to press Exec however used it solely to by the occupiers. This action keeps these students out of a on with the Execs plans. Stu­ keep students out ofthe meet­ was ended two days later. meeting of their own Union. dents at the meeting refused to ing, for political expediency. A petition calling for the sack­ The violence which resulted allow it to continue, in order to This is where the Security was unprecedented, resulting delay the decision until after ing of the Exec was started guards came in. When in­ after the forum, and in the last in students being forced to call the General Meeting could be formed that the guards were police for their own safety. held. two days of semester, over using excessive violence and 1500 signatures were col­ Background to the Issue Initially the Exec scheduled sexually assaulting women, lected. Tliis is more than the they refused to change their Immediately after the Exec this meeting for a Friday after­ number of people who voted instructions to the security proposed their amalgamation noon, then re-scheduled it for for TRI in the first place. A guards. When a student sus­ of Activities with Clubs & Socs the following Monday - the further 700 signatures are tained a crashed vertebrae, and and the abolition of guaran­ last week of semester. Despite needed to force a referendum police requested that the teed funding to Womens claiming to be interested in on whether the Exec should be meeting be shut down for Rights, Postgraduate and other student's opinions, they did sacked. student areas, considerable nothing to advertise the meet­ safety reasons, they refused to The Semper Editors student oppposition was ing, but still 230 students at­ do so. The TRI team were 4 60ttiAnnlvefsarY Semper UNION GAMES- CORRECTION TRAGIC MOMENTS IN SPORT by Vince Gordon, General Vice President In the Eniergency Semper published in May 1992, an article entitled "The Fun Lives On?" stated "under the leadership of Lachlan With the All tion is grabbed by scenes of Colquohoun, four clubshave "fun" while the rest receive between SlOO and $500". The figure of $500 was a typographical error resulting Blacks, the "wild student demonstration." from a tight deadline, and should have read "SlOOO'Mhe authors of the K u m u 1 s, the Olympics and Score: SAC - media coverage, article recognize that 33 of the 87 clubs granted allocations in First just about everyone else play­ 2 members in court on charges. Semester, excluding the four highest funded clubs, received over S500. We do not apologise for the interpretation in the.article-which showed ing sport at the moment, we General Smdent Body - $3500 that many clubs are underfunded - and wish to point out that the cast our eyes over some of the property damage (see picture), official figures (published by Lachlan Colquohoun, C&S VP in Scmpin- events which have been en­ elected representatives 2,1992) disclose that 50 clubs receive under $500. tered into over the last couple stopped by violence. Any confusion resulting from the misstatement was unintended and of months in the Union. * SAC Sydney Tour, July purely a consequence of our atrocious typing - we weren't using the invaluable h^lp of Scmpe/s professional Typesetter. * May '92 Council Meeting: Holidays: This warm-up series matched With no audience on campus, the democratically elected SAC went on tour. councillors against the SAC "Protestathon '92" involved 4 boys and girls in the fomm of fixtures, including tests at the open debate. Unfortunately, Defence Powers Meeting and SAC couldn't contain them­ the Liberal Party Conference. "SAC'S sentry in the Classic Banners Competition '92,: Fuck selves, andproceeded to tear Veteran player and our Wom­ off college scum." (scrawled on Union Treasurer, Marcus en's Equal Opportunity VP, Clark's office during SAC occupations.)" up ballot papers and chant all Photo and caption supplied players (including their own) Miss Sandra Brown, gained down. the recognition she Score: SAC 1, General Student undoubtably deserves on page BodyO 4 of "The Australian", being * General Meeting '92: carried away by the police. While the general student body * Season Semester Two: passed up this event to work at ITie tradition continues as the exams, SAC put the front foot "All Blacks" fire up for peti­ right down the track to pass tions, referenda, Elections - resolutions supported by the indeed a feast of competition 1 % ofthe student body present. is to come. However, for whose Score: SAC - victory to the enjoyment is the sport for? We workers, General Student all know the scoreline - Gen­ Semper refused a second photo supplied by The executive as we believe it Body - what meeting? eral Student Body: a student was staged, ahhough TRI deny this. Semper supplied this photo showing * June '92 Council Meeting: union becoming further and damage done to the flnace door in gaining access.
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