JLOGY OF THE WALTERSBURG QUADRANGLE POPE COUNTY, ILLINOIS W Joh Ne ls on W ib l . C . Piu s e e n Oliv e r St v P . Eslin Lynne B . e en g Department of Energy and Natural Resources ILLINOISSTATEGEOLOGICAL SURVEY BULLETIN 98 1993 GEOLOGY OF THE WALTERSBURG QUADRANGLE POPE COUNTY , ILLINOIS i l W Joh N ls o C . Piu s We be . n e n Illinois Sta te Geological Survey liv r St v P . Eslin Lynne B . O e e en g Southern Illinois Univ ersity at Carbondale BULLETIN 98 1993 ILLINOIS STATE GEOLOGICAL SURVEY W i rris . L i Mo e ghton, Ch ef 615 East Peabody Drive a i 61820—69 Ch mpa gn, IL 64 Cover photo Pounds Sandstone Member of the Caseyville Formation southwest f R k P We b l o oc in Pope County (photo by C . ius i e ) Printed by authority of the State of Illinois/ 1993/ 1200 CONTENTS ACKNOWLEDGMENTS ABSTRACT INTRODUCTION Location Physiography Geologic Setting Previous Studies Method of Study BEDROCK STRATIGRAPHY Mississippian System Undifferentiated Pope Group Golconda Formation Ha rdinsburg Sandstone Glen Dean Limestone Tar Springs Sandstone Vi enna Limestone Waltersburg Formation Menard Limestone Palestine Sandstone Clore Formation De gonia Formation Kinkaid Limestone Mississippian— Pennsylvanian Unconformity Pennsylvanian System Caseyville Formation " Wayside Member Battery Rock Sandstone Member " " Drury Member Pounds Sandstone Member Tradewater Formation Lower shale and sandstone member Middle sandstone member Upper shaley member SURFICIAL GEOLOGY Introduction Methodology Field Methods Laboratory Methods Construction of the Stack-Uni t Map Stratigraphy Lithostratigraphic Units: Upland Formations Oak formation Roxana Silt Peoria Silt Peyton Formation Lithostratigraphic Units: Valley Formations Equality Formation Cahokia Alluvium Pedostratigraphic Units Sangamon Soil Farmdale Soil Buncombe Soil Resources Land Use Waste Disposal General Construction Seismic Risk STRUCTURAL GEOLOGY Lusk Cre ek Fault Zone Raum Fault Zone Hobbs Creek Fault Zone Flick Branch Fault Other Faults History and Origin of Faulting ECONOMIC GEOLOGY Fluorspa r Limestone Sandstone Clay Petroleum Coal REFERENCES r i i i r r COGEOMAP Coope at ve Geolog cal Mapp ng P og am ( ) , January 1993 Cultural features and drainages of the Waltersburg Quadrangle Map showing major structural features and the Illinois -Kentucky Fluorspar District in the vicinity of the Waltersburg Quadrangle 1 W ll G raphi c column of Abner Field No . e r . 1 W G raphic column of US . Gove nment No ell W ll G raphic column of Truebger No . 3 e G raphi c column of COGEOMAP W-3 Well Basal chert bed of Degonia Formation G raphic column of Goreville Limestone Member of Kinkaid Limestone from an abandoned quarry F r r i i Graphic column of U S. o est Se v ce Eddyv lle guard station well Field sketch of deformed shale and thin bedded " " sandstone in Wayside member of Caseyville Formation G raphic column of COGEOMAP W- l Well G raphic column of COGEOMAP W-2 Well " G raphic column of Drury member of Caseyv ille Formation Pounds Sandstone Member of Caseyville Formation G raphic columns of measured sections in the Tradewater Formation within the Dix on Springs G raben Stratigraphic classification of the Quaternary deposits in the Waltersburg Quadrangle General locations of borings Vertical distri bution of clay minerals and particle Si for ri W2 W7 W3 W16 W17 zes bo ngs , , , , and Cross section showing the distribution of the Quaterna ry units in Flat Lick Valley Vertical distribution of clay minerals and particle iz for ri W10 WIZ W9 s es bo ngs , , and Cross sections of Lusk Creek Fault Zone Cross sections of Raum Fault Zone Field sketch of deformed Tradewater strata in a stream bank Interp retive sketch of deformed Pounds Sandstone and Tradewater strata Origin of upthrown and downthrown slices in Lusk Creek Fault Zone Interp retive structural history of the Waltersburg Quadrangle Location of wells used for bedrock study Relation between modern soil series and Quaternary map units Locations of borings Chemical analyses of of channel sample of Tunnel Coal i SGS r r i i l The US . r Geolog cal Su vey (U ), unde the Coope at ve Geolog ca Map i r r COGEOMAP r i i i r for r r h p ng P og am ( ), p ov ded s gn ficant suppo t the esea c r r 1 1 1 r i reported in this publication . Annual g ants f om 985 through 99 p ov ded r i u i for r i i o r Clo pa t al f nd ng the p oject, Geolog c Mapp ng Along the S uthe n Th i i i - i sure of the Illinois Basin . e geolog c mapp ng of s xteen m nute quad rangles and the publication of quadrangle maps scale) and the accompanying reports were the objectives of this project . r r r in r Joseph A . Deve a (ISGS) mapped a pa t of the bed ock the no thwest r ISGS n l corner of the quadrangle . Russel Peppe s ( ) a alyzed the pa ynology of W. B r I l and r i i r i r i . SGS e the coals p ov ded b ost at g aph c data James axte ( ), Russ l i i I . SGS and r re ri J Jacobson ( ), Cha les M R ce (USGS) ca fully c t qued the geo i i z r r E MAP r i . r r COG O log c map He n H . Dambe ge , as p oject leade of , p ov ded i are r ri i r i . cont nuous encou agement and adv ce F nally, we g ateful to the p vate landowners who allowed us to enter their property to examine outcrops and especially to those who allowed us to d rill the stratigraphic tests . ABSTRACT r cr W r r F r r - r i r the r Bed ock out ops of the alte sbu g ou no theast t end ng pa allel fault zones, occu between these - r l . Minute Quadrangle in Pope fault zones transect the quad angle . two fau t planes n r Il i i T - i n are The ri i i ral r r Cou ty, southeaste n l no s , con hese post Pennsylvan a faults p nc pal m ne esou ces sist mainly of upper Mississippian part of a regional northeast- trending in the quadrangle are sandstone for (Chesterian) and lower Pennsyl fault system in the west pa rt of the construction and limestone for con — l i F r . vanian (Morrowan to early Atokan) I l nois Kentucky luorspa Distri ct struction and agriculture . Small h rian r i The r F l i fluors ar strata . The C este st ata cons st Lusk C eek ault Zone bounds sha low depos ts of p and as of fine grained clastic rocks and the northwest side of the Dixon sociated minerals have been mined i r Gr ri Gr l i l mestones of the uppe Pope oup Sp ngs aben, and the Hobbs loca ly, suggest ng that unknown and include the Golconda Fonn a Creek Fault Zone bounds the south deeper resources may occur along i i . The l ar in r tion up to the Kinkai d L mestone east s de Raum Fau t Zone p faults the quad angle . The The Pennsylvanian strata consist of allels the Lusk Creek and Hobbs amount of coal re sources is small; the sandstone-dominated Caseyville Creek Fault Zones and bisects the coal beds are too thin and discon Th Fi i ri r . inuous i i Tradewater F r i . r e t l al and o mat ons Uppe D xon Sp ngs G aben l ck to explo t econom ca ly, Valmeyeran limestones occur within Branch Fault (new name) occurs though a few small coal mines have r ex lo s the r F r in s . T r r thin fault slices . A pet oleum p southea t of Hobbs C eek ault ope ated the pa t h ee explo a i ration well reached the Devonian Zone . The geolog c structure of the tion wells for oil and gas have been k r l r ri i im is re all r . L ngle L estone, the oldest nown quad angle the su t of seve al d lled and we e abandoned Res Ri i dur rv ir ri r in the W r r i r i . e o r i ri re bed ock alte sbu g Quad ep sodes of defo mat on ft ng cha acte st cs ofbu ed, p Th ri r in m ria ri r in r i i i i r rangle . e well also d lled th ough g the Ca b n Pe od esulted uppe M ss ss pp an st ata are r r i l n i hi r . the New Albany Shale, seve al no mal fault ng a ong the Lusk u known w t n the quad angle i r r i lower (Kinderhookian) and middle Creek Fault . Add tional no mal fault Late ally extens ve aquifers and (Valmeyeran) Nlississippian forma ing may have occurre d during the economic deposits of sand and -At kan r r i rm E r i . A o are re t ons , and the lowe ost Pope a ly Pennsylvan an post g avel agg egate not p sent i i r in r i r re i mat ria .
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