December 7, 2011 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD—HOUSE, Vol. 157, Pt. 14 19161 And another: They’re saying we the people are out- about a very special group of veterans, My job as CFO of a small restaurant chain, raged at this administration and this the Navajo Code Talkers. Tonight, my headquartered in Santa Monica, was elimi- Congress. And they should be. colleagues and I are going to share nated in Dec. 2010. Since then I have been un- The White House and their liberal al- their stories and highlight the amazing able to find employment and, as a result, had lies in Congress and the media go on a accomplishments of this group of war- to sell my condo at a considerable financial nonstop bashing of a group of Ameri- riors. Their contribution to the Allied loss. I have been surviving through the ex- cans who are productive and hard- effort during World War II is widely tended unemployment program offered by credited with winning the Battle of Iwo the federal government. If this program is working. Class warfare is as despicable not renewed, I have no idea how I will cope, as any other type of stereotyping, and Jima and making majors gains in the financially, or mentally. putting citizen against citizen for po- Pacific. During the early months of World And another: litical gain is outrageous and it’s wrong. War II, Japanese intelligence experts I’m 63, was let go from a very significant Listen to this. The people are told broke every code the U.S. forces de- position back in February 2008 after eight vised. The Japanese were able to de- years of being a Multi Award Winning Sales that a tax cut is a tax increase or a tax Executive, in two industries . in working increase isn’t really a tax increase be- code and intercept communications over 40 years without interruption I have cause there are savings that can be with ease. To combat this, increasingly been collecting unemployment benefits for made elsewhere. That doesn’t even complex codes were initiated that two years. I’m embarrassed to tell you how make sense. Only in Washington can sometimes took hours at a time simply many resumes and contacts I’ve made, com- someone say we have to pay for a tax to decipher one message. Guadalcanal peting with men and women in their 20’s, cut. Think about that. What we’re say- in 1942 was a turning point for the Al- 30’s, 40’s. ing is, what Washington is saying is, lied military forces, who realized that This has taken a huge toll on my life as the military communications needed a you can imagine . my condo is for sale we have to pay for a tax cut. Well, whose money is it? Government doesn’t new direction, and new inspiration. and I’m being audited by the IRS . my Fortunately, an innovative citizen health has deteriorated and I didn’t have make money. It’s the people’s money. health insurance for the past two years. Yet somehow up here in Washington we named Philip Johnston had the answer. keep saying we have to pay for a tax As the son of a Protestant missionary, For too many Americans, unemployment Johnston had grown up on the Navajo benefits are the difference between having a increase. It’s that hardworking family that has earned that money. It is not reservation and was one of less than 30 roof over their head, or sleeping on the street; non-Navajos fluent in the unique Nav- having food to feed their kids, or skipping din- Washington’s money. And people, frankly, I think are dis- ajo language. He realized that since it ner; seeing a doctor, or living with chronic ill- had no alphabet and was almost impos- ness. gusted with the notion that somehow the paradigm in Washington is we have sible to master without early exposure, As a great nation, we have an obligation to the Navajo language was a perfect provide a lifeline to these fellow citizens. It is to pay for a tax cut. It’s their money. Something is very wrong here, and this choice to form a new, impenetrable incumbent on us a decent society. military code. In 1942, Johnston com- I have cosponsored legislation to extend un- body is part of the problem. Let’s put out the facts; facts, not pleted an impressive demonstration of employment insurance through the end of the Navajo language to the Com- 2012. I have also cosponsored legislation to spin. Government money doesn’t exist. That’s a fact. It’s the people’s money. manding General of the Pacific fleet help the so-called ‘‘99-ers,’’ by extending the headquartered in San Diego. He was length of federal benefits by an addition 14 Here’s another fact. If there are projects that can be cut, they should be then given permission to begin a pilot weeks, to 113 weeks total. for the Navajo Code Talker program, But Congress must do more. My constitu- cut. They shouldn’t be traded like fu- tures in the stock market. If we believe and I would like to submit his letter ents need more than a safety net. They need dated March 8, 1942, for the RECORD. jobs. that we ought to extend the payroll tax HEADQUARTERS, AMPHIBIOUS FORCE, According to a recent report by the Wash- cut extension, let’s extend it. Let’s stop playing games about moving PACIFIC FLEET, CAMP ELLIOTT, ington Post, this Republican House is on track San Diego, CA, March 6, 1942 to be least productive first session in 20 years. money around from one program to an- Subject: Enlistment of Navaho Indians. other or keeping a bucket of projects In a full year, Republicans have yet to pass a To: The COMMANDANT, single bill to create a single job. or programs that we can save to cut at U.S. Marine Corps. The Republicans’ refusal to take up meas- a time to bargain for something else. Enclosures: (A) Brochure by Mr. Philip John- ures to help restart our economy—like Presi- It’s time that we get serious, and the ston, with maps. (B) Messages used in dent Obama’s American Jobs Act—is all the American people are saying they’ve demonstration. more reason that we must extend these es- had enough. They’ve had enough of 1. Mr. Philip Johnston of Los Angeles re- what they’re seeing here in Wash- cently offered his services to this force to sential unemployment benefits. I urge my col- demonstrate the use of Indians for the trans- leagues to stand up for the unemployed Amer- ington. Let me say this one more time. Pit- mission of messages by telephone and voice- icans who are facing catastrophe through no radio. His offer was accepted and the dem- fault of their own and vote now to extend this ting American against American is un- onstration was held for the Commanding critical lifeline. American and outrageous and deserves General and his staff. the condemnation of each and every 2. The demonstration was interesting and f one of us in this Congress. This is not successful. Messages were transmitted and b 1920 the America we know and love. We the received almost verbatim. In conducting the people deserve better. demonstration messages were written by a AMERICANS DESERVE BETTER I yield back the balance of my time. member of the staff and handed to the In- dian; he would transmit the message in his The SPEAKER pro tempore. Under f the Speaker’s announced policy of Jan- tribal dialect and the Indian on the other end would write them down in English. The uary 5, 2011, the gentleman from Flor- HONORING NAVAJO CODE TALKERS text of messages as written and received are ida (Mr. MACK) is recognized for 60 min- enclosed. The Indians do not have many utes as the designee of the majority The SPEAKER pro tempore (Mr. military terms in their dialect so it was nec- leader. REED). Under the Speaker’s announced essary to give them a few minutes, before Mr. MACK. Mr. Speaker, I think policy of January 5, 2011, the gen- the demonstration, to improvise words for there are a lot of people back home tleman from Arizona (Mr. GOSAR) is dive-bombing, anti-tank gun, etc. who are watching this debate unfold, recognized for the remainder of the 3. Mr. Johnston stated that the Navaho is the only tribe in the United States that has and more importantly, are watching hour as the designee of the majority not been infested with German students dur- the Congress and the administration. leader. ing the past twenty years. These Germans, And, you know, I think a lot of people Mr. GOSAR. Mr. Speaker, thank you studying the various tribal dialects under at home are scratching their head. for joining me this evening to talk the guise of art students, anthropologists, VerDate Sep 11 2014 11:20 Dec 28, 2015 Jkt 099102 PO 00000 Frm 00068 Fmt 0688 Sfmt 0634 E:\BR11\H07DE1.002 H07DE1 Lhorne on DSK5TPTVN1PROD with BOUND RECORD 19162 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD—HOUSE, Vol. 157, Pt. 14 December 7, 2011 etc., have undoubtedly attained a good work- ajo alphabet. The selection of a given together, as the gentleman mentioned, ing knowledge of all tribal dialects except term was based on the first letter of young kids in their teen years and oth- Navaho. For this reason the Navaho is the the English meaning of the Navajo ers, and volunteered for this effort.
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