!\etorll5 of tfort ~t. ~eorge LETTERS TO FORT . ST. GEORGE 1757 (Voluu1e XXXVII) MADRAS PRINTED. BY THE SUPERINTENDENT, GOVERN::\IENT PRESS 1 9 41 FRlcE, Rs. 2-6-0] !terorlYs of &f'ort ~t. ~ eorge- LETTERS TO FORT ST. GEORGE 1757 \; (Volun1e XXXVII: MADRAS P.RWTED BY THE SUPERINTENDENT, GOVERKllENT PRESS 194:1 PREFATORY NOTE This volume contains the letters received at Fort St. George during the­ ·year 1757 and is the thirty-seventh in the series of records known as "Letters to Fort St. George ". The manuscript volume has been mended and is in a fair state of· preservation. Eo MORE, B. s. BA.LIGA, .16th A:pril 1941. Curator, Madras Recurd Office • I RECORDS OF FORT ST. GEORGE LETTERS TO FORT ST. GEORGE, 1757 Volume XXXVII [From December 18, 1756 to December 12, 1757-». · No.-1. To THE HoNBLE GEORGE PtGOT EsQB. PRESIDENT AND GovERNOUR &cA. CouNciL oF FoRT ST. GEOKli,l!;, HoNBLE SIR & SIRs 'Ve have.been favour'd with'Your·Honour &ca's. Commands'by the Har­ top Snow which arriv'd here the 8th. The Treasure & Stores consign'd Us thereon have been landed & the quota's designed for Ingeram & Banderma- ika forwarded to those Factorys. ~ We are sorry to acquaint You with the Arrival here the 14th. Instant of his 1Iajesty's Ship the Cumberland Re·ar Admiral Pocock, havin~ lost her Passage to Bengall, b~ing very si~l~ly & ~n the utmost '!ant of Provisions and Water, 'Ve are exertmg our utm9~t endeavours to assist Her and have fur­ nish'd the sick who are upwards of Three hundred & fifty with Quarters & what Refreshments We can procure, all the sick belonging to Captain Camp­ bell & Callender's Companv's are landed & no means or care shall be wanting to relieve them, the abovementioned Captains have applied to Us for Pay & Batta to their respective Companys which they represent they are in absolute want off, or at least a Part thereof, We intend therefore to issue them One 1Ionth's Pay; When the 1Ien are somewhat recover'd which We hope will be in a fortnight more Mr. Pocock proposes proceeding to Fort St. George. We must represent to Your Honor &ca. that by these unexpected Charges and others that will arise by the Cuddalore Sloop, the Long Boats &ca. Join'd to the Large advances We found it necessary to make our Merchants to carry on the Investment and who still make further demands, We find the late supply by the Hartop very insufficient to answer these Purposes, We therefore apprehend that We shall be obliged to draw on your Honour &ca. for a present supply of Cash, if We can Possibly procure any here, which We Persuade Ourselves You will not disapprove off in our Present Emergency nay We hope it will appear for the Int~rest of Ol!r Hofible Maste.rs, as it will greatly for­ ward our Investment whiCh otherwise must be entuely at a stand, besides saving the sea risque of whatever sum We ma.y draw for. It is with great satisfaction We can acquaint Your Honour &ca. that 'Ve have succeeded in our Investment beyond Our Expectations having now on hand near seven hundred Bales & which if 'Ve can furnish Ourselves with ·Cash we hope to augment to near Eight hundred by the end of January. The three Long Boats are very far advanc'd and 'Ve hope to send them You the beginning of next 1fonth. We transmit You herewith our Cash Account for November with our other :Monthly Papers. 'Ve have the honor to be with Respect HoNBLE SIR SIRs Your most obedt. & most humble Servts. VIZAGAPATA'M J. L. SMITH. l8TH. DECEMBF.R 1756. }.fARMADUKE BEST. 2 Records of Fort St. George P .S. We omitted mentioning in our Letter that our Storekeeper has presented us with an Indent of Military Stores which are absolutely wanted in this Garrison, We therefore hope Your Honour &ca. will if .Possible.supply us therewith, Captain Campbell & Callender have also dehver' d m the Returns of their Companies by which Your honour &ca. may judge of their present state. J. L. SMITH. MARMADUKE BEST. A LIST 01!' CLOTH ON HAND Long Cloth ordinary . • • .. Co. 830 9 pa. Do. fine .. ... .. 208 17 Do. Middling .. .. 49 11 Sa.Iempores Ordinary 25 6 D->. fine 12 3 INDENT of Stores wanting in the Garrison of Viza.ga.pa.ta.m. BBA.Ss ORDNANCE with Boxes 3 Pounders compleat •• 2 6 Do. 2 1 HOWETZEB OF 8 Inches 2 RoYAL MoRTARS SIIELLS 8 Inches 300 5} Do. 200 IRON SBOTT 3 Pounders .. 1000 6 Do. 1000 FUZEES 8 Inches .. 350 Europe Match .. 100 lb. Lawn Sieves •• 2 GUN POWDER Europe Cannon ... 25 Barrels Do. fine .. .. 15 Do • Country Cannon ... 100 Do. fine •.. 30 VIZA.GA.P ATA.M lf&RM&DUXE BEST, ISU. D.ECEliBEB 1756. Military Storekr. LIST OF THE PACKET. 1 General Letter. 2 Paymaster's Accounts for October. 3 Duplic.a.te General Letter, dated 15 Novr. 4 Increase & decrease for October. 5 Warehousekeeper's Account for Do. 6 Storekeeper's Do. for Do. 7 Diaries & Consultations for November. 8 Cash Account for Do. 9, 10, 11, .12. Account Stores &ca. supplyed the Arcot Snow. 13 Sea & River Customer's Account for October. 14 A Return of Captn. Campbell's Company. 15 Do. Captn. Callender's Do. 16 Indent of :Military Stores. 17 A List of the Packet. No.2. To THE HomLE GEORGE PrGOT EsQB. PR.EsmE:NT & GoVERNOUR &cA. CoUNciL OF FoRT ST. GEoRGE. HoNBLE Sm & Sms Your CoJ?liD.ands by the Hartop accompanying a supply of 10000 Ten Thousand ~Iadrass Pago~as bas bee~ receiv'd w~ich I hope to Invest bv the latter end of next Month tf I meet mth no Impediment; Agreable to an Order Letters to Fort St. George, 1151 3 receiv'd from the Secret Committee of Fort St. George, I have on this Sloop the Nancy laden ninety I 90 I Bales of Callicoes on Account & Risque of the Hofible Company, amounting las i.~ Invoice & Bill of Lading enclosed ltolj 9402 17 68/Nine Thousand four hundred two Pagodas, Seventeen Fanams and sixty Eight Cash which I hope will arrive safe-Having labour' d under an ill State of Health for some time past, I am to request Your Honour &ca's. Permission to come to Madrass for the Recovery of it. By this Conveyance comes duplicate Copy of the Books of this Settle- ment, Ending April1756. At the foot hereof is the Account of Cloth on hand & I am HoNBLE SIR & SIRs, }NGERAM Your most obedient servant 24TH. DECEMBER 1756. Foss WESTCOTT. At the Wash. Embaled. I. C 0. 38 16 19 I. C. M. 30 4 6 I. C. F. 23 15 5 Corge. 92 15 Bales 30 No, 3. To THE HoNBLE GEORGE PIGOT EsQR. PRESIDENT & GoVERNOUR &c•. CoUNCIL OF FoRT ST. GEORGE. HoNBLE SIR & SIRS This is just to advise You that Yesterday arrived in this River, the Nancy Sloop from Ingeram, with 92 Bales of Cloth on Board, Acct. the Hofible Company, & to forward to your Honour &ca. Her Packets. The Syrang makes many objections to attempting his Passage to Madrass yet, pleadmg the Wind & Current so much agamst him, that he's apprehen­ sive He sh0uld rather loose Ground. I shall be glad of Your Honour &ca's. directions regarding her. I am with Respect, HoNBLE SIR & SIRS DEvE CoTAH Your most obedt. bumble Servt. 1ST. JANRY. 1757. JAs. BoURCHIER. No.4. To THE HoNrlLili liEORGE PmoT EsQR. PRESIDENT & GovERNOUR &c•. CouNCIL OF FoRT ST. GEORGE. HoNBLE SIR & SIRs 'Ve have receiv'd Your favour of the 23d. Ultimo. Enclos'd You will receive a Translation of a Petition delivered Us in 1Ialabars by Trevengoddam late Conicoply of the Lascars, against Captain D'Illens. Having before transmitted you a Charge against the said Treven­ goddam, We wait Your Honour &ca. Directions in regard to both. We are with respect, HONnLE SIR & SIRS Your most obedt. bumble Servts. ALEXR. WYNCH. HuGH NoRRIS. Rrcnn. FAIRFIELD. FoRT ~T. DAviD RoBT. SLOPER. 4Tn, JANUARY 1757. ca.~ s. TURNER· 1756-57-lA Records of Fo1·t St. George Translate of a Petition. To THE WoRSHIPFULL A.LExB. WYNCH EsQB. &c.&. GENTLEMEN CoUNciL OF FoRT ST. DAviD. THE HUMBLE PETITION OF TRIVANGADOM LASCAR'S CONICOPLY SHEWETH After the·Arrival of Col Clive he examin'd into the late Transactions of the Train Office, sent for Yo in- Petitioner & order' d ·hjm to act according to his Commands & attend on Mr. Kelsell whom he appointed to take care of the Lascar's Accounts, which Orders was continued for 10 Days, soon after Col. Clive departed to Fort St. George when at the latter end of tha~ Month, at the Pay Day Captn. D'Illens refused to pay the Lascars a.ccordmg ~ Your Petitioner's Account, but according to his own account qui ted stopping the full absent Lascars Money, but only stopt 5 days :Money out of 10 days absent, & 2 days out of 5, He encreas'd the Pay of the Syrongs & Tondells, allowed Pags. 2 to each of the Cooley Lascars, wl10 deserve no m~re than lt & 11 Pags. !'19Month, Your Petitioner told Captn. D' Illens that It was not proper for . him to do so, but ought to. act according to the Company's Books. To which Captn. D'Illens replied that your Petitioner has no business to say anything to him about it, & therefore striken'd Your Petitioner, since which the Las­ cars were paid according to Captn.
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