VOLUME 51: NO. 4 FALL 1997 ISSUE SPRING MIGRATION March 1-May 31, 1997 AMERICAN BIRDING ASSOCIATION IN ALLIANCE WITH THE NATIONAL AUDUBON SOCIETY TWO FOR THE BIRDS! VICTOR EMANUEL NATURE TOURS PLUS SWAROVSKI OPTIK... ,A GREATCOMB!NATION! Thefinest premium optics and•Wørld wide birding are yoursx•hen •you take advantage oftfiis specia!::øffer from . Vieto,'Emanuel Nature 'Tours (VE•) and'Swar0*ski • Optik. P•-r-6ha.,e aqy SWar6vs-ki6i: tical prøduct aad youß '1!,'e,•e,ye a vou9her Wo.r•h $100.00;:toward th.,pureham of•sr!•½ied bir.ding tour•s offered byVENT dm •ag 1998• 3,,,to,-E•afin•ib•g•n'. coi•dncting • ;;'•sha•-e aelp•d pioneer eso-amasm a!! o•;gr;he i. net.•Tod •NT isthe world s largest compauy; •fide.,d.th, ,, ,• •;fheYBa•e s½ldcted Swarovski a ow 'v• h dan rt ai• the best fr,•m VENTand .. •;ns sp•:c•aloffer. • e½ '1'•.A,.ipalh•g ;•arovsk• Optik dealer. "-"; •LN 1• ..... -XE•' for d•taJsaad tour bn :i•i. lia,iti d and •dl• Ction•is SW.AROVSKI :0 P T [ K Cra•,•,,•on• RI•'02990 80d-•26-3089 FIELD NOTES * AMERICAN BIRDING ASSOCIATION ß VOLUME 51: NUMBER 4 * FALL 1997 SPRIN•MIGRATION: MARCH1-MAY3• I997 THE REGIONAL REPORTS 898 Idaho-Western Montana 817 Editor's Notebook DAN SVINGEN 8:38 Atlantic Provinces 818 The Storms of 'gG: 900 Mountain West BLAKE MAYBANK Part I VAN A. TRUAN 842 Quebec EDWARDS. BRINKLEY, and BRANDON K. PERCIVAL PIERREBANNON TODD HASS, 904 Arizona and NORMAND DAVID and JIM LOCKYER CHRIS D. BENESH 844 NewEngland 832 ChangingSeasons: and GARY H. ROSENBERG SIMON PERKINS Spring1997 JEFF PRICE 907 New Mexico 848 Hudson-Delaware SARTORO. WILLIAMS III •ILLIAFvlJ. BOYLEJR., 836 How to Read 910 Alaska ROBERTO. PAXTON, the RegionalReports T.G. TOBISH JR. and DAVIDA. CUTLER 936 PictorialHighlights 913 British Columbia- 85: • Middle Atlantic Coast 941 How to Submit Records Yukon MARSHALLILIFF 856 Southern Atlantic Coast 880 Central Southern RICKY DAVIS 918 Oregon-Washington STEVENW. CARDIFF 860 Florida and GERARD LILLE 884 Prairie Provinces BILL PRANTY RUDOLF F. KOES 922 Middle Pacific Coast 863 Ontario and PETERTAYLOR DON ROBERSON, RON RIDOUT STEPHENE BAILEY, 886 Northern Great Plains and DANIEL S. SINGER 867 Appalachian RON MARTIN GEORGE A. HALL 926 Southern Pacific Coast 888 Southern Great Plains GUY MCCASKIE 871 Western Great Lakes JOSEPHA. GRZYBOWSKI JIM GRANLUND 930 Hawaiian Islands 892 Texas ROBERTL. PYLE 875 Middlewestern Prairie GREGW. LASLEY,CHUCK SEXTON, KENNETHJ. BROCK WILLIESEKULA, MARK LOCKWOOD, 93: • West Indies and CLIFFSHACKELFORD ROBERTL. NORTON ON THE COVER AsSpring 1997 began,tbis gull wassitting in Galveston,Texas, attracting birders and contributing to controversy.Any large dark-backed gull is rarein Texas,so, whenthis birdwas discovered on JanuaryI 5, 1996, it inspireda roundof name-calling-nameslike GreatBlack- backedGull, nominate-race Lesser Black-backed Gull, and Western Gull. Some birders pointed to flawsin all of thesediagnoses, and within a month•experts concluded that it wasa moreexotic find: a KelpGull, native to coastlinessouth of the equator.The bird remained into the spring;what was undoubtedly the sameindividual returned to the sameplace on November30, 1996, and remainedat leastinto the early springof 1997--the seasonfeatured in this issueof Field Notes. Birdsidentified as KelpGulls have had an odd historyin the Gulfof Hexico.Two were seenon the coastof Hexico'sYucatan Peninsula as longago as 1987. In 1989, two (or maybethree) werefound on Louisiana'soffshore islands. There have been records in bothplaces sincethen, and possibly elsewhere--including a remarkable record from Indiana (see page 879 of this issue).Still, KelpGull is not yet on the officialABA Checklist for NorthAmerican Birds. The AmericanOrnithologists' Union recently placed it on the appendixto their list-- suggestingthat there are questionsabout the birds,at least in termsof howthey madeit fromthe westcoast of SouthAmerica to the Gulf of Hexico.Regardless, the presenceof KelpGulls in NorthAmerica adds to the potentialchallenge and excitement for gull-watchers.The KelpGull on the coverwas photographed February 7, 1997, by AlanWormington in Galveston. field notes is publishedby theAmerican BirdingAssociation American Birding Association in alliance with the NationalAudubon Society. PRESIDENT The missionof the journal NationalSudubonSociety Allan R. Keith is to providea completeoverview of the changingpanorama of North America's CHAIRMAN OFTHE BOARD VICE-PRESIDENT birdlife,including outstanding records, range Donal C. O'Brien Jr. WayneR. Petersen extensionsand contractions, population PRESIDENT dynamics,and changes in migrationpatterns SECRETARY or seasonal occurrence. John Flicker BlakeMaybank PUBLISHER VICE-CHAIRPERSONS TREASURER ABA/GeorgeG. Daniels John B. Beinecke Ruth O. Russell Gerald J.Ziarno EDITOR Kenn Kaufman BOARD OF DIRECTORS MANAGEMENT TEAM MargaretBain EXECUTIVE EDITOR MANAGING EDITOR Daniel P. Beard Sharon Bartels Carol S. Lawson Victoria H. Irwin JamesA. Cunningham P.A. Buckley EDITORIAL CONSULTANT EricDraper GeorgeG. Daniels SusanRoney Drennan Frank B. Gill DaphneD. Gemmill Vice-Presidentfor Ornithology Glenn Olson Thomas J. Gilmore NationalAudubon Society Victoria Shaw Dennis H. Lacoss FIELD EDITORS StanleyR. Lincoln BOARD OF DIRECTORS Michael Ord StephenF. Bailey, Pierre Bannon, Oakes Ames ChrisD. Benesh,Gordon Berkey, Ann Stone John B. Beinecke JackBowling, William I. BoyleJr., William R. Stott Jr. CharlesG. BraggJr. KennethI. Brock,Steven W. Cardiff, Howard P. Brokaw Henry Turner David A. Cutler, Normand David, Harriet S. Bullitt EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR RickyDavis, Walter G. Ellison, Donald A. Carr GregoryS. Butcher JeffGilligan, Jim Granlund, DouglasM. Costie JosephA. Grzybowski,George A. Hall, Leslie Dach CONTROLLER PeterHunt, Marshall J.Iliff, Lynn Yeager JackDempsey GregD. Jackson,Jim Johnson, Lynn Dolnick CONSERVATION AND EDUCATION RudolfE Koes,Greg Lasley, Gerard Lillie, David D. Dominick Paul Green BruceMacravish, Nancy L. Martin, Helen M. Engle DEVELOPMENT RonMartin, Blake Maybank, W. Hardy Eshbaugh Carol Lambert GuyMcCaskie, Ian A. McLaren, Ted Lee Eubanks David P.Muth, RobertL. Norton, CONVENTIONS AND CONFERENCœS JohnW. Fitzpatrick Rich Paul, Robert O. Paxton, Patricia H. Heidenreich Ken Hollinga Brandon K. Percival,Simon Perkins, Marian S. Heiskell CORPORATE RELATIONS WayneR. Petersen,Bill Pranty, Reid B. Hughes LangdonR. Stevenson RobertD. Purrington,Robert L. Pyle, VivianJohnson Ron Ridout, Don Roberson, GENERAL COUNSEL Carol Ann May GaryH. Rosenberg,Ann E Schnapf, Daniel T. WilliamsJr. Arsenio Milian ChuckSexton, Daniel S. Singer, BenjaminOlewine IV PAST PRESIDENTS StephenI. Stedman,Dan Svingen, David H. Pardoe Daniel T. WilliamsJr. (1993-1997) PeterTaylor, Daryl D. Tessen, Ruth O. Russell T.G. TobishJr., Van A. Truan, Bill Tweit, Allan R. Keith (1989-1993) Walter C. Sedgwick Noel Wamer,Richard West, LawrenceG. Balch(1983-1989) Norman Shapiro Sartor O. Williams III JosephW. Taylor (1979-1983) Amy Skilbred Arnold Small (1976-1979) PRODUCTION EDITOR Robert H. Socolow G. Stuart Keith (1973-1976) Susanna v.R. Lawson John L. Whitmire G. Stuart Keith (1970pro tern) PRODUCTION ASSISTANTS JoyceA. Wolf ConstanceEldridge and Julie Reid BernardJ. Yokel FieldNotes (ISSN 0004-7686) (USPS 872 200) is published quarterly by the American Birding Association, Inc., 720 West Monument Street, Colorado Springs, CO 80904-3624.Periodicals postage paid at ColoradoSprings, Colorado, and additional mailing offices. POSTMASTER: return postage guaranteed; sendaddress changes and POD forms 3579 to Field Notes, PO Box6599, Colorado Springs, Colorado, 80934-6599. Subscription prices: $20/year (US) and US$25/year(Canada). Copyright ¸ 1997by the American Birding Association, Inc., all rights reserved. Printed by Publishers Printing, Shepherdsville, Kentucky. Theviews and opinions expressed in this magazine are those of eachcontributing writer and do not necessarily represent the views and opinions of theAmerican Birding Association or itsmanagement. ABA is not responsible for thequality of productsor servicesadvertised in Field Notes, unlessthe products or servicesare being offered directly by the Association. GST Registration No. R135943454. 816 FIELD NOTES editor's notebook identifiedthe BridledTern coming in--touching off pandemoni- um, becausewe werevery far north for that species.A gentleman SSocietyABIRD-CRAZED at the ageKIDof whonine,hadI subscribedjoined theto Nationala little publication Audubon standingnear me remarked,admiringly, "Wow, that girl is really calledAudubon Field Notes before I enteredmy teens.Before long, I good?I'm not surehe realizedthat "that girl" was the organizerof startedsending in recordsto it aswell. I'll neverforget how excited I the trip, the editor of the magazine,and a vice-presidentof the waswhen I got the nextissue and foundmy initials,my sightings, NationalAudubon Society. listed in the regionalreport for the SouthernGreat Plains.This Duringthe period when National Audubon was paying relatively journalpresented the wholepanorama of NorthAmerica's birdlife, little attentionto birds,Susan was the mainperson who keptbird and my observationswere, in their own smallway, contributing to conservationon the tableat all, and shekept the regionalreports thisgrand picture. A lifelongfascination with the statusand distri- goingthrough challenges large and small. It was no wonderthat butionof birdswas cemented in placeat that moment. ABA honored her with the Ludlow Griscom Award in 1988. The At thattime, in the late 1960s,these regional reports already had factthat Field Notes is still
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