A DESK-BASED ASSESSMENT ARCHAEOLOGY AND HISTORIC FEATURES (December 2012) REMPSTONE, EAST LEAKE QUARRY, NOTTINGHAMSHIRE For CEMEX UK OPERATIONS LTD Cemex House Evreux Way Rugby Warwickshire CV21 2DT Prepared by THE GUILDHOUSE CONSULTANCY The Old Guildhouse, 19 Ladygate, Beverley, East Yorkshire HU17 8BH (Tel & Fax 01482 861003) CONTENTS 1 SCOPE OF THE ASSESSMENT 1 1.1 The Commission 1.2 The Reason 1.3 The Purpose 1.4 The Methodology 1.5 The Study Area 1.6 The Sources 2 POLICY FRAMEWORK 5 2.1 National Planning Policy Framework (27th March 2012) 2.2 Nottinghamshire Minerals Local Plan (adopted 5th December 2005) 2.3 New Minerals Local Plan Consultation 2.4 The Rushcliffe Borough Council Non-Statutory Replacement Local Plan (Adopted 14th December 2006) 2.5 Rushcliffe Publication Core Strategy Development Plan Document (March 2012) 2.6 Summary of Archaeological Policies 3 PROPOSED DEVELOPMENT AREA (PDA) 10 3.1 Location 3.2 Proposal Details 3.3 Walkover Survey 3.4 Boundaries 3.5 Former and Current Landuse 3.6 Internal Features 4 PHYSICAL SETTING 14 4.1 Topography 4.2 Solid and Drift Geology 4.3 Soils 4.4 Drainage and Water Levels 5 BASELINE CONDITIONS ~ ARCHAEOLOGICAL CONSTRAINTS 18 5.1 Scheduled Monuments 5.2 Other Formally Designated Archaeological Sites and Historic Features 5.3 Known Archaeology Within the Proposed Development Area 5.4 Known Archaeology Adjacent to the Proposed Development 5.5 Known Archaeology in the Remainder of the Study Area 6 BASELINE CONDITIONS ~ NON-ARCHAEOLOGICAL CONSTRAINTS 46 6.1 Listed Buildings Within the Proposed Development Area 6.2 Listed Buildings Adjacent to the Proposed Development Area 6.3 Listed Buildings in the Remainder of the Study Area 6.4 Public Rights of Way Within the Proposed Development Area 6.5 Public Rights of Way Adjacent to the Proposed Development Area 6.6 Public Rights of Way in the Remainder of the Study Area 6.7 Registered Parks, Gardens and Battlefields 7 OTHER SOURCES RELATING TO THE PROPOSED DEVELOPMENT AREA 47 7.1 Cartographic Sources 7.2 Documentary and Printed Sources 7.3 Aerial Photographic Sources 8 ASSESSMENT OF HERITAGE ASSETS 50 8.1 Known Archaeology and Historic Features Within the PDA 8.2 Known Archaeology and Historic Features Adjacent to the PDA 9 POTENTIAL FOR ARCHAEOLOGY 62 9.1 Topography and Soils 9.2 Prehistoric Periods 9.3 Roman Period 9.4 Early Medieval (Anglo-Saxon) Period 9.5 Later Medieval (AD 1066 - c.1450) Period 9.6 Post-Medieval & Recent Periods 9.7 Undated Features 9.8 Non-Archaeological Features 9.9 Environmental & Organic Remains 9.10 Factors Affecting Survival 9.11 Quality of Data 10 CONCLUSION 70 11 IMPACT AND MITIGATION 74 11.1 Assessment of Impact 11.2 Proposed Mitigation Strategy ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS PRINTED, DOCUMENTARY AND CARTOGRAPHIC SOURCES LIST OF FIGURES AND APPENDICES APPENDIX 1 ~ NHER HISTORIC BUILDINGS RECORD LISTING APPENDIX 2 ~ PROVISIONAL CHRONOLOGY OF THE CHURCH OF ST PETER`S IN THE RUSHES NB : This Study has been prepared for Cemex UK Operations Ltd and in accordance with normal policy it is intended solely for the above specified use. It is for use by the named Client and any professional advisor. No responsibility for the whole or any part of the contents is accepted in relation to any third party. © Guildhouse Consultancy REMPSTONE, EAST LEAKE QUARRY, NOTTINGHAMSHIRE DESK-BASED ASSESSMENT - ARCHAEOLOGY & HISTORIC FEATURES 1 SCOPE OF THE ASSESSMENT (Figures 1 - 3) 1.1 The Commission (Figs 1 & 2) 1.1.1 The Guildhouse Consultancy has been commissioned by Kirsten Hannaford-Hill, Development Planner in the Estates Department, Cemex UK Operations Limited, to produce a Desk-based Archaeological Assessment of a large parcel of land lying c. 11k south of West Bridgeford and c. 6k to the north east of Loughborough (Fig 1). Located to the NW of the small settlement of Rempstone the area under consideration consists of a single field known as `The Rempstone Estate Land`. This lies immediately to the east of the previous and current workings at East Leake Quarry. The land covers 47.26ha (116.73 acres) and is centered on NGR SK 572 247 ; it is referred to throughout this report as the `Proposed Development Area` (`PDA`) or the `Site`. 1.1.2 Both previous and current workings (Fig 2) have been the subject of ongoing archaeological investigations since 1995. Although siteworks on the former have been concluded, those on the currently Consented Area (known as `Jenk`s Land) are ongoing (Application Ref. 8/07/02187/CMA) ; these cover an Application Area of c. 8.4h (nett extraction area of 5.8h). A further area, known as `Burton`s Land`, which abuts the SE of the previous workings and the SW of Jenk`s Land is under Application. 1.1.3 Since 1995 extensive fieldwork on the original workings at East Leake Quarry has been reported on by two archaeological contractors (Lyndsey Archaeological Services – LAS 2001, 2004, 2004a, 2004b, 2005a & b, 2006, 2007, 2008a & 2008b and Trent & Peak Archaeological Trust – TPAT 1995 & 2006). Desk-based archaeological assessments to inform Planning Applications have also been produced for Jenk`s Land (CA 2007a) and Burton`s Land (TGC 2010). Further to evaluation by limited trial trenching (CA 2007b) work on the former Consented area is being undertaken to a Mineral Planning Authority (MPA) approved Written Scheme of Investigation (WSI) (TGC 2009) and a Contractor Project Design (T&P 2010). Ground works consists of three Extraction Phases (1a-1c) which have now been stripped and cleared of archaeology with the exception of a small strip lying between Extraction Phases 1a and 1c. The final minor site works are expected in 2013 ; these will enable formal post-excavation works. Brief interims on the results of Phase 1a (T&P 2011), Phase 1b (T&P 2012a) and Phase 1c (T&P 2012b) have been included in this Assessment. 1.1.4 With regard to the PDA, previous researches and archaeological assessment were carried out in 2006 to inform on the archaeological potential and context of the Site (TGC 2006). These works included a detailed Nottinghamshire Sites and Monuments Record search (NSMR - now the Nottinghamshire Historic Environment Record), a `walkover` survey, examination of the available Soils, Drift Geology/Borehole information and a review of the readily available documentation on the church site of St Peter`s in the Rushes which lies immediately adjacent to the NW corner of the PDA. THE GUILDHOUSE CONSULTANCY 1 REMPSTONE, EAST LEAKE QUARRY, NOTTINGHAMSHIRE DESK-BASED ASSESSMENT - ARCHAEOLOGY & HISTORIC FEATURES 1.2 The Reason 1.2.1 Cemex UK Operations Ltd. propose making an application for mineral extraction (sand and gravel) and associated works and wish to address in detail the issue of archaeology as required by the Planning process. In line with policies at Borough, County and National level Cemex follows `best practice` in giving due regard to any necessary archaeological provision. 1.3 The Purpose 1.3.1 To enable the Minerals Planning Authority (MPA) to make informed judgements and considered decisions on the archaeological impact of any Application the following have been examined : i) The Physical and Topographical Context ii) Known Sites and Historic Features and iii) The Potential for Sites 1.4 The Methodology 1.4.1 This has been based on : - i) The collection of readily available archaeological data and relevant information from cartographic, documentary, printed and aerial photographic sources ii) Assessment of identified heritage assets and the general potential for sites iii) Assessment of the impact of the PDA and a Proposed Mitigation Strategy 1.4.2 All researches, data collection etc. together with the writing of this report were carried out by Adrian Havercroft of The Guildhouse Consultancy acting as Consultant to Cemex UK Operations Limited. 1.5 The Study Area (Figs 1-3) 1.5.1 As part of the 2006 Archaeological Assessment an initial c. 2k search radius (centered on SK (4)5720/(3)2480) yielded over 140 entries in the then Nottinghamshire Sites and Monuments Record (NSMR). Further to discussion with the NSMR staff at that time it was agreed that a smaller c. 1.5k radius would be adequate to `context` the PDA and enable that Assessment. As the footprint of the present Site lies entirely within that of the previous Assessment the original Study Area has been retained. 1.5.2 The main data collection and information assessment was originally undertaken in June/July 2006. In 2010 these works were updated, extended and re-focussed to enable the Burton`s Land Assessment and this same approach has been undertaken with regard to the present PDA with new a `walkover` survey, Nottinghamshire Historic Environmental Record and other searches in 2012 (See 1.6 below). 1.5.3 The Study Area lies within parts of the parishes of Costock, East Leake, Rempstone and THE GUILDHOUSE CONSULTANCY 2 REMPSTONE, EAST LEAKE QUARRY, NOTTINGHAMSHIRE DESK-BASED ASSESSMENT - ARCHAEOLOGY & HISTORIC FEATURES Stanford on Soar. The boundaries of the first three of these meet c. 300m beyond the NW corner of the PDA and a section of the boundary between Rempstone and Costock lies, for a short distance, on (or very close to), the Sheepwash Brook where it also marks part of the PDA northern boundary (Fig 3). 1.5.4 The PDA lies entirely within the north western sector of the parish of Rempstone. The common parish boundary with East Leake lies, at its closest point, c. 200m to the west. This has been investigated on two occasions in 1992 (TPAT 1992) & 2011 (T&P 2011). Results of the former (See 5.5.1 M18297) confirmed a low bank/lynchet of variable height/offset which was thought likely to be the result of ploughing.
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