MONDAY, JU !^ il^ IM t' Man^mUt Cvfnttia Bmllt Averagt Daily Circnlatioii foe tka aseata at Sane, Ifas Tbara la UtUe ebaage la tba pon* after tbs aocldsBt, eartalaly jail aaBtence at Maty days wpa im- A b o u t Tow n dlUoo of Bar. Julian 8. Wadsworth WUd Truck in would ast dflak aad ba la a dnnben posed by Judge House oa Paul E. o f Oeaara, SwltaarlaBd, according dofidiaoa jnat at tha tbaa I was dot Jodola, St, of dST Burasida aveaua. Auto J&ivision 6,218 to a letter received within a few to bit tbs Hartford or Providsaea Bast Hartford; aaceod offtadsr un­ HALE'S SELF SERVE days by friends la town from Mrs. Crash, Upset termtauUs," A ld rld aald. Ho der the drunken driving etatute. Jo- A N n Joha 8. Woleott o f Wadswiorth. He has been III the ptalDOd that drtniklfig oa tbo Job dota entered a not guilty ^ca on ar- Plan an Outing The Orlfiaal la Ntw Effflaadl U N it M t jrMtordBy for greater part of a year and Is at would Joss aay truck driver hla post- ralgnment this morning. He iraa I VBOOlm la tho Oreca >raoent In the hospital there. Rev. Uoo. arreeted yeaterday at 1:18 a.m. at a t, Wadsworth was pastor o f the Driver Escapes AecidenI After bearing ^ tiis teoUmony, Center ead Oloott streets by Police- Expect 35 Members of AND HEALTH MARKET VOL. LVIII., NO. 251 Advertlslag ea Page ie> MANCHESTER, CONN., TUESDAY, JULY 25, 1939 (TWELVE PAGES) South Ifetbodlst church ihout 1900, But Is Socked $100 b; Judge House found tbs accused maa Walter Csssela. Oa this count O t e t a ^ formarljr o f and asada many lasting friends guilty and Impoaed a fine o f 8100 be waa found guilty sad fined 8100 Chamber Bureau to baa bOM diacharced After tha war he whs In charge of Court ; Odier Cases. and coate, and costs. The fact of his arrest fnaa tlw Naw Britain General hoa- the Methodist Mlsston Rchool at and conviction here in 1938 for Go to Coventry Lake. TUESDAY SPECIALS pital m i la now convaleadnK at Chateau-Thlerry and two of the : :Damage to the truck was aald to OimbSng Party Shown Just Before Snowslide Struck A wild and unccmtrolled 11 ton be about IBOO. drunken driving then was brought Doable GrccB'SUaipa Given With Cash Sales r tba hOM o f bar aunt, Mra. Oaorga teachers there tor a time were for­ up and the jail sentence waa im- Ths Automotive Trades Bureau of Japs Plan Closing of Oanael atreet. New mer local girls, Mrs. Barbara Ben- trailer truck, csreenlng down Osn- Traffic cases posed. the Chamber of Commerce will bold Tneaday. Vandenberg Attacks " dall Fowerh of Wlndiior and Mrs. ter street early yeaterday morning Harry Olguase, 22, o f Ptttefisid, Chief Samuel G. Gordon, who re- Its annual outing thli Wad Thelma iHclcles Segar of Hart­ MasaaebusstU, bald for operating a Robwt Hlbaaa and Eldward Rich- ford. Jumped from the highway, snapped tutaed to his duties this morning, afternoon at ths cottage of four guide poets, smashed through a truck without a driver’s license, was acted as court officer. 1 1 H ak ’s Milk ardaoB o f Hlftaland atreat are fined $8 and costa on his plea of Bantly on Coventry Lake. II Of Canton River apaadinr tea daya at the Douglaa Mrs. Emil Dickinson of SB Bige­ Connecticut company pole and guilty. ewnpinf ground. East Douglas, low street entered the Memorial plunged 228 feet further on before A speeding charge was reduced to 1 BREAD 2 l o a v e s Lending Bill as Way hoanital this morning to undergo a It overturned, breaking tba trailer OBs of vtolatlen of rules of tba road Miss Ruby Wilson major operation. Next Two Weeks part loose from the engine tractor la tbs csss of Jamas C. Sbucksroa, Mrs. Vtaeaat r. Fablaao and A0, bf 228 Burnside avenue. East In ths afternoon. H MOTWHy ffff BDMRPw daughtar. Marls, of 128 Auttimn The second floor rooms at 989 and scattering the heavy load of Hartford, when he was arraigned Is Given Shower A- program of sports will be a atreet, are spending two weeica In icted during the afternoon and Other Nations, Including I Good Samaritans Aid Main street formerly occupied by steel colli all over the landscape. this morning. Through hla counsel 10-Lb. Cloth Bag Philadelphia with a slater of Mra the British American club have Except for a few bruises on his Attorney Harold W. Garrlty, the jtdoor supper will -be served In I Sugar 51c United States, Notified I Transferring of Cargo To Cheat Debt Limii IWiiaao. They will also visit Mr. been rented by Fred Mlnlcucd of aecuaad pteadad guilty and Mlaa Ruby Wllsoa o f Parker evening. AUx Cole, chairman 1 —— . — and Mrs. Pecora at Atlantic Ci^ jaw and arm, the driver, Ophla It Oak street for a pocket billiards Aldrich of 200 Laurel street, Hartc flaad 110 sad ooste. Sbucksroa Btraet wee guest o f honor at a mis­ tha Bureau, heads tbs oommlttae In ■ , Gold Modal Of Action Set for I Seabrook. N. H„ July 25.—<>P) for a week. parlor. —Good Samaritans practically ford, trapped In the cab, wraa urdn- waa arrsated yssterday at the can­ cellaneous shower at tha home of charge o f Uie outing. Midnight Tomorrow; Issues Slatenu^t Jured. As the truck smashed into ter at 1:18 a.m. after, according to Mr. Bently will entertain me broke their backs to help Donald Mias Floreoce M. Ford o f IBS Mrs. 8. J. Relnarts o f 31 Stone 24</i-Lb. Bag Lane of Port-imoutb unload bis Fair Weather GeU Singe Fright Mlantonomoh Tribe No. B8, Im­ the trolley wire pole, live wires fsll tha police raport, he bad been trail­ ■treet Saturday evening. Guests »ers of the Board of Control of t \ Flour 91C Reported in Nature ate Leadcrdiij^.Woi Cooper street has returned home proved Order o f Red Men. will hold to the street, endangering other ed at 85 to 60 miles par hour. Chamber next week Wednesday, overturned truck so that it could after Bpending her annual vacation were In attendance from this town. Its regular meeting and Installation traffic. A car driven by Edward J. Oornellua T*, Stapleton of Rich- New York and Virginia, Including O f Shipping Blockade. be lighted at a traffic circle For Early ApproT^J at the Crawford House, Crawford of officers In Tinker hall tonight at 1 1 TaU Can Sheffield here. Forecast Bans Notch, N. H. Dandurand of 284 Enfield street, mood HlU, N. T„ driver of a circus Mrs. John L. Relnarts, sister of Measure; Reports 8 o'clock. Refreshments will be Hartford was enmeabed in thi truck, was held la 1200 lionds for James HaMn, to whom Miss WUaon Hongkong,. July 28.—(P)—The After transferring parts of served at the close of the meeting. wires when Dandurand did not see court Saturday after hs had be<m will be married on Auguat 26. Japanese consul at Canton has the cargo from the truck to culflte Guditioii Mra'Margaret Brown of Tou- ^||M 1LK 4 c m 2 r S * 1 : their own machines, the good Hope for Rain roch, Scotland, who has been spend­ tha fallen pole and drove agalrut arrsrtsd for reckless driving as vS Mlaa Wilson received many useful COAL... nottSed consular authorities of oth­ John a. Bjorkman of 29 Ridge charged guy wires which blew all result of an acciitent this morning gifts. A buffet lunch waa served I Samaritan motorists sped away. Try to Bottle Up ing two months with her brother OM Conpanjr'a er nations. Including the United The cargo was beer In ci and alater-ln-law, Mr. and Mra. street who entered St. Francis hos­ tba lights in his car. Warned to at the HIIHard rtreet underpass and games and dancing were enjoy­ btion in House pital last Thursday and imderwent Btay Inside by pasaars-by, Dan­ wheo a rider on hla truck was In­ ed. Decorations were carried out States, that for “military reasons’’ Only Possibility of Scat- Alasander Dunean of 08 Autumn In a blue and white color scheme. G. E. WILLIS M SON. INC the Japanese Navy will close the atreat, and sraa to have sailed thu ma)or operation on Saturday, Is durand had to remrdn in his auto ured. 2 Main SL Phone 5125 I I Btib-0 C«'10c Conunittise Flgeoi resting as comfortably as can be for nearly a half hour Until It could SaBad Cadav Law Miss WlUon ia the daughter o f Mr. Canton river for two weeks start­ tcred Thundentorma week <m the “CaUfomla'' of the An­ end Mra. R. D. WlUon. ing St midnight tomorrow. chor Una for Glasgow, returned on expected. Mr. Bjorkman Is a night be ascertained that tha current had Maadatory uadsr state law, a Tomorrow; Drought B d I t t iB l watchman for ^eney Brothers. ’Hm movs was reliably reported New Friction tba *x:aroeronla'' and has already been turned off. Passing traffic and ' 1 Ookite Pkg. 10 c in this British Crown colony to be Continues in Northeast Weshlagtsa. Soly arrived there. It was her first visit late trolley schedules were dla- In the nature of a blockade to cut A ae# tuns hi to to tba Viilted Btataa, and Mia en- The Lutnla choir of St John’s rupted. shipping between Hongkong and over W r A wage Josred her stay here Immensely.
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