STEPS Nursery 9 George Street (entry via Ulm St) Ph: 07 - 5436 6023 Fax: 07 - 5458 3033 Mobile: 0417 405 746 www.stepsgroup.com.au Facebook: STEPS Nursery Email: [email protected] AS AT 3RD MAY 2016 Garden Sculptures Product Artist Price $ Metal Sculpture "Ptera (Terror) in the Garden" Warwick Smallwood $300.00 Metal Sculpture "The Peli-Can" - Wind Catcher Warwick Smallwood $150.00 Metal Sculpture - Wind Chime Warwick Smallwood $60.00 Metal Sculpture - Bent Fork Hanging Hook Set Warwick Smallwood $30.00 Woodworking Objects Product Artist Price $ Woodworking - Bowls, Boxes, Platters Thomas Bolton $30.00 to $90.00 Kokedema Balls Product Artist Price $ Kokedema Balls - Log Bonsai Paula Gluyas $60.00 to $80.00 Kokedema Balls Paula Gluyas + Volunteers $30.00 Kokedema Ball Workshop - Next Workshop, Paula Gluyas $50.00 (Pre-Pay) Saturday 11th June 2016 Worm Juice Product Packaging Sizes Available Price $ Wonder Worm Juice 2 Litres $5.50 Soil Conditioners - Earthlife Rock Minerals Product Packaging Sizes Available Price $ Earthlife Lawn Blend - For Lawns 25kg bag , 35kg bag $50.00, $60.00 Earthlife Fruit Blend - For Fruit Trees 4kg tub , 15kg bag $22.00, $40.00 Earthlife Veggie Mate - For Herbs & Veggies 4kg tub, 15kg bag $22.00, $40.00 Earthlife Flower Blend - For Flower Growers 4kg tub, 15kg bag $22.00, $40.00 Earthlife Garden Mate - For Clay Soils, Natives, 4kg, 15kg, 25kg, 35kg $20.00, $30.00, $40.00, $50.00 General Fertiliser Earthlife Garden Delight - For Clay Soils, Natives, 4kg, 15kg, 25kg, 35kg $22.00, $40.00, $50.00, $60.00 General Fertiliser General Gardening Products Product Packaging Sizes Available Price $ Earthlife WeedLess - Organic Weed Seed Degrader 1 litre bottle $20.00 Earthlife MulchMate - Organic Compost Degrader & 1 litre bottle $20.00 Liquid Fertiliser Rocky Point Mulching Organic Sugar Cane Mulch 6 sqm bale $13.00 Rocky Point Mulching Active 8 - Organic Soil Improver 30 litre bag $8.00 & Planting Mix Rocky Point Mulching Eco Potting Mix - Organic 25 litre bag $7.00 Potting Mix Rocky Point Mulching Cow Manure 30 litre bag $8.00 Greenworld Organics Garden Soil 25 litre bag $6.00 Forget-Me-Not Heritage & Heirloom Variety Seed Packets Product Packaging Sizes Available Price $ Vegetables 30 gram packet $3.50 Herbs 30 gram packet $3.50 Flowers 30 gram packet $3.50 Natives - Ground Covers, Spillovers, Hanging Baskets, Grasses Quantity Botanical Name Common Name Sun/Shade? Pot Size Price $ Available Dianella caerulea Blue-Flax Lily Sun/Semi-Shade 140mm 14 $5.00 Hibbertia scandens Clmbing Guinea Flower Sun/Semi-Shade 140mm 3 $5.00 Myoporum ellipticum Coastal Boobialla Sun/Semi-Shade 140mm 3 $5.00 Myoporum parvifolium Creeping Boobialla Sun/Semi-Shade 140mm 8 $5.00 Rhagodia spinescens Saltbush (Edible Berry/Leaves) Sun 140mm 34 $5.00 Scaevola aemula Purple Fan Flower Sun/Semi-Shade 140mm 5 $5.00 Natives - Shade/Semi-Shade Loving and Rainforest Plants Quantity Botanical Name Common Name Sun/Shade? Pot Size Price $ Available Alchornia ilicifolia Native Holly Shade/Semi-Shade 140mm 6 $5.00 Alocasia brisbanensis Cunjevoi Lily Shade/Semi-Shade 140mm 2 $5.00 Archontophoenix cunninghamiana Piccabeen/Bangalow Palm Shade/Semi-Shade 200mm 15 $12.00 Asplendium australasicum Bird's Nest Fern Shade/Semi-Shade On Timber 8 $8.00 Callipteris prolifera Beautiful Fern Shade/Semi-Shade 180mm 2 $8.00 Christella dentata Binung Fern Shade 140mm 3 $5.00 Cyathea australis Rough Tree Fern Shade 140mm 8 $5.00 Cordyline rubra Palm Lily Shade 180mm 20 $8.00 Dendrobium speciosum King Orchid Shade/Semi-Shade On Timber 2 $12.00 Dianella caerulea Blue Flax-Lily Sun/Semi-Shade 140mm 22 $5.00 Diploglottis campbellii Small-Leaved Tamarind Shade 200mm 1 $12.00 Livistona australis Cabbage Palm Shade/Semi-Shade 200mm 7 $12.00 Platycerium bifurcatum Elkhorn Shade/Semi-Shade On Timber 6 $12.00 Viola banksii Native Violet Shade/Semi-Shade 140mm 25 $5.00 Natives - Water Plants and Sedges Quantity Botanical Name Common Name Sun/Shade? Pot Size Price $ Available Azolla filiculoides Pacific Azola Sun/Semi-Shade Bag,100ml 50 $5.00 Baumea articulata Jointed Twig Rush Sun/Semi-Shade 140mm 20 $5.00 Carex appressa Tall Sedge Sun/Semi-Shade 140mm 20 $5.00 Ficinia nodosa Knobby Club Rush Sun/Semi-Shade 140mm 6 $5.00 Juncus usitatus Common Rush Sun/Semi-Shade 140mm 24 $5.00 Lepironia articulata Grey Sedge Sun/Semi-Shade 140mm 28 $5.00 Myriophyllum papillosum Water Milfoil Sun/Semi-Shade 140mm 8 $5.00 Natives - Vines and Scramblers Quantity Botanical Name Common Name Sun/Shade? Pot Size Price $ Available Carpobrutus glaucesens Native Pigface Sun 140mm 6 $5.00 Hibbertia scandens Climbing Guinea Flowe Sun/Semi-Shade 140mm 12 $5.00 Ipomoea pes-caprae Goat's Foot Sun 140mm 22 $5.00 Kennedia rubicunda Dusky Coral Pea Sun/Semi-Shade 140mm 8 $5.00 Pandorea jasminoides Bower of Beauty - Pink Sun/Semi-Shade 140mm 38 $5.00 Pandorea jasminoides 'Lady Di Bower of Beauty - 'Lady Di' Sun/Semi-Shade 140mm 8 $5.00 Pandorea pandorana Wonga Wonga Vine Sun/Semi-Shade 140mm 16 $5.00 Natives - Shrubs and Perennials to 1 Metre Quantity Botanical Name Common Name Sun/Shade? Pot Size Price $ Available Austromyrtus dulcis Midyim Berry (Edible Berry) Semi-Shade 140mm 70 $5.00 Chrysocephalum apiculatum Yellow Buttons Sun 140mm 8 $5.00 Eremophila scoparia Silver Emu Bush Sun 140mm 12 $5.00 Evolvulus pilosus Blue Eyes Sun/Semi-Shade 140mm 8 $5.00 Grevillea lanigera Woolly Grevillea Sun 140mm 14 $5.00 Grevillea rosmarinifolia Rosemary Grevillea - Red Sun/Semi-Shade 140mm 12 $5.00 Grevillea rosmarinifolia 'Rosy's Baby' Rosemary Grevillea - Orange Sun/Semi-Shade 140mm 2 $5.00 Leucophyta brownii Cushion Bush Sun 140mm 2 $5.00 Lomandra hystrix Spiny-Head Mat Rush Sun/Semi-Shade 140mm 68 $5.00 Lomandra longifolia Spiny-Head Mat Rush Sun/Semi-Shade 140mm 62 $5.00 Orthosiphon aristatus Cat's Whiskers Sun/Semi-Shade 140mm 15 $5.00 Plectranthus argentatus Plectranthus Sun/Semi-Shade 140mm 8 $5.00 Plectranthus parviflorus Cockspur Flower Sun 140mm 6 $5.00 Rhodanthe anthemoides Chamomile Sunray Daisy Sun 140mm 12 $5.00 Sannantha bidwillii (syn Baeckea virgata) Baeckea Sun/Semi-Shade 140mm 2 $5.00 Westringia fruticosa Coastal Rosemary Sun/Semi-Shade 140mm 23 $5.00 Westringia fruticoa variegata Coastal Rosemary - variegated Sun/Semi-Shade 140mm 4 $5.00 Natives - Shrubs and Grasses 1 to 2.5 Metres Quantity Botanical Name Common Name Sun/Shade? Pot Size Price $ Available Adenanthos sericeus Woolly Bush Sun 140mm 5 $5.00 Alpinia caerulea Native Ginger Semi-Shade 180mm 7 $8.00 Alpinia caerulea Native Ginger Semi-Shade 140mm 5 $5.00 Chamelaucium uncinatum Geraldton Wax Sun 140mm 8 $5.00 Dodonaea triquetra Large-Leaf Hop Bush (Edible Seed) Sun/Semi-Shade 140mm 4 $5.00 Eremophila maculata Spotted Emu Bush Sun 140mm 6 $5.00 Grevillea 'Misty Pink' Grevillea Misty Pink Sun 140mm 21 $5.00 Grevillea 'Moonlight' Grevillea Moonlight Sun 140mm 8 $5.00 Hovea acutifolia Purple Pea Bush Sun/Semi-Shade 140mm 20 $5.00 Hovea acutifolia Purple Pea Bush Sun/Semi-Shade 180mm 12 $8.00 Sannantha virgata Twiggy Heath Myrtle Sun 140mm 3 $5.00 Sophora tomentosa Necklacepod Sun/Semi-Shade 200mm 6 $12.00 Spinnifex longifolius Coastal Spinnifex Sun 140mm 1 $5.00 Natives - For Hedges Quantity Botanical Name Common Name Sun/Shade? Pot Size Price $ Available Acmena ingens Lilly Pilly - Red Apple (Edible) Sun/Semi-Shade 180mm 12 $8.00 Syzygium australe Lilly Pilly - Brush Cherry (Edible) Sun/Semi-Shade 140mm 20 $5.00 Syzygium leuhmannii Lily Pilly - Riberry (Edible) Sun/Semi-Shade 140mm 5 $5.00 Natives - Small Trees 2.5 to 5 Metres Quantity Botanical Name Common Name Sun/Shade? Pot Size Price $ Available Acacia disparimma Hickory Wattle Sun 140mm 6 $5.00 Acacia sophorae Coast Wattle (Edible Seed) Sun 140mm 24 $5.00 Acacia suaveolens Sweet Wattle Sun 140mm 6 $5.00 Backhousia citriodora Lemon-Scented Myrtle (Edible - Tea) Semi-Shade 140mm 6 $5.00 Banksia oblongifolia Dwarf Banksia Sun 200mm 3 $12.00 Banksia serrata Old Man Banksia Sun 200mm 3 $12.00 Banksia spinulosa Hairpin Banksia Sun 200mm 12 $12.00 Brachychiton paradoxus var bidwillii Little Kurrajong/Rusty Kurrajong Sun 200mm 1 $12.00 Casuarina equisetifolia Hickory Wattle Sun 180mm 10 $8.00 Cupaniopsis anarcardioides Tuckeroo Sun/Semi-Shade 140mm 90 $5.00 Dodonea triquetra Common Hop Bush (Edible Seed) Sun/Semi-Shade 140mm 10 $5.00 Eucalyptus tetragona Cabbage Gum Sun 140mm 2 $5.00 Hakea actites Mulloway Needle Bush Sun/Semi-Shade 200mm 6 $12.00 Hakea actites Mulloway Needle Bush Sun/Semi-Shade 140mm 12 $5.00 Leptospermum juniperinum Lemon-Scented Tea Tree Sun/Semi-Shade 200mm 4 $12.00 Leptospermum juniperinum Lemon-Scented Tea Tree Sun/Semi-Shade 140mm 8 $5.00 Leptospermum trinervium Slender Tea Tree Sun/Semi-Shade 200mm 2 $12.00 Melaleuca viminalis Weeping Bottlebrush - Red Sun/Semi-Shade 140mm 80 $5.00 Melaleuca viminalis Weeping Bottlebrush - Red Sun/Semi-Shade 180mm 40 $8.00 Melaleuca viminalis Weeping Bottlebrush - Red Sun/Semi-Shade 200mm 25 $12.00 Pilidiostigma rhytispermum Small-Leaved Plum Myrtle (Edible) Sun/Semi-Shade 200mm 3 $12.00 Sophora tomentosa Silverbush Necklacepod Sun/Semi-Shade 200mm 9 $12.00 Syzygium australe Lilly Pilly - Brush Cherry (Edible) Sun/Semi-Shade 140mm 12 $5.00 Syzygium australe Lilly Pilly - Brush Cherry (Edible) Sun/Semi-Shade 5 Litres 2 $30.00 Xanthorrhoea glauca Grass Tree Sun/Semi-Shade 200mm 80 $12.00 Natives - Medium Trees 5 to 10 Metres Quantity Botanical Name Common Name Sun/Shade? Pot Size Price $ Available Acmena ingens Lilly Pilly - Red Apple (Edible) Sun/Semi-Shade 140mm 120 $5.00 Adansonia gregorii Boab Sun 200mm 12 $12.00 Banksia
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