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TRACE OF OIL: , B.A. [Honours), Simon Fraser University, 1986 / THESIS SUBMITTED.IN PARTIAL FULFILLMENT OF MASTER OF ARTS in the Department History , i 1 Geoffrey D. L~C* 1987 1 SIWN FRASER UNIVERSITY - August, 1987 All rights reserved. ~hiswork may not be .- -reproduced in whole or in part, by pbotocogy or other means, without pemnission of the author - Permission has ben granted L'autorisatlon a &t& accordht to the r~ational'tlbrKry 6. of la ~i3liotli&que nati6na11c Canada to mfcroff 13 s du Canada, de ricrofilmer . - thesis and to 1 c&-te thhae et de prater ou copies of the d8 vendre dee exeaplaires du aj -r L4 d' am -1 +% - . - - -- -- - The ZRFHEX E.fop~~&rrrerF titrtear ftt-f &re dti T has reserved other auteur) se rbeerve- le8 publication rights* and pa droits de publication; nehther t-he thesf e nor ni 'la th8se ni de longe extensive extracts from it extraits de celle-ci ne may .be printed or otherwise doiqnt . &re imprids ou reproduced wf thout hie/her auth&ent, reprodui tu qans son written permission. autagiisation &rite. -/ t' t' A 4 " ISBN 0-315-#608-X Degree Master of Ar?s I - Tit-le of thesis- Trace of 01i. the Search for an hi tiating Factor in the Ctiscd War Examirnng Cornrr~rt tee. Prsf essor Emeritus Unwersi ty of Miami P -, I hereby grant to,Simon Fraser University the right to lend my thesis or dissertation (the title of which is shown below) to ;sirs of the Simon Fraser University Library, and to make partial or single - - copies only for such users or in response to a request from the !i>rarv - \ of any other university, or other educational institution, or; its o::n - - -- - A- behalf or for one of its users. I further agree that permission hr- d' multiple cjpyjng of this thesis for scholarly purposes may be grn: :ed /- by ae or the Dean cf Graduate Studies. It IS understood tt-,at cop:..ing - - -- - A- - T--- * C or pubi~cationof this thesis for financial gain shall not be allowed .a vi t:?ou: my writ ten germission. & t Trace of Oil: The search for an Initiating Factor - pp = --- .- in the Chaco War. - - d Author : (name ) - f (date ) . - 1 . -. -. .. - . ,,.~. - . ._,. - , - -4- .--;-;~z+,.<.,.-,-.-, ">,:*~,-s.-;--:.q- d ... - --..~ < ~ ,..j ?* . '8 4- -. -. - i-1'4.L ~ ~ - - li -~ --------2*~ - - - -~ -- --- ~- - - ---- - - - d7-~q-~--~:-~--l L ~. I 4 - +.? \, . - . I ~ ~~ -? I ./ - . .~ ~ -- ... - 1 I , I -, i - - - I / - . - -- --~- ~ - - --- - . lS1... ~ --;-- - - 1 ---- -- - -~ ~ --~ .- --- T I - ?- ! ~he~hacoWar, Bolivia versus Earaguay,1932-1935, .I - --, ultimately occurred because of decisions taken by President - baniel Salamanca in 1931-32. However, the initjal fac,tor fi responsible for this war has never been clearly defined. The war'is little known outside the two combatant nations; its \ literature lacks critkcal historical analysis: - - - -- I L The fragmentary nature of primary source material plus \ the clutter of jingoistic phrases and haphazard research in €fie literature €%at ix-avaifabfS3ias caused-me to take a - - - -- - dual analytical approacx-in this thesis. In the first half of the thesis I examine and eliminate previously formulated theories on the origins of the war; in the second hqlf I . t postulate that the discovery and subsequent exploitation of oil in Bolivian lands bordering the Chaco Boreal was the I initiator of the events which led to the Chaco War. Commer- --! cia1 deposits of oil were fir'st discovered in Bolivia in --- /- 18.98, but the larger 1906 finds constituted the 'first serious Bolivian national'interest in.oil. Subsequently, in an effort to find additional 'oil fields, Bolivia began encroach upon Chaco lands controlled by Paraguay. This conclusion is tentative; it needs additional - research be•’ore St-can be said-to be who3 ly-csonvinc-jnr~-Bnt-- - -. IthedahLe-a -1~rts-kherkffewn-tkeq-C-f h- same extent. - - L. L. -- - TABLE OF CONTENTS APPROVAL PAGE ii . ABSTRACT , i i i Chmter - - j - -- I. INTRODUCTION 1 - ' - -- 11. BACKGROUND TO THE'CONFLICT 3 Geography The Chaco ~oryal,Paraguay, Bolivia -- - - Ri=t6rio-tFae to t hg ~haco 6- ---- -- -- Early 6 1879 Protocol 10 1887 ~roto36l 12 Uti Possidetis de Jure ' 14 4 1894 Protocol -- 15 1907 Protocol 15 Bolivia Expands in the Chaco 16 1913-21 17 -- Fort i n Sorpresa 18 1927 Protocol 19 -- - - - 3 - - Fe&&f?- VhffgtB& 2 - - pp L9 Military Expansion 20 War and Settlement # 21 / 111. CHACO CAUSATION: PREVIOUSLY INADEQUATELY 'DEFINED Alternative Port ,,Ar' - To The west: Rail Links et a1 24 , Rail Links 24 Political Parties 1 26 / To The East: Santa Cruz de la Sierra ; 27 * Routes 28 -- Geography~andAgriculture 31 History 32 Navigation 36 Cheap Riches ' 38 War of the,Pacific 39 ' Miguel SuArez Ar-aila - - - - - 41--- ,-- \ Bolivia. and the Tacna-Arica Dispute 42 2. ilit.,arv'u RO~Pin theChacoPp-- 46 Paraguay 46 Bolivia 51 History to 1900 5 2- * -- - Merchants 'of Death * r: 1929 Depression Daniel Salamanca Foreign Imperialism - Argentine Links to Paraguay - - War of the Txiple-Alliance --_ IV. OIL Analysis -di 1 Previous Theories History 84 b ---- - -- -- World.-'---- - - -- -- -- 84 - - - -- -,-- - LaF=KAmerica to 1932 . 8 5- -- Bolivia to 1937 86 - 1500-1880 fi - 86 1880-1912 , 1912-16 / 1916-20 ' 1920-37 Critical Decade - .V . CONCLUSIONS A APPENDICES Tables Maps GLOSSARY' BIBLIOGRAPHY Population of Bolivia: by ~a~artrnbnt& ~a jor' Centre 129 , - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- -- Paraguayan Land Sales ,1875-1900 130 * Bolivia's Silver Exports 1820-1909 d 131 Bolivian/Paraguayan Government Revenue 1855-1930 1'3 2 -- - -- - -- - -- - ---- - - - - - - -- Huanchaca Silver Mine & Anice60 Arce 134 Bolivian & Paraguayan Presidents 188011935 135 Bolivian Ports: Imports and Exports 1918 136 -. Fortines 1662-1932 137 Bo1 iv'ian Tin Production 1897-3935 139 Loans 1908-1934 140 la.*Bolivian - %+ -- Paraguayan Exports 1930 141 - ~olivianOil Concessions 1867-1918 142 -- Bolivian Oil Production 1925-35 145 1. South America - -- - - -- -- - 2 .'Bolivia and ~ara~u'a~"' 147 /- 3. The Chaco Boreal: Geagraphy, Centres 4. Paraguay: 1932 ., 149 *> t * pp -- - - - - - - -- - -- - - -- - - -- - -- - -- - - * - - - 5. ~oliviac 1932 . - 2 150 - . L t - - 6. Protocols 1879'-1894 , $4 Y 151 7. ~blivia's Pacific Coast: 1825* 8. Protocols 1907-1932; %ennonites; Military Expansion 153 - 9. Bolivia's Rail Network: 1868-1925 154 w * --- --lLPue&aSuuArpa 155 % .* , - 11. Fortines: 1905-1932 156 $*% t - -%". 12. Oil in Bolivia _ - 157. INTRODUCTION -- -- The Cham War, 1932-35, was fought- between Bol-iv-la I-- - - - -- - A c - - Y- and Paraguay (Map 11, after a long and futile perlod of / -- diplomatic negotiations. Elsewhere, the war is a neazly A- -- - -- forgotten>lncidtmt Lexcept-for the decade -of-frghtug, _ - - ---- -- - /- 1927-35)--in part,- because Bolivia and Paraguay are two of the least known countries in the world. Chapter I1 presents -%+- the background to the war. - The reasons for the outbreak of full-seal-ar between Bolivia and Paraguay in 1932 have never.-Been -:A -\* - -- ---- - -- - - - -- -- addressed satisfactorily in the literature. Historians have. postulated nine prima y theories, These are: The War of t -. the Pacific;7 - Bolivia's Search for an Alternative Port; 2. 2. Y # ' Military Postures; the 'Merchants of Death1; The 1929 Depression; President Daniel Salamanca of Bolivia; Foreign Imperialism; Argentine Links to Paraguay; and The J-7 Exploitation of Oil Fields Along the Periphery of theTKaco \ d- After 1320; Chapter-111 aTGly+~sdnd disca~ds-2s- - -- - -- -- -- --unsatisfactory the first'eight theories. '~heninth is discussed (and discarded) separately, in Chapter IV. / The diecudsion of previous theories ik important to - - this thesis beca~sethe Chaco War literature is cluttered - with works,which incorporate at least one of the nine - theari9s named/ above. Few of the theories have substantial / -1 - supporti-ng evidence;. nevertheless, they a,re quoted at- great Chapter IV incorporates the re$ults of my analysis,+ of the Bolivia-paraguay Chaco dispute: I conclude it by 9 -\ postulating a circumstantial case that the Chaco War occurred as a resQlt df Bolivian,assertion of its national . - . in oil before 1920--a factor rarely given I have utilized utilized official -- - and Paraguay, League of Nations -- pfoportion--works by historkans from Bolivia, -Paraguay, the United States, Great Bri'tain, + - France, and the U.S.S.R.I In this paper, the term ."Chaco - Dispute" will be defined as the period leading up to the outbreak of - - -- - - - --- - - - - - -- - - - - -- - -- --i- --d full-scale war in 1932. The term "Chaco War" will denote hostilities from 1932 to 1935; A ', - - - ".
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