Appendix A ‐ Complaints by Service Provider Complaints Change all % of % Concluded Resolved Closed Resolved Closed Accepted Issued Accepted Rejected Accepted Y/Y Provider Accepted and Concluded Complaint Pre‐Investigation Investigation Reco. Decisions #100 0.00% 0 ‐ 000000000 1010100 0.00% 0 ‐ 000000000 1010580 0.00% 0 0.0% 000000000 1010620 0.00% 0 ‐ 000000000 1010738 0.00% 0 ‐ 000000000 1011295.com 0.00% 0 0.0% 000000000 295.ca 0.00% 0 ‐100.0% 000000000 3Web 0.04% 4 ‐42.9% 550000000 450Tel 0.00% 0 0.0% 000000000 768812 Ontario Inc. 0.00% 0 0.0% 000000000 8COM 0.61% 69 ‐ 688126330000 A dimension humaine 0.00% 0 0.0% 000000000 Acanac Inc. 0.68% 77 ‐35.8% 79 42 3 28 51000 Access Communications Inc. 0.00% 0 0.0% 000000000 Achatplus Inc. 0.00% 0 ‐ 000000000 ACN Canada 0.66% 75 41.5% 70 50 5 11 40000 AEBC Internet Corporation 0.00% 0 ‐ 000000000 AEI Internet 0.04% 5 400.0% 310200000 AIC Global Communications 0.00% 0 ‐ 000000000 Alberta High Speed 0.00% 0 ‐ 000000000 Allstream inc. 0.04% 4 ‐ 431000000 Altima Telecom 0.02% 2 ‐ 110000000 America Tel 0.00% 0 0.0% 000000000 Amtelecom Telco GP Inc. 0.00% 0 0.0% 000000000 Auracom 0.02% 2 ‐ 210100000 Avenue 0.00% 0 ‐ 000000000 Axess Communications 0.00% 0 0.0% 000000000 Axsit 0.01% 1 ‐ 100100000 B2B2C Inc. 0.02% 2 ‐33.3% 320100000 Bell Aliant Regional Communications LP 1.41% 160 ‐1.2% 162 124 6 21 10 1000 Bell Canada 32.20% 3,652 ‐6.6% 3,521 2,089 235 889 307 0110 BlueTone Canada 0.03% 3 ‐ 311100000 BMI Internet 0.00% 0 0.0% 000000000 Bragg Communications Inc. 0.00% 0 ‐100.0% 000000000 Brama Telecom Inc. 0.07% 8 ‐ 310110000 Bravo Phone Cards 0.00% 0 ‐ 000000000 Bravo Telecom 0.01% 1 ‐ 100100000 Complaints Change all % of % Accepted Y/Y Concluded Resolved Closed Resolved Closed Accepted Issued Accepted Rejected Provider Accepted and Concluded Complaint Pre‐Investigation Investigation Reco. Decisions Brightroam 0.00% 0 ‐ 000000000 Bruce Municipal Telephone System 0.00% 0 0.0% 000000000 Bruce Telecom 0.00% 0 ‐100.0% 100010000 Bud Light Lime Phone 0.00% 0 ‐ 000000000 Bud Light Phone 0.00% 0 ‐ 000000000 Bud Phone 0.00% 0 ‐ 000000000 Cable Axion 0.01% 1 ‐ 110000000 Cable VDN 0.00% 0 0.0% 000000000 Cablevision du nord du Quebec 0.02% 2 100.0% 110000000 Call Select 0.02% 2 ‐33.3% 110000000 Can‐net Telecom 0.00% 0 0.0% 000000000 Canada Direct 0.00% 0 0.0% 000000000 Canada Payphone Corporation 0.00% 0 0.0% 000000000 Canada Relink 0.00% 0 ‐ 000000000 Canopco 0.11% 13 62.5% 13 80500000 CaspianWave 0.00% 0 ‐ 000000000 Caztel 0.03% 3 ‐50.0% 301110000 CCAP (Coopérative de Câblodistribution de l`Arrière‐pays) 0.00% 0 ‐ 000000000 CCAP Cable 0.00% 0 ‐ 000000000 CCI Wireless 0.02% 2 ‐ 110000000 CD Tel 0.00% 0 ‐100.0% 000000000 Cellfone 0.00% 0 0.0% 000000000 Chatr Wireless 0.11% 13 0.0% 13 3 0 10 00000 Cheepnet 0.00% 0 ‐ 000000000 Cheetah 0.00% 0 0.0% 000000000 Choice Tel 0.00% 0 ‐ 000000000 CIK Telecom Inc. 0.16% 18 ‐5.3% 19 65440000 Cityfone 0.04% 5 66.7% 550000000 Coast Cable 0.00% 0 0.0% 000000000 Cogeco 0.70% 79 ‐13.2% 77 71 3300000 Cogeco Cable Quebec 0.09% 10 100.0% 860200000 Cogeco Data Services LP 0.01% 1 0.0% 110000000 Cogent Canada 0.01% 1 0.0% 110000000 Colba.Net 0.02% 2 ‐ 100100000 ComparAction 0.02% 2 ‐ 101000000 Compton Communications 0.00% 0 ‐ 000000000 Compuxellence 0.00% 0 ‐ 000000000 Comwave 1.58% 179 ‐36.5% 201 154 14 26 70000 Contact Internet 0.00% 0 0.0% 000000000 Complaints Change all % of % Accepted Y/Y Concluded Resolved Closed Resolved Closed Accepted Issued Accepted Rejected Provider Accepted and Concluded Complaint Pre‐Investigation Investigation Reco. Decisions Convergia Networks Inc. 0.04% 5 ‐ 520300000 Cooptel 0.02% 2 ‐ 210100000 Cybersurf Internet Access (CIA) 0.00% 0 0.0% 000000000 DCI Telecom 0.02% 2 ‐ 101000000 Dell Voice 0.00% 0 ‐ 000000000 Delta Cable 0.00% 0 0.0% 000000000 Distributel Communications 0.67% 76 20.6% 78 56 6 12 40000 DolphinTel 0.00% 0 ‐ 000000000 DSLExtreme 0.00% 0 ‐ 000000000 Eastlink 0.13% 15 0.0% 15 81600000 Easy Office Phone 0.00% 0 ‐ 000000000 EasyVoice Telecom 0.00% 0 ‐ 000000000 eFirehose 0.00% 0 ‐ 000000000 Electronic Box 0.04% 5 ‐ 300300000 Enhanced VOIP Communications 0.00% 0 ‐ 000000000 Enter‐net 0.00% 0 ‐ 000000000 Envision 0.00% 0 0.0% 000000000 ExaTEL Inc. 0.00% 0 0.0% 000000000 Execulink 0.01% 1 0.0% 101000000 Falcon Internet Services 0.00% 0 ‐ 000000000 Fibernetics 0.00% 0 0.0% 000000000 Fido 7.98% 905 ‐9.3% 916 748 38 86 44 0000 Fongo Inc. 0.02% 2 ‐ 210010000 Freedom Phone Lines 0.00% 0 ‐ 000000000 FreePhoneLine.ca 0.01% 1 0.0% 110000000 G3 Telecom 0.04% 4 ‐ 320100000 Galilee 0.00% 0 0.0% 000000000 Gems Telecom 0.04% 4 ‐ 410300000 Giantel 0.00% 0 ‐ 000000000 Global Crossing Telecommunications Canada Ltd 0.00% 0 0.0% 000000000 Globalive Communications Corp. 0.00% 0 0.0% 000000000 Globalstar 0.00% 0 0.0% 000000000 Gold Leaf Telecom Ltd. 0.00% 0 ‐ 000000000 Group of Gold Line 0.00% 0 0.0% 000000000 Halifax Cablevision Ltd. 0.00% 0 0.0% 000000000 Hook Communications Inc. 0.00% 0 ‐ 000000000 Horizon Telecom 0.01% 1 ‐ 100100000 HuronTel 0.00% 0 ‐ 000000000 I‐NetLink Wireless 0.00% 0 ‐ 000000000 Complaints Change all % of % Accepted Y/Y Concluded Resolved Closed Resolved Closed Accepted Issued Accepted Rejected Provider Accepted and Concluded Complaint Pre‐Investigation Investigation Reco. Decisions InfoFortin Telecom 0.00% 0 ‐ 000000000 InfoSat Communications 0.00% 0 ‐ 000000000 InnSys 0.00% 0 ‐ 000000000 Inter.net Canada 0.03% 3 200.0% 330000000 Interhop 0.00% 0 ‐ 000000000 Internet LightSpeed Communications 0.01% 1 ‐ 100100000 iRoam Mobile Solutions Inc. 0.00% 0 ‐ 000000000 italkBB 0.06% 7 ‐ 860110000 Juno 0.00% 0 0.0% 000000000 K‐Right Communications Inc. 0.00% 0 0.0% 000000000 Kokanee Phone 0.00% 0 ‐ 000000000 Koodo 1.52% 172 ‐13.6% 166 124 10 20 12 0000 Le pigeon voyageur 0.00% 0 0.0% 000000000 LooneyCall 0.00% 0 ‐100.0% 000000000 LuckyCall 0.00% 0 0.0% 000000000 Magic Jack Tel 0.04% 5 ‐ 720320000 Mastercall 0.00% 0 ‐ 000000000 MCI Canada 0.00% 0 0.0% 000000000 Mobilicity 0.51% 58 ‐35.6% 60 35 8980000 Mountain Cablevision Limited 0.00% 0 0.0% 000000000 MTS Inc. 1.06% 120 ‐34.4% 136 108 10 12 60000 Mustang Technologies Inc. 0.03% 3 ‐ 210100000 My OntarioTelecom 0.04% 4 ‐ 400301000 National Capital FreeNet 0.00% 0 ‐ 000000000 National Teleconnect 0.00% 0 ‐ 000000000 Navatalk 0.01% 1 ‐ 100100000 NCIC Operator Services 0.00% 0 ‐ 000000000 Neighborhood Wireless 0.00% 0 ‐ 000000000 Net For Less 0.00% 0 ‐ 000000000 Net Reach 0.00% 0 0.0% 000000000 Netfone 0.00% 0 0.0% 000000000 NetRevolution 0.00% 0 0.0% 000000000 NetZero 0.00% 0 0.0% 000000000 NEWT Business Services 0.00% 0 0.0% 000000000 Nobel Canada Telecom 0.00% 0 ‐ 000000000 Northern Tel 0.12% 14 ‐6.7% 12 41610000 Northwestel 0.06% 7 ‐22.2% 760010000 Nucleus Information Service Inc. 0.00% 0 ‐ 000000000 NuEra Telecom 0.13% 15 ‐58.3% 14 10 0400000 Complaints Change all % of % Accepted Y/Y Concluded Resolved Closed Resolved Closed Accepted Issued Accepted Rejected Provider Accepted and Concluded Complaint Pre‐Investigation Investigation Reco. Decisions OneConnect Services Inc. 0.02% 2 100.0% 211000000 OnlineTel 0.00% 0 0.0% 000000000 Ontarioeast.net 0.00% 0 0.0% 000000000 Ontera 0.00% 0 0.0% 000000000 Opcom Hospitality Solutions Inc. 0.00% 0 0.0% 000000000 Orbitel 0.00% 0 ‐ 000000000 Oricom Internet 0.02% 2 0.0% 220000000 Owtel 0.01% 1 ‐ 100100000 PageNet 0.00% 0 ‐ 000000000 Pannu Phone Inc. (SSTV) 0.00% 0 ‐ 000000000 Parlez rabais 0.00% 0 ‐ 000000000 Pathway Communications 0.00% 0 ‐ 000000000 PC Mobile 0.13% 15 ‐ 1490320000 People's Tel GP Inc. 0.00% 0 0.0% 000000000 Persona Communications Corp. 0.00% 0 0.0% 000000000 Petro Canada Mobility 0.11% 13 ‐ 1470520000 Phone Factory 0.00% 0 ‐ 000000000 Phone Power 0.00% 0 ‐ 000000000 Phonebox 0.01% 1 ‐ 110000000 Platinum 0.02% 2 ‐ 200200000 PortalOne 0.00% 0 0.0% 000000000 Premiere Conferencing Canada Ltd. 0.00% 0 0.0% 000000000 Premiere Global Services 0.00% 0 0.0% 000000000 Primus 0.84% 95 ‐12.8% 98 83 4650000 Public Mobile 1.13% 128 204.8% 112 72 4 34 20000 Pulse Telecom 0.01% 1 0.0% 100100000 PWHR Solutions 0.00% 0 ‐ 000000000 Questzones 0.01% 1 ‐ 100100000 Quinte Long Distance 0.00% 0 0.0% 000000000 RadioActif 0.04% 4 0.0% 610500000 Redden.on.ca 0.00% 0 ‐ 000000000 RevTel 0.00% 0 ‐ 000000000 Rocler Technologies 0.00% 0 ‐100.0% 000000000 Rogers Communications Inc. 20.98% 2,379 ‐37.4% 2,417 1,937 76 302 102 0000 Sasktel 0.80% 91 89.6% 83 51 4 19 90000 Sears Connect 0.02% 2 ‐80.0% 210100000 Seaside Communications (Seaside Cable) 0.01% 1 ‐ 100100000 SecureNet Information Services Inc. 0.00% 0 0.0% 000000000 Selectcom Inc. 0.02% 2 ‐ 210100000 Complaints Change all % of % Accepted Y/Y Concluded Resolved Closed Resolved Closed Accepted Issued Accepted Rejected Provider Accepted and Concluded Complaint Pre‐Investigation Investigation Reco.
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