Volume LX NOVEMBER 2016 No. 11 Rebuilding Continues Chungdong First UMC, Drew and Four Years After Sandy GNJ Remember Appenzeller By Josh Kinney of Drew Theological School as a gift [email protected] from the Chungdong First UMC in Seoul, South Korea. Started in 1887 by Appen- Risk-taking ministry can transform zeller, Chungdong remains vibrant as the the world. In 1885, a fi re sparked in- country’s largest Methodist church, many side the heart of 26-year-old Henry of the country’s leaders including the G. Appenzeller at the chapel of Drew fi rst president having come through its Theological School’s Seminary Hall and doors. Appenzeller’s roots can be traced ignited a willingness to step out in faith. back to Greater New Jersey and Drew The result was an entire country forever Theological School, where he received transformed. his education, as well as Green Village Kneeling before the chapel’s altar, UMC where he served his fi rst pastoral Appenzeller responded to his calling by appointment. making a commitment to bring the gos- “As a sculptor, I have made many pel to Korea, where he introduced and artworks, but there is something special established a United Methodist move- about this one,” said Chungdong Elder, ment. 130 years later, the very same Changgon Kim, who sculpted the bust of room was packed with decedents of his Appenzeller. “For the people who will see Korean church plant who traveled across and appreciate this monument, I hope the globe to pay homage to his sacrifi ce they will long remember the love of God through gratitude, commemoration and and inherit Rev. Appenzeller’s devotion a special memorial. to missions.” Left to right: Monmouth County Freeholder Deputy Director Serena DiMaso, A On October 21, a bronze bust of Ap- Leaders from Chungdong and Drew Future With Hope Construction Manager Rev. Lou Strugala, and U.S. Rep. Frank penzeller was dedicated on the campus Continued on page 5 Pallone helped mark the 4th year anniversary of Superstorm Sandy with the Capraun family in Union Beach. Photo by Josh Kinney By Josh Kinney would be without A Future With Hope. [email protected] Thank God someone stepped up.” Capraun, who struggled with the loss UNION BEACH – Through tear of her father-in-law in the midst of her stained eyes, Bonnie Siegel watched fi ght to get back home, never missed as her friend of over 20 years stepped a day at her job as special education foot onto her Union Beach property four teacher. years to the day after Superstorm Sandy “There’s nothing we wouldn’t do for ravaged New Jersey and left her home Jen,” Siegel’s husband Larry added. “She in ruins. Jen Capraun, a mother of two, needs all the help she can get, and we’re joined volunteers and staff from A Future willing to do it.” With Hope on a tour of her new home Union Beach Mayor Paul Smith being completed by A Future With Hope and U.S. Congressman Frank Pallone on Saturday, October 29. gathered alongside A Future With Hope volunteers from Cranford and Haddon- fi eld UMCs. Mission teams from the congregations had been working on the Capraun home since the early morning. “You guys are unbelievable,” said Pal- lone about the United Methodist Church. “I don’t know anyone stronger than “Throughout the storm and after the A bronze bust of Henry Appenzeller was dedicated on the campus of Drew Jen,” Siegel said. “The grace of God is storm, we saw you and we’re really ap- Theological Seminary on Oct. 21. A Drew grad, Appenzeller established a United how she did it. I don’t know where she Continued on page 6 Methodist movement in Korea over 130 years ago. Photo by James Lee Ministry Offers New Model to Service Churches, Nurture Youth By Josh Kinney management practice. The churches egy for Mosaic Ministries has resulted in already given by God to the congregants [email protected] benefi t with innovative leaders who can the expansion of thirteen churches and we serve.” challenge congregations in new ways. fi fteen pastors working in partnerships of Empowering lay leadership and build- Young pastors and small churches Pastor Laura Steele of East Millstone mutuality and trust in sharing resources, ing on the gifts of those in his church has have much in common. They both are UMC and Mt. Zion UMC says the pro- leadership, and a vision for ministry that’s been one of Wooten’s focal points. In his important to the life and future of our gram has been an “unbelievable” experi- vital, relevant, and mission driven. brief time as a co-pastor, the church’s church and can fl ourish when coupled ence thus far. “Young pastors feel called to ministry adult Bible study, small groups, overall together for ministry. “God is truly at work through the but might not know how to balance a attendance, and youth ministries have Mosaic Ministry strives to do just that. students and leaders of this program,” budget, build a church website or main- all experienced growth. The ministry pairs together two seminary said Steele. “Not only do we have an tain a blog,” said Trey Wince, Director of “Most importantly, I have seen God students with complementing skill sets opportunity to learn practical and valu- New Disciples who heads up the ministry. moving powerfully in the lives of United to each work 20 hours a week pastoring able components to pastoral ministry, we “This creates space to free up these stu- Methodists of all ages,” said Wooten. their appointed churches. Bright, young automatically have an amazing cohort of dents to pastor by learning organizational “Whether that be in our seventeen-year- communicators, administrators, vision pastoral friends and colleagues built into leadership, how to write and manage cal- old who led his own confi rmation service casters and leaders from seminary are the Mosaic connection.” endars, databases, technology, navigate to the members in their 80’s and 90’s who sought after and recruited to expand Steele’s fi rst Sunday serving was full diffi cult meetings, track attendance and have a passion for witnessing in our neck their theological education with practical of both excitement and anxiety. She was just the overall business end of running of the woods, there is no denying the overwhelmed with happiness and cried a church.” Holy Spirit in this community of disciples.” tears of joy on her drive home from her Pastor Zach Wooten, who’s in his Becky Joslin attends First UMC of second service. second year serving the First UMC of Mount Holly and has praised the ingenu- “I knew that this was God’s plan for me Mount Holly, is a senior M. Div. student at ity of both Wooten and co-pastor Donald and that serving was what I was meant Princeton Theological Seminary. Hungry Kirschner. to do,” she declared. “I couldn’t feel more to serve the church while pursuing theo- “These pastors seemed to have blessed to be a part of this growing min- logical education, he got the opportunity brought the place back to life,” Joslin istry, and I look forward to discovering through Mosaic Ministries to link hands- said. “Their ambition and creativity is what the future brings through Mosaic.” on learning with theological refl ection. exhilarating. Even our older folks appre- In 2013, three congregations were “Serving as a co-pastor has given me ciate the new life that these two breathe selected to pilot a Small Church Initiative, amazing experiences in pastoral leader- into the church. I think the word is getting which later became known as Mosaic ship,” said Wooten, who expressed his out that we are a fun place to be. We are Ministries. In 2015, the ministry expand- gratitude of Wince’s mentorship. “Trey trying all sorts of new things to attract ed to four campuses, with a leadership challenges us to be innovative leaders potential worshipers.” staff of three campus pastors and two who care not only about the rich tradition The goal is to respond to the pulse student interns. A shift in vision and strat- of Methodism, but also the rich resources Continued on page 4 2 UNITED METHODIST RELAY NOVEMBER 2016 learn from more orthodox practices. For orthodox believers: to have a more A Message from the Bishop generous spirit and openness to develop relationships with people and ideas that are different. Generosity begets generosity. Jesus had a particular gift for navigating conlict. He did not avoid it nor did – Luke 6:38 The Message he reject the views and experiences of others. He even changed his orthodox view of Canaanite women. He reversed his view from seeing them as unworthy Graceful Controversy – Generous of the scraps from under a table to a generous heart that offered a Canaanite woman and her family healing and redemption (Matthew 15:21-28). A very Orthodoxy generous spirit. And Jesus created controversy. Jesus publicly invited himself AJ Jacobs decided to take the Bible literally to the home of Zacchaeus and offended religious people because Zacchaeus for a year – seriously, literally. It was a project was a sinner (Luke 19: 1-10). As a result, Zacchaeus, a tax collector, offered for a book he was writing. He dressed and half of what he owned to the poor. wore the type of clothing the Bible speciies, Jesus did all of this with a generous spirit and his generosity produced white and non-mixed ibers (Deuteronomy generosity. Jesus had a liberal orthodoxy approach to controversy.
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