AMERICAN COMMITTEE ON AFRICA 198 Broadway, New York, NY 10038 (212) 962.1210 SINATRA SINGS FOR APARTHEID By JOE HAMILL Independent Journalist per cent of the most arid and resourceless land in , OLD"darkest BLUE Africa"EYES' venturedfor his first into professional the heart of South Africa. According to South Africa's apartheid appearance there in July, and if his image (separate development) policies, they are supposed came out alive, it certainly didn't come out to be the "homelands" of the black Africans, who unscathed. make up over 80 per cent of the population. The Frank Sinatra sang from July 24 to August 2, in South African government has been busily bulldoz the Sun City Hotel Casino and Country Club in the ing dozens of black townships in the "white" areas to so-called "Republic of Bophuthatswana," a "coun force Africans to "return" to "homelands" they have try" that the United Nations refuses to recognize or never even seen. There they are given homeland seat, and which has diplomatic relations with only citizenship, thereby depriving them of citizenship one country, the one that surrounds its six frag and all political rights in the rest of South Africa. mented pieces on all sides: South Africa. Most Africans contend that all of South Africa is "He is trying to pretend that he's going into a their homeland, and that they have the right to share seperate state, which it is not," said Victor Mashabela in the fabulous wealth that they have produced, but of the African National Congress of South Africa which only the whites enjoy. They point to the total (ANC). "We don't recognize Bophuthatswana as a domination of the bantustans by South Africa to seperate state from South Africa, and our policy is disprove their "independence," and criticize them as the same as if he had agreed to perform in South nothing but forced labor reserves, opened or closed Africa. Therefore we will continue to protest against at will, to serve the labor needs of industry and farms such behavior." The ANC, and the Pan Africanist in the "white" areas. Congress of Azania (PAC), are recognized as repre "Sinatra is playing there," said Solters, "because sentatives of the black people of South Africa by the we were in the Republic of Bophuthatswana and Organization of African Unity and the United Na were entirely satisfied with the condition of civil tions. They have observer status in both rights, integration and the like. It is not a question of organizations. defending Frank Sinatra going there, but an effort to When Lee Solters, Sinatra's press agent, make known to the world, especially those concerned announced the engagement, he echoed that country's with civil rights, the importance of the independence apartheid logic, saying, "Sinatra's appearance at Sun of Bophuthatswana. We think that the establishment City could strongly influence other entertainers who of Bophuthatswana as an independent country is the may be reluctant to perform there because they right step for their future development." assume that Bophuthatswana is in South Africa." Sinatra was unavailable for reply to the African The reaction was immediate. "What Sinatra has organizations who objected to him going there, but overlooked," said Harold Head, co-ordinator of PAC Solters said, "I couldn't give a shit about the African initiated United Artists International Campaign for organizations' opinions." Human Decency in South Africa, "is that the major This raises the more general question of whether a ity of the people in South Africa, and the world at performer should be concerned with the politics of a large, do not accept bantustans as a satisfactory country when deciding whether to play there. Boxer political idea. In fact, his visit to Bophuthatswana Mike Weaver fought at Sun City Casino, and John will only serve to perpetuate the illusion of the Tate fought in Pretoria, decisions opposed by almost bantustan as a legitimate nation-state." all South African blacks polled by The Post, South Until then, Sinatra had not -,layed to segregated Africa's leading black-read newspaper. Black tennis audiences and had on occasion supported civil rights star Arthur Ashe went there, but returned horrified causes in America. Sinatra's lawyer and manager, at apartheid. He was said to be instrumental in Mickey Rudin, made sure to point out to a press convincing Wimbledon champ John McEnroe to turn conference of South African journalists that Sinatra down the reportedly largest tennis purse ever had "always rejected South African offers" to per offered, to play Bjorn Borg at Sun City. Ray Charles form there, because, according to Solters, he didn't ignored pleas by black South Africans to cancel his want to be associated with that country's racist tour of South Africa, only to be met by organized apartheid policies. But by accepting the independ- boycotts by blacks there that led to cancellations in ence of the bantustan, which is the cornerstone of Soweto and Welkom. the whole South African apartheid policy, Sinatra Actor Ben Vereen, and singer Gladys Knight had finally agreed to perform in what is the most originally signed contracts to perform there, but universally reviled racist state in the world. cancelled out. Phyllis Hyman, currently playing in Aside from South Africa, every other country, "Sophisticated Ladies," also turned down a South including the United States, officially views African offer on the grounds that morals were more Bophuthatswana as a fictional creation of South important than money to her. On the other hand, the Africa. It is one of thv ten arbitrarily drawn bantus South African government doesn't welcome every tans-the result of colonial conquest and robbery of American entertainer. In mid June a white student African land by the white minority-that make up 13 named Sammy Adelman was put under a five-year banning order (house arrest) after inviting Jane children born in the bantustan, 175 died at birth. A Fonda to speak at Witwatersrand University in typical African woman, whose husband had been Johannesburg. Her visa application was rejected. forced to work in a gold mine 500 miles away because And as Head pointed out, "If Gil Scott Heron or Bob of the 76 per cent unemployment rate in Bophuthats Marley had gone to play in South Africa they wana, may have risen slowly from weeding a little probably would have been executed on the spot. patch of land. But it is unlikely that as she leaned on What is it about Sinatra that made him different?" her hoe, glanced off in the distance at the harsh, Mashabela ventured an answer, saying, "Culture is sparkling reflection of Sun City Casino, she sighed, very much a part of politics. And especially now that "Ooh!...Franke!" we have made the request internationally that people "This call for a boycott," Mashabela added, "is a not participate, to participate is no longer a question demand that came from the people themselves. They of 'art for art's sake,' or just 'entertaining.' But it don't want anybody to come to perform and 'enter actually takes a stand on whether or not to fight with tain' them in the midst of their oppression. The the demands of the people of South Africa, or to side people don't take too kindly to 'entertaining' apar with the rulers of the fascist regime, and to weaken theid, as it were." their isolation." The boycott is intended to deny South Africa the international legitimacy it badly needs to maintain HIS QUESTION OF political choices by en foreign economic aid to bolster apartheid in the face of rising black rebellion. tertainers is not new. Maurice Chevalier cre "We appeal to the international community," said ated a storm when he collaborated in perfor Mashabela, "to use every means at their disposal to ming in Nazi-occupied France, which led to his isolate South Africa, using, for instance, sanctions. post-war chagrinned apology. We view this as the last means of getting our freedom The analogy to Nazi Germany is apt. South without as much bloodshed as if people continue to African is fighting an active war in its illegally held arm the fascist regime to the teeth." territory of Namibia; it has launched terror raids into There has been a lot of unsubstantiated talk of neighboring states; it has been conducting a massive, very large under-the-table payoffs to such perfor repressive crackdown on black student, community mers. Their presence appears important enough to and labor leaders in recent months. Nevertheless, South Africa to take such talk seriously. Sinatra Rudin stepped into Bophuthatswana and warily certainly did not need under-the-table payments; concluded, "I know that whatever the motives of according to the South African press, he expected to South Africa were in establishing this country, the gross $1.79 million for the nine concerts. Even more result is right." important to the South Africans is their effort to South Africa's motives, which Solters said "should garner international support for the foundation of not be examined," are clear. The architect of apartheid-the "independence" of the bantustans. bantustanization, former South African Prime Minis "Sinatra is accepting the bantustan policy," said ter, Dr. H. F. Verwoerd, spoke of why blacks must be Mashabela. "He is saying that the black people of denied citizenship in "white" areas. He reasoned that South Africa should be living in 13 per cent of the the Africans should not be allowed to gaze out on the land!" green pastures that will never be theirs. This is what made the decision of someone of Whites from around South Africa flocked to Sun Sinatra's staure to play there so important.
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