Cambridge University Press 978-0-521-82213-8 - Perspectives in Ecological Theory and Integrated Pest Management Edited by Marcos Kogan and Paul Jepson Index More information Index (Tables in Italics, Figures in Bold) Africa 3–5, 11, 14, 27, 188, integration of rural, pesticides and 539–45, 250, 317, 456 suburban and (see also pesticide(s)) African woolly pine aphid urban 57 principles and goals 23, (Pineus pini) 472 management 58,(see also 462 Agenda 21 integrated pest self damping 49 agricultural production management) stability 173, 444 systems 5, 22 sustainable 23, 34 sustainable agriculture agricultural system uncertainty in 54–6 and 43 agronomy in 69 agrochemicals 70 See also agricultural characteristics 68–9 agroecology 23, 433–5 system complexity 68 agroecosystem(s) Alaska Nature Preserve enhancement 69 biodiversity in 172, 386, (ANWAR) 19 instability 69 462,(see also alfalfa 313–15, 314 management 69,(see also biodiversity) aphid 305, 314, 447 management) community model of 49 weevil 314 population develop- continuity 438 alga (Caulerpa) 365 ment suppression density dependence 54 allelopathy 373 in 69 design of 303, 459, 460 allomones 177 agriculture diversified 452–9 allozymes 469 chemicals 10 ecology 435–9 ambrosia beetle 100–1, 114 de-specialization 57–8 guidelines for 70, 82, Gnathotrichus sulcatus 100 ecology and 444 459–61 Trypodendron lineatum genetics 58,(see also invisibility of 50–1 100 genetics; geneti- level III IPM 22 amplified fragment cally modified management 244 length polymor- organisms) manipulation 434, 435 phism (AFLP) 473, geographic diversifica- mechanized 435 483, 485, 499 tion 57–8 natural ecosytems and Anagrus integrated pest man- 172, 437 atomus 327 agement and pest outbreaks in epos 327, 457 23–4 439–44 ANOVA 493 553 © Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 978-0-521-82213-8 - Perspectives in Ecological Theory and Integrated Pest Management Edited by Marcos Kogan and Paul Jepson Index More information 554 Index antibiosis 173, 195, scab (Venturia inaequalis) Asian rice gall midge 282 316 (Orseolia oryzae) 471 antixenosis and antixeno- tree, phenology and Asia 4–6, 11, 13–14, 34 tics 90, 173, 177, growth 315–16 Artogea rapae 447 195 Arachnidomyia aldrichi assignment tests 489–91, ants 185 231 490 Apanteles diatraeae 253 Arachys hypogaea 191, 194 attracticide formulations Aphelinus Archytas marmoratus 272 137–9 hordei 475 ARC/INFO 8, 331 Australia 6, 144, 234, 400, mali 257 area-wide management., 407, 442, 479, 481 aphid 72, 73, 101–2, 114 See management: Austria 255 grain 471 area-wide Avena fatua 379 Metopolophium dirhodum Argentina 174, 498 average distance of band 449 Argentine stem weevil migration (ADBM) as prey 281 (Listronotus bonar- 493 resistance 275 iensis) 477 Rhopalosiphum maidis ARLEQUIN software 493 Bacillus thuringiensis (Bt) 31, 283, 447 armyworm 58 Rhopalosiphum padi 283, Pseudaletia unipuncta endotoxin 270, 271 475, 476 231, 448, 458 genes for toxin 322, 329 viral transmission by Spodoptera exempta 484 indirect effects 284–5, 101 Spodoptera exigua 143, 322 Aphidius 152, 283, 323 pest adaptation to 290 colemani 475 Spodoptera frugiperda population level effects ervi 314, 480, 483 288, 471, 480, 568 285–6 smithi 314, 315 Spodoptera litorallis 288 resistance 323 Aphytis maculicornis 312, Spodoptera litura 152 specificity 282 313 arthropod pest toxic effects 282–4, 288 apple management toxins 282 aphids 305 artificial stimuli in in transgenic plants 174, -grass aphid behavioral approaches 195, 282–8, 323, (Rhopalosiphum biological control 381, 329, 415, 442, 443 insertum) 482 (see also bactericide 26 leafminer (Lyonetia management) bait clerkella) 152, 305 census 89 costs 124 leafminer companion planting 90 ecologically based 399 (Phyllonorycter field studies 89 performance 97, 99 ringoniella) 152 foraging behavior and rodenticide 398, 399 maggot fly (Rhagoletis 89 sprays 95, 105 pomonella) 55, 107, spatial scales and 94 sticks 100 105, 113 temporal scales and 94 traps 113, 124, 153, 325, pests 145,(see also trap cropping 90 397 codling moth) undersowing 90 See also pesticide(s) © Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 978-0-521-82213-8 - Perspectives in Ecological Theory and Integrated Pest Management Edited by Marcos Kogan and Paul Jepson Index More information 555Index balloon vine invasion resistance and frequency and number (Cardiospermum 50 of 6 halicacabum) 185 loss 11, 29 irreversibility 246 barnyard grass (Echinochloa in natural systems 235, models of 47 crus-galli) 369, 379, 434 negative effects of 247 380 pest control and 236, plant 6 Bathycoelia thalassina 188 386 prevention 31 bats 55 protection of 62 bioterrorism 6 Bayesian threats to 234 birch (Betula pendula) 423, clustering methods 495, biological control 45, 70, 424 496 88 bird cherry-oat aphid genotypic approaches advantages and dis- (Rhopalosiphum 496 advantages 46 padi) 483 statistics 490 annual crops 86 birds bean bug (Riptortus linearis) benefits and risks 264 aqua-culture losses 205 classical 246, 248, from 393 beetle (Dicladispa gestroi) 250–4, 261, 263 insectivorous 55 328 conservation 230, black aphid (Aphis fabae) beetle banks 70, 237 238–9, 254 484 behavioral control 88, 96, ecological concerns blackberry (Rubus) 461 101 246–50, 254–5, 260 blackberry leafhopper of apple maggot fly 105 establishment rate 247 (Dikrella californi- habitat structure and extinction and 253 cus) 327 105, 106 hazards 250–4 black cherry (Prunus behavioral management insect 84, 247, 250 serotina) 187 90–104, 177 integrative pest blue alfalfa aphid Bessa remota 248, 253 management and (Acyrthosiphon big-eyed bug (Geocoris 257, 259–63 kondoii) 314 punctipes) 272, 283, inundative 246, 254, 257 blue butterfly (Maculinea 286, 323 invasive plants 36–7, arion) 230, 248, BIOCAT database 251 41–3 315 biodiversity non-target effects of 252 blue mold, tobacco 55 in agroecosystems 172, orchard pests 146 boll weevil (Anthonomus 235–8, 451, 462 regulation 255, 263 grandis grandis) 29, assessment 235 risks 256, 258 99–100, 114, 306, conservation biology strategies 69 321, 325, 480, 484 and 225 success rate 234 bollworm criticisms of 235 tens-rule and 252 Helicoverpa armigera 323, ecosystem stability and weed control 247, 381 479, 482, 484 29 See also biological Helicoverpa punctigera integrated pest invasion(s) 323 management and biological invasion(s) Helicoverpa zea 229, 274, 224, 235 effects 5–7, 247–8 323, 385 © Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 978-0-521-82213-8 - Perspectives in Ecological Theory and Integrated Pest Management Edited by Marcos Kogan and Paul Jepson Index More information 556 Index bollworm (cont.) California red scale cherry borer (Synanthedon Pectinophora gossypiell parasitic wasp hector) 152 128, 132, 133, 137, (Aphytis melinus) 76 Chile 478, 481 141–3, 152, 154, Campoletis sonorensis 285, China 3, 29, 174, 456 156–8, 306, 322–3, 290 cinnamaldehyde 103 333 Canada 144, 146, 149, 174, citrus mealybug Bracon hebetor 498 364, 457 (Planococcus citri) Brazil 17, 178, 182, 185, cane grubs (Melolonthini) 458 195–8, 196, 201, 475 clearwing borers 150–1 202, 203, 205, 206, cane toad (Bufo marinus) climate 12–13, 230, 333., 208, 209, 325 234 See also global brinjal borer (Leucinodes canonical correspondence warming orbonalis) 124 analysis (CCA) 494, clover broad-headed bug 495 Melilotus indica 187 (Megalotomus carabid ground beetle Trifolium repens 184, 187 quinquespinosus) (Pterostichus coalescence theory 498 185 melanarius) 71, 538, Coccophagoides utilis 312, brownish root bug 539, 542 313, 324 (Scaptocoris carbon dioxide cockfoot grass (Dactylis castanea) 209 elevated 13 glomerata) 473 brown planthopper greenhouse gas 12 codling moth (Nilaparvata lugens) Carson, Rachel 25 Cydia pomonella 29, 30, 274, 276, 329 Cardiochiles nigriceps 285 32, 132, 136, 138, brown stink bug (Euschistus Caribbean fruit fly 145–7, 152, 153, heros) 182, 183, 186, (Anastrepha 155 188, 189, 199, 203, suspensa) 484 virus (Trichogramma 203–7, 209, 210 cassava brassicae) 143, 259, buckwheat (Fagopyrum greenmite 475 esculentum) 335, 457 (Mononychellus coffee butyl hexanoate 106 tanajoa) 305, berry borer 317–19, 319 (Hypothenemus cabbage mealybug (Phenacoccus hampei) 484 aphid (Brevicoryne brassi- manihoti) 250, 305, rust (Hemileia vastarix) cae) 450, 447 318, 319, 333 458 aphid parasite models 316–17, 317, 330 colonization 66, 72, (Diaeretiella rapae) castor bean (Ricinus 209–10, 247 475, 480, 483 communis) 184, 187, Colorado potato beetle maggot (Delia radicum) 201, 206 (Leptinotarsa 345 Central America 458 decemlineata) 281, rootfly 305 cereal aphid (Sitobion) 285, 290 Cales noacki 258 avenae 74, 473, 477, 493 commodity systems 411, California red scale fragariae 473 419, 425, 426 (Aonidiella aurantii) cheat grass (Bromus common velvetgrass 71,76 tectorum) 364 (Holcus lanatus) 457 © Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 978-0-521-82213-8 - Perspectives in Ecological Theory and Integrated Pest Management Edited by Marcos Kogan and Paul Jepson Index More information 557Index communication cotton bollworm., See spatial arrangement of disruption 130 bollworm 54 competition cowpea (Macrocentris tillage 70 for light 371–2 cingulum) 205, 307, transgenic (see plant(s): for nutrients 372–3 442 transgenic) temporal aspects of 374 creosote bush (Larrea trap 174–5, 195–7, for water 372 tridentata) 448 204–5 weed management and crop(s) uncertainty and 55–6 376–7 abandonment 208 value 113, 383 Comstock mealybug competition
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